

单词 通知期

See also:

通知 n

notices pl
notifications pl

External sources (not reviewed)

若对方便技术执行委员会工作至关重 要,则主席和副主席可决定缩 通知期 限。
Where it is essential to facilitate the work of the TEC, the Chair and the Vice-Chair may decide
[...] to shorten the notification period.
在第二个阶段,秘书处将以书面形式告知,在三个 通知期 限到期后,秘书处将采取必要的法律措施来执行出租合同中有关退回办公室的规定。
In the second phase, the
[...] Secretariat would inform them in writing that, upon expiry of a three-month notice period, it would implement [...]
the necessary
legal measures to apply the provisions of the rental contract relating to the return of the offices.
第 12.44 及 12.45 段更特別 指出:假通知期內遇 上法定假期,及/或因上市發行人指定將代表委任表 [...]
格提交到非香港的地址而令中央結算及交收系統 (CCASS) 或託管人將收取 表決指示的限期推前,則投資者未必有足夠時間作出回應。
In particular, as highlighted in paragraphs 12.44 and 12.45
of the CCP, where statutory holidays fall
[...] within the notice period and/or the deadline [...]
for receipt of voting instructions
by Central Clearing and Settlement System (CCASS) or the custodian is earlier than usual because the listed issuer has stipulated an address outside Hong Kong for the lodging of proxies, investors may not have sufficient time to respond.
a. 該人士為由董事推薦;或 b.
[...] 合資格出席大會及於會上投票並持有本公司已發行股本百分之十(10%)或 以上之股東(候選人除外)可書面通知表示有意提名該人士參選,且被提名 者亦書面通知表示願意參選,並將有關通知遞交本公司,惟最短 通知期不 得少於七天,而遞交該通知的期限 , 為發出進行選舉的股東大會通告日期 翌日直至股東大會舉行日期前不少於七天的任何日期。
a. he/she is recommended by the Directors; or b. notice in writing by a member (other than the person to be proposed) holding 10% or more of the issued share capital of the Company duly qualified to attend and vote at the meeting of the intention to propose that person for election as a Director and notice in writing by that person of his willingness to be elected shall have been given to the Company and
provided that the
[...] minimum length of the period, during which such notices may be given, shall be at least seven days and that the period for lodgement of such notices shall commence [...]
no earlier than the day
after the despatch of the notice of the general meeting appointed for suc h election and end no later than seven days prior to the date of such general meeting.
(b) 倘以下人士同意,即使本公司大會以少於本 條細則(a)段所通知期召開 ,其亦將視為已 正式召開
(b) Notwithstanding that a meeting of the Company is called by shorter notice than that referred to in paragraph (a) hereof, it shall be deemed to have been duly called if it is so agreed
一旦法通知期限到期,在考虑了价格建 议、产品质量和可预见的维护费用并做出选择之后,工程立即启动。
The works will start as soon
[...] as the legal notice period has expired, following [...]
a selection taking account of the price proposals,
the quality of the products and the foreseeable maintenance costs.
上市規則》亦載有條文,將上 通知期 規 定的適用範圍擴大至在百慕達及 開曼群島註冊成立的上市發行人,規定這些發行人的組織章程文件須納入上 [...]
The Rules contain provisions which extend the same
[...] requirements for notice periods to listed issuers [...]
incorporated in Bermuda and the Cayman
Islands by requiring that they incorporate such provisions into their constitutional documents.
董事會可隨時於向有關股東作出不少於一個月通知註明其意向後, 付還據此預繳之股款,除非通知期 屆 滿 前,有關預繳股款已就有關預繳股款之股 份到期應付。
The Board may at any time repay the amount so advanced upon giving to such member not less than one month's notice in writing of
their intention in that behalf,
[...] unless before the expiration of such notice the amount [...]
so advanced shall have been called
up on the shares in respect of which it was advanced.
[...] 在香港,仍有權在該地址收取通知,但本公司不會因本段而有義務給予任何董事相對於他若身在 香港該地址則有權獲得者較長 通知期。
If a Director notifies the Company in writing of an address in Hong Kong at which notice of meetings of the Directors is to be given to him when he is absent from Hong Kong, he shall, if so absent, be entitled to have notice given to him at that address; but the Company shall not be obliged by virtue of this paragraph to give any
Director a longer period of notice than he would have been
[...] entitled to had he been present [...]
in Hong Kong at that address.
(a) 除非委員會全體成員同意,委員會的會 通知期 , 不應少於十四天。
(a) Unless otherwise agreed by all the Committee members, a meeting shall be convened by
[...] at least fourteen (14) days’ notice.
除 於 大 會 上 卸 任 之 董 事 外 , 除 非 任 何 人 士 獲 得 董 事 提 名 參 選 , 否 則 概 無 人 士 符 合 資 格 於 任 何 股 東 大 會 膺 選 為 董 事 , 惟 以 下 情 況 除 外 : 經 獲 正 式 合 資 格 出 席 及 於 會 上 投 票 之 股 東 ( 獲 建 議 參 選 人 士 除 外 ) 簽 署 的 通 知 , 表 明 有 意 提 名 該 名 人 士 參 選 , 而 獲 提 名 之 人 士 亦 簽 署 通 知 表 明 其 參 選 意
願 , 提 交 至 辦 事 處 或 總
[...] 辦 事 處 , 且 在 該 通 知 提 交 後 已 給 予 本 公 司 最 少 七 (7) 天 之 最通 知 期 ,( 倘 通 告 於 有 關 該 選 舉 董 事 之 股 東 大 會 通 知 寄 發 後 提 交 ) 提 交 該 ( 等通 知 之 期 限 應 由 不 早 於 寄 發 該 選 舉 董 事 之 股 東 大 會 通 知 翌 日 起 至 不 遲 [...]
於 該 股 東 大 會 指 定 舉 行
日 期 前 七 (7) 天 止 。
88. No person other than a Director retiring at the meeting shall, unless recommended by the Directors for election, be eligible for election as a Director at any general meeting unless a Notice signed by a Member (other than the person proposed) duly qualified to attend and vote at the meeting for which such Notice is give of his intention to propose such person for election and also a Notice signed by the person to be proposed of his willingness to be elected shall be lodged at the Office or at the head office provided that the minimum length of the period, during which such Notice(s) are given, shall be at
least seven (7) days and that
[...] (if the Notice(s) are submitted after the dispatch of the notice of the general meeting appointed for such election) the period for lodgement of such Notice(s) shall commence on the day [...]
the dispatch of the notice of the general meeting appointed for such election and end no less than seven (7) days prior to the date of such general meeting.
通知期不包括遞交當日或視作遞交之日及發 出當日,而通告須列明會議地點、日期及時間,及如為特別事項,則須列明該事項的 一般性質,及須按照本公司根據該等公司細則在股東特別大會上向有關有權向本公司 收取通告的有關人士規定的下述方式或有關其他方式(如有)發出,惟在法規條文的 規限下,儘管本公司會議的開 通知期 少 於 本公司細則所規定者,在下列情況下獲得 同意時,有關會議仍視作已正式召開
The notice shall be exclusive of the day on which it is served or deemed to be served and of the day for which it is given, and shall specify the place, the day and the hour of meeting and, in case of special business, the general nature of that business, and shall be given, in manner hereinafter mentioned or in such other manner, if any, as may be prescribed by the Company in general meeting, to such persons as are, under these Bye-laws, entitled to receive such notices from the Company, provided that subject to the provisions of the Statutes, a meeting of the Company shall notwithstanding that it is called by shorter notice than that [...]
specified in this Bye-law
be deemed to have been duly called if it is so agreed
電傳或電報方式傳至該名董事不時向本公司知會之地址或電話、傳真或電傳號碼,或以董 事會可能不時釐定、指定證券交易所接納及上市規則所會許可之方式,惟通告不必向當時
[...] 不在香港之任何董事或替任董事發出,而不論接獲通告之長短,董事出席大會須視為該董 事豁免會議通告所需通知期。
The notice may either be given in writing or by telephone or by facsimile, telex or telegram at the address or telephone, facsimile or telex number from time to time notified to the Company by such Director or in such other manner as the Board may from time to time determine, as may be accepted by the Designated Stock Exchange and permitted under the Listing Rules, provided that notice need not be given to any Director or alternate Director for the time being absent from Hong Kong and irrespective of the length of notice being given, a Director’s
attendance at the meeting shall be deemed to be a waiver
[...] of the requisite length of notice of the meeting [...]
by the Director.
淨日」 指任何會議或其他事項通知期間, 該期間不包括發出通知或 視為發通知日期及發 出之日期或生效日期。
clear days” in relation to the period of a notice for any meeting or otherwise that period excluding the day when [...]
the notice is given or deemed
to be given and the day for which it is given or on which it is to take effect.
7.2 倘若閣下的會員八達通具有個人八達通服務,或閣下是自動增值服務使用者,當閣下的 會員八達通遺失或失竊了,除了可使用由八達通卡有限公司根據八達通發卡條款提供的
[...] 失卡服務外,閣下可如發卡條款所述,致電八達通日日賞客戶服務熱線3690 1313,補通知期後任何剩餘的日日賞$。
7.2 If your Membership Octopus is provided with Personalised Octopus service or you are a user of the Automatic Add Value Service and your Membership Octopus is lost or stolen, in addition to the lost Octopus service provided by OCL as described in the Conditions of Issue, you will be
able to recover any remaining
[...] Reward$ after the Notification Period as described in the [...]
Conditions of Issue by calling Octopus
Rewards Customer Service Hotline at 3690 1313.
还要求核准把具体职 位空通知期间从 60 天减为 30 天。
Approval was also sought for a
[...] reduction in the period of circulation of specific vacancy announcements from 60 days [...]
to 30 days.
於上通知期滿後 ,所有尚未行使之認股 權證將自動註銷。
On expiry of such notice, all unexercised [...]
Warrant(s) will be automatically cancelled.
可以通过一方当事人的预先通 知(在特定通知期限内)终止,或通过一 方当事人的预先通知(如果另一方当事人严 重违约或者因为某种原因雇佣不能继续)终 止。
An employment agreement may be terminated upon mutual
agreement of both
[...] parties (at any time and regardless of the type of contract), by one of the parties upon prior notice (at the end [...]
of a specified notice
period), or by one of the parties without prior notice (if a serious breach on the side of the other party occurs or if employment cannot be continued for certain reasons).
通知期不包 括送達或視為送達通知當日,亦不包括發出通知當日, [...]
而通知須指明大會舉行地點、日期及時間,如有特別事務,則須指明該 事務的一般性質。
The notice shall be exclusive [...]
of the day on which it is served or deemed to be served and of the day for which it is given,
and shall specify the place, the day and the hour of meeting and, in case of special business, the general nature of that business.
[...] 股東大會上訂明的其他方式(如有),發給根據細則有權自本公司接收該等通告的 人士,惟在公司法的條文規限下,即使召開 通知期 短 於本條細則指明 通知期, 本 公司的會議在下述情況得視為已妥為召開
Subject to the foregoing Bye-Law, the notice of every general meeting shall be given in manner hereinafter mentioned or in such other manner, if any, as may be prescribed by the Company in general meeting to such persons as are under the Bye-Laws entitled to receive such notices from the Company Provided that subject to the provisions of the Act a meeting of
the Company shall,
[...] notwithstanding that it is called by shorter notice than that specified in this [...]
Article, be deemed to have
been duly called if it is so agreed
修改与内部组织模式相关的法定条例,尤其是:行政委员会的构成、成员加 入方式、召开全体大会通知期限以 及社会储备基金流动资金。
Amendments to the internal organizational rules, including: the composition of
the board of directors; the procedures for
[...] membership; the time needed to convene [...]
meetings; and the availability of welfare funds.
就 貴 公 司 而 言 , 周 先 生通 知 期 內 離 職 須 支 付 最 少 六 個 [...]
月 薪 金 , 或 900,000 港 元 ( 此 乃 倘 不 訂 立 服 務 協 議 , 貴 公 司 將 須 承 擔 之 成 本 )。
The effects to the Company for Mr.
[...] Chow serving his notice period would be a minimum [...]
of 6 months’ salaries, or HK$900,000,
which is a cost that the Company will have to bear if the Service Agreement is not entered into.
概無董事與本公司或其任何附屬公司訂立年期可能超過3年之服務合約,或本公司須給予1年以上 通知期 或 支 付相等於 1年以上酬金之賠償或其他付款以終止該合約之服務合約。
No director has a service contract with the Company or any of its subsidiaries which is for a duration that may exceed 3 years or which requires the
Company to, in order to terminate such
[...] contract, give a notice period of more than 1 year [...]
or pay compensation or make other
payments equivalent to more than 1 year’s emoluments.
为使终 止通知具有法律效力,即将被解雇的雇员必须 通知期 开 始 前收 到通知。
In order for the termination notice to be legally valid, the person to be dismissed must
[...] receive it before the notice period begins.
对较大型公司而言,建议公司提供包含最重要雇佣条款的员 工手册,因为雇佣合同本身仅包含工资 通知期 限 的 条款以及特 别条款(如竞业禁止条款)。
In larger companies, it is recommended to have an employee handbook containing the most important employment provisions, as the
employment contract itself only contains
[...] provisions on wages, notice period and special terms [...]
(e.g. non-competition clause).
客户者,本身的申请人包括但不限于客户的身份,其业务的性质,作用的性质,在工作类型要执行,生效日期,将可能持续时间,时间空缺足够的细节工作地点,薪酬,支付和福利的时间间隔,和所需 通知期 给 予 和接收。
The Client shall provide sufficient details about itself and the vacancy to applicants including without limitation the Client's identity, the nature of its business, the nature of the role, the type of work to be performed, the commencement date, the likely duration, the hours of work, the
location, the remuneration, the intervals of payment and
[...] benefits, and the notice periods required to be given [...]
and received.
应更新及强化补充协议及其附件,明确 IAEA 调查潜在武器化活动的权利, 包括对核军民两用品增加确定特指范围、报告出口拒绝、缩 通知期 以 及约 谈特定人员的权利。
The Additional Protocol and its annexes should be updated and strengthened to make clear the IAEA’s right to investigate possible weaponization activity, and by adding specific reference
to dual-use items, reporting on export
[...] denials, shorter notice periods and the right to interview specific individuals.
除非已作出 催繳,否則在任何催繳之前已預付之款項不會賦予成員任何權利收取任何 股息或就催繳之前已由成員預付之股款或適當部份股款而賦予成員任何權 利或特權。董事會可在給予該名成員不少於一個月之書面通知後隨時償還 上述預繳款項,除非在通知期滿之 前預繳款項所涉及之股份已被催繳股 款。
The Board may at any time repay the amount so advanced upon giving to such member not less than one month’s notice in writing of their intention in that behalf, unless before the expiration of such notice the amount so advanced shall have been called up on the shares in respect of which it was advanced.
监督虽遭受到比以往更多的限制(7天 提通知期,不是原先的 24 小时提通知期) ,然 而,这仍是准随机性的监督, 因为一旦得到当局的批准,监督人员即可选择任何想巡查的地点,不必事先向当 局通报所有的详情。
While the monitoring is more constrained than in the past (7 days’ notice rather than the previous 24-hour notice), it is still quasi-random, as once permission is given by the authorities monitors can choose where to visit without having to inform the authorities of all the details.
15.4 縱使股東會召開通知期間較 本章程所定期間短,如經全體得出席年度股東會或股東 臨時會之股東同意(依其情形適用之),該股東會視為經合法召開。
15.4 A general meeting of the Company shall, notwithstanding that it is called on shorter notice than that specified in these Articles, be deemed to have been properly called if it is so agreed by all the Members entitled to attend an annual general meeting or an extraordinary general meeting (as the case may be).




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