

单词 途经



economic future
economic outlook

See also:


External sources (not reviewed)

这个办法也可通过民间社会和信仰 伙伴途经帮助家庭环境以外的儿童。
It can also reach children outside the family environment, including through civil society and faith-based partners.
令 人鼓舞的是,我们注意到(a)海地办事处通过预算 途经 ( 加 拿大和法国)获得了 46,000 美 元的资助,以补充其 34,000 美元的正常拨款,(b)阿皮亚办事处已吸引了联合国开发计划署 以及巴布亚新几内亚、所罗门群岛、瓦努阿图教育部对这一项目的兴趣。
It is encouraging
[...] to note that already (a) the Haiti Office has been able to raise $46,000 from extrabudgetary sources (Canada [...]
and France) to complement
the allocated funds of $34,000; and (b) the Apia Office has attracted the interest of UNDP and the Education Departments in Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu.
(b) 采取具体措施,防止在过境期间——包括在港口和机场以及边境和移
[...] 民检查站——发生对移徙者人权的侵犯;培训在上述设施和边境区域工作的公职 人员对移徙者及其家属以礼依法相待;依照适用法律,追究在移徙者及其家属往 返原籍国与目的地国——包途经国 家边境期间——发生的任何侵犯其人权的行 为,诸如任意拘留、施加酷刑和侵害生命权,包括法外处决行为
(b) To adopt concrete measures to prevent violations of the human rights of migrants while in transit, including in ports and airports and at borders and migration checkpoints, to train public officials who work in those facilities and in border areas to treat migrants and their families respectfully and in accordance with the law, and to prosecute, in conformity with applicable law, any act of violation of the human rights
of migrants and their
[...] families, such as arbitrary detention, torture and violations of the right to life, including extrajudicial executions, during [...]
their transit from
their country of origin to the country of destination and vice versa, including their transit through national borders
在向环境署理事会披露的资源与所报告的 途经财 务 报表确证的资源之间,存在着一定的差异。
There was a discrepancy between the disclosure of the resources to the Governing Council and the report on their use established by the financial statements.
注意到信托基金在保证发展中国家参与法典过程中的重要作用,一些代表团建议 应该寻途经增加有效资源,进一步吸引更多的捐助资金,包括南-南合作,才能将项 [...]
目周期延长到 12 年以上。
Noting the critical role of the Trust Fund in ensuring the participation of developing countries in the Codex process, some delegations
suggested that availability of
[...] resources should be increased by seeking ways to further [...]
attract extra-budgetary contributions
by donors, including South-South cooperation, thus extending the duration of the Project beyond 12 years.
根据上届专家组最后报告(S/2009/521)的调查 结果,专家组调查的要点之一是科特迪瓦北部可 途经 布 基 那法索运往多哥洛美 海港的情况。
One of the Group’s primary subjects of enquiry was the transit of northern Ivorian cocoa through Burkina Faso to the seaport of Lomé, Togo, in line with the investigations referred to in the final report of the previous Group of Experts (S/2009/521).
荷兰当局阻止了一途经津巴 布韦的麻黄 碱货物,数量为 500 公斤,并且该国当局证实为 一系列无授权进口货物的一部分。
Netherlands authorities stopped a shipment of 500 kg of ephedrine en route to Zimbabwe, which was confirmed by the authorities in that country to be part of a series of unauthorized imports.
意 识途经马耳 他前往意大利其他地方的非洲移民很容易成为贩运对象,它促请马 耳他加强努力,消除贩运人口现象,包括采取措施,保护受害者,并大力起诉人 贩子。
Recognizing that irregular migrants from African countries arriving en route to Italy and elsewhere may be vulnerable [...]
to trafficking,
it urged Malta to increase its efforts to eradicate trafficking in persons, including in taking steps to protect victims and through the vigorous prosecution of traffickers.
(d) 各国政府应当鼓励其执法当局支持中亚区域信息和协调中心以及经济 合作组织等合作之举,这些举措可便利对调查进行协调、收集信息并确定打击 将毒途经近东和中东地区进行走私的相关个人或团伙的行动的目标。
(d) Law enforcement authorities should be encouraged by their Governments to support cooperative initiatives such as the Central Asian Regional Information and Coordination Centre and the Economic Cooperation Organization, which facilitate the coordination of investigations, the gathering of information and the targeting of operations against persons or groups engaged in the smuggling of drugs through the Near and Middle East.
(a) 教科文组织的预期捐助将促进中心开展国际活动,并有利于中心参与国际水文计 划的各项计划途经是: 1)将该中心纳入由教科文组织国际水文计划所实施、 而且该中心有必要参与的各项计划中,尤其是安排该中心开展双年度正常计划和 预算框架内的活动,特别是那些适于巩固起步阶段的活动;2)促进该中心与政 府和非政府财务机构以及教科文组织会员国的接触,为中心实施国际活动提供财 政和技术援助。
(a) The expected UNESCO contribution will be to foster the development of the Centre’s international activities and facilitate the access of the Centre to IHP programmes, by: (1) including the Centre in various programmes which it implements and in which the participation of the latter seems necessary to it, particularly assigning to the Centre the execution of activities within the framework of its regular biennial programmes and budgets, particularly those appropriate to reinforce its start-up period and; (2) facilitating the contacts with governmental and non-governmental financial entities, as well as with the Member States of UNESCO, to provide financial and technical assistance to the implementation of the Centre’s international activities.
按照第二个世界土著人国际十年的目标:“进一步加强国际合作,以解决土 著人民……所面临的问题途经是开 展着重行动的方针和具体项目、增强技术援 助和进行有关的标准制订活动”,6 哥伦比亚主张,这项评价应视为这样的一项 行动:帮助确定所获进展、所得教训和良好做法,并确定国际社会和成员国应加 倍努力的领域,以期推动圆满执行“十年”的宗旨和目标。
In accordance with the goal of the Second International Decade of the World’s Indigenous People to achieve “the further strengthening of international cooperation for the solution of problems faced by indigenous people […] by means of actionoriented programmes and specific projects, increased technical assistance and relevant standard-setting activities”,6 the Colombian Government agrees that this evaluation should be viewed as an exercise to help identify the progress that has been made, the lessons learned and best practices, and the areas in which both the international community and Member States must redouble their efforts to promote the satisfactory achievement of the purpose and the goals of the Decade.
我们决心发掘妇女作为可持续发展推动者的潜力 途经 包 括废除歧视性法 律,消除正式障碍,确保诉诸司法和得到法律协助的机会平等,进行机构改革, 以确保性别平等问题主流化的权限和能力,拟订和采取创新性的特别方法来处理 构成性别平等障碍的非正式的有害做法。
We resolve to unlock the potential of women as drivers of sustainable development, including through the repeal of discriminatory laws and the removal of formal barriers, ensuring equal access to justice and legal support, the reform of institutions to ensure competence and capacity for gender mainstreaming and the development and adoption of innovative and special approaches to address informal, harmful practices that act as barriers to gender equality.
这 是确保以色列和巴勒斯坦双方安全以及该区域安全 与稳定的唯途经。
That is the only way to ensure the security of Israel and Palestine, as well as the security and stability of the region.
委员会赞赏 地注意到突尼斯政府为淘汰消耗臭氧层物质消费量而做的各项努力, 途经 包 括 :国家消 耗臭氧层物质淘汰计划,该计划涉及到了氟氯化碳和哈龙的所有剩余消费量;持续成功地 使各有关利益方遵守消耗臭氧层物质淘汰政策;以及进行中的监测、执行和提高公众认识 活动。
The Committee notes with appreciation the efforts made by the Government of Tunisia to phase out ODS consumption through its National ODS Phaseout Plan (NOPP) which addresses all remaining consumption of CFCs and halon; as well as through its continued success in engaging stakeholders to comply with ODS phase-out policies; and, through its ongoing monitoring, enforcement and public awareness raising activities.
1970年12月,我做为实习生,登上了一艘前往中国的太平船务的客货轮“长城轮” 途经 香 港 ,最后抵达广东黄埔。
I joined one of PIL/s cargo passenger ships, the M.V. “Kota Panjang” as a cadet in December 1970 and sailed to Hong Kong, Huangpu in Guangdong.
周边社区里的孩子们尤其喜欢来这里,搭乘任 途经 哈 卡 聂米(Hakaniemi)交通枢纽站的电车或巴士均可方便到达。
It’s especially popular with the neighbourhood kids and easily accessible by any tram or bus that goes through the Hakaniemi transportation hub.
秘书处代表表示,可以根据请求向会员国提供任何关于普通 途经 费 使 用 情况的信息,并提到了 2010-2011 两年期毒品和犯罪问题办公室的合并预算。
A representative of the Secretariat stated that any information regarding the use of general-purpose funding could be provided to Member States upon request, and referred to the consolidated budget for UNODC for the biennium 2010-2011.
提交人带着第一位提交人的两名弟妹经陆路前往加拿大 途经 美 国 时把他 们留在其母亲身边。
2.6 The authors travelled overland to Canada with the first author’s two younger siblings, whom they left with their mother in the United States.
请清洁发展机制执行理事会为登记的项目活动少于10 个的缔约方项目活动 的审定、核实和核证及早提供资金 途经 是 在清洁发展机制管理计划之下提供贷 款,待第一次发放核证排减量后偿还
Requests the Executive Board of the clean development mechanism to provide upfront financing for the validation, verification and certification of project activities hosted in Parties with fewer than 10 registered project activities through the provision of loans under the clean development mechanism management plan, to be repaid upon the first issuance of certified emission reductions
( 第十三条和第二条第二款) 委员会建议缔约国采取一切适当措施,缩小英国小学生与少数族裔、宗教少数或 少数民族小学生在教育领域的成绩差距 途经 包 括 确保为缺乏适当语言技能的学 生开设适合的英语课程,并避免少数群体学生在专为有学习障碍儿童开设的班级 中所占比例过高。
The Committee recommends that the State party adopt all appropriate measures to reduce the achievement gap in terms of school performance between British pupils and pupils belonging to ethnic, religious or national minorities in the field of education, inter alia, by ensuring the adequate provision of English-language courses for those students who lack adequate language proficiency and avoiding the overrepresentation of minority students in classes for children with learning difficulties.
想象一下列途经托斯 卡纳飞驰而过的美景吧!准时发车的便利更是令人赞誉,例如,Trenitalia的Frecciarossa高速列车每小时一班穿梭于罗马和米兰两地,直达之旅仅需两小时59分钟。
Not to mention the convenience found in timely departures, where for example, Trenitalia's high speed Frecciarossa trains run every hour to/from Rome-Milan and the non-stop journey lasts only 2h59m.
若您来往帕皮堤,您必须为途经美 国的接驳航班获得电子旅游许可。
If you are traveling to or from Papeete, you must obtain electronic travel authorization for your connecting flight via the United States.
乌兹别克 斯坦建议,环境规划署可以帮助海关和环保当局创建一个有关 ODS 转移和护送装有 ODS 船只的安排的区域通告系统,以杜绝船只在运输途中将 ODS 在途经过境国时部分卸载的 情况发生。
Uzbekistan suggests that UNEP could assist in creating a regional system of notification of customs and environmental authorities on ODS transfers and arrangement of convoying the ODS shipments to avoid partial unloading on the way through a transit country.
此外,必 须在一个协调一致的框架中,统筹协调打击海盗活动 和保途经索马 里沿海水域的易受袭击船只的举措, 例如欧洲联盟的“阿塔兰特”行动、北约的“联合保 护者”行动和“海盾”行动以及多国海上联合部队。
Additionally, initiatives to suppress piracy and protect vulnerable ships passing through the waters off the coast of Somalia, such as the European Union’s Operation Atalanta, NATO’s Allied Protector and Ocean Shield operations, and Combined Maritime Forces, must be streamlined in a coherent framework.
清洁柴油技术首轮巡途经广州 、深圳、上海、北京等12所城市,创新的展演形式"移动展示单元"全面展示了清洁柴油技术的发展历程、领先优势及未来前景,吸引了各地的整车制造厂商、行业协会、大专院校以及社会公众积极参与。
Via the Mobile Unit, Bosch presented the development history, current benefits and the future prospect of clean diesel technology to the audiences including Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Beijing, etc. The exhibition of clean diesel technology was showcased to a variety of audiences, including automobile manufacturers, industrial associations, government representatives, universities and public users.
从2011年10月从西班牙阿利坎特出发,2012年7月初抵达爱尔兰戈尔韦,在历时9个月的“沃尔沃环球帆船赛”中,参赛船队需要航行39,000海里 途经 全 球 最变幻莫测的海域,经过开普敦、阿布扎比、三亚、奥克兰,绕过好望角抵达伊塔雅伊、迈阿密、里斯本和洛里昂。
During the nine months of the Volvo Ocean Race, which starts in Alicante, Spain, in October 2011 and concludes in Galway, Ireland, during
early July 2012, the teams will sail over
[...] 39,000 nautical miles of the world’s most [...]
treacherous seas via Cape Town, Abu Dhabi,
Sanya, Auckland, around Cape Horn to Itajaí, Miami, Lisbon and Lorient.
该办事处是庞巴迪快速成长的全球服务体系中的最新一员,将加强公司在欧洲地区的支持能力,为庞巴迪公务机不断增多的欧洲客户提供支持;2012年7月23日至8月17日,奥运会期 途经 伦 敦 旅行的庞巴迪公务机客户可期待获得令人振奋的全天候的现场支持。
The office, the latest addition to Bombardier's fast-growing footprint of global services, will anchor regional support capabilities for the growing number of Bombardier business aircraft customers in
Europe, and Bombardier Business Aircraft
[...] customers traveling through London during [...]
the Olympic Games can expect bolstered on-site
support round the clock from July 23 to August 17, 2012.




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