

单词 通缉犯

See also:


order the arrest of sb as criminal
list as wanted

通缉 v

want v

stitch finely


seize v

External sources (not reviewed)

此外, 还草拟了关于在国家间搜通缉犯或 失 踪人员的一项条约,独联体国家元首理事 [...]
会将于 2010 年 12 月批准该条约。
In addition, a treaty regarding
[...] inter-State searches for wanted or missing persons [...]
had been drafted and was due to be approved
by the CIS Council of Heads of State in December 2010.
正在继续努力制作可能用于犯罪的应交待物品电脑数据库,这将有助于识别 和侦破跨国犯罪,拘留国通缉犯。
Work is also continuing on the development of computerized databases of potentially fraudulent line items which can be used
for the detection and tracking of
[...] cross-border offences and for the apprehension of persons on inter State wanted lists.
总共抓到四通缉犯,并 缴获武装恐怖团伙用以代步的七 辆摩托车。
A total of 14 wanted men were captured and seven motorcycles that the armed terrorist groups had been using to get around on were seized.
如果他 真是一名通缉犯”, 很难相信他能像《个人信息表》中填写的那样,在 1995 年获得以真名实姓签发的护照,并于1996
If in fact he was a “wanted” man, it was implausible that he would be able to obtain a passport issued in his name in 1995 and an exit visa in 1996, as stated in his PIF.
系列中的第三部电影,马达加斯加3:欧洲头 通缉犯 , 发 布上月8的,2012。
The third film in the series, Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted, was released on June 8, 2012.
2008 和 2009 年期间独联体国家间展开合作,从而调查了 61 000 多起罪行, 逮捕 12 000 多通缉犯,制止 341 个犯罪集团的活动,逮捕 42 名宗教极端主义 组织成员,缴获 6 800 件武器和 10.9 吨以上的麻醉物品,关闭 [...]
36 个毒品实验室 和切断 76 条非法移徙通道。
As a result of operations conducted in CIS countries
in 2008 and 2009, more
[...] than 61,000 crimes had been investigated, over 12,000 wanted persons had been arrested, the activities of 341 criminal groups [...]
had been stopped,
42 members of extremist religious organizations had been arrested, 6,800 firearms and more than 10.9 tons of narcotic substances had been seized, 36 drug laboratories had been shut down and 76 channels for illegal migration cut off.
这起袭击事件被认为是对伊拉克安全部队最近成功发 现武器隐藏地和恐怖袭击主通缉犯 而 作 出的回应。
This particular attack is believed to have been in response to the recent successful efforts by Iraqi security forces to locate weapons caches and key personnel wanted for terrorist attacks.
与国际刑事法院合作:实施三项任务并引渡三 通缉犯 : 刚 果民主共和 国:模范生
Cooperation with the International Criminal Court: implementation of three mandates and extradition of three wanted persons: Democratic Republic of the Congo: model student
al-Hattar 先生解释说,他被告知自己被逮捕的原因是“窝 通缉犯 ” , 实 际上,“他自己并不认识那个人,他是一名熟人带到他家中的”。
Mr. al-Hattar explained that the reason that had been given for his arrest was that he had “hosted a wanted person” who, in fact, “was brought to his home by an acquaintance, but not known to him personally”.
6 时,执法部队在 Karak 市东部搜通缉犯时与武装人员交火。
At 0600 hours, as law enforcement forces were searching for wanted persons in eastern Karak town and the surrounding countryside, there was an exchange of fire with armed persons.
萨尔瓦多修正了反恐特别法法案,以扩大金融机构的监管义务范围,包括不 仅监视国通缉犯名单 上个人的资产和交易,还监视那些被怀疑或被合理怀疑有 [...]
El Salvador amended its Special Law against Terrorist Acts to enhance the scope of oversight duties conducted by financial institutions to include the monitoring of assets
and transactions not only of persons on
[...] internationally wanted lists but also [...]
of those suspected of or with reasonable
suspicion of having an illicit purpose and whose acts are related to the financing of terrorism.
[...] Nasrullah、Abdullah、巴伊 图拉·马哈苏德和 Maulvi Sahib 为通缉犯”。
In addition, the JIT charged Nasrullah, Abdullah, Baitullah Mehsud and
[...] Maulvi Sahib as “proclaimed offenders”.
在 2009 年和 2010
[...] 年期间,印度尼西亚抓获一些恐怖主义嫌疑人, 其中包括最危通缉犯努尔丁·穆罕默德·托普和约科·皮托诺(又名杜尔马丁), [...]
这两人已被印度尼西亚警察(第 88 分遣队)击毙。
In 2009 and 2010, Indonesia captured
[...] several terrorist suspects, including some [...]
of the most wanted, namely Noordin Mohammed
Top and Joko Pitono, alias Dulmatin, who were shot dead by the Indonesian Police (Detachment 88).
2010年6 月暴力事件通缉犯据称仍然在逃。
Scores of individuals wanted for involvement in the June 2010 violence reportedly remain at large.
科索沃特派团协助发 布了 10 个国际刑警组织的红色通告,以期根据第 1244(1999 年)号决议逮捕遭国通缉的犯罪嫌 疑人和将其引渡到科索沃。
UNMIK facilitated the issuance of 10
[...] INTERPOL red notices with a view to the arrest and further extradition to Kosovo under resolution 1244 (1999) of internationally wanted suspects.
Need for Speed Most Wanted是一款赛车游戏,游戏中每一位玩家都需要加入到疯狂又非法的赛车游戏中来,尝试着以最快的速度穿越整个城市,让自己成为“最 通缉犯 ” ! 在对待警察时你需要异常的小心,因为他们可不容许违法的事情发生。
Need for Speed Most wanted combines the tuner customization of Need for Speed Underground with an expanded take on the police chases of the Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit series.
几个会员国继续作出进一步努力,在本国管辖范围内, 将出现在国际刑警组织通缉逃犯名 单 上的卢旺达嫌疑人捉拿归案并进行审判。
Several Member States have continued to enhance their efforts to bring
to trial, within their national jurisdictions, the Rwandan suspects appearing
[...] on the INTERPOL list of wanted fugitives.
[...] 日,该国逮捕了19名外 国人,均为乌兹别克斯坦的重 通缉犯 , 其 中四人为寻求庇护者,15 人曾经是 [...]
It recalls that from 9 June to 14 December 2010, 19 foreigners under arrest warrant in
[...] Uzbekistan for serious crimes were arrested.
[...] 要求他在实地的代表始终遵守司法程序,但另一方 面,把代表与通缉罪犯的接 触仅限于代表执行任务 所必需的范畴,并且要求他们在联合国主持的协议中 [...]
In that regard, we welcome the unambiguous position of the Secretary-General, who has asked his representatives on the ground to, on the one hand, always respect judicial
process but, on the other, to limit their
[...] contacts with wanted criminals to what is essential [...]
for their mission and finally never
to accept provisions concerning amnesties or immunities in agreements that are sponsored by the United Nations.
又敦促会员国考虑采取一切必要措施,特别通过引渡或起诉,确保 自己不会成为那些已积累或藏匿通过跨国有组织犯罪(酌情包括《联合国打击
[...] 跨国有组织犯罪公约》规定的毒品贩运及相关犯罪)所产生的收益,或资助有 组织犯罪或犯罪组织的通缉逃犯的 安 全避难所,并敦促会员国根据本国法律 [...]
Also urges Member States to consider taking all measures necessary to ensure that they do not provide a safe haven for wanted fugitives who have accumulated or are harbouring in their possession proceeds of crime derived from transnational organized crime, including, as appropriate, drug trafficking and related offences provided for in the United Nations Convention against
Transnational Organized Crime, or who finance organized crime or criminal organizations, in particular by
[...] extraditing or prosecuting such fugitives, and urges [...]
Member States, in accordance
with national laws and international law obligations, to fully cooperate with each other in this regard
检察官办公室关于逮捕的导则可帮助缔 约国拟订并实施关于与受法通缉的 逃 犯 的 关 键接触和非关键接触的 适当政策。
The guidelines of the Office of the Prosecutor on arrest could help States parties in devising
and implementing appropriate policies regarding essential and
[...] non-essential contacts with fugitives sought by the Court.
为国际正义并防止犯逃脱处罚,应该重申在引渡 通缉 人 员 方面开展国 际合作,禁止为此动用武力。
For international justice to be served and for criminals to be prevented from evading punishment, [...]
international cooperation
in the extradition of wanted persons should be reaffirmed and recourse to force in that regard should be prohibited.
卢旺达指出,与此同时大量国际逮捕 通缉 的 种 族灭 绝嫌犯在法 国,该法官没有使用普遍管辖权来审理这样的人,而是选择起诉卢 旺达领导人。
Rwanda noted that, in the meantime, a large number of suspects of genocide who were subject of international arrest warrants, were in France; instead of using universal jurisdiction to try such persons, the judge had elected to indict the leadership of Rwanda.
1996年1月9日埃塞俄比亚常驻联合国代表给安全理事会主席的信,事由是引渡1996年6月26日在斯亚贝巴企图暗杀阿拉伯埃及共和国总统 通缉 嫌 疑 犯。
Letter dated 9 January 1996 from the permanent representative of Ethiopia to the United Nations addressed to the President of the Security Council concerning the extradition of the suspects wanted in the assassination attempt on the life of the President of the Arab Republic of Egypt in Addis Ababa on 26 June 1996
(c) 推动将在犯边缘 化,采取措施,防止将计划用于人道主义目的或和平 谈判的援助和资金转用于惠益受到逮捕 通缉 的 人 […… ]”(第 48 段)。
(c) Contribute to the marginalization of fugitives and take steps to prevent that aid and funds meant for humanitarian purposes or peace talks are diverted for the benefit [...]
of persons subject to an arrest warrant […]” (para. 48).
如果通过公开渠道或其他渠道获悉,在古巴可能有外国人或外籍古巴人因参 与恐怖活动或其犯罪而遭通缉或被列入名单,则立即开始对这些个人采取侦查 措施(视其责任和参与程度而定),以便将其送上有关法庭。
If it becomes known through public or other channels that there may be aliens or
expatriate Cubans in
[...] the country who are wanted or listed as being involved in terrorist activity or other crimes, investigative [...]
measures are immediately
begun against these individuals, depending on their degree of responsibility and participation, in order to bring them before the relevant courts.
2007 年,酷刑问题特别报告员在关于向政府转交的资料包括个人案件和 收 到的答 复 的 摘 要 中列入了一名 寻 找庇护的外国国民
[...] 在斯洛伐克遭到拘留的案 件,当 局 决 定 将 其引渡 到 被 以 恐怖主 义犯 通 缉 的国家。
In 2007, the Special Rapporteur on the question of torture in his summary of information, including individual cases, transmitted to Governments and replies received, included the case of the detention of a foreign national seeking asylum
in Slovakia and the decision of the authorities to deport him to his
[...] country where he is wanted as a terrorist suspect.
国际刑事法 院在提到恩塔甘达时,将其作为卢班加先生的共同主犯之一,此人因据称于 2002-2003 年在伊图里地犯下的 战争罪而遭到国际刑事法 通缉。
Bosco Ntaganda, who is cited by the Court as one
of Mr. Lubanga’s
[...] principal co-perpetrators, is wanted by the Court for alleged war crimes committed [...]
in the Ituri district in 2002-2003.
最近将犯缉拿归 案发出了重要的信息,告诫所 有那些今天仍然打通过命 令和筹划攻击平民而上 台或留在台上的人,告诫所有那些因犯下战争罪、危 害人类罪或灭绝种族罪行而面对国际刑事司法的逮 捕令、但却以为他们可以期望安理会会疲惫或者不作 为的人。
Recent arrests have made it possible to send an important message to all of those who today still try to come to power - or stay in power - by ordering and planning attacks against civilians, to all those who, when faced with an international criminal justice arrest warrant for war crimes, crimes against humanity or the crime of genocide, think that they can count on weariness or inaction on the part of the Council.
[...] 案有三部分组成:负责为支付举报酬金筹款的一个地方理事会;负责从犯罪制止 者的匿名举报线收集举报消息的一位警方协调人;以及每周播报和印刷“本周犯 罪案件”或“犯通缉”通告以及案件重组的媒体。
To that end, it establishes community-operated crime stoppers programmes comprised of three parts: a local board of directors that raises funds to pay rewards for tips, a police coordinator who receives the tips from the crime stoppers anonymous tips line
and the media who broadcast
[...] and print the weekly “crime of the week” or the “most wanted” announcements and re-enactments.




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