

单词 速递

See also:

pass on sth
gradually increase or decrease

External sources (not reviewed)

由于他尚未收到一些出席会议的缔约国适当 的全权证书,他建议根据第 3
[...] 条临时授权这些缔约 国的代表参加会议,并敦促他们 速递 交 其 全权证 书。
As he had yet to receive proper credentials from some of the States parties represented at the meeting, he suggested that, in accordance with rule 3, the representatives of those States parties should
be entitled provisionally to participate in the meeting
[...] and urged them to submit their credentials [...]
as soon as possible.
送货手续费是根据订购商品之总计金额来设定的,其中包括国际特快专递(EMS)或国 速递 的 邮 费及保险费等,并同订购商品之总计金额一起付款。
Shipping and handling charges are set based on the total amount of ordered merchandise and those charges
include the Express Mail Service (EMS) or
[...] international courier postage and insurance [...]
fees, etc. They should be paid together
with the total amount of the ordered merchandise.
这个新界 面还允许用户设置 RSS 速递以及对文件进行元数据加密。
The new interface also allows the user
[...] to set up an RSS feed, as well as encode [...]
metadata in documents.
要订阅多卡 RSS 新速递,您首先需要有一个 RSS 阅读器。
To subscribe to the Doka RSS Feed, you first need an RSS reader.
雇员再培训局提供的三个就业挂钩课程:清洁助 理训练证书课程、零售及店铺管理证书课程 速递 服 务 训练证书课程亦适合智障 成年人参加。
The ERB offers three placement-tied training courses, namely, “Certificate in Cleaning Assistant Training”, “Certificate in Sales and Store Management” and “Certificate in Courier Training” which are also suitable for adults with mental disability.
此外,我们亦时常处理各种海上货物运输纠纷、燃料纠纷、装卸时间及滞船费纠纷、起租及停租的申索、船舶维修的申索、履约保证、商品纠纷、CIF及FOB合同、贸易融资及跟单信用证、货物保单、拖运或货运代理合同、跨 速递 业 务 以及海上的人身伤亡申索等。
Examples of the matters with which we regularly deal are: cargo claims, bunker disputes, laytime and demurrage disputes, hire and off-hire claims, ship repair claims, performance warranties, commodity disputes, CIF and FOB contracts, trade finance and documentary credits, cargo
policies, haulage and freight forwarding contracts;
[...] cross-border courier business as well [...]
as claims for loss of life / personal injury sustained on board vessels.
登 记 免 费 e-市 场 快 讯(3),透 过 电 邮 提 示 , 为速 递 最 新 市 场 动 态 及 投 资 策 略 。
Register for free e-Market News(3) to keep abreast of the latest market trends and investment strategy insights.
纽约证交所股票交易代码:FDX)旗下附属公司兼全球最具规模 速递 运 输公司之一联邦快递宣布,在亚太区的澳大利亚和新加坡推出 SenseAwareSM服务。
(NYSE: FDX) today announced an expansion and enhancement of its SenseAwareSM service, providing customers with broader international availability and the ability to use the service with carriers outside the FedEx network.
我们的产品供亚马逊、博世、可口可乐、敦 速递 (DHL )、宝洁、西门子、沃尔玛以及雅马哈(摩托车)等众所周知的全球知名名牌公司日常使用。
Our Products are in daily use by global brands everyone knows, like
[...] Amazon, Bosch, Coca-Cola, DHL, Procter [...]
& Gamble, Siemens, Walmart and Yamaha (Motorcycles).
由此可以预见的是,随着亚洲和非洲城市人口 速递 增, 在可支配收入较高,成日奔波劳碌的城市居民中,品牌意识也 将有可能越来越强。
With the urban population of Asia and Africa set to double in less than a generation, brand awareness is also expected to grow among consumers with higher disposable incomes and more hectic, urban lifestyles.
现时,为残疾人士而设的就业挂钩课程,包括电话推销技巧训练、电脑 桌面排版训练、网页设计及制作训练、顾客服务训练、清洁服务训练、店务及仓 务训练速递服务 训练、文书工作训练等。
Non-placement-tied generic skills training courses conducted in part-time mode cover information technology applications and vocational languages, etc. These courses are heavily subsidised and designed to enhance the competitiveness of the employed or unemployed persons, including those with disabilities.
Analog Devices
[...] 和 Digi-Key 联合推出新速递 - 一条获得 ADI 最新产品的捷径。
Analog Devices and Digi-Key present New
[...] Product Express - a fast, easy way to get [...]
ADI's newest products.
作为中国最大的邮递服务企业,中国邮政的网络遍布全国,得天独厚的优势令其可在电商邮递领域占据较大份额,而且我也认为,该公司 速递 物 流 业务眼下是利润颇丰的。
As China's biggest delivery service with a network covering the entire country, China Post is in a great position to capture a big portion of this e-commerce delivery business, and I suspect its own courier business is now highly profitable.
联邦快递(FedEx)作为国速递的领 先 者,选择了巴黎戴高乐机场作为其美国以 [...]
外最重要的枢纽,占地 11 万平方米 — 其 中 7 万 2000 平方米专门用作邮件和包裹的 分拣,每小时可处理 6 万 1500 件货物。
The leader in
[...] international express delivery, FedEx [...]
has chosen Paris-Charles de Gaulle as the base for its most important
hub outside the USA, with 110,000 sq.m of floor space – including 72,000 sq.m dedicated to mail and parcel sorting, with a capacity of 61,500 items an hour.
Mario Sander 已在国际供应链管理行业从业 20 多年,从 2005 年起就一直在亚洲工 作,曾担任敦速递公司 亚太区董事和业务拓展部高级副总裁。
Mario Sander has over 20 years of experience in international supply chain management and has been working in Asia since 2005, including as an Asia Pacific Board Member and Senior Vice President of Business Development at DHL.
我公司积累了丰富的快递行业经验,在华南是家喻户晓的物 速递 公 司 ,我公司所有员工本着客户就是上帝的敬业精神,把客户的需求当做加运美人神圣的职责与使命;准时、安全、快捷,用春天般的热情让客户得到最满意、最优质的服务。
Our company has accumulated rich experience in the courier industry, the logistics in southern China is well-known courier company, my company is the God of all employees in the customer's professionalism, plus the transportation needs of customers as a sacred duty and mission beauty; punctuality, safety, Fast, with the warm spring-like so that customers get the most satisfaction, the best quality service.
Whitmer 说,“通过让学生课前 课后在远程服务器上实践新的应用程序, 上机实验室加速了我们的课程递速 度。
Hands on Lab speeded our classroom delivery,” says Whitmer, “by allowing students to practice new applications on remote servers before or after class.
近期危机使国际社会猝然无防,这不仅表明危机 递速 度 之 快,而且表明 各国没有能力预测和预备冲击和理解贫困的多个层面。
The sheer surprise with which the most recent crises took
the international community is telling
[...] not only of the rapidity of transmission [...]
of the crises, but of the inability of
States to predict and prepare for shocks and to understand the multiple dimensions of poverty.
帮助保留新掌握的信息 [14] ,提高视觉信息的递速度。
Aids in the retention of newly learned information [14]
[...] and improves the speed at which visual information [...]
is processed.
因此,以色列同国际社会一道呼吁,根据秘书长 在文件 S/2008/582 中递的第二次黎巴嫩边界独立 评估小组报告中的各项建议,对叙利亚-黎巴嫩边界 的武器走私活动采取有力的行动。
Thus, Israel joins the international community in its call for robust action against arms smuggling along the Syrian-Lebanese border, in accordance with the recommendations set out in the report of the Lebanon Independent Border Assessment Team II, transmitted by the Secretary-General in document S/2008/582.
我们当前的任务主要是两个方面:一方面是如何通过创新的具体行动落实这些价值观, 另一方面是通过不断灌输和不断重申来传播这些价值观念,特别是 递 给 子 孙后代。
The current challenge is dual: to translate them into reality through concrete action and to re-instil and regularly reaffirm these values, especially in succeeding generations.
秘书长报告(A/64/366)第 86(a)至(d)段说明待由大会采取哪些行 动,以便为联合国以及卢旺达问题国际刑事法庭和前南斯拉夫问题国际 法庭离职后健康保险福利现有应计负债供资,并为这些实体在职工作人 员每递增的应计负债供资。
Actions to be taken by the General Assembly to fund the presently accrued liability for afterservice health insurance benefits of the United Nations, the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, as well as to fund the annual incremental accrual for employees in the active service of those entities, are indicated in paragraphs 86 (a) to (d ) of the report of the Secretary-General (A/64/366).
他还提请注意独立审计咨询委员会(审咨委)关 于内部监督:2012-2013 两年期方案预算的报告 (A/66/85);秘书长递的联 合检查组(联检组)题为 “联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室的管理和行政审查” 报告的说明(A/66/315),以及秘书长和联合国系统行 政首长协调理事会(行政首长协调会)的意见(A/66/ 315/Add.1 和 Add.1/Corr.1);秘书长递联检 组题 为“联合国系统各组织信托基金的行政管理政策和程 序”的报告的说明(A/66/348),以及秘书长和行政首 长协调会的意见(A/66/348/Add.1);内部监督事务厅 (监督厅)关于对秘书处新闻职能组织框架的审查报 告(A/66/180)。
He also drew attention to the report of the Independent Audit Advisory Committee (IAAC) on internal oversight: proposed programme budget for the biennium 2012-2013 (A/66/85);
the note by the
[...] Secretary-General transmitting the report of the Joint Inspection Unit (JIU) entitled “Review of management and administration in the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime” (A/66/315) and the comments of the Secretary-General and of the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination (CEB) (A/66/315/Add.1 and Add.1/Corr.1); the note by the Secretary-General transmitting the JIU report [...]
entitled “Policies
and procedures for the administration of trust funds in the United Nations system organizations” (A/66/348) and the comments of the Secretary-General and of CEB (A/66/348/Add.1); and the report of the Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS) on the review of the organizational framework of the public information function of the Secretariat (A/66/180).
谨提及刚果民主共和国问题专家组的最后报告(S/2009/603),并在随函附文 中递关于 专家组报告所提到的卢民主力量或团结和民主联盟成员的补充资料, 供安全理事会第 1533(2004) 号决议所设委员会在今后审议。
I have the honour to refer to the final report of the Group of Experts on the Democratic Republic of the Congo (S/2009/603) and to convey, in the enclosure annexed herewith, supplementary information on members of FDLR or RUDUrunana who were cited in the report of the Group of Experts, for the future consideration of the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1533 (2004).
有鑒於廣深港高鐵涉及公帑達669億元, 而在近期公布的港大民意調查中,卻顯示 59%市民自稱對整個高鐵項目認識'好少'或
[...] 鐵的內容及對社會影響,本人現按照《財 務委員會會議程序》第37A段,動議要求政 府擱置廣深港速鐵路 撥款,並以獨立機 構的民調評估市民對廣深港速鐵路 的認 知程度,在確定大部分香港市民均清楚明 白廣深港高鐵的內容及對社會構成的影響 [...]
As the Guangzhou–Shenzhen–Hong Kong Express Rail Link (XRL) involves $66.9 billion of public funds and the findings of the Public Opinion Programme of the University of Hong Kong published recently show that 59% of the respondents said they knew 'very little' or 'quite little' about the entire XRL project, indicating that most people do not understand the substance and social impact of the XRL, I now move under paragraph 37A of the FC Procedure to demand
that the Government
[...] shelve the funding proposals of the XRL and assess the public awareness of the XRL with an opinion poll conducted [...]
by an independent
organization, and re-submit the funding proposals after having ascertained that the majority of the people of Hong Kong clearly understand the substance of the XRL and its impact on the society.
大赦国际呼吁速、公 正和有效地调查所有对侵害妇女的暴力的举报,政府 [...]
应确保将负有责任者绳之以法,受害者得到赔偿,妇女在法律与实践中无保留地 享有与男子同样的平等。
Amnesty International called for prompt, impartial and [...]
effective investigation of all reports of violence against women,
that the Government ensure that those responsible were brought to justice and the victims granted reparations and that women be granted unqualified equality with men in law and in practice.
[...] 取得持久和平和真正和解的唯一办法,吁请所有尚未加入该政治进程的各方加 入进程,并敦促索马里利益攸关方 速 采 取 行动,并显示在完成过渡期剩余任 务方面取得的进展,包括起草和批准《宪法》以及扩大国家权力、促进和解进 [...]
They reiterated their call for the peaceful resolution of the Somali conflict as the only way to a durable peace and genuine reconciliation and called upon all parties that had not yet
joined the political
[...] process to do so, and urged the Somali stakeholders to take expeditious action and show [...]
progress in the accomplishment
of the remaining tasks of the transitional period including the drafting and approval of the Constitution as well as expanding the authority of the state, promoting the reconciliation process and improving the livelihood of the population by providing essential services.
这包括:兴建中的若开邦首府实兑附近 的印度洋海域深海港口以及平行公路、 速 铁 路 、 石油管道和天然气管道,这将建起一个缅甸通往中 [...]
国西南部内陆省份的能源和贸易走廊;加叻丹多式 运输项目(Kaladan multi-modal project)将在印度
洋和印度东部沿海地区之间、印度洋和印度东北部 内陆地区之间建起一条交通走廊;以及达维发展项 目(Dawei Development Project),按照计划,该项 目将在缅甸南部修建一个大型工业区和一个现代化 深海港,以及连通泰国并进一步通至越南的公路和 铁路,这样可以从陆路将货物运送至泰国和越南, 比起经马六甲海峡的海路运输要少花好几天时间。
These include: a deep-sea port being constructed on the Indian Ocean near the
Rakhine State capital of Sittwe, and
[...] parallel road, high-speed rail, and oil and [...]
natural gas pipelines that will create
an energy and trade corridor to China’s landlocked south west; the Kaladan multi-modal project that will create a transportation corridor between the Indian Ocean and India’s eastern seaboard and its landlocked north east; and the Dawei Development Project which, if completed according to plan, would include a large industrial estate and modern deep-sea port in the south, with road and rail links for transhipment of goods to Thailand and on to Vietnam, cutting several days off the sea route through the Straits of Malacca.




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