

单词 逗人喜爱

See also:

喜爱 v

love v
like v
care v

喜爱 adj

favourite adj
fond adj

爱人 n

husband n
wife n
spouse n

External sources (not reviewed)

逗樂了,其人不這樣做,喜歡叫 他“令人難以置信的手錶一個製表工匠”,提出在BRM陀飛輪2008年巴塞爾鐘錶展黯淡的挑戰。
Amused by the challenges, dimmed by those
others do not, this craftsman of
[...] watchmaking with the one he likes to call his "incredible watch," [...]
presented at the BRM Tourbillon Basel Fair 2008.
尽管 逝世近百年,J.凡尔纳仍然受到全世 人 民 的 喜爱。
Almost a
[...] century after his death Jules Verne [...]
is still popular throughout the world.
也是著名的Paris-Plage的绰号,勒图凯的一直是巴 人喜爱 的 目 的地,因为在20世纪的活动,如网球,骑马和高尔夫可用。
Also famous and having the nickname of Paris-Plage, le
[...] Touquet has been a favourite destination for the [...]
Parisians since the 20th century with
activities such as tennis, riding and golf available.
内销车今年已新款自行车为主,提高了我们整车的质量和档次,展会期间也深受国美外客户的问津 喜爱 , 外 销以菜篮车和木箱车为主,在为期4天的展会期间,客户 人 流 量 因国际经济形势的影响大不如前,但是我们的外销车仍旧吸引了众多国外客户,他们对我们的CARGO [...]
Domestic car this year has been the new bike, improve our truckload quality and grades, during the
exhibition but also
[...] by the United States and foreign customers attention and love, for export to the features and wooden cars, over a period [...]
of 4 days, the customer
flow is due to the influence of international economic situation as before, but we export the car still attracted a large number of foreign customers, to our CARGO BIKE, features and kiddie car are very interested, with customers directly in the exhibition place an order, there are a lot of customers to negotiate very pleasant, leaving detailed contact, we show that immediately after the pricing, and to the company site visits after place an order; at the same time, this exhibition we also visited peer learning advanced technology and culture connotation, this exhibition to our all the exhibitors and the company's development has the very vital role.
原本路线的起点有一座香味四溢的糖果工厂,许 人 也 喜 欢 逗 留 在 那里。
It can be hard tearing yourself away from the fabulous smell of the sweet factory at the start of the route, but it’s worth heading down to the shoreline trail and on to the historic barracks area.
主席,除了會議廳外,這幢大樓內我 喜 歡 逗 留 的 地方,便是二 樓室外泰美斯女神眼下的位置,因為那個地方可以提醒我們,女神蒙 着雙眼是要求我們在處事、判別是非時,不管相 人 士 是 誰、屬於甚 麼黨派,甚麼是對、甚麼是錯人間 最 重是非心。
President, besides this Chamber, I also like lingering around the outdoor area on the second floor, which is right below the eyes of Goddess Themis, because the area can remind us that the blind-folding of the goddess symbolizes that we are required to deal with matters and exercise judgment on what is right and wrong irrespective of who the relevant persons are and which political parties or groupings they belong to.
对世界各国或 各地区人入境、逗留和 离境,澳门特区政府可实行出入境管制。
The Government of the MSAR may apply immigration
[...] controls on entry into, stay in and departure from [...]
the Region by persons from foreign states or regions.
他的毫无修饰、简洁朴素的作品赢得了广大摄影迷 喜爱 , 除 了推出摄影集和摄影展之外,他还创作随笔并在BS-i中担任主 人 ( 每 周三23:00-24:00 MUSICTIDE)等,他远远超越了摄影家的范围,在广大领域焕发迷人光彩。
Yamaguchi's clean, unaffected works have many fans, and in addition to photo collections and exhibitions, he is also quite popular in wide-ranging activities that transcend the photography genre, including publishing essays and serving as a moderator on the "Music Tide" television program (broadcast every Wednesday 23:00 to 24:00 on the BS-i network).
人员一致感谢教科文组织特立尼达和多巴哥全国委员会所做的努力,感谢它举办 此次磋商会议及其在各逗留该国期间给予的热烈欢迎和热情接待。
Participants in the meeting unanimously
acknowledged the
[...] efforts made by the Trinidad and Tobago National Commission for UNESCO and thanked it for holding the Consultation and for its warm welcome and hospitality during their stay in the country.
(b) 解釋針對酷刑聲人逾期逗留的 檢控政策; 及 (c) 提供有關已裁定個案中針對酷刑聲請人作出 檢控的詳細資料,包括被檢控酷刑聲請人的 數目及提起檢控的情況;未被檢控酷刑聲請 人的數目及該等酷刑聲請人是否已被遣返 原居地。
(b) to explain the prosecution policy against torture claimants for overstaying; and (c) to provide detailed information on prosecution against torture claimants among the determined cases, including the number of torture claimants who were prosecuted and the circumstances under which the prosecution was initiated, number of torture claimants who were not prosecuted and whether they were repatriated to their place of origin.
学前儿童在认知和体能上已有能力操作专为儿童设计的录音/CD 播放机 和收音机。而供人录音 的麦克风和空白磁带,也深受他 喜爱。
Preschoolers are cognitively and physically capable of operating cassette/CD players and radios that are designed for children; microphones and blank tapes for personal recordings are highly appealing as well.
这不是一件容易的事情;人们对游戏的态度不同,有人把游戏 视为浪费时间或不重要而不予理会,把它当做危险或有害的事情加以限制; 人 则 把 游戏当 做学习和社会化的机制加喜爱。
This is no small task; attitudes towards children’s play range from dismissing it as a waste of time or something trivial, through restricting it as something dangerous or subversive, to appropriating it as a mechanism for learning or socialisation.
喜爱刺激的人士在 爱尔兰一定会得到满足-这个国度的险峻地形非常适合高山滑落、蹦极、洞穴探险、爬山、滑翔和跳伞。
Adrenalin junkies will get a good hit in Ireland – the country’s [...]
dramatic landscape makes it perfect for abseiling, bungee,
caving, mountain biking, hand gliding and skydiving.
在 為 上 述 目 的 而 界 定 甚 麼 人 構 成 香 港 的 社 會 大 眾 時 , 我 們 認 為 合 理 的 做 法 是 不 包 括 那 些 只 是 短逗 留 本人 , 或 在 香 港 居 住 的 時 間 太 短 以 致 未 能 理 解 本 地 的 規 範 、 價 值 觀 和 文 化 的 人 。
In defining what constitutes the community in Hong Kong for these purposes, we think it reasonable to exclude those who are merely transients, or those whose time in Hong Kong has been so short as to preclude them from acquiring some understanding of local norms, values and culture.
对于教科文组织及其财产、资金和资产以及以其名义提供服务的官员和专家,政府 应施行《专门机构特权与豁免公约》(1947 年 11 月 21 日)及该公约附件 IV 之规定,不言 而喻,特别是官员、专家及代表教科文组织提供与本协定有关服务的其 人 员 不 论其国籍, 在入境逗留和 离境方面不受任何限制。
The Government shall apply to the Organization, its property, funds and assets, and to its officials and experts and other persons providing services on its behalf, the provisions of the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies of 21 November 1947 and Annex IV thereto, it being understood in particular that no restrictions shall be placed on officials, experts and other persons performing services on the Organization’s behalf in relation to this Agreement, with regard to their right to enter, reside in and leave the country, without distinction as to nationality.
赞赏地注意到世界各地越来越多的政府、组织、主要群体和 人 认 识 到 山区可持续发展对消除贫穷的重要性,并确认山区对全球的重要性,因为山区是 地球大部分淡水的来源,是丰富生物多样性以及木材和矿物等其他自然资源的储 存地,是一些可再生能源的提供者,是民 喜爱 的 休 闲和旅游地,也是重要的文 化多样性、知识和遗产区,所有这些都带来积极的未计经济利益
Notes with appreciation that a growing network of Governments, organizations, major groups and individuals around the world recognize the importance of the sustainable development of mountain regions for poverty eradication, and recognizes the global importance of mountains as the source of most of the Earth’s freshwater, as repositories of rich biological diversity and other natural resources, including timber and minerals, as providers of some sources of renewable energy, as popular destinations for recreation and tourism and as areas of important cultural diversity, knowledge and heritage, all of which generate positive, unaccounted economic benefits
三名无罪释人员在阿鲁逗留,他们 受到法庭保护,但没有适当的移民身份,正在等待到 安全国家安置。
Three acquitted persons remain in Arusha, under the protection of the Tribunal, without proper immigration status as they await relocation to a safe country.
我们在观察中发现,我国当代居民大多仍 喜爱 庭 院 ,因为它能在一个小 范围内人同时享受到室内外空间各自的优点,像室内的舒适方便与室外的亲近自然。
We have observed that today’s Chinese people still enjoy the courtyard that, within a short distance, provides users both the comfort and convenience in a room and the refreshment of nature.
狮子王三部曲这个重要的一章提供您 喜爱 的 人 物 讲 的原班人马(Nathan车道,马修·布罗德里克,厄尼·萨贝拉加上朱莉Kavner和杰里·斯蒂勒)和音乐由埃尔顿·约翰和蒂姆·莱斯。
This essential chapter of The Lion King
[...] trilogy features your favorite characters voiced [...]
by the original cast (Nathan Lane, Matthew
Broderick, Ernie Sabella plus Julie Kavner and Jerry Stiller) and music by Elton John and Tim Rice.
他主张,文化多样性国际基金的运作方式要反映出发展中国家对这一多边机制 喜爱 , 为 此,有 效、互助和分担责任要求需要经常动员必要的资金。
The procedures relating to the operation of the International Fund for Cultural Diversity (hereinafter “the Fund”) should reflect the commitment of developing countries to that multilateral mechanism, for which the dictates of effectiveness, solidarity and shared responsibility implied an ongoing harnessing of the necessary resources.
随着您在澳大利亚待的时间越久,您会发现自己越来越熟悉 喜爱 澳 大 利亚文化中最初可能让您不解的各个方面。
As your time in Australia continues, you’ll find yourself becoming more familiar and comfortable with aspects of Australian culture that may have initially confused you.
院墙在本设施与公园之间,以及本设 施中的三个部分之间造成分隔,保证了人们能享受一种为中 人喜爱 的 休 闲方式--在私密的环境中悠然观赏自然。
Walls separate the Center from the park and the three parts from each other.
首先,如果一个外国人犯下一桩罪行(一种属于犯罪性质的行为),而且认定 其有罪并判处其刑罚的法官认为该外 人 的 逗 留 构 成对刑法所保护的价值观的 威胁,那么该法官可下令将该名外国人从本国领土上驱逐出境。
First, if an alien commits an offence (an act of a criminal nature) and the judge who finds him guilty and sentences him considers that the presence of that alien constitutes a threat to the values protected by criminal law, he may order the expulsion of the alien from the national territory.
政府应批准应邀出席理事机构届会或到地区中心办理公务 人 员 入境 、 逗 留 和 离境,并免收 签证费。
The Government shall authorize the entry, free of visa charges, the sojourn on its territory and the exit of any person invited to attend the sessions of the governing bodies or proceeding to the Regional Centre on official business.
[...] 逗留或就业方面有任何不正常情况为由或因为其 人 的 逗 留 属 不正常的情况,而 拒绝或限制其进入公立幼儿园或学校”。
Access to public pre-school educational institutions or schools shall not be refused or
limited by reason of the irregular situation
[...] with respect to stay or employment of [...]
either parent or by reason of the irregularity
of the child’s stay in the State of employment”.
在澳门特别行政区的逗留,受逗留许可期间、签证有效期间或适用的国际 法律文书所定期间的限制,凡超过获许 逗 留 期限 的 人 士 , 均视为非法移民(第 4/2003 号法律第7条)。
Nevertheless, the authorization for entry/stay in the MSAR is always limited to a certain period of time and those who overstay without authorization are considered illegal immigrants (art. 7 of Law 4/2003).
(f) 提供文件,從法律觀點就當局的下述看 法作出解釋:合法或非法進入香港的酷 刑聲人逗留香港等待有關其酷刑聲請 的裁定期間,不視為通常居於香港
(f) to provide a paper explaining from a legal point of view its opinion that a torture claimant who entered Hong Kong legally or illegally would not be regarded as ordinarily resident in Hong Kong while waiting in Hong Kong for a determination on his torture claim
室内外空间配对  西方建筑传统中多将室内外空间分别处理成两个大块,与上述模式不同,中 人喜爱 将 每 个主要房间都与一个室外空间配成对来服务于一个功能。
Pairs of Indoor and Outdoor Spaces  Each major room in the design is paired with an outdoor space to jointly serve one function.
它总是乐意展现它有多么友好和 人喜爱 , 它 会跳起来亲吻过夜的宾客,在晚餐时与他们分享自己的骨头,当客人需要牙膏时,它会用鼻子在他们的箱子里找牙膏。
He tried to show just how friendly and likeable he was by jumping up to kiss houseguests, sharing his bones with them during dinner parties and rooting through their suitcases when they needed toothpaste.




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