

单词 造茧自缚

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自2.2版本茧)框 架,围绕关注和基于组件的开发分离的概念 。
Apache Cocoon is a Spring-based (from version 2.2 Cocoon) framework, attention [...]
and focus on the separation of component-based development concept.
四米高、四米宽的茧状装 置将完全采用木材、软木和毛毡 造。
The four meters high
[...] by four meters wide pods will be constructed entirely from timber, cork and felt.
根据神的造,爬出茧子的 过程正是 蝴蝶培养它赖以生存的力量所需要的锻炼。
According to God’s design, the exercise of
[...] climbing out of the cocoon is just the exercise [...]
needed to develop the strength necessary for life as a butterfly.
安全理事会不是一个茧,不 是真空或不是坚不 可摧和变成化石的掩体。
The Security
[...] Council is not a cocoon, a vacuum or [...]
an impregnable and fossilized bunker.
这是为什么我认为越开放,越多的讨论、发生(越多) 辩论,人们就自由地 了解世界正在发生什么,以及中国人民在想什么,美国人民在想什么,非洲人民在想什么,他们关注什么,他们想要什么,我认为这有助于解开对 造 力 的 束 缚 , 回 应世界人民的梦想和渴望。
That’s why I think the more openness there is,
the more discussion,
[...] debate that occurs, more freely people understand what’s happening around the world and what’s on the minds of the Chinese people, what’s on the minds of the American people, what’s on the minds of people in Africa, what they’re concerned about, what they want, I think that helps unleash the creative forces [...]
to respond to those
dreams and aspirations of people around the world.
中国高等工科师资队伍中很 少有自企业 方面的技术专家和高级管理人员;全国统一的课程设置、教材教学大纲对 保证全国统一标准有一定作用,但也会 缚 教 授的 创 造 性 发 挥,进而限制了学生创造性 能力的培养。
Although universal
[...] specialty settings, teaching materials and teaching program is useful to maintain a universal teaching standard, they prevent teachers from giving full scope to their creative power, thus confining the fosterage [...]
of student’s creative ability.
这一困难导致缚性的供应限制,并最终导致出口和经 济潜力疲软,限制了生产性就业的 造 和 社 会发展前景。
This handicap translates into binding supply constraints and ultimately into weak export and economic potentials and limited productive employment generation and social development prospects.
可以发布量刑指导方针来解决量刑不一致的问 题,以便在不缚法院的自由裁 量权的前提下促进量刑的统一和相称性。
Inconsistency in sentencing can be confronted by the issuance of sentencing
guidelines to promote uniformity as well as
[...] proportionality of sentencing, without fettering the discretion [...]
of the courts.
但虽然人们可能对这个问题的大小及其对研究激 励机制的缚程度 有所争论,我们关心的焦点是发展中国家 自 己 的 知识产权体制中尽可 能避免出现类似问题。
However, while
[...] there may be debate about the scale of the problem, and the degree of inhibition on research incentives, our principal concern is that developing countries avoid where possible the creation of similar problems in their own IPR regimes.
关于将待审案件交付调解的条件,大会注意到秘书长认 为不应全部列举出这些准则,因为这会给争议法庭法官的酌情处理 造 成 不 应有 的缚(A/62/782,第 71 段)。
With respect to the conditions under which pending cases might be referred, the General Assembly noted the view of the Secretary-General that it would not be desirable to enumerate an exhaustive list of such criteria, as this would unduly bind the discretion of the Dispute Tribunal judges (A/62/782, para. 71).
要求与会者正确、辩证地看待当前行业由于茧价低于农民心理预期而出现的周期性低迷现象,要看到全国由于蚕种发放减少 造 成 原 料 茧 短 缺 而引发新一轮茧价理性回升的趋势,树立信心,抓住机遇,牢牢把握人无我有、人有我优的科学发展观,使我市的蚕桑生产在激烈地市场竞争中始终立于不败之地。
Participants are asked to correct a dialectical view of the current trade price is lower than the farmers because of the psychological cocoon anticipated the emergence of the phenomenon of cyclical downturn, we should see a reduction
in the national distribution because
[...] of silkworm cocoons will result in a shortage [...]
of raw materials lead to a new round
of cocoon price rational recovery trends, establish confidence, seize the opportunity to firmly grasp the others do not have, people have my excellent scientific concept of development, so that the city³'s sericulture production in the fiercely competitive market is always invincible.
同时,西方国家的援助政策缚了自 己 的 手脚,使得他们无法对缅甸所发生的变化施加影响。
Their aid policies have weakened the West’s ability to influence the changes underway in the country.
还应包括对拘留设施的定期独立视察情况、被拘留儿童对申 诉机制的使用情况、工作人员对被剥 自 由 儿 童使用身体 缚 和 武 力的专门 标准和规范以及涉及被剥自由儿 童的惩戒措施和程序方面的现有标准和做 法。
It should also include information on regular independent inspection of places of detention, access to complaints mechanisms by children in detention, specialized standards and norms concerning recourse by personnel
to physical restraint
[...] and use of force with respect to children deprived of liberty, and the existence of standards and norms concerning disciplinary [...]
and procedures with respect to children deprived of their liberty.
自缚手脚 ,将行动仅限于清点叙利亚越来越多的 平民受害者吗?
Will it keep its hands tied [...]
and limit its actions to counting the growing number of civilian victims in Syria?
关于媒体问题,《议定书》规定,观察团须核实叙利亚政府是否核准阿拉伯 和国际媒体进行采访,以及是否允许这些媒体在叙利亚各 自 由 和 不受 缚 地通 行。
With regard to the media, the protocol states that the Mission should verify that the Syrian
Government gives accreditation to Arab and international media and allows
[...] them free and unfettered movement throughout Syria.
此 外,应当加大努力,制定一项全球战略,将发展层面优先纳入全球进程和有关 多边机构,以使发展中国家能够从全球化和贸 自 由 化 所提供的机会中获益, 包括通过为发展造一个有利的外部经济环境,这要求国际贸易、货币和金融 体系之间加强一致性,使之具有普遍、开放、平等、非胁迫性、基于规则、可 预测和非歧视性。
In addition, greater efforts must be made to generate a global strategy to prioritise and mainstream the development dimension into global processes, and in the relevant multilateral institutions in order to enable developing countries to benefit from the opportunities
offered by
[...] globalisation and trade liberalisation, including through the creation of an enabling external economic environment for development which requires greater coherence [...]
between the international
trading, monetary and financial systems that should be universal, open, equitable, non-coercive, rule-based, predictable and non-discriminatory.
在首都, 国家警察在多个犯罪高发区的充分反应能力,仍然因缺乏流动性和巡逻基本装备 而受到缚。
In the capital, the ability of the Liberian National Police to respond adequately in many high crime areas of the capital also remained hampered by the lack of mobility and basic patrol gear.
Baby Foot
[...] 宝贝脚袜套式足膜」让妳双脚柔嫩、光滑、有弹性,只需要两个小时,就可以轻松去除足部的老废脚皮,还妳犹如婴儿般柔嫩的双足!含有 17 种植物萃取精华成分,去除老旧脚皮同时呵护常被忽略的脚底,贴心的袜套式设计,去除脚皮时候也行 自 如 !无论是龟裂干燥的脚皮还是角质 茧 都 适 合使用。
Baby Foot Easy Pack contains 17 kinds of natural extracts which have a high moisturizing [...]
power and astringency, thus the
sole becomes smooth after peeling.
環保署表示,當局已採取進一步的氣味管理和控制措 施,例如在雨季期間每天完成接收廢物後,加厚覆蓋廢物傾倒 面的泥土層至300毫米,然後在面層噴上一層名為"posi-shell"的 水泥物料3
;在非使用中的廢物傾卸區加設不透氣臨時墊層;在 堆填區邊界及出入口設置固定除臭機;於傾倒區加設流動除臭 機;為特殊廢物槽設置流動覆蓋設施;加裝額外的堆填氣抽氣
[...] 井和流動的堆填氣燃燒裝置;以及以漸進的形式進行堆填區的 復修工程,以造自然景觀。
EPD has advised that further odour management and control measures have been implemented, such as covering the tipping face with 300 mm thick layer of soil and then with a layer of cement-based material called "Posi-shell Cover"3 sprayed on top at the end of daily waste reception process during rainy season; covering the non-tipping areas with temporary impermeable liner; setting up fixed de-odourizers at the boundary and entrance/exit of the landfill; providing additional mobile de-odourizers at the tipping areas; putting a movable cover on the special waste trench; installing extra landfill gas
extraction wells and mobile landfill gas flaring units; and restoring the landfill
[...] progressively to form a natural landscape.
[...] 无毛的小穗轴,成熟时不脱节,缺乏的小花基本公然反对的 茧 , 节 间拉长,弯曲,上面有时强烈弯曲; [...]
宽披针形,近等长的颖片,短于小穗,1.5-2.5厘米,7-11脉的显著; 清楚,2-2.5厘米的外稃,纸质脉全部,从上面1/4无毛,具芒的外稃,2-4
小钝齿的先端具; 芒1-2厘米,直或者被弯曲,很少awnless。
Spikelets 2.5–3.5(–4.5) cm, florets 3–7; rachilla glabrous, not
disarticulating at maturity, florets lacking a
[...] basal bearded callus, internodes [...]
elongate, sinuous, upper sometimes strongly
curled; glumes broadly lanceolate, subequal, conspicuously shorter than spikelet, 1.5–2.5 cm, 7–11-veined; lemmas 2–2.5 cm, papery, distinctly veined throughout, glabrous, awned from upper 1/4 of lemma, apex with 2–4 small obtuse teeth; awn 1–2 cm, straight or bent, rarely awnless.
[...] 方和北方惩教部门的改革议程,涉及能力建设、改善重要基础设施、囚犯的造 自新和监狱立法的执行。
UNMIS will continue to support the promulgation of key legislation and referendum-enabling framework, and implementation of the reform agenda for
correctional services both for the South and
[...] the North, in terms of capacity-building, [...]
improvement of critical infrastructure,
rehabilitation of prisoners and prison legislation implementation.
好意的观察者可能 想帮助蝴蝶茧子里出来。
A well meaning observer may wish to help
[...] the butterfly out of the cocoon.
重要的是,振兴 进程最终要使大会加强独立性,巩固其作为包容各方
[...] 的辩论机构的本质,从而使各会员国在大会毫无缚 地自由审议他们关心的一切问题。
It is important that this process culminate in an Assembly strengthened in its independence and in its nature as a body for inclusive
debate, in which Member States enjoy
[...] unrestricted and unlimited freedom to consider any [...]
matter they deem to be of interest.
一个常任理事国推行通常 的双重标准,威胁要否决任何旨在实行公正和公平 解决办法的决议草案,严重缚了安 全理事会认真 解决这一问题的任何企图。
The usual double standards and the threat by one permanent member to veto any draft resolution aimed at a just and impartial solution had shackled Security Council attempts seriously to address the issue.
局长提醒理事会,教育局的情况往往非常不利,因为教育局既是教科文组织的组成部 分––深受繁琐的行政程序与死板的标准规定的 缚 – –又要面对以动员越来越多的预算外 资金为基础的新型管理方式,这就要求在出资者面前非常灵活和迅速,因为他们有着不 同的运作规则与要求。
But this is not the case and the Director reminded the Council of the frequently uncomfortable institutional situation of the IBE since it is both an integral part of UNESCOand therefore subject to slow bureaucratic procedures and rigid rulesand faced with a new type of management which is based on the mobilization of increasing amounts of extra-budgetary funds, calling for great flexibility and rapidity in relation to donors who have different rules of procedure and requirements.
圣卢西亚代表团指出,它进行广泛磋商的目的是,对大会认为是重点的主题做出说明,而不 应缚委员 会,为它提供立即就这些实质问题开始工作的机遇,十七个缔约国认为这是根本性 的。
The delegation of Saint Lucia said that the broad consultations that it had held had been aimed at providing indications of the
themes that the Conference felt were
[...] a priority, without it binding the Committee, [...]
giving it the opportunity to start work
immediately on the basic issues that the 17 States Parties considered to be essential.
毁桑改种司空见惯,尤其经济发达地区桑园面积减幅较大,如金湖县2005年桑园面积35000亩,2008年春桑园面积只剩下12000亩,今年 茧 的 价 格,蚕农养蚕不仅无利可图,而且亏损贴人工,致使桑园被毁严重,桑园面积大幅度减少,就连西部地区还出现弃桑不养蚕的现象。
Sang replant destroyed commonplace, particularly in economically developed regions, a larger reduction in Mulberry area, such as the Golden Lake County in 2005 an area of 35,000 acres of mulberry, mulberry area of
the spring of 2008 only 12,000 acres this
[...] year³'s autumn cocoon prices, sericulturist [...]
sericulture is not only unprofitable,
but posted a loss of labor, resulting in serious destruction of mulberry, mulberry area is substantially reduced, even in the western region have emerged are not disposable mulberry sericulture phenomenon.
再看丝绸出口情况,2007年上半年丝绸出口呈现出恢复性增长,对第一丝绸大出口国印度的厂丝、坯绸增速平稳,印度进口商在经历去 茧 丝 价 格大起大落的行情、反倾销终裁后选择了相对小批量匀速进口以规避风险。
Look at exports of silk, silk exports in the first half of 2007 showing a recovery growth, the first largest exporter of silk factory in India silk, gray silk fabric steady growth, India, importers
experiencing ups and downs of the stock
[...] market last year, cocoon price, anti-dumping [...]
final cut and choose a relatively small
volume of imports in order to avoid risks uniform.




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