

单词 造口病

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

由於造口病人的 病情不同,因此上述醫療評估的結果,以及個別 病人獲發放傷殘津貼的期限亦會因人而異。
As the medical condition
[...] varies among patients with stoma, the result of [...]
the above medical assessment and the duration of
DA for individual patients could differ.
社署並無備存造口病人的 上訴個案數字。
The SWD does not have
[...] the number of stoma patients among the appellants.
我們無備存當中造口病人的 分項統計數字。
We do not have the statistical
[...] breakdown of patients with stoma among these [...]
people with disabilities.
[...] 10月 28日回覆議員的提問時解釋,社署並無 備存造口病人的受惠人數字。
As explained in my reply to a Member's
question on 28 October 2009, the SWD does not have the statistical breakdown of
[...] Disability Allowance recipients with stoma.
由於造口屬器官殘障的 其中一種情況造口病人只 要經公營醫院/診所的醫生證明 其病況達至嚴重程度,便符合領取傷殘津貼的資格。
As stoma is one type of "visceral disability", patients with stoma will be eligible [...]
for DA if they are certified by a medical
practitioner of a public hospital/clinic to be severely disabled.
(三 ) 鑒於造口病人認 為,社署沒有提供不批准傷殘津貼申請的 具體原因,審批制度欠缺透明度,當局會否考慮按病人要求 向他們提供具體原因,包括有關的醫療評估結果;若會,詳 情為何;若否,原因為何;鑒於不滿該等評估結果 造口病 人可 向社會保障上訴委員會(“上訴委員會”)提出上訴,該上 訴委員會怎樣具體考造口病人的 上訴個案;過去5年,分 別有多少宗該等上訴個案被判得直及被拒,以及被拒的原因 為何?
(c) given that some patients with stoma consider that the vetting and approving system lacks transparency as the SWD does not provide specific reasons for not approving Disability Allowance application requests, specific reasons, including the relevant medical assessment results; if they will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; given that patients with stoma who are not satisfied with the assessment results may appeal to the Social Security Appeal Board (the Appeal Board), how the Appeal Board specifically considers the appeal cases of patients with stoma; of the respective [...]
numbers of such appeal
cases which were allowed and rejected in the past five years, as well as the reasons for rejection?
造口病人如獲醫生或專業醫療人員證明其殘疾程度合乎 所定準則,便可領取登記證。
Patients with stoma are eligible for [...]
the Registration Card if he/she is certified by a registered doctor or allied health
personnel to have met the relevant criteria.
李國麟議員: 主席,近日本人接造口病人的投訴,指社會福利署 (“社署”)在審批傷殘津貼申請時欠缺客觀標準及透明度,漠視病人的需 [...]
DR JOSEPH LEE (in Cantonese): President, recently, I have received
[...] complaints from patients with stoma alleging that [...]
the Social Welfare Department (SWD)
lacks objective criteria and transparency in vetting and approving applications for Disability Allowance and ignore patients' needs, causing them serious inconvenience.
造口病人,雖然造口屬 “器官殘障”的其中一種情況,可 以包括在“其他任何情況以致身體全部殘疾”的類別內,造 口是因 病人臨床需要(例如是腸癌等原因)而形成的手術後狀 況,本身並非殘疾,因此病人不會純粹由於身體有造口而符 合資格領取傷殘津貼。
In respect of stoma patients, although stoma is one type of "visceral disability" which may fall under "any other disabling conditions resulting in total disablement", it is only one [...]
of the conditions
created pursuant to clinical needs (for example, post operation for Carcinoma of Colon).
(一 ) 鑒於當局於2009年 10月 28日答覆本會議員的質詢時表示,未 能提供過去5年造口病人獲 發傷殘津貼的人數及部 造口病 人不 獲發傷殘津貼的原因,當局現時是否仍然沒有相關數 據;若是,原因為何及會否承諾日後提供該等數據;若有有 關數據,詳情為何
(a) given the authorities' reply to a question raised by a Member of this Council on 28 October 2009 that
they could not
[...] provide the number of patients with stoma who were granted Disability Allowance in the past five years and the reasons why some patients with stoma were not granted [...]
Disability Allowance,
whether the authorities still do not have such data at present; if so, of the reasons for that and whether they will undertake to provide such data in future; if they have the relevant data, of the details
(二 ) 為何有一造口病人獲 發殘疾人士登記證(“登記證”)並被界 定為身體機能永久傷殘,卻不獲發傷殘津貼;當局在釐造 口病人為 器官傷殘並達至嚴重程度時所採取的準則為何;及
(b) of the
[...] reasons why some patients with stoma being issued Registration Cards for People with Disabilities (the Registration Card) and classified as having permanent disabilities are not granted Disability Allowance; of the criteria adopted by the authorities for determining patients with stoma who are suffering from visceral diseases to the extent of [...]
being severely disabled; and
如果個造口病人申 請傷殘津貼,醫 生會運用其專業知識和判斷,全面考慮該病人接 造 口 手 術 的原因、臨床身體狀況及病情等相關因素後,就他/她是否 符合傷殘津貼計劃下嚴重殘疾的定義作出醫療評估。
In processing Disability Allowance
[...] applications by stoma patients, doctors assess the applicants' eligibility by applying their professional knowledge and judgment, with relevant factors including reasons for receiving stoma operation, [...]
clinical and health
condition, and so on, being taken into account.
常见的医疗用品有纱布、糖尿病用 品、敷料胶带造口用品和垫料等。
Some examples of medical supplies are
[...] gauze pads, diabetic supplies, dressing tape, ostomy supplies, underpads, etc.
为避免对贫困口造成永久性的和持久性的损害,各国应维持社会 保护投资并采取步骤尽可能地增加投资。
In order to avoid causing permanent and long-lasting detriment to those living in poverty, [...]
States should preserve their
investments in social protection and take steps to increase investments where possible.
对于口状况 不佳的北方地区,最为迫切的任务是把降低由可防原因、高 致亡疾病和职病造成的死亡率的措施纳入《全民保健优先计划》。
For the northern
[...] territories, where the demographic situation is unfavourable, it is extremely important to include in the priority national health-care project measures to reduce mortality from preventable causes, diseases causing high mortality [...]
among the population and occupational diseases.
然而那样做就像堵塞河流一样:河水大 口造 成 的 损害,伤害的人必然很多,我是挽救不了的;不如开个小口导流,不如我们听取这些议论后把它当作 病 的 良 药。
But If we do that, it is just like block a big river: the flood will come out and cause immense damage. that is what we are unwilling to see and cannot stand.
为协助 各国对付针对粮食生产的恐怖主义而开展的活动包括:(a) 进行关于食品安全、 动植物健康问题的能力建设(培训班、各种项目),包括促进风险分析和加强基层
能力,以确保国家能够监测、诊断、报告和应对病虫害和疾病的爆发;(b) 食品
[...] 标准法典委员会和国际植物保护公约制定有关标准;(c) 设立一个食物链管理框 架以便对跨界动植物病虫害和病造 成 的 食物链危机、粮食安全威胁和紧急情 况,以及对核放射性威胁级紧急情况,进行预防、预警、防备和应对工作;组织 [...]
Specific activities that assisted countries in relation to terrorism targeted at food products included: (a) capacity-building (training courses, projects) concerning food safety, animal and plant health, including promotion of risk analyses and developing base-level capacity to ensure national ability to monitor, diagnose, report and respond to pest and disease outbreaks; (b) the standard setting work of the Codex Alimentarius Commission and the International Plant Protection Convention; (c) the establishment of a Food Chain Crisis Management Framework for prevention, early warning,
preparedness and response to food
[...] chain crises caused by transboundary animal and plant pests and diseases, food safety [...]
threats and emergencies,
as well as nuclear and radiological threats and emergencies; and the organization of international forums to discuss biological risk management in relation to food and agriculture.
这一进展体现出TT488有望在成百万上千万阿尔茨海默病患者的治疗中满足巨大的、未获满足的医疗需求,该病是一种毁灭性的、危及生命的 病 , 给 我们的老龄 口造 成 深 重的后果。
This development reflects a recognition that TT488 has the potential to address huge unmet medical needs for the treatment of millions of patients suffering
from Alzheimer’s disease, a devastating and
[...] life-threatening disease with profound consequences for our aging population.
[...] 供的准则,对联合国所有维和人员进行任务区医卫风险培训,特别委员会确认, 维持和平行动部和外勤支助部已作出努力,包括在特派团内进行上岗培训和同伴 教育,从而减少了艾滋病毒/艾病造 成 的 死亡。
In this regard, the Special Committee recognizes the importance of training all United Nations peacekeeping personnel on medical risks in the mission area in accordance with the guidelines provided, and recognizes the efforts undertaken by the Department of Peacekeeping Support and the Department of Field Support, including through
in-mission induction training and peer education,
[...] which have resulted in a decrease in the number of deaths from HIV/AIDS.
确定的工作领域包括提供技术支助和培训执法人员 以及加强非政府组织与政府机构之间的合作努力;改善政策和做法,积极协助
[...] 贩运的受害者并提供救援后的善后辅导服务;以及支助预防活动,以满足特定 的地方或国家需要,应对艾病毒/艾 滋 病 与 贩运 人 口 之 间 的相互影响。
The areas of work identified include provision of technical support and training of law enforcement staff and strengthening of cooperative efforts between NGOs and government agencies; improving policies and practices to proactively assist victims of trafficking and to provide post-rescue aftercare services; and supporting prevention activities
designed to meet specific local or national needs in responding to
[...] the interaction between HIV/AIDS and trafficking in persons.
[...] 传染病,并分析社会、经济和政治决定因素,特别注重穷人和弱势人口,以便为 与建立有助于控制的环境有关的政策、法律和财政措施提供指导;(b) 降低个人 和口受到非传病及其 决定因素可以改变的常见风险因素影响的程度,为人人 提供健康的选择并鼓励他们作出这种选择,同时加强个人和人口作出较健康选择 [...]
加强染上非传染病的人的保健, 方法是强化保健系统,使这些系统能够更有效公平地应对染上非传染病的人的保 健需要。
To implement the Action Plan, member States should undertake multisectoral actions to (a) map and monitor non-communicable diseases and analyse the social, economic and political determinants with particular reference to poor and marginalized populations, in order to provide guidance for policy, legislative and financial measures related to the development of an environment supportive of control; (b) reduce
the level of exposure
[...] of individuals and populations to the common modifiable risk factors for non-communicable diseases, and their determinants, [...]
provide and encourage
healthy choices for all, and at the same time strengthen the capacity of individuals and populations to make healthier choices and follow lifestyle patterns that foster good health; and (c) strengthen health care for people with non-communicable diseases by strengthening health systems, enabling them to respond more effectively and equitably to the health-care needs of people with non-communicable diseases.
[...] 组织和卫生组织关于艾滋病毒和艾滋病治疗教育的协作;教科文组织和难民署关于难民和境内流离 失所口的艾滋病毒和艾滋病教育 需求的联合文件;以及与儿童基金会为东部和南部非洲制订关于 [...]
UNESCO is also undertaking joint collaborative work with UNAIDS cosponsors, notably: UNESCO and ILO collaborative work on HIV/AIDS workplace policies for the Education Sector; UNESCO and WHO collaborative work on HIV and AIDS Treatment Education; joint UNESCO and UNHCR paper on HIV and
AIDS education needs of refugees
[...] and internally displaced populations; and the development of [...]
a joint proposal on life skills
education and HIV and AIDS with UNICEF for eastern and southern Africa.
过去几年来所取得的发展成果正付之东流,普 遍贫穷给发展中国家和弱势口造成 了 极为不利的 影响,国家之间和国家内部存在的不平等有增无减, 各种传染性病到处 蔓延,武装冲突、不容忍、环 境恶化和自然灾害日益加剧。
Development gains over the past years were being reversed,
with developing countries
[...] and vulnerable populations disproportionately affected by pervasive poverty, increasing inequalities between and within countries, the spread of infectious diseases, armed conflicts, [...]
intolerance, environmental
degradation and natural disasters.
为此向口和艾滋病领域的 129 个主要行为体邮寄了详细问卷,包括主要的 多边组织和机构、各大私人基金会和提供大量人口活动援助的其他非政府组织以 [...]
A detailed questionnaire was mailed to 129 key
[...] actors in the field of population and AIDS, including [...]
major multilateral organizations and
agencies, large private foundations and other non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that provide substantial amounts of population assistance and donor countries that are members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Development Assistance Committee.
[...] 有效利用有助于解决世界在人道主义、和平与安全,环境和发展方面面临的许多 挑战,如气候变化、自然灾害、大流 病 、 饥 荒、 口 流 离 失所以及粮食和经济 危机,这些问题跨越国界,需要采取全球、区域和国家政策加以解决。
Across all sectors of society, it is increasingly recognized that the effective use of geospatial information helps in addressing many of the humanitarian, peace and security, environmental and development challenges facing the world,
such as climate change,
[...] natural disasters, pandemics, famines, population displacement and [...]
food and economic crises, which
are of a cross-border nature requiring global, regional and national policy responses.
还建 议将其它领域作为贯穿一切工作的内容,特别是:小岛屿发展中国家的可持续发展战略 (SDIS),包括“重视加勒比地区”和“重视太平洋地区”;阿富汗的需要;人权及其相 关问题;联系学校项目网运动;文明间对话;流落街头的儿童和生活在困境中的年轻人以及 因艾滋病病毒/艾病造成的 孤儿的特殊需要。
Proposals were also made to consider other areas in the mainstreaming effort, including: strategies for sustainable development of Small Islands Developing States (SDIS), including “Focus on the Caribbean” and “Focus on the Pacific”; the needs of Afghanistan; human rights and human rights related issues; the ASPnet movement; the dialogue among civilizations; the special needs of street children and young people living in difficult situations and orphans of the HIV/AIDS pandemic.
必须促进面向患者的研究,以改善健康状 况和卫生系统为目的进行科技创新;支助高质量、便利和可持续的医疗保健系统;
[...] 解决土著居民和其他弱势群体健康方面的不公平/不平等;做好准备以应对现有 的和新出现的全球健康威胁;促进健康,减轻慢性病和精 病造 成 的 负担。
It is essential to promote patient-oriented research and target science and technology innovations in order to improve health outcomes and health systems; to support a high-quality, accessible and sustainable health-care system; to address the health inequities/inequalities faced by indigenous peoples and other vulnerable populations; to prepare for emerging global threats to
health and respond to existing ones; and to promote health and reduce the burden
[...] of chronic disease and mental illness.
以色列野蛮的军事入侵,严重违反国际法,包括 国际人道主义法和人权法,并对巴勒斯坦平民 口造 成巨大的苦难,助长暴力循环,威胁国际和平与安全 以及双方之间脆弱的和平进程。
The brutal Israeli military aggression constitutes a grave breach of international law, including international
humanitarian and human
[...] rights law, and is causing vast suffering among the Palestinian civilian population, fuelling the cycle [...]
of violence and threatening
international peace and security, as well as the fragile peace process between the two sides.
各位部长表示严重关切,当前的全球金融和经济危机已开始通过不断显现 的保护主义威胁到全球贸易,特别是在发达国家,给发展中国家的 口造 成了 极为不利的影响。
The Ministers expressed serious concern over the adverse impacts of the current global financial and economic crisis on global trade through, inter alia, rising
protectionism, in particular, in developed countries which have
[...] serious adverse impact on the exports of developing countries.




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