单词 | 造反派 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 造反派—rebel factionSee also:造反v—revoltv 反派—villain (of a drama etc) 派n—groupn schooln factionn 派v—sendv appointv
然而,反对派团伙将平民和它们的村庄当作隐 蔽所,这也是需要考虑的一个问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, oppositiongroups had been [...] using civilians and their villages as a shelter, which was an issue that also needed to be considered. daccess-ods.un.org |
这种 最低限度服务的目的是为所有人提供平等的机会,为所有特派团创造一个 “公平 的参与环境”。 daccess-ods.un.org | Such a minimum level of services is meant to offer equal opportunities [...] across the board and create a “level playing field” for all missions. daccess-ods.un.org |
海上50日》作为一个展览,创造了另类空间,新产生的空间借用了现实空间的元素,最后提供一个对现实空间奇怪的在意识上造成 疏离的反映。 shanghaibiennale.org | 50 Days at Sea, as an exhibition, creates other spaces, newly produced spaces that borrow [...] elements from the real space, and, in the end, offers a strange and [...] consciously alienating reflectionof the real space. shanghaibiennale.org |
不过,秘书长表示,鉴于长期来看汇率浮动对维持和平行动账户的影响有限,并 [...] 考虑到各种减轻汇率风险的备选办法的利弊,秘书长认为,各种备选办法的预期 收益将被给特派团和会员国造成的实际成本和机会成本抵消(A/66/679,第 [...]161 和 162 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Secretary-General states, however, that in view of the limited impact of exchange rate fluctuations on the accounts of peacekeeping operations over time, and taking into account the pros and cons of the various options for mitigating exchange rate risk, he is of the view that the expected return from the various options would be offset by the [...] actual cost generated and the [...] opportunity cost it wouldrepresent for missions and for Member [...]States (A/66/679, paras. 161 and 162). daccess-ods.un.org |
议会最好任命至少两个协调人,分别来自多数派和反对 派,并充分考虑性别平衡。 daccess-ods.un.org | It would be good for parliaments to [...] appoint at least two focal points, from the [...] majority and the opposition, respectively, and [...]with due consideration to gender balance. daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会不采取坚决立场而自愿选择一种中立的、大家可以 [...] 接受的解决办法,不但远不能解决问题,反而造成其他问题,对于这些问题, 《实践指南》应加以处理。 daccess-ods.un.org | The absence of a firm position on the part of the Commission, which intentionally opted for a neutral solution that was [...] acceptable to everyone, far from [...] resolving the problem, created others that should [...]be resolved in the Guide to Practice. daccess-ods.un.org |
于 2007 年开始的第一次省长直接选举将前印度尼西 亚政府反对派领袖推上省长的位置。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The first direct Provincial Governor [...] election at the beginning of 2007 has put a former [...] Indonesian government opposition leaderat the [...]top seat of the Province. unesdoc.unesco.org |
我们和安理会许多成员一样,怀疑叙利亚政府是 否会致力于遵守特使建议的所有六点内容——叙利 [...] 亚政府对这些内容作出了承诺——但我们认为最好 的行动方针是,宁愿相信政府和反对派成员会这样 做,相信联合国观察员的实地存在将真正提升联合国 [...]和阿拉伯国家联盟帮助摆脱这场危机的能力。 daccess-ods.un.org | While we share the scepticism expressed by various members of the Council regarding the commitment of the Government of Syria to complying with all six points in the Special Envoy’s proposal — points that the Government has committed to — we believe that the best course of [...] action is to give the Government and the [...] membersof the opposition the benefit of [...]the doubt, and to trust that the presence [...]of United Nations observers on the ground will make a genuine difference to the capacity of the United Nations and the League of Arab States to help find a way out of this crisis. daccess-ods.un.org |
普通教育的学校派位程序并不会对特别 日班及过渡计划的学校派位造成影响。 sfusd.edu | The number of openings available for general education placements does not have an impact on [...] SDC or transition assignmentoffers. sfusd.edu |
疏忽造成的违反包括未能采取适当步骤充分 实现人人都有参加文化生活的权利,以及未能执行相关法律或提供行政、司法或 [...] 其他适当补救措施,使人民能充分行使参加文化生活的权利。 daccess-ods.un.org | Violations through omission include the [...] failure to take appropriate steps to achieve the full realization of the right of [...]everyone to take part in cultural life, and the failure to enforce relevant laws or to provide administrative, judicial or other appropriate remedies to enable people to exercise in full the right to take part in cultural life. daccess-ods.un.org |
安全理事会第 1938(2010)号决议授权联利特派团应要求以各种方式协助利 比里亚政府举行 2011 年总统和议会普选,包括提供后勤支助,特别是为便利前 [...] 往偏远地区提供后勤支助,协调国际选举援助,并为利比里亚机构和政治党派营 造有利于举行和平选举的气氛提供支助。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Security Council, by its resolution 1938 (2010), authorized UNMIL to assist the Liberian Government, as requested, with the 2011 general presidential and legislative elections by providing logistical support, in particular to facilitate access to remote areas, coordinating international electoral assistance, and [...] supporting Liberian institutions and [...] political parties in creating an atmosphere [...]conducive to the conduct of peaceful elections. daccess-ods.un.org |
就监狱的具体情况而言,各种文化因素,如犯人是“社会之外”,或他们 是“危险”人物的看法和媒体对公共不安全的反应等均造成对 服刑人或遭审前拘 留者的疏忽和脆弱性。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the specific case of prisons, various cultural factors such as ideas that inmates are ―outside society‖ [...] or that they are ―dangerous‖ [...] people and the reactions of the media to public insecurity, [...]contribute to the neglect and vulnerability [...]of persons serving prison sentences or held in pre-trial detention. daccess-ods.un.org |
他是否仍为民主与社会进步联盟的成员 [...] 并非决定因素,因为他曾经是一名成员;申诉人具有相同的姓氏;以及被怀疑为 政治反对派的人是刚果民主共和国当局系统针对的目标,移送前危险评估干事对 [...]此并无异议。 daccess-ods.un.org | Whether the latter is still a UDPS member is not decisive, as he has been one in the past; the complainant has [...] the same family name; and persons [...] suspected of political oppositionare systematically [...]targeted by the authorities of the [...]Democratic Republic of the Congo, which the PRRA officer does not dispute. daccess-ods.un.org |
但是,我们也必须注意避免对他 们进行微观管理或限制特派团领导创造性思 维的空 间,这些同样是成功的关键。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, we must also take care not to micromanage them or curb the space for the creative thinking of the missionleadership, which are just as crucial to success. daccess-ods.un.org |
外交部 [...] 人员对这一新战术基本持支持态度,然而保守派却反对向苏丹施压或对伊朗进行制裁,理由是, [...]中国有和第三世界结盟和不干涉内政的传统原 则,也需要制衡美国势力。 crisisgroup.org | Foreign ministry personnel are [...] generally supportive of the new tack, [...] but the old guard opposes pressuring Sudan [...]or imposing sanctions on Iran, citing as [...]justification traditional principles of Third World solidarity and non-interference, or the need to counterbalance U.S. power. crisisgroup.org |
2010年,曼海姆行政法院驳回了施瓦本地区一个农民反对建造南德乙烯管线(EPS)的起诉,法院认为EPS的管道铺设不存在安全隐患;EPS和巴登-符腾堡州之间的公共法合约继续有效。 reports.wacker.com | In 2010, Baden-Württemberg’s Higher Administrative Court in Mannheim overruled a [...] local farmer’s objectionto the construction [...]of the EPS. reports.wacker.com |
机构间工作计划在联合国发展援助框架战略重点“创造财富,反对饥饿,促进可持续 发展”项下规定,教科文组织为文化部 DPC 部门提供 46 729 美元的机构支助。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In the inter-agency work plan, [...] UNESCOis required under the UNDAF strategic focus on wealth creation andovercoming [...]hunger for sustainable [...]development to provide $46,729 in institutional support to the DPC of the Ministry of Culture. unesdoc.unesco.org |
这些国家允许叙利 亚武装反对派在其境内公开发表宣言,声称对于叙 利亚境内针对政府目标和利益的武装恐怖行动负 责。 daccess-ods.un.org | Those groups had been allowed to issue declarations publicly from their land and claim responsibility for armed terrorist operations against Government objectives and interests inside the country. daccess-ods.un.org |
据此,WIPO 与 a) 建立促进创造和创新并反映不同 WIPO 成员国发展水平的国家知识产权监管框架和 b) 加强知识产权机构的制度性和技术性基 础设施相关的活动,被纳入战略目标一和四以及实质性计划 1、2、14 和 15。 wipo.int | This has resulted in the mainstreaming of WIPO’s activities related to a) national IP regulatory frameworks that promote creativity and innovation and reflect the level of development [...] of the different [...]WIPO Member States; and b) the strengthening of the institutional and technical infrastructure of IP institutions into the substantive Strategic Goals I and IV, respectively, and the relevant substantive Programs 1, 2, 14 and 15. wipo.int |
规划预期要在凡被确认需要改善基础设施,避免过度拥挤的每个都市派出所建造囚室,确保遭到派出所羁押的任何一位被剥夺自由者,都享有基本的卫生 条件,和足够的关押空间。 daccess-ods.un.org | The plan envisages the construction of cells in police stations in the metropolitan area that have been identified as those requiring better infrastructure to avoid overcrowding and ensure basic conditions that are hygienic and provide enough space for anyone deprived of their liberty in these police stations. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管制定了这些明确 的规范,秘密拘留仍以全球反恐的名义继续被采用,所谓的全球反恐战争造成秘密拘留的更加被利用。 daccess-ods.un.org | Despite these unequivocal norms, secret detention [...] continues to be used in [...] the name ofcountering terrorism around the world and has been reinvigorated by the so-called global war on terror. daccess-ods.un.org |
安全理事会在根据第 [...] 1861(2009)号决议建立中乍特派团军事部分时,授权特派团帮助创造有利的安全条件,以便难民和流离失所者自愿、有保障和持续地返 [...]回,特别是促进对处于危险之中的难民、境内流离失所者和平民的保护,协助在 乍得东部和中非共和国东北部提供人道主义援助,并为这些地区重建及经济和社 会发展创造有利条件。 daccess-ods.un.org | In establishing the military component of MINURCAT under resolution 1861 (2009), the Security Council mandated the [...] Mission to help create security conditions conduciveto the voluntary, [...]secure and [...]sustainable return of refugees and displaced persons, inter alia, by contributing to the protection of refugees, IDPs and civilians in danger, facilitating the provision of humanitarian assistance in eastern Chad and north-eastern Central African Republic and creating conditions favourable to the reconstruction and the economic and social development of those areas. daccess-ods.un.org |
必须 要求以色列当局提供安全条件,以便近东救济工程处 和当地其他联合国实体,能够继续援助自 2008 年 [...] 12 月 27 日以来发动的军事侵略所造成的疯狂暴力的受 害者。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Israeli authorities must be required to provide conditions of security so that UNRWA and the other United Nations entities acting in situ can continue [...] to assist the victims of the mad violence [...] unleashed as a result of the military [...]aggression perpetrated since 27 December 2008. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们认为,必须作出进一步的努力,迅速达到和 平执行理事会指导委员会商定的目标和条件,它们的 目的是为缩小高级代表办事处的编制并把它改为欧 洲联盟特别代表特派团创造条件。 daccess-ods.un.org | We believe it important to make further efforts to promptly attain the goals and conditions agreed upon by the Peace Implementation Council Steering Board, which are designed to bring about conditions for drawing down the Office of the High Representative and converting it into a missionof the European Union Special Representative. daccess-ods.un.org |
在第三阶段,即选举后和稳定时期,联科行动将密切监测局势,以防止对 政府不满的各派制造动乱 ,并协助统一指挥中心确保选举材料和敏感材料的安 全。 daccess-ods.un.org | In phase three, the post-election and stabilization period, [...] UNOCI will closely monitor the situation [...] for disturbances caused by disaffected [...]parties and assist the Integrated Command [...]Centre in providing security for electoral and sensitive materials. daccess-ods.un.org |
2011年12月13日于哈帕克纽约,世界高压电源行业领先制造商 ——斯派曼高压电子公司宣布引入V6高精度,高效率的高压模块,使用包括AC或DC输入带模拟或数码界面(RS232)的通用平台。 spellmanhv.cn | Dec 13, 2011 – [...] Hauppauge New York – SpellmanHigh Voltage Electronics [...]Corporation, the world’s leading provider of custom [...]high voltage power converters announces the introduction of the V6 high precision, cost-effective high voltage modules on a common platform that includes either AC or DC input, with analog or digital interface (RS232) capabilities. spellmanhv.com |
答:对政改方案的调查和五区总辞的调查没有明显的关系,以同样方法深入分析上次调查结果,显示在自称民主派支持者中,有58%反对政改方案;在自称亲中派支持者中,就有76%支持政改方案;自称中间人士之中,就有39%支持,20%反对政改方案。 hkupop.hku.hk | A: Using the same method to analyze our last survey in-depth, it is found that among those [...] respondents [...] who claimed to be democratic camp supporters, 58% opposethe political reform proposal; among [...]pro-Chinacamp supporters, 76% support the political [...]reform proposal; among those who claimed to be moderate or non-aligned, 39% support and 20% oppose the political reform proposal. hkupop.hku.hk |