

单词 通缉

通缉 verb

want v



fugitive (from the law)
wanted criminal

See also:

stitch finely


seize v

External sources (not reviewed)

应欧盟驻科法治团法官 的请求,我的特别代表从国际刑警组织发布了 5 项通缉令。
At the request of EULEX judges, my Special Representative
[...] issued five wanted notices from the International [...]
Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL).
此外,士兵和 安全人员往往基于当地安全分支机构提供 通缉 人 员 名单,在检查站实施逮捕。
In addition, soldiers and security agents often carried out arrests at checkpoints on the basis of lists of wanted persons prepared by the local security branch.
2008 和 2009 年期间独联体国家间展开合作,从而调查了 61 000 多起罪行, 逮捕 12 000 多通缉犯,制止 341 个犯罪集团的活动,逮捕 42 名宗教极端主义 组织成员,缴获 6 800 件武器和 10.9 吨以上的麻醉物品,关闭 36 个毒品实验室 和切断 76 条非法移徙通道。
As a result of operations conducted in CIS countries in 2008 and 2009, more than 61,000 crimes had been investigated, over 12,000 wanted persons had been arrested, the activities of 341 criminal groups had been stopped, 42 members of extremist religious organizations had been arrested, 6,800 firearms and more than 10.9 tons of narcotic substances had been seized, 36 drug laboratories had been shut down and 76 channels for illegal migration cut off.
士兵们还击, 打伤 Khalid al-Dik,他随后被送往医院并作为通缉 者 被 军事安全人员逮捕。
The soldiers returned fire, wounding Khalid al-Dik, who was taken to hospital where he was arrested by military security, as a wanted man.
卢旺达指出,与此同时大量国际逮捕 通缉 的 种 族灭 绝嫌疑犯在法国,该法官没有使用普遍管辖权来审理这样的人,而是选择起诉卢 旺达领导人。
Rwanda noted that, in the meantime, a large number of suspects of genocide who were subject of international arrest warrants, were in France; instead of using universal jurisdiction to try such persons, the judge had elected to indict the leadership of Rwanda.
(c) 推动将在逃犯边缘化,采取措施,防止将计划用于人道主义目的或和平 谈判的援助和资金转用于惠益受到逮捕 通缉 的 人 […… ]”(第 48 段)。
(c) Contribute to the marginalization of fugitives and take steps to prevent that aid and funds meant for humanitarian purposes or peace talks are diverted for the benefit of persons subject to an arrest warrant […]” (para. 48).
此次电台广播之 后,一位国家安全部队的朋友向他通告,他遭到了当局 通缉。
Following this radio broadcast, he was informed by a friend in the national security forces that he was wanted by the authorities.
如果通过公开渠道或其他渠道获悉,在古巴可能有外国人或外籍古巴人因参 与恐怖活动或其他犯罪而通缉或被列入名单,则立即开始对这些个人采取侦查 措施(视其责任和参与程度而定),以便将其送上有关法庭。
If it becomes known through public or other channels that there may be aliens or expatriate Cubans in the country who are wanted or listed as being involved in terrorist activity or other crimes, investigative measures are immediately begun against these individuals, depending on their degree of responsibility and participation, in order to bring them before the relevant courts.
我们特别强调同两法庭 合作逮捕被两法通缉的人的义务。
We stress especially the obligation to cooperate with the Tribunals in effecting the arrest of those wanted by the Tribunals.
2.6 1999 年 6 月 9 日,国家人权观察站给受害者家庭寄了一封信,通知他们搜
[...] 寻工作没有结果,安全部门并通缉 Kamel Djebrouni, 也没有逮捕他,这与 [...]
1998 年 9 月 15 日,即听取家人和证人证词后两天,宪兵队提交的笔录是一致 的。
2.6 On 9 June 1999, the National Human Rights Observatory wrote to Kamel Djebrouni’s family informing them that efforts to trace him had failed nor was he
wanted by the security services or been arrested
[...] by them, as indicated in the report [...]
forwarded by the gendarmerie on 15 September
1998, just two days after they had interviewed the family and witness.
国际刑警组织的现有数据库和工具主要包括有色码标志的国际通告以及 国际刑警组织和安全理事会的特别通知,提请世界各地的执法官员注意 通缉的 人 、受联合国制裁的个人和实体的活动、危险物品、遭偷窃和遗失的旅行证件和 其他对国际安全的威胁。
INTERPOL’s available databases and tools include international colour-coded notices as well as the special notices issued by INTERPOL and the Security Council, which alert law enforcement officials worldwide concerning the activities of wanted persons, persons and entities subject to United Nations sanctions, dangerous goods, stolen and lost travel documents and other threats to global security.
国际刑事法 院在提到恩塔甘达时,将其作为卢班加先生的共同主犯之一,此人因据称于 2002-2003
[...] 年在伊图里地区犯下的战争罪而遭到国际刑事法 通缉。
Bosco Ntaganda, who is cited by the Court as one of Mr.
Lubanga’s principal co-perpetrators, is wanted by
[...] the Court for alleged war [...]
crimes committed in the Ituri district in 2002-2003.
风险评估官员注意到,申诉人的名字未出现在伊拉克 通缉 名 单 上。
The PRRA officer observed that the complainant’s name did not appear on the list of most wanted persons in Iraq.
(c) 继续与国际刑警组织加强合作,并进一步使用刑警组织的资源和数据
[...] 库,例如国际通知系统,包括“红 通缉 令 ”、观察清单以及被窃和遗失的旅行 [...]
Continue to enhance cooperation with INTERPOL and increase their use of its resources and databases,
such as its international notice system,
[...] including “red notices”, watch lists, [...]
and its Stolen and Lost Travel and Document database.
我们还欣 见被卢旺达问题国际法通缉的 Bernard Munyagishari 在刚果民主共和国境内被捕。
We also welcome the arrest in the Democratic Republic of the Congo of Bernard Munyagishari, an individual sought by the ITCR.
al-Hattar 先生解释说,他被告知自己被逮捕的原因是“窝 通缉 犯 ”,实 际上,“他自己并不认识那个人,他是一名熟人带到他家中的”。
Mr. al-Hattar explained that the reason that had been given for his arrest was that he had “hosted a wanted person” who, in fact, “was brought to his home by an acquaintance, but not known to him personally”.
先生作为一名普通乘客来到安曼,因为名字 在恐怖分通缉名单 中而被要求离境,并有多个目的地供选择。
asked to leave the country because his name was on a list of wanted terrorists, and given a choice of destination.
缔约 国再次断言,有理由认为向提交人发出 通缉 令 并 不证明他在突尼斯受到追捕。
The State again asserts that it has been found that the wanted notice issued with respect to the author does not prove that he is wanted in Tunisia.
还附了两份通缉令”,表 明他因“颠覆和反叛组织”及“危害国内安全”罪而 通缉 , 并附上了据称是官 方的其他文件,显示当局业已知道他即将被驱逐出境并已下令逮捕他。
He also attaches two “wanted notices”, indicating that he is wanted for “subversion and rebellious organization” and for “endangering [...]
internal security”,
and other supposedly official documents showing that the authorities have been informed of his imminent deportation and have orders to arrest him.
(2007年) ,以表明实际或推测的政治反对派在刚果民主共和国遭到逮捕和酷 刑,被怀疑通缉者的家庭成员有被逮捕、拘留和遭受酷刑的风险。
The complainant cites the United States Department of State Country Report on Human Rights Practices for 2007 to show that
political opponents, whether
[...] actual or only perceived as such, are routinely arrested and tortured in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and that family members of suspected or wanted persons are [...]
at risk of being arrested, detained and tortured.
任意逮捕参与或帮助组织示威的活动人士以及安全部队名单上的人 员;任意逮捕通缉者的家属和熟人,以此进行威吓和报复(第2、第12、第13 和第16条)
(r) Arbitrary arrests of activists who participated or
[...] helped to organize demonstrators and whose names appeared on security forces lists; arbitrary arrests of family and acquaintances of wanted [...]
individuals as a measure
of intimidation and retribution (arts. 2, 12, 13 and 16)
几个会员国继续作出进一步努力,在本国管辖范围内, 将出现在国际刑警组织通缉逃犯 名单上的卢旺达嫌疑人捉拿归案并进行审判。
Several Member States have continued to enhance their efforts to bring
to trial, within their national jurisdictions, the Rwandan suspects appearing on the
[...] INTERPOL list of wanted fugitives.
萨尔瓦多修正了反恐特别法法案,以扩大金融机构的监管义务范围,包括不 仅监视国通缉犯名 单上个人的资产和交易,还监视那些被怀疑或被合理怀疑有 [...]
El Salvador amended its Special Law against Terrorist Acts to enhance the scope of oversight duties conducted by financial institutions to include the monitoring of assets
and transactions not only of persons on
[...] internationally wanted lists but also [...]
of those suspected of or with reasonable
suspicion of having an illicit purpose and whose acts are related to the financing of terrorism.
科索沃特派团协助发 布了 10 个国际刑警组织的红色通告,以期根据第 1244(1999 年)号决议逮捕遭国通缉的犯 罪嫌疑人和将其引渡到科索沃。
UNMIK facilitated the issuance of 10
[...] INTERPOL red notices with a view to the arrest and further extradition to Kosovo under resolution 1244 (1999) of internationally wanted suspects.
塞浦路斯警察总长已发出通知,命令警官避免仅基于嫌疑人或 通缉 者的 特定族裔、种族或其他特点而进行大规模搜查,要缩小范围集中行动,为此要 [...]
The Chief of the Cyprus
[...] Police has, through circulars, given orders to [...]
police officers to avoid conducting wide searches
for suspects or wanted people merely on the basis of their specific ethnic, racial or other characteristics, and to narrow down and focus their operations by collecting more information about the individual.
[...] 年总统选举期间可能发挥过积极作用的申诉人仍旧受 通缉 , 或他可能面临酷刑 或虐待的风险。
7.8 In view of all the information before it, the Committee considers that the material before it does not show that the complainant who may have been active in the
context of 2006 presidential elections is
[...] still a wanted person or that he would [...]
be at risk of torture or ill-treatment.
开展调查的国家司法机关提出的越来越多关 于法律互助的请求,以便能够起诉或引渡在国际 刑警组通缉名单 上出现的卢旺达逃犯”。
of requests for mutual legal assistance from national jurisdictions conducting investigations, with a view to the prosecution or extradition of Rwandan fugitives appearing on the INTERPOL wanted list”.
我国所要求的只是,每个人,特别是利比 亚的邻国,都继续遵守该决议,对利比亚的任何逃犯, 不管是遭国际刑事法院还是遭利比亚司法机 通缉, 都不要向他们提供庇护。
All that my country asks is that everyone, especially Libya’s neighbouring States, continue to comply with the resolution and refrain from providing safe haven for any fugitives from Libya, whether they are wanted by the ICC or the Libyan judiciary.
为打击犯罪并维护公民安全,国家采取了许多行之有效的措施,比如,使用 一种名为“Pele-Police”的通信设备,可以从数据库中查询到检察官、法院等国家 司法机关和行政机关发布通缉、交 通 违 章 以及法院传唤等方面的信息,当场就 可以验证某人是否有案在身。
Operational measures to fight crime and safeguard public safety include the use of communications technology such as the Pele-Police, which is a device that can immediately access a database containing information on a person’s involvement in pending legal cases, including arrest warrants, detention orders and summonses issued by judicial and administrative authorities, such as public prosecutors, judges and magistrates.
2007 年,酷刑问题特别报告员在关于向政府转交的资料包括个人案件和 收 到的答 复 的 摘 要 中列入了一名 寻 找庇护的外国国民 在斯洛伐克遭到拘留的案 件,当 局 决 定 将 其引渡 到 被 以 恐怖主 义 嫌通 缉 的国家。
In 2007, the Special Rapporteur on the question of torture in his summary of information, including individual cases, transmitted to Governments and replies received, included the case of the detention of a foreign national seeking asylum in Slovakia and the decision of the authorities to deport him to his country where he is wanted as a terrorist suspect.




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