

单词 造性


创造性 n

inventive n
inventiveness n
inventive step n

可制造性 adj

manufacturable adj



External sources (not reviewed)

其中包含六个支柱性质的基本教育部分:广义上的扫盲、民主和 人权教育、平等教育、可持续性教育、 造性 教 育 以及健康和福利教育。
It contains six fundamental pillars of education; literacy in a broad sense, democracy and human rights, equality, education for sustainability, creativity and health and welfare.
[...] 的知识产权和文化权利政策,这项政策奠定了该区促进创新和提高 造性 的 总体 框架。
The summit pushed, inter alia, for the implementation of the COMESA Policy on
Intellectual Property and Cultural Rights, which lays out the overall framework to promote
[...] innovation and creativity in the region.
托马斯•赫史霍恩,1957年生于瑞士,是当代艺术中最具煽 性 和 创 造性 的 人 物之一。
Thomas Hirschhorn, born in Switzerland in 1957, is one of the most provocative and inventive figures in contemporary art.
就实现千年发展目标基金的 文化和发展联合计划而言,基本目标是增强土著和非洲裔人口的技能,以促进文化复兴、文 化管理和文化生产,并且推动文化多样性的保护政策,保护他们的物质和非物质文化遗产, 包括富有造性的文化创业举措。
The MDG-F joint programme on culture and development aims essentially at strengthening skills of the indigenous and Afro-descendant populations for cultural revitalization, cultural management and cultural production, and at promoting policies for preserving cultural diversity and protecting their tangible and intangible cultural heritage, including through cultural and creative entrepreneurial initiatives.
[...] 道路上前行的重要一步,它要求我们放弃固有习惯并 且造性地思考如何解决新问题。
The report before us today (S/2008/813) constitutes an
important step forward on a long road that requires us give up old
[...] habits and think creatively about how to [...]
solve new problems.
[...] 关自然资源利用的科学网络和信息管理系统,交流不同的文化背景在具体科学学科上的共同 价值观;造性地利 用媒体和信息渠道,包括广播网络,促进更好地了解其它文化和民族; [...]
Successful mechanisms and practices, such as UNESCO’s International Network of Chairs in intercultural and interfaith dialogue; the revision of history textbooks using, inter alia, the General Histories produced by UNESCO; the sharing of common values pertaining to specific scientific disciplines in different cultural settings through dedicated science networks and
information management systems on natural resource
[...] use; the creative use of media and information [...]
channels, including broadcast networks,
to promote a better knowledge of other cultures and people; the development of methodological and statistical tools to understand better how to foster pluralism and avoid cultural exclusion and marginalization; and the various pedagogical tools to promote tolerance such as the Roads initiative.
近东救济工程处向工作组介绍了它在筹集资金方面面临的挑战,其中包括需 要:(a) 大幅增加从现有捐助方收到的资金数额,并且扩大向工程处普通基金、 项目和紧急呼吁提供捐款的捐助方范围,途径包括与私营部门和基金会建立伙伴 关系;(b) 通过确保以可预测和可持续方式提供适当数额的资金,恢复工程处的 财务健康;(c) 重新建立充足的流动资本储备;(d) 通过树立一个更有力的单一 的整体形象,并利用创新性技术,以更具有战略性的方式进行交流;(e) 改组其 调集资源和战略交流构架,以便能更有系统地抓住机会,并以更积极主动、更具 有造性的方式宣传介绍工程处。
The Agency informed the Working Group of the fund-raising challenges that it faces, which include the need to: (a) increase substantially the level of funds received from existing donors and expand the donor base that contributes to the Agency’s General Fund, as well as to projects and emergency appeals, including through partnerships with the private sector and foundations; (b) restore the financial health of the Agency by ensuring predictable and sustainable funding at appropriate levels; (c) re-establish an adequate working capital reserve; (d) communicate in a more strategic manner through the development of a stronger single corporate identity and the use of innovative technology; and (e) reorganize its resource mobilization and strategic communications structures, so as to be able to seize opportunities more systematically and market the Agency in a more proactive and creative way.
亚太区域需要通过研制、创新和技术 开发、以及通过挖掘公民、尤其是年轻人的 造性 、 企 业家精神及其力量, 为各种长期存在的问题找到新的解决办法。
The region needed to find fresh solutions to persistent problems through research, innovation and technological development, as well as by unleashing the creativity, entrepreneurship and agency of citizens, especially the youth.
[...] 为,两性平等能够促进所有人的技能和 造性 , 从 而对经济增长作出贡献。
The Government also
[...] recognises that gender equality contributes [...]
to economic growth by promoting all persons’ skills and creativity.
从新加坡任人唯贤的公共行政经验、摩洛哥为地方政府发展必要的人力资本 的实例,以及开发署在帮助公务员适应地方发展方面的丰富经验(如在尼泊尔、
卢旺达、索马里、加纳和南非)中,得出以下两个结论:首先,地方治理在帮助 实现千年发展目标方面发挥了重要作用,可以名副其实地成为落实 2015 年后发
[...] 展议程的手段;其次,公民参与,包括适当和 造性 地 利 用信息和通信战略,能 够加强地方治理,使其透明、问责和自主。
On the basis of the Singaporean experience of merit-based public administration and the Moroccan example of the necessity of human capital development for local governance, and the many experiences of UNDP in facilitating public-service adaptation for local-level development (for example in Nepal, Rwanda, Somalia, Ghana and South Africa), two conclusions were drawn: first, that local governance has played an important role in facilitating the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals and can serve as a veritable implementation vehicle for the post-2015 development agenda; and second, that
citizens’ engagement, including the appropriate
[...] and innovative use of information [...]
and communication strategies, has the power
to strengthen local governance by infusing it with transparency, accountability and ownership.
在培养与特定学科有关的核心能力的基础上,鼓励培养发 挥造性和创业精神。
Encourage the development of creativity and entrepreneurship in conjunction
[...] with core disciplinary attributes.
他赞赏各代表团积 极参与这些特别活动并造性地提 出了“增强穷人 的法律能力”和“全球社会保护最低标准”等主 题。
He appreciated the active participation of all delegations in those special events, and their creativity in proposing such themes as “Legal empowerment of the poor” and “Global social protection floor”.
您还可以接受国际性组 织的造性思 维 及技术知识,这些组织经常举办各种技术 交流活动,向客户 介绍其在各自领域内长期成功的应用案 例。
You also tap into the creative thinking and technical know-how of an international organisation that comprises many specialised activities with long and successful track records in their respective fields.
全球 数据库行动(如 PATENTSCOPE
[...] 和全球品牌数据库)以及关于建立国际 造性 作 品 数据库 可行性的持续研究,可为此项工作提供支持。
This will be enhanced by global database initiatives such as PATENTSCOPE and
[...] exploration of the feasibility of establishing [...]
international databases for creative works.
已提出的一个建议就是要求专利申请人证明其申请的发明的造 性比有关行业中通常的标准更高20 。任何标准的目标都应该是,确保一般不应该给常规的 知识增加(只涉及最低限度的造性 投 入 )授予专利。
One suggestion that has been made
[...] would be to require the patent applicant to demonstrate that the proposed invention reflects a standard of inventiveness higher than that which is normal in the industry involved.20 The objective of any standard should be to ensure that routine increments to knowledge, involving minimal creative input, should not generally [...]
be patentable.
Carrier先生说:“将在大会上汇报的新研究成果,将显示目前仍然存在这种非法假冒商品贸易所产生的全面影响,全球经济、政府和消费者每年损失上万亿美元, 200多万份工作将受到潜在的威胁,”他补充说,“因此,所有利益有关者都必须再次为找到新的、富有 造性 的 解 决方案作出承诺;国际商会已通过其商业活动制止假冒和盗版倡议这样做了,我们将在本次大会上提出新的倡议和新的数据,继续支持知识产权发挥作用,以推动创新,创建新的计划,教育消费者为什么不要购买假冒伪劣产品。
Mr. Carrier said “New research to be reported at the Congress will show that the total impact of this illicit trade in fakes is staggering, with more than US$1-trillion in annual losses to global economies, governments and consumers and potentially more than 2 million jobs at risk,” adding “It is essential that all stakeholders renew their commitment to find new and creative solutions, and ICC, through its BASCAP program is doing that, and we will introduce new initiatives at this Congress providing new data, new support for the role of IP in driving innovation and new programs to educate consumers on why they should stop buying fakes.
17 著作权保护机制的基本原理与专利权大同小异,尽管从历史上来说,与激励作用相比,人 们更重视具有造性的艺 术家的创作应获取公平报酬的固有权利。
17 The rationale for copyright protection is not dissimilar to that of patents, although historically greater weight has been
given to the inherent rights of creative artists to receive fair remuneration
[...] for their works than to the incentive [...]
关于必须调整预算的问题,有成员表示,基金在为监测和评价职能分配资源方面一向非常 具有造性。
In relation to the need to adjust the budget, a comment was made to the effect that the Fund had always proven very creative in its allocation of resources to the monitoring and evaluation function.
一位代表提到了人类目前面临的多重危机,包括贫困、被迫迁移、海平 面升高等,并敦促包括《蒙特利尔议定书》在内的各项环境条约和文书运用造性思维 ,确保在审议工作中充分考虑人权问题,包括采取更具协同性的方 法,鼓励广大利益攸关方的参与。
One representative spoke of the crises currently facing the human family, including poverty, forced migration and sea-level rise, and urged environmental treaties and instruments, including the Montreal Protocol, to employ creative thinking to ensure that human rights issues were given full cognizance in their deliberations, including through adoption of a more synergistic approach involving a wide range of stakeholders.
在第 1244(1999)号决议框架内部署由欧洲联盟 领导的维和部队(欧盟部队)并在法治领域实现全面
[...] 运作能力,具有里程碑意义,这一进程应导致塞尔维 亚和科索沃境内各族群造性和富 有成效的共存。
The deployment of the European Union-led peacekeeping force (EUFOR) and its achievement of full operational capacity with respect to the rule of law in the framework of resolution 1244 (1999) are
milestones in a process that should lead to the
[...] creative and productive coexistence [...]
of all communities in Serbia and in Kosovo.
为应对亚洲及太平洋区域最不发达国家面临的各项发展挑战,至关 重要的是要采取具体措施支持所有经济部门的 造性 、 革 新性和创新性的活 动,包括大学和研究机构的参与,而且要强调研究成果商品化的必要性。
In order to address the development challenges facing the Asia-Pacific least developed countries, it is vital to take
specific measures to support
[...] creative, inventive and innovative activities across all economic sectors, including the involvement of universities and research institutions, [...]
and to emphasize
the need for the commercialization of research outputs.
[...] 力图动员最不发达国家的所有发展伙伴积极而有造性地参 与,以目标明确且有时限的方式说明它们 [...]
On the basis of that meeting, it had developed a comprehensive
inter-agency road map that sought to
[...] mobilize active and constructive engagement of all [...]
the development partners of LDCs, illustrating
their specific roles in a focused and time-bound manner.
新闻部利用传统传 播手段——印刷、电台和电视——以及社群网络和其他新出现的平台等新媒体,造性地对 材料重新包装和重新确定用途,最大限度地扩大了影响,特别是对青 年人和城市群体的影响,并且继续向那些无法或仅能有限地访问因特网的人群传 送信息。
Creatively repackaging and repurposing its materials to be accessible through traditional means of communications — print, radio and television — and new media, including social networks and other evolving platforms, the Department has been able to maximize its outreach, especially among the youth and urban groups, and to continue disseminating information to those who have no or very limited access to the Internet.
委员会还应审 查与塞拉利昂政府、其他利益攸关方和联合国塞拉 利昂建设和平综合办事处进行更具 造性 的 接 触方 式,包括通过采用有的放矢的举措。
It should also examine ways to engage more creatively with the Government of Sierra Leone, other stakeholders and UNIPSIL, including through the employment of targeted initiatives.
这种造性形式 伴随着儿童文化中对现实的 造性 表 达 ,代表了游戏的 非理性方面:无意义的童谣、笑话、谜语、戏弄、恶作剧、厕所幽默、性暗示,和通过对荒 诞的游性创造而对 日常生活秩序的颠倒。
This form of
[...] creativity represents the irrational aspects of children’s play, with distortions of reality that find creative expression in children’s cultures: the nonsense rhymes, jokes, riddles, teases, tricks, toilet humour, sexual innuendo, and inversions of [...]
everyday order
through playful creation of absurdity.
各国政府和捐助机构应协助当地政府、地方和国际私营部门和当地及国际非 非政府组织之间建立造性伙伴 关系,利用各种来源的资金,以启动和测试共享 风险模型。
Governments and donor agencies should assist innovative partnerships between local governments, the local and international private sector and local and international non-governmental organizations that use various sources of funding to jump-start and test shared-risk models.
专家组还将提议关于加强空间活动的安全并降 低空间气象现象对空间活动长期可持 性造 成 的 风险的自愿性准则。
The expert group will also propose voluntary guidelines to enhance the safety of space activities and to reduce the risks from space weather phenomena to the long-term sustainability of space activities.
此 外,应当加大努力,制定一项全球战略,将发展层面优先纳入全球进程和有关 多边机构,以使发展中国家能够从全球化和贸易自由化所提供的机会中获益, 包括通过为发展造一个 有利的外部经济环境,这要求国际贸易、货币和金融 体系之间加强一性,使 之具有普遍、开放、平等、非胁 性 、 基 于规则、可 预测和非歧性。
In addition, greater efforts must be made to generate a global strategy to prioritise and mainstream the development dimension into global processes, and in the relevant multilateral institutions in order to enable developing countries to benefit from the opportunities offered by globalisation and trade
[...] including through the creation of an enabling external economic environment for development which requires greater coherence between the international trading, monetary and financial systems that should be universal, open, [...]
non-coercive, rule-based, predictable and non-discriminatory.
为协助 各国对付针对粮食生产的恐怖主义而开展的活动包括:(a) 进行关于食品安全、
[...] 能力,以确保国家能够监测、诊断、报告和应对病虫害和疾病的爆发;(b) 食品 标准法典委员会和国际植物保护公约制定有关标准;(c) 设立一个食物链管理框 架以便对跨界动植物病虫害和疾造 成 的 食物链危机、粮食安全威胁和紧急情 况,以及对核放性威胁 级紧急情况,进行预防、预警、防备和应对工作;组织 国际论坛讨论与粮食和农业相关的生物风险管理问题。
Specific activities that assisted countries in relation to terrorism targeted at food products included: (a) capacity-building (training courses, projects) concerning food safety, animal and plant health, including promotion of risk analyses and developing base-level capacity to ensure national ability to monitor, diagnose, report and respond to pest and disease outbreaks; (b) the standard setting work of the Codex Alimentarius Commission and the International Plant Protection Convention; (c) the establishment of a Food Chain Crisis Management Framework for prevention, early warning,
preparedness and response to food
[...] chain crises caused by transboundary animal and plant pests and diseases, food safety threats and emergencies, as well as nuclear and radiological threats [...]
and emergencies;
and the organization of international forums to discuss biological risk management in relation to food and agriculture.
在第 61/105 号决议第 83
[...] 段(b)分段中,大会吁请区域渔业管理组织和安排 查明脆弱海洋生态系统,通过改进科学研究及数据收集和分享,并通过新的试探 性捕捞,确定底层捕捞活动是否会对这些生态系统和深海鱼类种群的长期可持性造成重大不利影响。
In paragraph 83 (b) of resolution 61/105, the General Assembly called upon RFMO/As to identify VMEs and determine whether bottom fishing activities would cause significant adverse impacts to such ecosystems and the long-term sustainability of deep-sea fish stocks,
inter alia, by improving
[...] scientific research and data collection and sharing, and through new and exploratory fisheries.




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