

单词 逼近的

See also:

逼近 v

hang v
loom v

press for
press on towards
close in on
force (sb. to do sth)
press up to

近的 adj

nearest adj

External sources (not reviewed)

利用數碼縮放功能放大畫面,即可以 逼近的 距 離觀看每一處細節—非常適合在您與家人和朋友分享相片及自製視訊時使用的功能。
Zoom in real close with the Digital Zoom [...]
feature to get a closer look at every detail – Something you can enjoy with family
and friends while sharing photos and homemade videos.
政府當局及各位同事都應該明白,待人口老化浪逼近的時候 才籌劃應付的方法,其實已經太遲。
The Administration and Members should realize that it would be too late already if we start to think of solutions when the tide of ageing population sets in.
Yellow sign
[...] means you are approaching a bridge.
逼近的技能 缺口是目前采矿业最大的威胁,由于该行业通常在偏远地区运营,要吸引人才并不容易。
Attracting expertise An approaching skills gap is the [...]
most significant threat to the mining industry today, operating as
it does in remote locations where talent is hard to attract.
虽然政府继续与联合禁毒工作队合作,争取塞拉 利昂和西非次区域无毒品存在,但西非贩毒和有组织 跨国犯罪的威胁依然确实存在,这需要联塞建和办在
[...] 今后多年继续介入塞拉利昂工作,尤其是在 2012 年总 统选举、议会选举和地方政府选举迅 逼近的 情 况 下。
While the Government continues working with the Joint Drug Interdiction Task Force to make Sierra Leone and the West African subregion drug-free, the narcotic trafficking menace in West Africa and organized cross-border crime remain real threats and require UNIPSIL’s continued engagement in Sierra Leone
for many more years to come,
[...] especially with the fast-approaching 2012 presidential, [...]
legislative and local government elections.
我在這一節的發言分兩部分表達我對施政報告的意見,一是步逼 近的金融海嘯,其次是民生問題,當中包括“生果金”和最低工資。
The other is livelihood issues, including the "fruit grant" and minimum wage.
[...] 政府就公共開支的運用作出較長遠規劃的大好時機,以期着手處理日 逼近 的人口 老化問題,以及隨之而來的一系列公共開支的增長。
The enormous surplus that has been amassed now precisely provides the best opportunity for the Government to make plans for the longer term on the
use of public expenditure, so as to start
[...] handling the approaching problem of population [...]
ageing as well as a series of growths
in public expenditure brought by an ageing population.
在20世紀末之前,世事均呈現上升趨勢,人口增加、糧食用量提高、耗費更多鋼鐵、燃燒更多石油,但如果人們無力負擔,或是資源用罄,情況會變得更嚴重,這正是地球正 逼近的 狀 態
Until the end of the 20th century we’d seen everything go up as more and more people consumed more food, used more steel, burnt more oil – more of just about everything.
这个框架可 以说 是要求分析人员考虑八大核心问题,这些问题大致按(灭绝种族危险日 逼近的 )年 代并且按情况的现成和确切程度排列(前面的问题比较容易回答)。
The framework can be understood as asking analysts to consider eight core questions organized in roughly chronological order (in
accordance with the
[...] increasing imminence of genocide), as well as in an order of the likely availability [...]
and clarity of information
(initial questions will be easier to answer).
现在我们有自动减赤计划,面临 3 月 27 日后政府无力买单的前景以及步 逼近的 债 务 上限,我们将拭目以待这些财政因素将给股市带来什么影响。
Now we have the sequestration, the prospect that the government won’t be able to pay its bills after March 27 and the debt ceiling facing us, and we’ll see what impact these fiscal factors have on the equity market.
随着 9月的逼近,重 要的是要认识到,巴勒斯坦人和 以色列人抓住机遇的时间已经不多了。
As the month of September approaches, it is important to realize that there is limited time for Palestinians and Israeli to seize the opportunity.
随着附件 A 和 B 化学物质彻底淘的日期日益逼近, 越 来越 的 氟 氯 化碳 设备和产品下线。
As the complete phase-out date for
[...] Annex A and B chemicals is approaching, an increasing number of CFC [...]
equipment and products are being decommissioned.
民意研究計劃總監鍾庭耀分析:「最新調查顯示,對比半個月前,特首曾蔭權的支持度和支持率都明顯上升 逼近 發 表 施政報告 的 水 平
Robert Ting-Yiu Chung, Director of Public Opinion Programme, observed, "Our latest survey shows that compared to two weeks ago, both the support rating and approval rate of CE Donald Tsang
have significantly
[...] increased, and getting close to the level registered [...]
during his delivery of this year's policy address.
无论是物种的减少,海洋的酸化和冰川融化还是荒 漠化形式,发达国的指数式增 逼近 地 球 全球能的临界点。
Whether in the form of loss of species, acidification of the seas, melting of glaciers and
desertification, the
[...] developed nations’ exponential growth was close to exceeding the Earth’s global capacity [...]
to the point of no return.
你可能知道,随着几内亚比绍排定于 2012 年 4 月 22 日举行的第二轮总统选的逼近,该 国的政治紧张气氛日益加剧。
(Signed)BANKi-moon You may be aware that political tension is increasingly mounting in GuineaBissau as the country approaches the second round of the presidential election scheduled to take place on 22 April 2012.
随着联东综合团撤离 日的逼近,马来西亚呼吁尽早讨论联合国在东帝汶 长期参与的问题。
As the withdrawal of UNMIT is nearing, Malaysia calls for [...]
an early discussion on the long-term United Nations engagement in Timor-Leste.
回报的看涨趋势,下降的形式校正的时刻,是健康的,但我认为今年我们的主要指标要求再 逼近 该 地 区 的的 7 0 千 点 ,顶部附 的 这 家 历史悠久的2008约73.900坏了,我们会看到一个强势回归的高和广泛的兴奋entre2004 [...]
With the return of the bullish trend, moments of falling in the form of correction are healthy, but I think
this year, our main index
[...] seek again approaching the region of 70 thousand points, near the top of this [...]
historic 2008 about
73.900 that is broken, we will see a strong return of high and widespread euphoria entre2004 a2007 view, with the announcement of a series of IPOs (initial public offering).
该器件集成了一个 8 通道、低漏电多路复用器;一个具有高共模抑制功能的高阻抗可编程增益仪表放大器 (PGIA) 级;一个高精度、低漂移
[...] 4.096 V 基准电压和缓冲器;以及一个采用逐 逼近 寄 存器 (SAR) 架的 16 位电荷再分布式模数转换器 (ADC)。
The device integrates an 8-channel, low leakage multiplexer; a high-impedance programmable gain instrumentation amplifier (PGIA) stage with a high common-mode rejection; a precision, low drift
4.096 V reference and buffer; and a 16-bit charge-redistribution analog-to-digital
[...] converter (ADC) with successive approximation register (SAR) architecture.
尤文图斯今年夏天已经又投入了巨资,他 的 支 出已 经 逼近 了 去年夏天他们花的一亿欧元,他们现在又花了另外的5000万在从帕尔马转会而来的塞巴斯蒂安•吉奥文科,从塞维利亚来的马丁•卡塞雷斯,和乌迪内斯的毛里西奥•伊斯拉。
Juventus have invested heavily yet again this
[...] summer, following their close-to-100million-Euro spending [...]
spree last summer, and they have
coughed up another fifty million in the present close season on players such as Sebastian Giovinco from Parma, Martin Caceres from Sevilla and Mauricio Isla from Udinese to name but a few.
当高大强的球员开始强逼近篮筐并主宰比赛时,篮球运动在篮筐附近中划定了一块区域, 禁止进攻球员在该区域站立连续三秒钟以上。
When large, strong players began to force their
way close to the basket and dominate the game,
[...] basketball created a zone near the basket and prohibited [...]
offensive players
from standing in that area for more than three consecutive seconds.
香港大學民意研究計劃在12月14至17日,透過真實訪員以隨機抽樣方式,成功以電話訪問1,000名香港巿民,發現對比半個月前,特首曾蔭權的支持度和支持率都明顯上升 逼近 發 表 施政報告 的 水 平
The survey shows that compared to two weeks ago, both the support rating and approval rate of
CE Donald Tsang have significantly
[...] increased, and getting close to the level registered [...]
during his delivery of this year's policy address.
随着实现千年发展目的时限 向我们迅 逼近, 我们应当一起调整我们在发展领域所作努力的重点, 特别是在这个问题的筹资方面。
As we are fast approaching the target date for the achievement [...]
of the MDGs, we should all together refocus our efforts in
the field of development, particularly as regards the financing aspect of the issue.
数学分析论述极限过程,例如圆圈可以用内接正多边形近似,随边数增加而任 逼近 ( 阿 基米德使 的 方 法 ),又或动力学中瞬时速度的概念等,牛顿和莱布尼茨的微积分便提供了一个数学分析工具,成功地应用于行星轨道,航空飞行和海啸波浪等问题上。
Mathematical analysis deals with limiting
[...] processes such as the approximation of a circle by inscribed [...]
regular polygons with increasing
numbers of sides (a method used by Archimedes), or the notion of instantaneous velocity used in dynamics.
气候变化带的新挑战使全球珊瑚 礁生态系逼近临界点。
The new challenges posed by climate change were pushing them to a tipping point.
死亡不是一个可以轻松提的话题 ,但是当 死逼近时病人和年的家人 时常早就知道这 一点。
It is not an easy subject to raise but incontinence can be distressing for the patients and older members of the family are relatives but are not usually distressing for the often already aware when death is near.
據 報 , 投資者 賠 償 基 金 款 額已達 9.62 億元逼 近 10 億元目標, 而 證 券 及期貨 事務監察委員會(“證監會 ”)已 啟 動 檢 討 該 基的 機 制,現 正 考慮 多 個方案處理 投資者 賠 償 徵 費 。
It is reported
[...] that as the amount of the Fund has already reached $962 million, which is close to its target of $1 billion, the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) has [...]
activated the review mechanism
of ICF and is now considering options to deal with the investor compensation levy.
喀土穆政府继续拒绝执行其签署的和平协 议,这将有可能导致苏丹重返战争,也将中国在苏丹以 及邻国乍的投资逼近危险边缘。
The government is changing its calculus in light of international pressure and security threats, but has shown itself willing to play a stepped-up diplomatic role only to the extent that its immediate energy interests are not affected.
尽管中国的合法软件销售市场的规模只 有美国的十五分之一,但中国却在美国之外成为全球
[...] 盗版商业价值排名第二的国家。2011 年中国非法软件 市的商业价值逼近 90 亿美元,而合法软件市场的价 值却不足 [...]
30 亿美元,它的盗版软件使用率高达 77%。
Next, there is China, which is on course to overtake the US in the commercial value of its piracy despite having a legal software market just one-fifteenth the size
of America’s. China’s illegal
[...] software market was worth nearly $9 billion in 2011 versus [...]
a legal market of less than $3 billion,
making its piracy rate 77 percent.
截止日期在迅逼近, 但由于以色列顽固不化,加上当地局势进一步恶化而且不稳定,几个 的 时 间 很 快逝去,却未取得进展。必须迫使以色列放弃对巴勒斯坦人民及其领土的扩张、 殖民和侵略,转而追求和平,握住巴勒斯坦领导人向其伸出的和平之手。
Israel must be compelled to abandon its expansionism, colonization and aggression against the Palestinian people and their land and instead pursue peace and take the hand of peace outstretched to it by the Palestinian leadership.




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