

单词 通盘

通盘 ()

across the board

See also:

make over
classifier for coils of wire
classifier for food: dish, helping
transfer (property)
classifier for games of chess

External sources (not reviewed)

因 此,必通盘考虑 和安排各项行动,以便在这段时期内使各方面的工作能得到如期的合理安排。
Thus, it is imperative that actions be combined in a coherent system so as to provide the desired balance between the different dimensions over time.
还有与会者建议,由于应通盘考虑构成“外国程序”的所有要素, 可将该点意见列入有关第 2(a)条的段落。
It was also suggested that since all of the elements of what constituted a “foreign proceeding” should be considered as a whole, that point might be included in the paragraphs on article 2(a).
副高级专员还表示,他希望年底举行一次关于现时区域化进程情况通盘审议 会,而后将与执行委员会分享上 通盘 审 查 的结果。
The Deputy High Commissioner
[...] also indicated that he hoped to have the stocktaking review on the regionalization process ready [...]
by the end
of the year, after which it would be shared with the Executive Committee.
七个预算编次以百分比计算的减少额最大-所涉领域为政治事务 (8.4%)、通盘决策 、领导和协调(5.2%)和新闻(3.0%)。
Seven parts of the budget reflect decreases, with the largest reductions in percentage terms being in the areas of political affairs (8.4 per cent), overall policymaking, direction and coordination (5.2 per cent) and public information (3.0 per cent).
该处将对这两个司的管理、所有主题组合和外地办事处网络提 通盘支 助
The Branch will provide cross-cutting support across the two divisions’ management, all thematic clusters and the field office network.
行政和预算问题 咨询委员会在关于 2008-2009 两年期拟议方案预算第一次报告(A/62/7)第 20 段 中建议,凡是提出新的提议,均应说明员额的滞后影响。有鉴于此,大会不妨注 意到,拟议的 27 个新员额在 2012-2013 两年期按全额费用计算的所需增加经费 目前估计为 7 709 400 美元,包括第 1 款(通盘决策 、领导和协调)下 3 612 000 美元,第 8 款(法律事务)下 2 184 300 美元,第 28 C 款(人力资源管理厅)下 910 800 美元和第 35 款(工作人员薪金税)下 1 002 300 美元,最后一笔由收入第 1 款(工作人员薪金税收入)下的同等数额抵销。
Given that the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions in paragraph 20 of its first report on the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2008-2009 (A/62/7) recommended that information on the delayed impact of posts should be reflected in any new proposals, the Assembly may wish to note that the additional requirements for the full costing of the proposed 27 new posts in the biennium 2012-2013 are currently estimated at $7,709,400 under section 1, Overall policymaking, direction and coordination $3,612,000, section 8, Legal affairs $2,184,300, section 28C, Office of Human Resources Management $910,800, and section 35, Staff assessment $1,002,300, to be offset by an equivalent amount under Income section 1, Income from staff assessment.
为方便行政管理起见,该股将设在业务司司长 办公室之内,但将为两个司的管理提 通盘 支 助
The Unit will be placed for administrative purposes under the
Office of the Director, Division for Operations, but will
[...] provide cross-cutting support across [...]
both divisions’ management.
用此种方通盘考虑采购系统,将有助于发展采购系统的运作能力——这 是一个重要问题,因为《示范法》预期采购官员在整个采购过程中行使的裁量 权将非常有限,无论是资格、响应性和评审标准的制定,还是采购方法(以及 某些情况下的招标方式)的选择。
Addressing the procurement system in such a holistic manner will assist in developing the capacity to operate it, an important issue as the Model Law envisages that procurement officials will exercise limited discretion throughout the procurement process, such as in designing qualification, responsiveness and evaluation criteria and in selecting the procurement method (and manner of solicitation in some cases).
通盘改变可能产生秘书长报告 (A/66/340)中没有适当论及的不利影响, 包括对委 员会审议各项提议产生不利影响。
Wholesale changes might have adverse implications that were not adequately addressed in the Secretary-General’s report (A/66/340), including for the Fifth Committee’s consideration of proposals.
铭记关于移徙问题的各项政策和举措,包括涉及对移徙进行有序管理的政策 和举措,应当倡导采通盘做法 ,要考虑到这一现象的原因及后果,同时应充分 尊重移徙者的人权和基本自由
Bearing in mind that policies and initiatives on the issue of migration, including those that refer to the orderly management of migration, should promote holistic approaches that take into account the causes and consequences of the phenomenon, as well as full respect for the human rights and fundamental freedoms of migrants
安全理事会确认,预防冲突的战略应该 通盘 方 式 着眼于武装冲突的 根源以及政治和社会危机,包括推动可持续发展、消除贫穷、全国和解、善 治、民主、性别平等、结束有罪不罚局面、法治以及尊重和保护人权。
The Security Council recognizes that conflict prevention strategies should address the root causes of armed conflict, and political and social crises in a comprehensive manner, including by promoting sustainable development, poverty eradication, national reconciliation, good governance, democracy, gender equality, end of impunity, rule of law, and respect for and protection of human rights.
在联合国最不发达国家、内陆 发展中国家和小岛屿发展中国家高级代表办事处 通盘 协 调 下,联合国各基金、 方案和机构应当充分融入支援最不发达国家的国际框架,并应制定具体针对最不 发达国家的方案。
United Nations funds, programmes and agencies, under the overall coordination of the Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States, should be fully integrated into the international framework in support of the least developed countries and should develop least developed country-specific programmes.
职权范围具体规定,实施情况审议组的职能是,对审议进程进通盘审议 ,以找出这方面的挑战和良好做法,并审议技术援助需求,以便确保 公约的有效实施。
In the terms of reference it is specified that the functions of the Implementation Review Group shall be to have an overview of the review process in order to identify challenges and good practices, as well as to consider technical assistance requirements in order to ensure effective implementation of the Convention.
报告最后提通盘政治 解决危机的意见和建议。
The report concludes with observations and
[...] recommendations on an overall political solution [...]
to the crisis.
[...] 道主义事务副秘书长约翰·霍姆斯将访问加沙, 开始对紧急需求通盘评估 ,重点评估紧急人道 主义优先需求,其中包括医疗、粮食、住所、废 [...]
墟清理、未爆弹药和可能布设的地雷问题、电力、 现钞、水和卫生设备等。
Tomorrow, Special Coordinator Robert [...]
Serry and Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs John Holmes will visit Gaza
to begin an urgent needs assessment focusing on immediate humanitarian priorities across the board.
(d) 通盘审查其负责的该部领导的行动所需业务资源,与预算有关的特 别政策和技术支持仍分别由管理事务部和外勤支助部特别职能领域负责。
(d) Conducting the integrated review of the operational [...]
resource requirements for Department-led operations under their
purview, while responsibility for specialized policy and technical support related to the budget remains with the specialized functional areas in the Department of Management and the Department of Field Support, respectively.
我们呼吁通盘整合 的方式对待可持续发展,引导人类与自然和谐共存,努 力恢复地球生态系统的健康和完整性。
We call for holistic and integrated approaches to sustainable development that will guide humanity to live in harmony with nature and lead to efforts to restore the health and integrity of the Earth’s ecosystem.
因此,根据第 1 款通盘决策,领导和协调,2010-2011 两年期方案预算将 维持目前的批款数额。
As a result, the current appropriation under section 1, Overall policymaking, direction and coordination, of the programme budget for the biennium 2010-2011 would be maintained.
副秘书长负责对该部执行其任务规定及核定工作方案进 通盘 行 政 领导、监 督和管理;副秘书长也是发展账户的方案主管,对发展账户的有效管理承担问责。
The Under-Secretary-General is responsible for overall executive direction, supervision and management of the Department in implementing its mandates and approved programme of work; the Under-Secretary-General is also the programme manager of the Development Account, and is held accountable for its effective management.
小组委员会的任务是广泛通盘审议服务的税务处理问题,包括相关的 方面和问题。
The Subcommittee is mandated to address the issue of the taxation treatment of services in general in a broad way including related aspects and issues.
所 有国家和国际对话者都强调,鉴于伊斯兰马格里布基地组织在整个区域的流动性 极强,必须采通盘的区 域方式打击恐怖主义。
All national and international interlocutors stressed the need for a holistic and regional approach to combat terrorism in the face of the extreme mobility of Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb across the region.
我们意识到,联合国森林论坛成员普及,任务全面, 通盘 和 综 合地处 理与森林有关的问题以及在促进实现可持续森林管理的国际政策协调与合作方 面,发挥着至关重要的作用。
We recognize that the United Nations Forum on Forests, with its universal membership and comprehensive mandate, plays a vital role in addressing forestrelated issues in a holistic and integrated manner and promoting international policy coordination and cooperation to achieve sustainable forest management.
委员会还确定了需要进一步讨论的条约政策问题,并责成一个小组委员会广 泛通盘审议如何处理服务税务的问题,包括所有相关的方面和问题。
The Committee also identified treaty policy issues that required further work, and it mandated one of its subcommittees to address the issue of the taxation treatment of services in general and in a broad manner, including all related aspects and issues.
加强协调,特别是国内访问和优先问题的跨任通盘协调 ,与提高特别程序系统的知名度和人权的主流化一样,仍然是来年的一 个主要目标。
The strengthening of coordination, notably with regard to country visits and priority issues across mandates, remained a principal objective for the coming year, as did raising the visibility of the system of special procedures and mainstreaming human rights.
确实应当对安理会的程序进通盘审 查 ,但是,主席先生,为了与文件和其他程序问题 非正式工作组达成一致意见,我们鼓励你确定一份 [...]
简短的执行工作优先领域清单,这将成为今后安理 会主席国要推动的责任。
It is right
[...] that the Council’s procedures as a whole should be reviewed, but [...]
we would encourage you, Mr. President, to identify
for agreement by the Informal Working Group on Documentation and Other Procedural Questions a short list of priority areas for implementation, which it would be the responsibility of future presidencies to take forward.
虽然欢迎《国家保护人权行动计划》的制定,委员会仍对缺乏一个专门针 对《公约》实施问题的系统通盘战 略 表示关切。
While welcoming the establishment of the National Action Plan on Protection of Human Rights, the Committee remains concerned at the absence of a comprehensive and well-structured strategy that specifically addresses the implementation of the Convention.
当硬盘停用时,这些盘通常只 消耗3W-5W – 相 应节省75%-85% [...]
When spun down,
[...] such drives typically use a total [...]
of 3W-5W – a relative savings of 75%-85% depending on the drive.
硬盘暴露于 55°C(也就是 131°F)以上的高温条件下时,可靠性会受到影响。如果对系统通风能力或硬盘环境温度心存疑虑,请为硬盘托盘或系统箱体添加额外的冷却风扇,以加强 盘通 风。
Reliability will be compromised when the drive is exposed to temperatures above 55°C or 131°F. When in doubt of your system's ventilation capabilities, or ambient environment of your hard disk, add an extra cooling fan to the drive bay or system case to force air across the drive.




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