

单词 逼供



water-boarding, interrogation technique used by CIA


confession under duress
obtain confessions by compulsion

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

提交人在之后向上级法院的上诉中,坚持称自己没有参 与被判罪行,认罪只是严逼供的结 果。
In all his appeals to higher courts the author allegedly insisted that he had not participated in the crimes he was convicted for and that he had confessed guilt as a result of torture.
据报告,樊奇航的律师 向最高人民法院提交了一份录像资料,其中有樊奇航陈述警察对其刑 逼供的 情况。
It was reported that his lawyer submitted a video to the Supreme
People‘s Court (SPC), in which Fan describes the torture that he had been
[...] subjected to by the police seeking his confession.
[...] 界接触,而且家人不了解这些人的下落和命运,所造成的隐秘不定的状况违反了 无罪假设,而且便利了严逼供或其他形式的虐待。
Even if detainees are criminally charged, the secrecy and insecurity caused by the denial of contact to the outside world and the fact that family members have no knowledge of their whereabouts and fate
violate the presumption of innocence and are
[...] conducive to confessions obtained under torture or [...]
other forms of ill-treatment.
其中包括关于讯 问期间受到殴打、电击酷刑逼供、 秘密关押设施以及缺乏医疗关怀的指 称。
These include claims of beatings during interrogation, torture by electric shocks, forced confessions, secret detention facilities, and a lack of medical attention.
此外,在第 6(c)段中,理事会敦促各国 “确保在任何诉讼程序中不得援引任何业经确定系以酷刑取得的口供为证据,但 这类口供可用作被控施用酷刑者刑 逼供 的 证 据”。
Moreover, in paragraph 6 (c), the Council urges States to “ensure that no statement established to have been made as a result of torture is invoked as evidence in any proceedings, except against a person accused of torture as evidence that the statement was made”.
委员会请缔约国提供资料,说明如何适用关于禁止采 逼供 所 获 证据 的条款,以及是否任何官员逼供而 受到起诉和处罚。
The Committee requests the State party to submit information on the application of the provisions prohibiting admissibility
of evidence obtained under duress
[...] and whether any officials have been prosecuted and punished for extracting such confessions.
根据调查结果,工作组向乌克兰政府提出了特别是有关下列方面的 24 项建议: 关于酷逼供的指 挥;可采取剥夺自由行动的多种执法机构;审判前拘留和法律援 [...]
On the basis of its findings, the Working Group addresses 24 recommendations to the Government of Ukraine
concerning, inter alia, allegations of torture
[...] to extract confessions; the various [...]
law enforcement institutions governing deprivation
of liberty; pre-trial detention and legal aid; imprisonment, administrative offences and immigration detention; detention pending extradition; and juvenile justice and monitoring mechanisms.
强烈敦促各国确保,任何供词,凡经确定是刑讯取得的,包括另一国人 员提供或获取的,除用作控告某人刑 逼供 获 取 该供词的证据外,在任何诉讼程 序中都不引作证据,并吁请各国考虑将此项禁令扩大适用于通过残忍、不人道或 有辱人格的待遇或处罚而取得的供词,确认充分查证任何诉讼程序中引作证据的 供词,包括口供,是防范酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚的保 障
Strongly urges States to ensure that no statement that is established to have been made as a result of torture is invoked as evidence in any proceedings, except against a person accused of torture as evidence that the statement was made, and calls upon States to consider extending that prohibition to statements made as a result of other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, and recognizes that adequate corroboration of statements, including confessions, used as evidence in any proceedings constitutes one safeguard for the prevention of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment
[...] 和拘留、在秘密地点拘留、酷刑、虐待和刑 逼供 及 过 度使用武力的案件表示关切。
The Committee also raised concern about alleged cases of arbitrary arrest and detention,
detention in secret places, torture and ill-treatment, the
[...] extraction of confessions under torture [...]
and excessive use of force.
清盤人可在獲得相同授權的情況下,將任 何部分資產授予清盤人認為適當並以股東為受益人而設立的信託的受託人,惟不 得逼供款人接受任何負有債務的股份或其他財產。
The liquidator may, with the like authority, vest any part of the assets in trustees upon such trusts for the benefit of members as the liquidator, with the like authority, shall think fit, but so that no contributory shall be compelled to accept any shares or other property in respect of which there is a liability.
这些人 还表示,被安全人员羁押期间,他们遭受讯问人或狱卒以刑 逼供 或 侮 辱为目的 的殴打和酷刑。
These individuals also stated that, while in the custody of security agents, they were beaten and tortured by interrogators and jailers for the purposes of extracting a confession or in order to humiliate them.
(1)逼 供 手 段 或 在 不 值 得 信 賴 的 情 況 下 獲 得 的 招 認 供 詞,必 須 予 以 排 拒 ( 第 7 6 條 ) 。
(1) a confession obtained by oppression or in unreliable circumstances must be excluded (section 76).
消息来源重申,最高法院最后判决以后仍然存在的对于公正审判的基本关 切是:定罪似乎仍然是部分依据当时还是孩子的三个人的供词作出的,而他们声 称这些供词是刑逼供或虐待的结果。
The source reiterates that the primary fair trial concern that remains after the final Supreme Court judgement is that the convictions still appear to be based in part on confessions made by the three individuals, who were at the time children, which they have alleged to have been extracted as a result of torture or other ill-treatment.
此外,对平民适用军事刑事司法时,就是根据为各种侵 权行为所损害的诉讼请求进行定罪,其结果,不仅辩护的权利成为一种幻想,所 获证据大多也都是刑逼供的产物。
Moreover, when the military criminal justice system is applied to civilians, the outcome is convictions obtained on the basis of proceedings vitiated by abuses of all kinds in which not only does the right to a defence become a chimera, but much of the evidence is obtained by means of torture or cruel and inhuman treatment.
缔约国应确保向执法官员、法官和律师提供有关确认和调 逼供 的培 训。
Furthermore, the State party should ensure the provision of training
to law enforcement officials, judges and lawyers with regard to identification and
[...] investigation of forced confessions.
来文方称,对 Geloo
[...] 先生的审判没有尊重他的辩护权,而且所依据的材料中所包含的供词是靠严逼 供得来的。
The source contends that Mr. Geloo’s trial did not
respect his right to defence and was based on a dossier
[...] containing confessions extracted [...]
through severe torture and duress.
为此,国家检察长提出,要重点关注那些侵犯人权的犯罪行为,特别是在 执行公务期间实施的酷刑或肢体伤害、强 逼供 、 扣 压人质、迫害无辜、种族灭 绝以及战争罪行等等。
In that connection, the Attorney General has proposed that special attention be paid to human rights offences, including torture, inflicting bodily injury while performing a public function, using force to obtain statements, hostage-taking, prosecution of innocent persons, genocide and war crimes, as set out in the decision mentioned above.
过去已经制定的预 防措施有许多,如果各国充分执行,就能轻而易举地根除酷刑。这些措施包括: 废止秘密和隔离拘留;从逮捕或拘捕起就对每个被拘留者进行适当登记;24 小时 内立即获得法律顾问;可与亲属联系;及时获得独立审理;无罪推定;对所有被 拘留者进行及时和独立的医疗检查;录像/录音记录全部审问过程;审讯人员或 调查人员控制下的拘留不得超过 48 小时;迅速、公正和切实调查所有指控或酷 刑嫌疑;刑逼供所得 证据不予采信;以及对所有负责拘留者的关押、审讯和医 疗保健的官员进行有效培训。
There are numerous methods of prevention that have been developed in the past, which, if adequately implemented by States, could easily eradicate torture: abolition of secret and incommunicado detention; proper registration of every detainee from the moment of arrest or apprehension; prompt access to legal counsel within 24 hours; access to relatives; prompt access to an independent judge; presumption of innocence; prompt and independent medical examination of all detainees; video/audio recording of all interrogations; no detention under the control of the interrogators or investigators for more than 48 hours; prompt, impartial and effective investigation of all allegations or suspicions of torture; inadmissibility of evidence obtained under torture; and effective training of all officials involved in the custody, interrogation and medical care of detainees.
巴勒斯坦预防安全部队逼 供对该名男孩进行了威胁和毒打。
The boy was threatened and beaten for the purposes of obtaining a confession.
[...] 地注意到,目前《宪法》中的定义仅仅禁止将酷刑用作逮捕、审讯、羁押和监禁 期逼供的手 段,对酷刑的惩罚仅限于下令或执行酷刑者,而并不涉及此类行为 [...]
The Committee is concerned that the current definition
in the Constitution prohibits torture only
[...] as a means of coercing a confession [...]
during arrest, investigation, detention and
imprisonment, and that punishment is limited to individuals who order or carry out acts of torture and does not extend to individuals who are otherwise complicit in such acts.
停止对被羁押人员的酷刑和其他方式的虐待;为此,应允许独立人权 监测员不受阻碍地进入所有拘留设施;保障律师能够自由进入警察局和监 狱;修改现行人身保护令申请程序以结束任意拘留现象;向安全部队提供全
面的人权培训;聘请独立监测员以衡量培训的有效性;切实落实禁止酷刑和 残忍并有辱人格的待遇的法律;调查并严惩侵害犯人权利的人;向遭受残忍
[...] 或有辱人格待遇的人提供安全的追索权及赔偿;禁止酷 逼供 ; 通 过一个可 行的行动计划,以满足全面改革刑法、执法及司法系统的迫切需要
End the torture and other mistreatment of detainees; to this end, allow unimpeded access by independent human rights monitors to all detention facilities; guarantee lawyers free access to police stations and prisons; revise the current application procedures for habeas corpus in order to end arbitrary detention; provide comprehensive human rights training for its security forces; engage an independent monitor to measure the effectiveness of such training; effectively implement legislation that prohibits torture and cruel and degrading treatment; investigate and enforce strict penalties to those who violate the rights of prisoners; provide safe recourse and reparations for those who have
suffered cruel or degrading treatment;
[...] disallow any confessions obtained through the [...]
use of torture; adopt a viable action
plan to address the urgent need for comprehensive reform in the penal, law enforcement and judicial systems (United States)
刑法》、《刑事诉讼法》、《法官法》、《检察官法》、《人民警察法》 等法律明确规定严禁刑逼供或非 法收集证据。
The Criminal Law, the Criminal Procedure Law, the Judges Law, the Public Procurators Law, and the
People’s Police Law clearly prohibit the
[...] coercion of confessions by torture as well as the unlawful gathering of evidence.
依照《刑法》,因可能侦破罪行而通过伤害或非法拘禁他人的方 逼供或 获得信息的行为构成犯罪。
It is also an offence under the Penal Code for anyone to cause hurt to or wrongfully confine a person for the purpose of extorting a confession or any information, which may lead to the detection of an offence.
消息来源指出,尽管政府声称关于刑 逼供 或 虐待的指称在初步调查或后 来的庭审期间都没有证据证明,但看上去没有任何法院对刑 逼供 或 虐 待的指称 进行了彻底、公正的调查。
The source notes that despite the Government’s claim that the allegations of torture and ill-treatment had not been proven either during the preliminary investigation or in subsequent court hearings, it does not appear that any court conducted a thorough, impartial inquiry into the allegations of torture and other ill-treatment.
但 是 , 正 如 上 文 所 述 , 如 果 招 認 供 詞 是逼 供 的 手 段 , 或 在 不 值 得 信 賴 的 情 況 下 獲 得 ( 或 如 果 根 據 其 他 法 律 規 定 , 有 關 證 據 須 予 排 拒 ) , 則 必 須 予 以 排 拒 , 而 法 庭 並 沒 有 酌 情 權 可 以 不 排 拒 該 招 認 供 詞 ( 見 第 7 8 ( 2 ) 條 ) 。
As noted above, however, if a confession is obtained by oppression or in unreliable circumstances (or if evidence is required to be excluded by some other rule of law) it must be excluded and there is no discretion not to exclude it (see section 78(2)).
委员会并关注到在一些情况下,遭受到执法人员和监狱人员酷刑 的受害者无法举报这些侵权行为,而且,在法院审讯中经严刑拷打取得的供词仍 然得到考虑,尽管《刑事程序法》明确规定, 逼供 取 得的证词不可接受。
The committee is also concerned that victims of torture by law enforcement and prison personnel in some cases are unable to report such violations and that confessions obtained under torture are still taken into consideration during court hearings, notwithstanding the explicit provision on the inadmissibility of confessions obtained under duress under the Criminal Procedure Code.
按照《禁止酷刑公约》第 15 条的规定,缔约国应确保任何诉讼程序
[...] 都不得援引任何经确定系以酷刑方式取得的供词做为证据,但这类口供可用作指 控实施酷刑者刑逼供的证据。
In accordance with article 15 of the Convention against Torture, a State party shall ensure that any statement which is established to have been made as a result of torture shall not be
invoked as evidence in any proceedings, except against a person accused of torture as
[...] evidence that the statement was made.
缔约国应采取必 要步骤,按照其国内法律和《公约》第十四条,确保法院在所有案件中对刑逼 供取得的供词不予采纳。
The State party should take the steps necessary to ensure that confessions obtained under torture or duress are inadmissible in court in all cases, in line with its domestic legislation and article 14 of the Covenant.
21 “禁止不当利用被拘留人或被监禁人的处境而进 逼供 ,或迫其以其他方式认罪,或作出不利于他人的证言”。
Principle 21 of the Body of Principles prohibits taking “undue advantage of the situation of a detained or imprisoned person for the purpose of compelling him to confess, to incriminate himself otherwise or to testify against another person”.
这包括出于以下目的而对儿童采取 的所有形式的暴力逼供、对儿童的非法或不佳行为进行法外处罚,强迫儿童从 事违背自身意愿的活动,通常由警察和执法官员、寄宿机构和其他机构人员以及 对儿童拥有权力者包括非国家武装行为人等采用。
This includes violence in all its forms against children in order to extract a confession, to extrajudicially punish children for unlawful or unwanted behaviours, or to force children to engage in activities against their will, typically applied by police and law-enforcement officers, staff of residential and other institutions and persons who have power over children, including non-State armed actors.




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