

单词 造就


promote sustainableadj

External sources (not reviewed)

公正、自由的选 举造就 久安、民族和解、法治和对人权的尊重。
Fair and free elections would set off durable peace, national reconciliation, the rule of law and respect for human rights.
为 了 增 强经济能力而计划的活动包括小 额贷款和收 入及造就会。
The planned activities for strengthening the economic capability include
[...] micro-loans andincome and employmentgeneration.
和平、民主和增强人民权能有着千丝万缕的联系;和平是人道发展的组成部 分;全球和平是地方和区域和平之和;不消除压迫、不平等和贫困的一切根源, 和平就无从谈起;在富裕的世界上,不减缓并最终消除贫困及经济差距,和平就 无从谈起;不在人权、宪法权利和司法方面进行机构建设,和平就无从谈起;不
[...] 的心态,不维护多样性和多族裔性,和平就无从谈起;不把边缘化的群体包括进 来,和平就无从谈起;不造就会,和平就无从谈起;政府没有透明度,不 [...]
that peace, democracy and empowerment of the people are inextricably linked; peace is integral to humane development; global peace is the sum total of local and regional peace; peace is impossible without the removal of all sources of repression, inequality and deprivation; peace is impossible without alleviation and eventual eradication of poverty and economic disparity in a world of opulence; peace is impossible without institution-building on human rights, constitutional rights and justice; peace is impossible without true empowerment of women, political, economic and social; peace is impossible without a secular mindset and embracing diversity and multi-ethnicity; peace is impossible
without including the marginalized; peace is
[...] impossible without job creation; peace [...]
is impossible without transparency and accountability
of Governments to citizens and a total respect for the rule of law.
它呼吁政府将造就 会的方 案列为当务之急,以防止流离失所和险象环生的迁移,敦促政府尊重言论和表达 自由,保护新闻工作者的生命,打击腐败,结束有罪不罚和促进善政。
It called on the Government to
[...] prioritize programmescreatingemployment opportunitiesso as [...]
to prevent displacement and risky
migration, and urged it to respect the rights to freedom of speech and expression, protection of the life of journalists, fighting corruption, ending impunity and the promotion of good governance.
施,如作为宏观经济政策的关键优先事项,让妇女平等获得生产性和体面工作; 采行有助于工作的穷人、特别是妇女的财政政策;通过为妇女和女童的教育、技
[...] 能开发和终身学习进行投资,加强人力资源;将性别平等观点纳入公共投资,以造就会,确保妇女平等的机遇和福利;增强或扩大社会保护最低标准,特 [...]
There are particular gender responsive measures that countries can take, such as making women’s equal access to productive and decent work a key priority of macroeconomic policies; adopting fiscal policies in favour of the working poor, particularly women; enhancing human resources through investing in education, skills development and life-long
learning for girls and women; engendering public
[...] investments for jobcreation to ensure [...]
equal access and benefits for women; and
enhancing or expanding social protection floors, targeting women in particular.
如果法案生 效,将会阻碍缅甸国内可以造就会的制造业 的发展,进一步使缅甸经济朝着可能存在多种问题 [...]
的采掘业方向发展,从而严重影响缅甸的经济复 苏。
If this step is taken, it could have a serious impact on
Myanmar’s economic recovery, by hindering the
[...] growthof job-creatingmanufacturing [...]
industries and further skewing the economy
towards potentially problematic extractive industries.
最后,得到千年发展目标基金的资助,并与联合国和国家伙伴联合实施的达舒尔世界 遗产项目的目标是为青年和妇女造就会,同时推动文化了解和跨文化交流,项目同埃 及减贫战略和联发援框架成果 [...]
1 和 3 直接相关。
Finally, the Dahshur World Heritage Site project, also funded by the MDG Fund and jointly implemented
with United Nations and national
[...] partners, aims at creatingemployment opportunities for [...]
youth and women, while promoting
cultural understanding and cross-cultural exchange, and has direct links with Egypt’s poverty reduction strategy and UNDAF outcomes 1 and 3.
这些举措 有助于造就培养高技 能的劳动力。
These initiatives helpgenerateemployment andbuild skilled [...]
最后,她强调指出了贸易作为减贫和 造就会的重要性,强调了及早完成多哈回合的必要性,以 及最不发达国家有必要得到免关税、免配额的市场准 [...]
入,随后她说,即将举行的联合国可持续发展问题会 议将为发现现有的可持续发展框架中所存在漏洞再 一次提供机会。
Finally, after stressing the importance of trade as a means of
[...] eradicating povertyandcreating employmentand the needfrom [...]
early conclusion of the Doha Round
and for duty-free, quota-free market access for the least developed countries, she said that the forthcoming United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development would provide another opportunity for identifying gaps within existing sustainable development frameworks.
我们在高档物业市场及服 务式住宅市场的知名品牌、稳健的资产负债表、强劲的经常性收入、物业发展项目的扩充以及多元化投资组合及卓越的 管理执行能力,为本集造就坚实的平台,支持本集团的业务达致长期增长。
The combination of our reputable brands in the premium property market and hospitality industry, a healthy balance sheet and strong recurrent income base, an expanded project development pipeline, a diversified investment portfolio and strong management execution capabilities have provided the Group a solid platform from which we will sustain the long-term growth of our business.
[...] 及可信的货币、财政和汇率政策,但私营部门最终需要成为增长和 造就引擎。
Accessing private capital markets in a responsible manner will require a sound contractual environment, as well as credible monetary, fiscal and
exchange rate policies, but ultimately the private sector will need to be the engine
[...] of growth andemploymentgeneration.
[...] 为相关的国家政策和国际政策以及包括减贫战略在内国家发展战略的基本组成 部分,并重申应将关于造就体面工作的内容纳入宏观经济政策,同时充分 [...]
Affirming its strong support for fair globalization and the need to translate growth into eradication of poverty and commitment to strategies and policies that aim to promote full, freely chosen and productive employment and decent work for all and that these should constitute a fundamental component of relevant national and international policies as well as national development strategies,
including poverty reduction strategies,
[...] and reaffirmingthatemployment creation anddecent [...]
work should be incorporated into macroeconomic
policies, taking fully into account the impact and social dimension of globalization, the benefits and costs of which are often unevenly shared and distributed
由于实现发展目标对刚果民主共和国这 样刚经历过冲突的国家而言特别困难,他呼吁国际社
[...] 会向刚果民主共和国提供持续的援助,使之能够巩固 和平与安全,为年轻人造就 会,并采取一切必 要的步骤,促进可持续发展,从最不发达国家名单中 [...]
Since achieving development goals was particularly challenging in a post-conflict country such as his own, he urged the international community to provide it with sustained
assistance so that it could consolidate peace
[...] and security, create jobsfor youngpeople [...]
and take all necessary steps to promote
sustainable development and to graduate from the list of least developed countries.
由于各 种设施的现代化,西班牙出现了一些大型音乐周和音乐节, 造就代才华横 溢的作曲家和演奏家,这些人见证了各种形式的音乐是如何成为西班牙人日常生 活的一部分。
Encouraged by this modernization, major cycles and festivals have appeared, and several generations of composers and musicians of great intellectual standing have been trained – a reflectionof how music in its various forms of expression has become a part of people’s daily lives.
1960 和 1970
[...] 年代所谓的绿色革命,在相当大程度 造就界大部分地区 的现有粮食体系,当时推动农业产量增长的途径,一方面是更密集地使用灌溉用 [...]
水以及对环境有害的化肥和杀虫剂,另一方面是推出许多新品种种子(图 O.3)。
In large parts of the world, food
[...] systemswereshaped to a considerable [...]
extent by the so-called green revolution of the
1960s and 1970s, which pushed agricultural yields as much through much more intensive use of irrigation water and environmentally harmful chemical fertilizers and pesticides, as through the introduction of new seeds varieties (figure O.3).
数位资讯的整合打破区域限制,亚洲及国际 的市场规造就商机,本公司也将藉由 策略合作或投资方式,将自产业中所累积的 经验及影响力延伸到大中华及其他区域,以 创造公司长期的利益。
Through alliances and investments, the Company will extend its position and influence to tap into the Greater China and other markets in the region.
[...] 选举对国家和平的重要性,欢迎多边和双边伙伴给 予政治和经济支持,鼓励他们维持承诺,并呼吁捐 助方为该国政府的财政预算多做贡献,并支持私营 部门,这样私营部门就能够在经济复苏、 造就会方面发挥关键作用。
She reiterated the importance to peace in the country of free, fair and transparent elections, welcomed the political and economic support of multilateral and bilateral partners, encouraged them to maintain their commitment and called upon donors to contribute significantly to the
Government’s budget
[...] and to support the private sector so that it could play a key role in economy recovery and job creation.
联合国将继续协助政府,支持增进获得基本服务的 机会、专业一体化,以及为年轻人 造就 会,包括通过劳动密集型的工作项 目、工作换现金方案以及获得独立和企业就业的机会,再加上专业培训和获取小 额财政援助的内容。
The United Nations will continue to
assist the
[...] Government by supporting improved access to basic social services, professional integration and jobcreation for [...]
young people, including
through labour intensive work projects, cash-for-work programmes and access to independent and entrepreneurial employment, coupled with elements of professional training and access to microfinance.
妇女在冲突后的需求在很 多方面与 2009 年秘书长关于冲突结束后立即建设和平的报告(A/63/881-S/2009/ 304)中概述的经常性优先事项类似:(a)
安全和安保,包括司法和尊重法治;(b) 通 过包容性对话和冲突后选举,建立对政治进程的信心;(c) 获得供水和教育等基本 服务;(d)
[...] 建立一个能够发挥职能的公共行政当局,以最低限度地管理政府资金 和公共记录;(e) 振兴经济,主要是造就会和改善基础设施。
Indeed, in many respects women’s post-conflict needs resemble the five “recurring priorities” outlined in the 2009 report of the Secretary-General on peacebuilding in the immediate aftermath of conflict (A/63/881-S/2009/304): (a) safety and security, including justice and respect for the rule of law; (b) confidence in the political process, through both inclusive dialogue and post-conflict elections; (c) access to basic services such as water and education; (d) a functioning public administration, to manage government funds and
public records, at a minimum; and (e) economic
[...] revitalization, notably, employment creation andinfrastructural [...]
[...] 部门与国内其他经济部门的联系很少,而且没有多少 造就空间,很容易受 外部冲击影响。
Many speakers noted that the bulk of foreign direct investment had been concentrated in extractive industries and commodities, which were sectors
with few links to the rest of the domestic economy with
[...] little space forjob creation and high [...]
exposure to external shocks.
对于大多数发达国家和发展中国家而言,经济增长和 造就主要来源是 一个有竞争力的国内市场,特别是创建中小型企业。
For most countries — developed and developing — the main source of economic growth andjob creation is a competitive domestic market and particularly the creation of small and medium-sized enterprises.
虽 然它们在包括减少贫困、实现全民小学教育和实现中学和小学学生性别平 等在内的某些目标方面的确取得了一些进展,但它们在某些其他目标方面 进展要么十分缓慢,要么很不充分,其中包括 造就会、提高小学毕 业率、为妇女会、降低孕妇死亡率、提高森林覆盖率、以 及信息和通信技术的更广泛应用等。
Although progress had been made with regard to some Goals, including poverty reduction, achieving universal primary school enrolment and attaining gender parity in secondary and primary school enrolment, there were several Goals in which progress had been either
slow or insufficient;
[...] they included employment generation, increase in the primary school completion rate, creation ofmore wage employment for women, reducing [...]
maternal mortality,
increasing forest coverage, and greater use of information and communications technology.
[...] 力争巩固经济增长,提高所有公民的生活水平, 造就打击腐败现象,增加教育机会, 发展民主并改善种族间关系。
In pursuit of this agenda, the Government has set an ambitious programme that seeks to underpin economic
growth, improves living standards of all
[...] citizens, creates jobs, fightscorruption, [...]
increases education opportunities,
develops democracy and improves inter-ethnic relations.
减贫战略》的三个基本目标是:大力发展和经济增长,注重在私营部门造就会;防止即将到来的现代化和转型及国家及其基本职能的合理化导致 新的贫困;有效地实施现有方案,创造直接面向最贫困和最脆弱的社会群体(儿 童、老年人、残疾人、难民和国内流离失所者、罗姆人、农村人口和未充分接受 [...]
教育的人)的新方案、措施和活动,以不发达地区、尤其是最不发达地区为重 点。
The three fundamental goals of the PRS are: dynamic
development and economic
[...] growth, focusing on job creationin the private sector; prevention of new povertyas a consequence of the forthcoming [...]
and restructuring and the rationalization of State and its fundamental functions; efficient implementation of existing programmes and creation of new programmes, measures and activities directly targeting the poorest and socially most vulnerable groups, with a focus on the underdeveloped regions (children, the elderly, persons with disabilities, refugees and internally displaced persons, the Roma, the rural population and the undereducated), particularly in the least developed regions.
内部和外部一体化这两者之间的兼顾是否奏 效,可以从对调动资源以发展生产能力的贡献,生产性创业、 造就 技术升 级的机会以及经济抵御不可预见的冲击的能力等角度来衡量。
A successful balance between internal and external integration can be judged in terms of the contribution made toward mobilizing resources for building productive capacities, the opportunities for productive entrepreneurship,job creation and technological upgrading, and the resilience of the economy to unforeseen shocks.
[...] 因素之一,为了消除贫穷,就必须建设基础设施, 造就会,提供缓和医疗, 为在政府和民间社会任职的人发挥创造力提供机会。
In order to counter poverty, one of the main factors in the spread
of HIV/AIDS, it is necessary to build
[...] infrastructure, createjobs,provide palliative [...]
care and offer opportunities for people
to use their creativity in government and civil society positions.
这方面的一些经验教 训是:司法和包容各方的初期迹象至为重要,这些迹 象显示已同过去分道扬镳,但对变革时机的期望能够
进行管理;保持对于基本功能的重视;将安全同司法 改革联系起来;推行社区办法,例如联合国开发计划 署、政治事务部和世界银行支持的办法;制定能够让
[...] 边缘化青年受到尊重和提升他们地位的回归基本点 的造就案;以及让妇女参与经济权能以及安全 [...]
Some lessons here are the importance of early signals on justice and inclusion that signal a break with the past but manage expectations of the timing of change; maintaining a focus on basic functions; making the connections between security and justice reform; pursuing community-based approaches, such as those supported by the United Nations Development Programme, the Department of
Political Affairs and the World Bank; establishing
[...] back-to-basics job-creation programmes [...]
that give marginalized youth respect and
status; and involving women in both economic empowerment and the hard areas of security and justice reform.
[...] 土地以及相关的生态系统等自然资源(即所谓的自然资本)的可持续管理 加大投资是造就一个机遇,也是确保生态系统服务源源不断的一个 [...]
途径,从而满足人们、尤其是最弱势群体对粮食生产、水和能源以及提高 抗击环境变化的社会经济能力的需求。
Greater investment in the sustainable management of natural resources, such as water, forests, land and the associated ecosystems, also known as natural capital, is increasingly recognized in many
developing countries in the region as an
[...] opportunity for new job creation, as well [...]
as a way to secure the flow of ecosystem
services required to meet the demands for food production, water and energy and greater socio-economic resilience to environmental change, in particular for the most vulnerable groups.




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