

单词 造价

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目标是增强可能性和人口流动性,为这片土地 造价值 和 商用性,促进社会经济中产阶级的形成,以及强化金融、社会和文化资源。
Aimed towards the broadening of the possibilities and mobility of
[...] the population, creating value and merchantability [...]
for the land, stimulating the
creation of a social-economical middle-class and to strengthening the financial, social and cultural resources.
必须进行投资,建立人力资源、研究基础结构和创新系统等创造知识的适当 能力,以支助造价值和将其扩大到其他经济领域。
Investment must be made in appropriate knowledge-creating capacities, including human resources,
research infrastructure and innovation systems to support
[...] the creation of value and extend linkages [...]
to the rest of the economy.
Advocate the research and development of low-cost, good-performance, high-efficiency dual unified water-supplement planting machine tools.
通过创新为社会,为客户造价值, 促进行业创新,并最终让全世界人民享有技术进步所带来的生活,是企 [...]
The ultimate
[...] goal is to create value for the society [...]
and customers through innovation, promote industry innovation, and
let the world enjoy the benefits of technological progress.
From the outset the principles had an
[...] objective of creating a business that would be successful, sustainable and create value - not just [...]
for shareholders, but for our members.
在相对应的非工作状态时自动脱开 ,省去造价昂贵 的制动装置或张紧离合 器。
The freewheels automatically disengage the respective non working drive, eliminating the need for expensive external clutches or brakes.
MDD212M,MDD215音箱的组合150–200平方米的会议厅,KTV练歌房,加上独有特色MDD218S单18寸的低音,这个组合非常适合150–200平方米多功能厅,如果您的项目再大一些的场地,您可选择MDD225双15寸低音的大功率音箱,这款音箱的最大声压级达到133dB,这是其它品牌同类产品所不能比拟的,用户可以根据需要增加MDD218S的超低音,这个组在300–450平方米的多功能场地是非常适合的包括以上这些组合不仅能大大的满足用户的预期效果,更值得大家欣慰的是,整个系统 造价 不 高,真正是好而不贵,优而不俗。
MDD212M, MDD215 combination for 150-200 square meters speaker chamber, KTV karaoke room, with unique characteristics, a single 18-inch super-bass MDD218S, this combination is suitable for 150-200 square meters of function rooms, if your project again larger venue, you can choose MDD225 double 15-inch high-power super-bass speakers, this speaker to achieve the maximum sound pressure level of 133dB, which is of similar products of other brands can not match, the user can be increased MDD218S subwoofer, This group of multi-purpose venue in the 300-450 square meter is very appropriate, including not only significantly more than the combination of the satisfaction of the user's expected results that should be pleased that the entire system cost is not high, really is good but not expensive , excellent and impressive.
与轻轨和地铁系统相比,快 速公交系造价较低 ,而运输效率却与其相当。
In comparison with light-rail transit or subway systems, bus rapid transit systems are much less costly while still achieving comparably high transport efficiency.
同时我们拥有了一支由各自领域的领导者组成的全明星团队,而且我们坚信 造价 值 的 潜力是巨大的,因为动态油藏模型将给SIGMA3的客户带来益处,这种模型极大地改善了诸如在哪里钻探、在哪里测试压裂、如何测试压裂以及在哪里租地等诸多决策。
Together we have an all-star team of
leaders in their fields, and we believe the
[...] potential for value creation is substantial, [...]
as we will enable SIGMA3 clients
to benefit from dynamic reservoir models that can significantly improve decisions about where to drill, where to frac, how to frac, and where to lease.
在综合评估并最终采用了适合地域特征 造价 需 求 的一系列策略,很多是低技的,其中包括自然通风采光、辐射采暖、地源热泵、绿化屋面等,有效地降低了未来建筑的能耗及运营成本。
After carefully evaluating an array of strategies against local conditions and budgetary constraints, a set of energy effective strategies, many passive ones, were proposed and adopted for the building, including ground heat source pump, natural ventilation and lighting, radiant heating, green roof and etc. The building is expected to be low maintenance and highly energy efficient.
鼓励研究、开发与推广精度高造价 低 、适用性强、 操作简便、便于管理和维护的小型量水设备。
Encourage the research, development and popularization of small water measuring facilities that are [...]
highly accurate, low in cost, strong
in application, easy of operation, and convenient for managing and maintaining.
我们一直致力于了解本地客户的需求,如今我们已拥有一支本地的研发团队,能够对这些需求作出响应,”艾默生过程管理流量业务部,集团副总裁 Larry Flatt 谈道,“新的研发中心对我们现有的制造和配送中心是一个补充,将研发工程师与市场、制造和供应链资源放在同一个地方,这种强有力的人才整合将大大增强我们推出创新型解决方案的能力,为我们的客户 造价 值 并为他们带来无与伦比的工厂绩效。
We continuously strive to understand local customer requirements and now have the ability to respond to those needs with a local design team," said Larry Flatt, Emerson Process Management, vice president, Flow Group.
这些变动一般都会带来造价值的 机会,也会引致重大风险。
[...] these changes create opportunities for value creation [...]
and pose significant risks.
2006 财年末,按照预算,人们注意到,根据前期价格趋势进行初步成本核算的结果表 明,1999 年制定贝尔蒙计划时估计工造价将 增加 3.5%的数字低于法国建筑成本的实际增 长趋势。
At the end of the 2006 financial period, it was noted, with reference to the budget, that the initial recosting, based on price trends in the preceding period, of 3.5% of the work cost increases that had been estimated when the Belmont Plan was first drawn up in 1999, was lower than the actual trend in construction costs in France.
通过重才惜才来激发人才造价值: 在应对员工老龄化(包括管理人员和普通员工)问题方面进行重大改革。
Create corporate value by appreciating [...]
all age groups by introducing sweeping changes in our approach to aging and involving managers and employees.
造价值和 意义的过程中,家庭、文化和商业行为扮演了什么样的角色?
What role do family, culture, and
[...] commerce have in creating value and meaning, [...]
and how does the material accumulation of
our lives become dispersed and reintegrated into the lives of others?
在东亚和东南亚,各种公司营造了跨境 造价 值 链,从而使 得南南互动迅速扩大,而在所有区域,这些公司还一直是移动电话网络传播的主 [...]
In East and South-East Asia, corporations fashioned the
[...] cross-border manufacturing value chains that [...]
caused South-South interactions to surge,
and in all regions, they have been primary agents of the spread of mobile phone networks.
反过来,将 核心活动和整体推动力联系在一起也能使项目厅进一步理顺整个组织,使所有的
[...] 项目厅职能和区域实体都能有效地实施战略,直至最小但在为伙伴 造价 值 方 面 最为重要的组成部分:项目厅的每个人员。
The linkage of core activities and corporate drivers in turn provides an opportunity for further aligning the organization for effective implementation of strategy, across all corporate functions and geographical
entities, down to the smallest, yet most
[...] important component in creating value for partners: [...]
UNOPS individual personnel.
在我们致力于通过创新令世界更加健康、更加可持续地发展的愿景的指导下,我们正在将我们在 LED
[...] 灯具领域的市场领先地位和智能化照明管理与控制系统相结合,以改善人们的生活,并为企业 造价 值。
Guided by our vision of a healthier and more sustainable world, we are combining our market leadership
in LED luminaires with intelligent lighting management and controls to enhance people’s
[...] lives and add value to business.
[...] 智的做法是挑选一名资深的物业管理人,并且这位管理人对您的投资也投入 了个人兴趣,用聪明才智来造价值。
It is best to focus on having the most
qualified real estate manager who will take a personal interest in your investment and work
[...] hard and smart to create value.
工作范围一般包括市场调查、原油配置研究、经济环境与 财务基线设置、场地位置评估、基于线性编程建模的其它炼油 配置筛选、成本估算、财务计划制定、初步环境影响评估、概 念性研究 [带造价管理 促进会(AACE)所定的4类成本估算 ]。
The scope of work typically includes market surveys, crude oil allocation studies, economic environment and financial baseline settings, site location evaluations, alternate refining configuration screening based on linear programming modeling, cost estimations, financing plan development, preliminary environmental impact assessments, conceptual studies with cost estimates at the level of Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering (AACE) Class 4.
秘书处指出,使用磷化氢进行熏蒸处理是全球谷物储存设施的首选方法, 并要求工发组织明确解释在有其他更具有技术和经济可行性的技术(即仅使用磷化氢和结 合二氧化碳使用磷化氢)的情况下选择一 造价 更 高 昂的替代技术的理由。
The Secretariat pointed out that it is recognized that fumigation with phosphine is the method of choice for stored grain facilities around the world and requested clarification UNIDO regarding the selection of a very expensive alternative when other technically and economically viable technologies were available (i.e., phosphine alone or phosphine in combination with CO
在这方面,与会者强调,无形资产定价过高可导致真正 造价 值 的国 家无利可图。
In that regard, it was stressed that an overpricing of intangibles could wipe out the benefits for the
[...] countries where value was really created.
我们协力同心,共同为我们的客户 造价 值。
We work together and
[...] take pride in creating value for our customers.
在PharmAsia上海峰会上,爱思唯尔和百华协会将重点介绍来自中国、印度和其他新兴市场的数据和案例,这些数据和案例集中于创新的两个亟待解决的重要方面:(1)让更好的产品更快地上市;(2)为患者和买方 造价 值。
At the PharmAsia Summit-Shanghai, Elsevier and BayHelix will feature data and case studies from China, India and other emerging markets focusing on two key
imperatives of innovation: (1) Getting Better Products To Market
[...] Faster; and (2) Creating Value For Patients [...]
And Payers.
当天线挂高比建筑屋面高出不多(10m左右),可采用简易的屋面增高架方式,在建筑的梁(墙)处浇筑混凝土墩作为配重(计算混凝土重量足以抵抗铁架倾覆力),增高架固定于混凝土墩,可不必破坏屋面防水层,此方 造价 低 , 施工简便。
Antenna hung above the high than building roof not more than (10m) can be increased a simple roof rack, in the construction of the beam (wall) at pouring concrete pier as a counterweight (calculate concrete weight enough to resist the hob overturning force)
higher frame fixed on the concrete pier, without destroying the roofing
[...] layer, this way of low-cost, simple construction.
一年来,我们始终坚持“为顾客 造价 值 ,为员工谋求发展,为社 会承担责任”的经营理念,致力于为利益相关者创造更大的价值,努力实现经济、社会和环境综合效益最大化, [...]
Over the past year, we have always adhered to the
[...] operation concept of “creating values for customers, [...]
seeking for development for employees,
and bearing responsibility for society”, and dedicated to creating more values for stakeholders, endeavored to maximize economic, social and environment comprehensive benefit to build a new energy company with sense of responsibility.
公司把技术创新作为企业的核心战略,瞄准国际同行的发展方向并针对国内外用户实际需求,自主研发了一系列既贴近市场又能为用户 造价 值 的 产品。
Technological innovation as the core strategy, aimed at the direction of development of international counterparts and the actual needs of
users at home and abroad,
[...] independent research and a series of both close to the market can create value for customers.
彼得斯于 2000 年出任 Emerson 高级执行副总裁,他主要负责帮助 Emerson
[...] 及其业务单元发展创新的全球商业模式及战略,通过客户关系管理加强公司 造价 值 的 能力。
Charles A. Peters was appointed to senior executive vice president in 2000 and is responsible for helping Emerson and its business units develop innovative global business
models and strategies that build the company’s capabilities to
[...] support and create value through its customer [...]
尤其是那英的《春暖花开》的LED电子显示屏技术让无数观众看花了眼,据悉,那英这曲歌的舞 造价 在 上 亿元,上至天花板到背景墙、左右侧墙壁全都安装了全彩的LED彩幕屏,舞台本身也是很多块可以计算机控制自由升降的机械系统,并且每块的上面前面和两侧都安装了LED彩幕屏,所有这些屏幕和升降机械都是计算机控制的,随着表演的需要,屏幕可以显示出不同的图案,上下左右都是搭配很好的屏幕图像时,看起来就非常逼真。
Especially na ying's "spring", LED electronic display technology to dazzled the audience, it is reported, na ying this cost in the hundreds of millions of yuan qu song stage, up to the ceiling to the background wall, left and right side walls are all installed the full-color LED color screen screen, the stage itself is a lot of computer control freedom can lift the mechanical system, and each of the above installed on both sides and the LED color screen in front of the screen, all of these screens and lifting machinery are computer controlled, as the performances, the screen can show a different pattern, the up and down or so these with good screen image, looks very realistic.




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