

单词 造纸

造纸 ()



造纸业 n

paper industries pl
paper industry n

造纸机 n

paper machine n

再造纸 n

recycled paper n

See also:

classifier for documents, letter etc

External sources (not reviewed)

福伊造纸能提 供独立分析和测量方法,以确定在生产纸张、板纸或厚纸的过程中,出现质量问题的根源。
Voith Paper provides individual analyses and measurement methods in order to clarify the causes of quality problems in the production of paper, board or pasteboard.
最后,该国政府在取得这一经验后,要求教科文组织提供援 助,以研究和拟定国造纸计划 ,以便在本地印制教科书。
In the light of this experience, the Government has requested UNESCO’s assistance for a study on and elaboration of a national paper production programme with a view to local textbook production.
最复杂的局面是由于在乌拉圭河沿 岸造纸厂产 生的阿根廷与乌拉圭之间的冲突。
The most complicated scenario has been the conflict between Argentina and Uruguay caused by the setting up of pulp mills along the River Uruguay.
排放 交易体系计划在2005年1月1日开始生效,涵 盖能源、热力、化石产品造纸等工 业领域 的方方面面。
The emission trading system was scheduled to come into effect from 1 January 2005, covering all aspects of industry in the energy, thermal, petrochemical and paper sectors.
最新技术、可靠的项目运作以及一流的服务再一次证明了 Voith 是我们造纸业的首选合作伙伴。
The latest technology, reliable
project handling and first-class service have again proven that Voith is the preferred
[...] partner for us in the paper industry.
在纤维悬浮液注造纸机流 浆箱前,直接将筛选机安装在纸浆主流中,或者如果存在稀释水流,也在安装在ModuleJet的稀释水中。
Immediately before the stock suspension enters the headbox, pressure screens are installed both in the main flow and in the ModuleJet dilution stream if provided.
阿根廷的请求书附有一项指明临时措施的请求,请法院命令乌拉圭在法院 做出最后裁决之前,暂不批准造纸 浆 厂 和所有建筑工程,为保护和养护乌拉圭 河的水生环境同阿根廷合作,并且不要为 造 两 个 纸 浆 厂 采取任何与 1975 年《规 约》不符的进一步单方面行动,也不要采取任何其他可能加剧争端或使争端更难 解决的行动。
Argentina’s application was accompanied by a request for the indication of provisional measures, whereby Argentina asked that Uruguay be ordered to
suspend the
[...] authorizations for construction of the mills and all building works pending a final decision by the Court; to cooperate with Argentina with a view to protecting and conserving the aquatic environment of the River Uruguay; and to refrain from taking any further unilateral action with respect to construction of the two mills [...]
incompatible with
the 1975 statute, and from any other action which might aggravate the dispute or render its settlement more difficult.
塔斯马尼亚经济一些规模最大的产业包括:采矿与金属加工、旅游、木材 造纸 、 造 船 、 IT和农业。
Some of the largest industries in the Tasmanian
economy include: mining and processed metals, tourism,
[...] timber and paper manufacturing, ship building, [...]
IT and agriculture.
这些国家的国家清洁 生产中心参与制订政策和管理办法,开发清洁技术,运营随时向公众提供相关数 据的网站,并与其他经济体的产业部门协作实施 纸 浆 和 造纸 等 行 业进行清洁生 产审计的试点项目。
National Cleaner Production Centres in those countries were engaged in formulating policies and management methods, developing cleaner technologies, operating websites providing the public with ready access to those data, and conducting pilot projects on cleaner production auditing — for example, in the pulp and paper industry — in collaboration with industries in other economies.
[...] 由瑞典国际开发合作署出资,向 5 个行业(纸浆和造纸、瓷器、水泥、化肥和钢 铁)提供咨询和技术支持,引进清洁生产和能源高效工具和技术。
Funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, the project provided
consulting and technical support to five
[...] industries (pulp and paper, ceramic, cement, [...]
fertilizer and iron and steel) introducing
cleaner production and energy efficient tools and techniques.
您需要更造纸机的 供应商,零件,配件信息吗?
Do you need more information about suppliers, replacement parts and accessories from Paper machine?
造纸厂中 - 压头箱中纸浆的 zeta 电位 决定强度和光洁度等参数的一致性以及所需的助留剂的量。
In a paper mill - the zeta potential of paper pulp in the [...]
headbox determines the consistency of parameters such as strength
and finish, and the quantity of retention aid required.
同样,工业方面也大有起色,这主要归因于一些重要加工行业 的良好表现,如肉制品加工、油类产品加工、饮料、烟草、木材、机械设备造、造纸和印刷等等。
Similarly, the industrial sector made an important recovery, sustained mainly by the strong performance of major manufacturing sectors, such as the meat industry; oil, beverages and tobacco production; the lumber industry; machines and equipment production; and paper production and printing.
火力发电、钢铁、石油、 石化、化工造纸、纺织、有色金属、食品与发酵等八个行业取水量约占全国工业总 取水量的 60%(含火力发电直流冷却用水)。
The volume of fetched water in eight industries including thermal power generation, iron and steel, oil, petrochemical, chemical, paper mills, textiles, non-ferrous metals, food and fermentation accounts for 60 percent of the national industrial fetched water (including direct cooling water for thermal power generation.
1897年,在纽约州普拉茨堡,本公司作为一家灰铁铸造厂,开始 造纸 、 采 矿及其它区域 工业生产排水装置铸件、浆料阀和其它机加工铸件。
We began as a gray iron foundry in 1897
producing drainag e castings, stock valves and other machined
[...] castings for the paper, mining, and other [...]
regional indu stries.
合成基础油尤其适用造纸机循 环系统中。
Synthetic base stocks are especially effective in the circulating systems of paper machines.
典型的应用领域为:钢铁造纸、石 油和天然气、 矿山水泥、风电纸浆造纸行业
Typical areas of application include the sectors of steel and
[...] aluminium, oil and gas, raw material mining and processing, wind energy and pulp and paper.
专为民用用途(如食品加工纸浆和 造纸 加 工 以及水净化等)而设计的设备, 如其设计性质不适合储存、加工、生产化学战剂或任何化学战化学前体,或不适 合指挥和控制此类战剂或化学前体的流动,则不适用本清单所述出口管制。
These controls do not apply to equipment which is specially designed for use in civil applications (for example food processing, pulp and paper processing, or water purification, etc) and is, by the nature of its design, inappropriate for use in storing, processing, producing or conducting and controlling the flow of chemical warfare agents or any of the CW precursor chemicals.
这些产品面向的主要市场包括:建筑、汽车、涂料 纸 浆 与 造纸 工 业 、化学品及化学过程工业、化妆品与医疗保健、以及电力与电子/电气工业。
Key markets for these products are the construction, automotive, coating, pulp and paper industry, the chemical and the process industry, cosmetics and health care as well as the power and the electro/electronic industry.
请使用下面的链接继续查询相关企业的主 造纸 机 , 可在IndustryStock的数据库中获得。
Please use the following link to research other relevant companies relating to Paper machine in IndustryStock's database.
2) 上海在中国增长强劲的经济中占据着重要位置,2006年全市生产总值(GDP)12802亿元,居全国第三,增长率达到18%,涨幅居全国第二; 3) 上海全年全社会固定资产投资突破
6400亿元,增长73.3%,其中工业投入3880亿元,居全国大中城市第一位; 4) 世界500强中已经有391家落户上海,未来的
[...] 5年内,上海将形成以电子信息、机电一体化、生物医药和新材料为主的高新技术产业带;以冶金、能源、化工 造纸 、 建 材、汽车及零部件、粮油加工和物流等产业为主的沿江新型基础产业带。
C) exhibition held to a background of the market) in Shanghai has become one of China's fastest economic development, the most competitive in the world. 2) Shanghai, China's robust economic growth to occupy an important position, 2006 city product (GDP) 1.2802 trillion yuan, ranking third nationwide, the growth rate reached 18%. increase ranked the country's second; 3) Shanghai annual fixed-assets investment breakthrough 640 billion yuan. growth of 73.3%, of which the industrial input 388 billion yuan, ranking the first among large cities in one; 4) 500, have 391 installed in the Shanghai, over the next five years, Shanghai will become the electronic information, electromechanical integration, bio-medicine and new materials-based high-tech
industrial belts; in metallurgy, energy,
[...] chemicals, paper and building materials, motor [...]
vehicles and parts, food processing and
logistics industry as the mainstay of the new basic industries along the river belt.
[...] 建筑、化学、电气和电子工业、 化妆 品、 个人护理、 机械制造和金属制造业造纸、 纺织和纸浆等工业。
Silicones are used in a broad variety of industries ranging from the automotive, construction and chemical sectors, through electrical
engineering, electronics, cosmetics and
[...] consumer care to textiles, pulp and paper, metal [...]
processing and mechanical engineering.
法院还认定,“在谈判期结束之前授权在 Fray Bentos 建造纸浆厂 和港口,乌拉圭没有遵守《规约》第 12 条规定的谈判义务”。
The Court further found that “by authorizing the construction of the mills and the port terminal at Fray Bentos before the expiration of the period of negotiation, Uruguay failed to comply with the obligation to negotiate laid down by Article 12 of the Statute”.
循环利用率差异较大,例如人造橡胶,石油 造纸 业 的 循环用水率高,但其他行业如 蔗糖和工业有机物在循环用水方面有很大的改进空间。
Recycling rates vary considerably – some such as synthetic rubber, petroleum and pulp and paper have high recycling percentages, but others such as cane sugar and industrial organics have considerable potential for improvement.
该中心所设计研发的产品将服务于石油天然气、炼油、石油化工、船舶、生命科学、食品与饮料、冶金和矿业以 纸 浆 和 造纸 行 业 的客户。
Products designed and developed at this facility will be used to serve customers in the oil and gas, refining, petrochemicals, marine, life sciences, food and beverage, metals and mining, and pulp and paper industries.
这也是为什么FLIR红外热像仪广泛应用于诸如用于微电子 造纸 业 、 汽车行业、塑料注塑成型、家电设计、电信、目标热信号特征、机械测试、研发等全球各个领域的原因所在。
That's why FLIR infrared cameras are widely used around the world for applications as diverse as micro-electronics, paper processing, automotive, plastics, injection molding, consumer appliance design, telecommunications, target heat signatures, mechanical testing, R&D and much more.
虽然各行业对洁净空气的要求有很大差别,例如食品饮料、医院、汽车制造业、博物馆或 纸 浆 和 造纸 厂 等 ,但他们有一个共同点:他们均受益于康斐尔特别定制的过滤方案。
Clean air requirements vary considerably within
sectors such as food & beverage,
[...] hospitals, car manufacturing, museums or pulp and paper mills, but [...]
they have one thing in common:
they all benefit from Camfil Farr’s custom-tailored filtration solutions.
单片双伺服钉箱机是造纸箱的 最后一道工序设备,主要用于单片瓦楞纸板成型的钉合,以满足多品种,不同批量生产要求,适应食品,棉纺等出口产品包装需要,是目前较为理想的纸箱设备。
monolithic double servo nail box machine Is the last
[...] procedure of the carton manufacturing equipment, mainly [...]
used for single piece of corrugated
shape was close, in order to meet the many varieties, different batch production requirements, adapt to the food, such as cotton export product packaging need, is the ideal equipment of the carton.
用途广泛的 HPX®
[...] 产品系列可为多个加工行业的各种应用提供压力保护,这些行业包括:化学、石油和天然气、食品、饮料、制药、生物科技 纸 浆 与 造纸 、 电力以及其他行业。
The versatility of the HPX® product family offers pressure protection for a wide range of applications in many
processing industries, including: chemical, oil and gas, food, beverage,
[...] pharmaceutical, biotech, pulp and paper, power and more.




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