

单词 逸生

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在山坡,路边,田野,树篱上的灌木丛; 0-1600米栽培的的逸生。
Thickets on mountain slopes,
[...] waysides, fields, hedges; 0-1600 m. Cultivated or escaped.
这一饲料草(参数草)广泛栽培在世界的热带地区内和通常作为一归 逸生 发 现
This is a forage grass (Para Grass) widely cultivated in tropical regions of the world and often
[...] found as a naturalized escape.
此保障可續保至 100歲,讓您好好細味生無憂的安逸 人 生。
This cover offers you renewal up to age 100.
当被问及消费者是否接受绿色技术并愿意花更多钱来购买这种车时,常 逸 先 生 说 , 这个机率是相当高的。
Asked whether these consumers would accept green technologies and
are also willing to buy these comparatively
[...] expensive products, Mr. Bouée said that the chances [...]
for this are quite good.
我想問局長,鑒於強積金基本上存在很多問題,並涉及很複雜的 處理方法,當局會否在強積金的檢討過程中,一併考慮全民退休保障計 劃,確保退休人士真正享有逸生活 的保障,而不像現時般經常擔心強 積金不斷萎縮,又怕被基金公司徵收大量收費及行政費,以致在退休時 只得一個“桔 ”?
May I ask the Secretary, given that a number of problems basically exist in the MPF System and a lot of complicated handling methods are involved, whether or not the authorities will, in the course of conducting a review of the MPF System, also consider a universal retirement protection scheme, so as to ensure that retirees can truly enjoy protection in terms of leading a comfortable life, rather than worrying all the time about the continual shrinkage of their MPF benefits and getting nothing when they retire because of the substantial amount of fees and administrative charges levied by fund companies, as in the present situation?
[...] 产养殖的扩大可导致环境问题,包括土地和海洋生境退化、化学污染、 逸 危及 生物多 样性以及降低鱼对病害的抵抗力。
Unless guided and monitored adequately, aquaculture expansion may contribute to environmental problems, including degradation of land and
marine habitats, chemical pollution, endangering biodiversity
[...] through escapees, and reduction of fish [...]
resistance to diseases.
灌丛,河滩地; 600-1200米在河南,湖北,湖南,在云南南部里 逸生 栽 培的 [印度,印度尼西亚,日本,克什米尔,缅甸,尼泊尔,巴基斯坦,菲律宾,斯里兰卡,越南; 非洲,北美洲,南美洲
Thickets, floodlands; 600-1200 m. Cultivated in Henan, Hubei, Hunan, escaped in S Yunnan [India, Indonesia, Japan, Kashmir, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Vietnam; Africa, North America, South America
2010年初,常逸先生成功 地建立了以上海为亚洲区总部的运营架构,并将中国的成功经验迅速传播复制到其他亚洲分公司,将亚洲业务在集团内迅速提升到重要的地位。
At the beginning of 2010, Mr. Bouée designated Shanghai as Roland Berger's regional headquarters, introducing the company's experiences in Chinese market to other Asian offices and remarkably improving the position of the Asian market in the company's global plan.
2012年9月28日,上海:罗兰贝格管理咨询公司全球董事会成员、亚洲区总裁常 逸 先生 (Cha rles-Edouard Bouée) 以其对上海市的社会经济发展及推动中欧两地商业交流做出的杰出贡献,荣获由上海市政府授予的上海市“白玉兰荣誉奖”。
Shanghai, September 28, 2012: Today, Mr. Charles-Edouard Bouée, member of the Roland Berger Global Executive Committee and President of Asia, was honored by the Shanghai Municipal Government for the second time with the prestigious Magnolia Award for his outstanding contributions to the city of Shanghai and China-Europe relations.
逸先生长期 致力于观察中国社会发展与经济动态,通过其多年的经验积累,于2011年著就了并出版了《中国的管理革命:精神、土地、能量》一书,通过对多位中国企业家代表的访谈,提出了具有中国特色的全新管理模式以供广大中国企业家参考,获得了中国企业管理界的关注。
In 2011, Mr. Bouée incorporated [...]
his personal observations of Chinese social and economic development during the past six
years in his book, "China's Management Revolution: Spirit, Land, Energy.
德国驻华大使施明贤博士与罗兰•贝格国际管理咨询公司大中国区总裁及执行合伙人常 逸 先 生 作 为 当晚盛会的主办方代表与到场的嘉宾们一起欣赏了音乐会和艺术展,并一同共进晚宴。
H.E. Michael Schaefer, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in China and Roland Berger Greater China Managing Partner, Charles-Edouard Bouee, enjoyed the concert and exhibitions with guests, and then have dinner with them together.
逸先生拥有 哈佛商学院MBA学位,Ecole Centrale学院授予的理工学硕士学位以及巴黎大学的法学硕士学位。
Mr. Bouée holds an MBA from Harvard [...]
Business School, a Master of Science degree from École Centrale Paris, and a Master's
degree in Law from Paris University.
審 核 委 員 會 由 三
[...] 名 獨 立 非 執 行 董 事 俞 國 根生、陳 逸 昕 先 生 及 盧 葉 堂 先 生 組 成。
The Audit Committee comprises three Independent Non-executive Directors namely Mr. Yu
[...] Kwok Kan, Stephen, Mr. Chan Yat Yan and Mr. Lo Yip Tong.
日前, 著 名 的 評 論 員逸飛先生在報 章 專 欄 有 以下一段 話 , [...]
他 說 : “ 一 片 加風,是社會 戾 氣的誘 因 。
Some days ago, a famous
[...] commentator, Mr SHUM Yat-fei, wrote in his [...]
column to this effect: "A surge in fees and charges has led to hostility in society.
恒生強積金備有 靈活簡便的戶口管理工具,讓你可更簡便地進行 各種投資項目,享受逸的退休生活。
Hang Seng MPF is a simpler, more convenient way to invest for your retirement.
7 年 前開始出 掌 此 職的人 應 明 白 , 從逸傑先生手 中 繼 承 過 來 的這個職位, 屬 於 行 政 、執行、也是決策 性質的。
The person who took on this job seven years ago from Sir David should understand that it is executive, administrative and decision-making in nature.
現時,薪酬委員會由非執行董事Robert Keith Davies先生及全體獨立非執行董事俞國根 生 、陳 逸昕先生及盧葉堂先生組成,其中俞國根先生擔任薪酬 委員會主席。
Currently, the Remuneration Committee comprises Mr. Robert Keith Davies who is a non-executive
director; Mr. Yu Kwok Kan,
[...] Stephen, Mr. Chan Yat Yan and Mr. Lo Yip Tong who are all independent non-executive [...]
directors of the Company.
美中医疗信息交流报道:逸夫医 院的 生 们 成 功抢救了一名浙江大学邵逸夫医院的印度访问学者Amit Hath教授。
USCHIE(US-China Healthcare Information Exchange)reports at 11/30/2010: Doctors at SRRSH saved the life of Mr. Amit Hath, a visiting Indian scholar at Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, China.
至於由前布政司逸傑先生擔任主席的香港工 商專業聯盟在去年發表的《2020香港綜覽》報告亦提及,在已發展的 經濟體系中,香港可能是唯一一個沒有全面退休保障制度的地方。
As mentioned in the Hong Kong 2020: The Big Picture, a report released last year by the Business and Professionals Federation of Hong Kong chaired by the former Chief Secretary Sir David AKERS-JONES, Hong Kong can possibly be the only place among the developed economies which does not have a comprehensive retirement protection system.
通过接地,可给电流提供静电聚 集时或生短路时逃逸的通 路,减少出现静电和电 击的危险。
Grounding reduces the risk of static and electric shock by providing an escape wire for the electrical current due to static build up or in the event of a short circuit.
我亦想簡單回應葉劉淑儀女士提出貌似民主的方案,其實,其骨子裏是 反民主的方案,因為她十分強調行政長官候選人要得到“選舉委員會”4 個 界別各 10%的提名,她的建議較逸傑先生的 25%稍低,但也須預先篩選。
I also wish to briefly respond to the seemingly democratic proposal put forward by Mrs Regina IP, which actually goes against democracy in substance, for she strongly stressed that a candidate for the Chief Executive election must obtain nominations from 10% of members in each of the four sectors of the Election Committee.
时或生短路时逃逸的通路,减少出现静电和电击的 危险。
Grounding reduces the risk of static and electric shock by providing an escape wire for the electrical current due to static build up or in the event of a short circuit.
本公司於二零零四年七月三十日舉行之股東週年大會,本公司董事會獲授權向 逸 才 先生 (「蔡先生」) 及鄺兆強先生(「鄺先生」)各自授出購股權,分別可按行使價每股0.023港元(或 [...]
At the Company’s annual general meeting held on 30 July 2004, the board of directors of the
Company were authorised to grant a
[...] share option to each of Mr. Choi Yat Choy (“Mr. Choi”) and Mr. [...]
Kong Siu Keung (“Mr. Kong”)
to subscribe for 24,000,000 shares (or 2,400,000 Consolidated Shares) of the Company, representing approximately 4.17% of the issued share capital of the Company as at 30 July 2004, at the exercise price of HK$0.023 per share (or HK$0.23 per Consolidated Share) of the Company.
自然流露的品味與質感,全新Artelier藝術家鏤空仕女鑽表,兼具亮眼外表與功能內在,將是值得女人 生 珍 藏 的經 逸 品。
Exuding class and quality, the sophisticated new Artelier Skeleton with diamonds is a beautiful and functional accessory that will remain a girl’s best friend for life.
(e) 如化驗室的擁有人或掌管化驗室的人得悉,在其化 驗室內有表列傳染性病原體逸漏 ,而 該 逸 漏 可能 構成公共生危險 ,該擁有人或該人須立即通知署 長 (該規例第43條 )。
(e) If it comes to the knowledge of the owner or the person in charge of a laboratory that there is a leakage of a scheduled infectious agent in the laboratory that may pose a public health risk, the owner or that person shall notify the Director immediately (section 43 of the Regulation).
主席,逸傑先生最近 嚴厲批評香港的基建發展原地踏步:“過去 10 年,除了中環國金二期,香港甚麼也建不成。
President, with respect to the development of infrastructure in Hong Kong, recently Mr Akers-JONES levelled some harsh criticisms at its lack of progress in that development has been marching at the same place.
主席生,鑑於逸夫書 院將來對社會的重大貢獻,我極之樂意支持這項條例草案。
In view of the contribution the Shaw College will make, Sir, I have the greatest pleasure in supporting this Bill.
假若我們資金充裕,市生活安逸, 承 擔這些開支便無問題,但可惜未來五年我們 預計政府收入在面對極大政治困難及壓力㆘,我看不到政府在未來數年的財政預算能 [...]
But unfortunately, we expect we
[...] should have no problem at all meeting these [...]
costs. But unfortunately, we expect the Government
to face enormous economic and political difficulties and pressures the Government to face enormous economic and political difficulties and pressures the Government to face enormous economic and political difficulties and pressures the Government to face enormous economic and political difficulties and pressures in the next five years.
由於該病毒是具潛在危險的病原體,因此化驗室如出現 人類豬型甲型流行性感冒(H1亞型)病 逸 漏 事 故,必須受法定呈 報規定所管制,以便及早偵察有關事故,並及時採取適當的控制 措施,以保障化驗室人員的健康和防止疾病蔓延。
As the virus is a potentially dangerous pathogen, it is important for incidents of leakage of human swine influenza A virus (subtype H1) from laboratories to be subject to the statutory notification requirement, so as to facilitate early detection of such incidents, and to enable appropriate control measures to be implemented in a timely manner for the protection of laboratory workers and prevention of spread of diseases.




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