

单词 通票

See also:

bank note
amateur performance of Chinese opera
person held for ransom

External sources (not reviewed)

這程序讓通票價可 因應相 關因素( 包括消費物價指數和營辦商成本價格的變動) 依據指定公式作出可 [...]
would allow transport fares to go up or down [...]
in light of relevant factors including consumer price index and transport operators’
input price changes in accordance with a specified formula.
2011年,在印度尼西亚和菲律宾试开办了关于解决现金运送 人及货币和无记名通票据跨 界运输问题的新课程,并计划在2012年全年进一 [...]
A new course on addressing the issues of cash couriers and
the cross-border transportation of cash
[...] and bearer-negotiable instruments was piloted [...]
in Indonesia and the Philippines in
2011, with further training sessions scheduled throughout 2012.
在緊接句號之前加上“;(十八)在高齡津貼方面,將普通高齡津貼及 高額高齡津貼金額上調至每月 1,000 元,並放寬
65 至 69 歲領取高齡 津貼長者的資產審查限額至 20 萬元,以改善貧困長者的生活;(十九) 向居住於偏遠地區的在職貧窮人士提供交通津貼,藉此改善在職貧窮
[...] 及低收入人士的生活;及(二十)向殘疾人士提供公共 通票 價 半價優 惠,或向殘疾人士提供交通津貼,並改善設施,減少對殘疾人士造成 [...]
To add "; (r) in respect of the Old Age Allowance (OAA), increasing the amount of Normal OAA and Higher OAA to $1,000 per month, and relaxing the asset limit of OAA recipients aged 65 to 69 to $200,000, so as to improve the livelihood of the poor elders; (s) providing transport subsidy for the working poor living in remote areas with a view to improving the livelihood of the working poor and people with low
income; and (t)
[...] offering public transport half-fare concessions [...]
to people with disabilities, or providing them with transport subsidy, and improving
facilities in order to reduce the barriers to the disabled" immediately before the full stop.
(20) 經營旅行社及旅遊承包商之業務;促進旅遊業務;提供或安排提供各類方便 遊客及旅客之服務,形式包括通票 、 來 回票、臥卡、膳食、留位、酒店及 住宿、導遊、保管、查詢服務、資料庫、盥洗室、閱讀室、行李運送或其他 [...]
(20) To carry on business as tourist agents and contractors, and to facilitate travelling, and to provide for tourists and travellers, or promote the
provision of conveniences of all
[...] kinds in the way of through tickets, circular tickets, sleeping cars [...]
or berths, meals, reserved
places, hotel and lodging accommodation, guides, safe deposits, inquiry bureaux, libraries, lavatories, reading rooms, baggage transport or otherwise howsoever.
[...] 局須考慮所有相關因素,包括建議使用費水平對公共 通票 價 的影 響,以及有關水平可為各條替代路線帶來的分流效應。
On the proposed toll levels for TSCA, some members expressed the views that the Administration should take all relevant factors into consideration,
including the impacts of the proposed toll
[...] levels on public transport fares as well as the effectiveness [...]
of the proposed toll levels
in achieving traffic diversion among alternative routes.
融资租赁权”系指出租人对租赁协议标的物有形资产(非 通票 据或流通单证)享有的权利,根据租赁协议,在租赁期结束时:(a) [...]
承租人自动成为租赁标的物资产的所有人;(b)承租人最多只需支付 象征性价款即可取得该资产的所有权;或(c)该资产值最多不超过残 余价值
Financial lease right” means a
lessor’s right in tangible asset
[...] (other than a negotiable instrument or negotiable document) [...]
that is the object of a lease agreement
under which, at the end of the lease: (a) the lessee automatically becomes the owner of the asset that is the object of the lease; (b) the lessee acquire ownership of the asset by paying no more than a nominal price; or (c) the asset has no more than residual value
91 除非按上述規定或要求投票表決,及如屬要求投票表決,則並無撤回有關要 求,否則主席宣布布有關決議已獲舉手表決通過或一致通過或獲特定過半票通過或 不通過,並且在載有公司議事程序紀錄的簿冊內亦登載相應的記 項,即為有關事實的確證,而無須證明該項決議所得的贊成票或反對票的數 目或比例。
91 Unless a poll is so required or demanded and, in the latter case, not withdrawn, a declaration by the Chairman that a resolution has on a show of hands been carried, or carried unanimously, or by a particular majority, or lost, and an entry to that effect in the Company's book containing the minutes of proceedings of meetings of the Company shall be conclusive evidence of that fact without proof of the number or proportion of the votes recorded in favour of or against such resolution.
除非正式提出按投票方式表决之要求,而该项要求并无遭撤回,否 则,由主席宣布决议案获通过或一致同意通过或获特定大多 票通 过 或 遭特定大多 数票否决或不获通过,且已记录于本公司会议记录册,将为最终凭证,毋须提出赞 成或反对决议案之票数或比例之记录。
Unless a poll is duly demanded and the demand is not withdrawn, a declaration by the chairman that a resolution has been carried, or carried unanimously, or by a particular majority, or not carried by a particular majority, or lost, and an entry to that effect made in the minute book of the Company, shall be conclusive evidence of the facts without proof of the number or proportion of the votes recorded for or against the resolution.
如为谋求协商一致已尽一切努力但仍未达成 协议,作为最后的方式,该项修正应以出席会议并参加表决的缔约方四分之 三多票通过。
If all efforts at consensus have been exhausted, and no agreement reached, the
amendment shall as a last resort be adopted by four-fifth
[...] majority vote of the Parties present and voting at the meeting.
除非有人要求按股數表決,或除非遵照上市規則及/或任何其他適用法律與法規可能不時規定者按 股數表決,否則主席宣佈決議案在舉手表決中通過、或一致通過,或以特定多 票通 過 、或不通 過,並記錄於股東大會會議記錄冊後,即為確切的事實證據,無須證明贊成或反對該決議案的票 數或比例。
Unless a poll is so demanded or unless a poll is taken as may from time to time be required under the Listing Rules and/or any other applicable laws and regulations, a declaration by the chairman that a resolution has, on a show of hands, been carried, or carried unanimously, or by a particular majority, or lost, and an entry to that effect in the book containing the minutes of the meeting shall be conclusive evidence of the fact, without proof of the number or proportion of the votes recorded in favour of, or against, that resolution.
也是在同一次会议上,应法国代表( 还代表作为理事会成员国的欧洲联盟成 员国 ) 要求,就该决议草案进行了记录表决, 以 3 3 票 对 14 票通过。
Also at the same meeting, at the request of the representative of France (on behalf of States Members of the European Union that are
members of the Council),
[...] a recorded vote was taken on the draft resolution, which was adopted by 33 votes in favour and [...]
14 against.
普通決議案」 指 普通決議案為由有權表決的股東親自或(如股 東為法團)由其正式授權代表或(如允許委任
[...] 代表)受委代表於股東大會(須正式發出不少 於十四(14)個完整日的通告)上以簡單大多票通過的決議案。
Ordinary resolution” a resolution shall be an ordinary resolution when it has been passed by a simple majority of votes cast by such Members as, being entitled so to do, vote in person or, in the case of any Member being a corporation, by its duly authorised representative or, where proxies
are allowed, by proxy at a general meeting of which not less than fourteen
[...] (14) clear days’ Notice has been duly given.
普通決議案須為按照公司細則規定舉行之股東大會上獲親身出席並有權表 決之股東或(倘任何股東為法團)其正式授權代表或(倘准許受委代表及代理人) 受委代表或代理人以簡單大多票通 過 的 決議案。
A resolution shall be an ordinary resolution when it has been passed by a simple majority of the votes cast by such members as, being entitled so to do, vote in person or, in the case of any member being a corporation, by its duly authorised representative or, where proxies and attorneys are allowed, by proxy or by attorney at a general meeting held in accordance with these presents.
特別決議案」 指 具有公司法所賦予的相同涵義,即包括全體股東一 致通過的書面決議案:就此而言,指須由有權出席
及投票的本公司股東在股東大會親自或(若允許委 任代表)受委代表或(若股東為公司)由其正式獲
[...] 授權代表以不少於四分之三大多 票通 過 的決議 案,而指明擬提呈的決議案為特別決議案的有關大 [...]
會通告已發出,並包括根據章程細則第13.12條通 過的特別決議案。
special resolution" shall have the same meaning as ascribed thereto in the Law and shall include an unanimous written resolution of all members: for this purpose, the requisite majority shall be not less than three-fourths of the votes of such members of the Company as, being entitled to do so, vote in person or, where proxies are allowed, by proxy or, in the case of corporations, by their duly
authorised representatives, at a general
[...] meeting of which notice specifying the [...]
intention to propose the resolution as a
special resolution has been duly given and includes a special resolution passed pursuant to Article 13.12.
在 同 一次会议上,加 拿 大 和日本在表决后发言解释票(通过的 案文见 A/HRC/10/L.11,第 10/19 号决议)。
At the same meeting, statements in
[...] explanation of the vote after the vote were made by the representatives of Canada and Japan (for the text as adopted, see A/HRC/10/L.11, [...]
resolution 10/19).
(C) 在有關期間的任何時間內(惟並非其他時間),特別決議案為由 有權表決的該等股東親身或由受受委代表或就法團股東而言, 分別的正式授權代表於已根據細則第 65
[...] 條正式發出通知的股 東大會上以不少於四分之三之大多數股東 票通 過 的 決議案。
(C) At all times during the Relevant Period (but not otherwise) a resolution shall be a Special Resolution when it has been passed by a majority of not less than three-fourths of the votes cast by such shareholders as, being entitled so to do, vote in person or by proxy or, in the cases of shareholders which are corporations, by their respective
duly authorised representatives at a general
[...] meeting of which Notice has been duly [...]
given in accordance with Article 65.
3.4 任何薪酬委員會會議的決議案應由出席會議簡單大多數的成員 票通 過。
3.4 Resolutions of the Remuneration Committee at any meetings shall be passed by a
[...] simple majority of votes of the Members [...]
普通決議案」  指  須由有權出席及投票之本公司股東在根據此等章程細 則規定舉行之股東大會上親身或(若容許委派代表)
[...] 委派代表或(若股東為公司)其正式獲授權代表以簡 單多票通過之 決議案,亦包括根據章程細則第 [...]
13.11 條通過之普通決議案。
ordinary resolution" shall mean a resolution passed by a simple majority of the votes of such members of the Company as, being entitled to do so, vote in person or, where proxies are allowed, by proxy or, in the case of corporations, by their duly authorised representatives, at a
general meeting held in accordance with these Articles
[...] and includes an ordinary resolution [...]
passed pursuant to Article 13.11.
224 倘本公司於香港清盤,本公司當時不在香港的各股東,須在本公司自願清盤 的有效決議通過後或本公司清盤令發出後 14 日內,向本公司發出書面通知 委任於香港居住的某位人士(列明該人士的全名、地址及職業)接收有關本 公司清盤或因此而可能發出的所有 票 、 通 知 、法律程序文件、頒令及判 決;若未能作出該等任命,則本公司清盤人應代表該等股東自行委任任何人 士,而向該等獲委任人士(無論是經由股東或清盤人委任)所送達的任何文 件,就所有目的而言均須視為親身有效送達該股東。
222 If the Company shall be wound up (whether the liquidation is voluntary, under supervision or by the court) the liquidator may, with the authority of a special resolution of the Company and any other sanction required by the Law divide among the members in specie or kind the whole or any part of the assets of the Company (whether the assets shall consist of property of one kind or shall consist of properties of different kinds) and may for such purpose set such value as he deems fair upon any property to be divided and may determine how such division shall be carried out as between the members or different classes of members.
在 10 月 31 日第 22 次会议上,委员会进行记录表决,以 172 票对 0 票通过 了决议草案 A/C.1/63/L.35(见第 86 段,决议草案二十一)。
At its 22nd meeting, on 31 October, the
[...] Committee adopted draft resolution A/C.1/63/L.35 by a recorded vote of 172 to none [...]
(see para. 86, draft resolution XXI).
(h) 特別決議案為由有權表決的股東親身或(如股東為公司)由其等各自的正 式授權代表或(如允許委任代表)受委代表於按細則第59條發出通知的股 東大會上以不少於四分之三的多 票通 過 的決議案; (i) 普通決議案為由有權表決的股東親身或(如股東為公司)由其正式授權代 表或(如允許委任代表)受委代表於於按細則第59條發出通知的股東大會 上以簡單大多數票通過的決議案
(h) a resolution shall be a special resolution when it has been passed by a majority of not less than three-fourths of
votes cast by
[...] such Members as, being entitled so to do, vote in person or, in the case of such Members as are corporations, by their respective duly authorised representative or, where proxies are allowed, by proxy at a general meeting of which Notice has been duly given in accordance with Bye-law 59
3.5 於任何會議提呈之審核委員會決議案,須經由出席成員以大多 票通 過。
3.5 Resolutions of the Audit Committee at any meetings shall be passed
[...] by a majority of votes of the Members present.
[...] 完全適當的方式,行使本公司所持有或擁有任何其他公司股份 所具有的或可由該等公司董事會成員行使的投票權,包括票 通過任何決議案贊成委任董事或任何董事為該等其他公司的董 事或高級職員、或投票贊成或撥款支付該等其他公司的董事或 [...]
Subject to the provisions of these Bye-laws, a Director may also exercise the voting power conferred by the shares in any other company held or owned by the Company or exercisable by a member of the board of directors of such company in
such manner in all respects as
[...] he thinks fit, including the exercise thereof in favour of any resolution [...]
appointing the Directors
to be a director or officer or employee of such other company, or voting or providing for the payment of remuneration to him as a director or officer or employee of such other company.
二、 修正案须经出席缔约国大会并参加表决的缔约国三分之二多 票通 过。
Amendments shall be adopted by the Conference of Parties with a two-thirds majority of States
[...] Parties present and voting.
主席明确指出,会议使用的工作文件将是 2007年3月举行的第二次政府间专家会议票通过的宣言草案本。
The Chairperson said that the working document
of the meeting was the text of the draft
[...] declaration adopted by vote at the second [...]
session of the intergovernmental meeting
of experts, held in March 2007.
另一方面,有些国家自然希望避免在联合国内在国家安全问题上实行多票 通过带来的风险。
On the other hand, it is only natural that some
countries should want to avoid the risk
[...] posed by a majority vote within the United [...]
Nations on problems of national security.
2008 年,厄瓜多尔经由全民票通过了 一项保障人权的《宪法》,这项宪法 保留了以前各项宪法在这方面的优点,可是在监督和保护人权和基本自由方面, [...]
In 2008, Ecuador adopted by referendum a new Constitution [...]
guaranteeing human rights that retains the virtues of prior Constitutions
in that area but is even more ambitious in the monitoring and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms.
(C) 在有關期間(惟並非其他時間)任何時間內,特別決議案為由有權表 決的該等股東親身或委派受委代表或(倘股東為法團)由彼等各自正 式授權的公司代表於股東大會上以不少於四分之三的大多 票通 過的決議案,大會通告須於不少於二十一(21)日前發出,當中載有(不影 響本細則內所載作出相關修訂的權力)正式獲授擬提呈決議案作為特 別決議案的通告。
(C) At all times during the Relevant Period (but not otherwise) a resolution shall be a Special Resolution when it has been passed by a majority of not less than three-fourths of the votes cast by such shareholders as, being entitled so to do, vote in person or by proxy or, in the cases of shareholders which are corporations, by their respective duly authorised representatives at a general meeting of which not less than twenty-one (21) days’ notice, specifying (without prejudice to the power contained in these presents to amend the same) the intention to propose the resolution as a special resolution, has been duly given.
封锁还影响到教科文组织哈瓦那办事处的运作,致使教科文组织必须为购买票、通信等 支付额外费用。工作人员及其家属个人也受到影响,例如在银行转 [...]
The embargo also impacts on the operations of the UNESCO office in Havana,
resulting in additional costs for
[...] the organization in tickets, communications, etc. Staff and [...]
their families are also affected
personally, for example with regard to bank transfers and international communications.
他说,该集团赞赏咨询委员会快速高效地就所涉 的方案预算问题的说明编写委员会现已收到的报告。 该集团关切地注意到,经口头修订的决议草案 A/C.3/65/L.60
[...] 所涉方案预算问题的说明,是在第三 委员会以绝大多票通过该 决议草案三周后才提出 的。
The Group noted with concern that the statement of programme budget implications of draft resolution A/C.3/65/L.60, as orally
revised, had been introduced three weeks after the Third
[...] Committee had adopted the draft resolution [...]
by a resounding majority.




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