

单词 递送

递送 ()

send (a message)

See also:

pass on sth
gradually increase or decrease

External sources (not reviewed)

加工、包装和运输的改进以及分销和销售的变 化显著改变了渔业产品的制作、销售 递送 给 消 费者的方式。
Improvements in processing, packaging and transportation as well as changes in
distribution and marketing have significantly changed the way fishery products are prepared,
[...] marketed and delivered to consumers.
这 些都是一些反叛团体发送的威胁信,通常派 递送 , 或 贴在门板上或清真寺内。
These are threatening
[...] letters, usually handdelivered, or pasted [...]
onto a door or in a mosque, by insurgent groups.
The Committee may request further information from the States Parties.
[...] 1(a)和第 2 款均没有解决 有关的人或其代理人在场但拒绝接受通知 递送的 情况。
Therefore, neither paragraph 1 (a) nor paragraph 2
covered the situation where a person or his or her representative was present but
[...] refused to take delivery of the notice.
大会第六十六届会议敦促所有国家配合并协助人权理事会特别报告员履行 其任务,及时提供一切资料,并毫无不当拖延地答复特别报告 递送 的 来文;吁 请各国认真考虑积极回应特别报告员提出的访问要求,并敦促各国就特别报告员 各项建议的执行情况和后续行动与其进行建设性对话,以便特别报告员能够更加 有效地履行其任务;请特别报告员继续根据其任务规定,每年向大会和人权理事 会报告其活动(第 66/164 号决议)。
At its sixty-sixth session, the General Assembly urged all States to cooperate with and assist the Special Rapporteur of the Human Rights Council on the situation of human rights defenders in the performance of her mandate and to provide all information in a timely manner, as well as to respond without undue delay to communications transmitted to them by the Special Rapporteur; called upon States to give serious consideration to responding favourably to the requests of the Special Rapporteur to visit their countries, and urged them to enter into a constructive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur with respect to the follow-up to and implementation of her recommendations, so as to enable the Special Rapporteur to fulfil her mandate even more effectively; and requested the Special Rapporteur to continue to report annually on her activities to the Assembly and to the Human Rights Council in accordance with her mandate (resolution 66/164).
[...] 宪章》第十一章规定的充分自治以前,有关管理国应继续按照《宪章》第七十三 条(辰)款递送有关 该领土的情报;请秘书长继续确保在编写有关领土的工作文件 [...]
序,执行大会第 1970(XVIII)号决议赋予的任务(第 64/97 号决议)。
At its sixty-fourth session, the General Assembly reaffirmed that, in the absence of a decision by the Assembly itself that a Non-Self-Governing Territory had attained a full measure of self-government in terms of Chapter XI of the
Charter, the administering Power concerned
[...] should continue to transmit information under [...]
Article 73e of the Charter with respect
to that Territory; requested the Secretary General to continue to ensure that adequate information was drawn from all available published sources in connection with the preparation of the working papers relating to the Territories concerned; and requested the Special Committee to continue to discharge the functions entrusted to it under resolution 1970 (XVIII), in accordance with established procedures (resolution 64/97).
自 1995 年通过行政自由化成立公司之后,丹麦 邮政承担了政府部门 Postvæsenet 的邮递送 职责
Established in 1995 following political liberalization efforts, it has taken over the mail delivery duties of the governmental department Postvæsenet.
根据联合检查组章程(大会第 31/192 号决议,附件)第
11 条第 4 款(d)和(e)
[...] 项的规定,如果一份报告只涉及一个组织,该报告及行政首长对报告的评论,应 在收到报告三个月以递送该组 织的主管部门,供该主管部门下一次会议审议; [...]
自组织的问题所发表的任何评论,应在收到联检组报告后六个月之内准备好,以 提交有关主管部门下一次会议审议。
In accordance with subparagraphs 4 (d) and (e) of article 11 of the statute of the Joint Inspection Unit (General Assembly resolution 31/192, annex): when a report concerns only one organization, the report
and the comments of the executive head
[...] thereon shall be transmitted to the competent [...]
organ of that organization not later
than three months after receipt of the report for consideration at the next meeting of the competent organ; and, when a report concerns more than one organization, the report, together with the joint comments and any comments of the respective heads on the matters that concern their particular organization, shall be ready for submission to the competent organs of the organizations not later than six months after receipt of the Unit’s report for consideration at the next meeting of the competent organs concerned.
b) 未成年运动员的权利,以及作证的兴奋剂检查官/陪护的权利 :当未成年 运动递送尿样时,让代理人观察该陪护的权利,但不让代理人亲自观 察样品递送,除 非未成年运动员要求这样做。
b) A Minor Athlete’s entitlement, and the witnessing DCO/Chaperone’s
entitlement to have a
[...] representative observe the Chaperone when the Minor Athlete is passing a urine Sample, but without the representative directly observing [...]
the passing of
the Sample unless requested to do so by the Minor Athlete.
第 1(b)款则涉及 收件人不在地址地的情况,如函 递送 至 惯 常住所或 营业地,或发送至最后已知地址。
Paragraph 1 (b), on the other hand, referred to situations where the addressee was not present at the address, such that the communication was delivered at the habitual residence or place of business, or was sent to the last-known address.
Lentiviral and
[...] retroviral gene delivery systems exploit [...]
aspects of retrovirus replication to provide stable integration
of the desired nucleic acid sequence.
美国自诩为民 主的桥头堡和人权卫士,却压迫波多黎各人民和其
[...] 他民族,利用其免于依据《联合国宪章》第七十三 条(辰)递送非自 治领土情报,多次侵犯波多黎 各岛居民的人权而不被追究责任。
The United States considered itself a bastion of democracy and a champion of human rights, yet it repressed Puerto
Ricans and others, and exploited its
[...] exemption from the transmission of information [...]
under Article 73eof the Charter to commit
human rights violations in the island without being held to account.
小组还从其消息来源获得了关于提供资金的信息,并正在调查某一 递送 人。此人在 2011 年是前巴博政权与在科特迪瓦 Moyen-Cavally 作战的利比里亚 雇佣军的联络人。
The Panel received further information from its sources concerning the provision of financing, and is investigating one courier in particular who served as a liaison between the former Gbagbo regime and Liberian mercenaries fighting in Moyen-Cavally, Côte d’Ivoire, in 2011.
获得评级的钱币在取回前将保存在 PCGS 送评 中心,除非之前已与 Malca-Amit 安排交递送事宜
Graded coins will be held at the PCGS Submission Center until picked up, unless return shipping has been previously arranged with Malca-Amit.
Microsoft 在某些情况下可能雇佣其他公司代表其提供有限的服务,例如,网站托管、包装、发送邮件、调查 递送 奖 品 ,为客户解答有关产品和服务的问题及发送关于我们的产品、特别优惠和其他新服务的信息。
Microsoft occasionally hires other companies to provide limited services on our behalf, such as Web site hosting,
packaging, mailing,
[...] surveys and delivering prizes, answering customer questions about products and services, and sending information [...]
about our products,
special offers, and other new services.
英文报道)行业观察员知道,欧洲监管机构以反竞争为由否决了美国包 递送 巨 头 UPS(NYSE: UPS)收购TNT的尝试,之后TNT就开始了这些举措。
(English article) Industry watchers will know that the move comes
[...] after US parcel delivery giant UPS (NYSE: [...]
UPS) failed in its takeover attempt of
TNT after European regulators vetoed the deal on anti-competitive grounds.
在 2011 年 3 月 14 日第 17
[...] 次会议上,委员会决定向经济及社会理事 递送 在委 员会第五十五届会议期间举行的高级别圆桌会议和小组会的讨论摘要,25作 [...]
为对其 2011 年年度部长级审查的投入。
At its 17th meeting, on 14 March 2011, the
[...] Commission decided to transmit the summaries [...]
of the discussions25 held during the high-level
round table and panels convened during its fifty-fifth session to the Economic and Social Council as input to its annual ministerial review in 2011.
我们还欢迎由首席谈判人埃雷卡特率领的巴勒 斯坦高级代表团同内塔尼亚胡总理上周在耶路撒冷 举行的会晤,欢迎内塔尼亚胡先生承诺在两周内对阿 巴斯主递送给他的信函作出回应。
We also welcome the meeting last week in Jerusalem between the senior Palestinian delegation, led by chief negotiator Erekat and Prime Minister Netanyahu, and Mr. Netanyahu’s commitment to responding within two weeks to the letter delivered to him from President Abbas.
2.请各有关管理国根据各自的《宪章》义务至迟在这些非自治领土行政年 度终了后六个月内,在不违背安全及宪法的限度内,将关于其分别负责管理的领
[...] 宪政发展的最详尽情报,包括规定领土政府以及领土与管理国之间的宪政关系的 宪法、立法性法规或行政命令,定 递送 或 继 续 递送 秘 书长,以供参考; 3.请秘书长继续确保在编写有关领土的工作文件时从现有的所有公布资 [...]
the administering Powers concerned, in accordance with their Charter obligations, to transmit or continue to transmit regularly to the Secretary General for information purposes, subject to such limitation as security and constitutional considerations may require, statistical and other information of a technical nature relating to economic, social and educational conditions in the Territories for which they are respectively responsible, as well as the fullest possible information on political and constitutional developments in the
Territories concerned, including the
[...] constitution, legislative act or executive order providing [...]
for the government of the Territory
and the constitutional relationship of the Territory to the administering Power, within a maximum period of six months following the expiration of the administrative year in those Territories
按照《联合国宪章》第七十三条(辰) 款 递送 的 非自治领土情报 [P.55 ]。
Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories transmitted under Article 73e of the Charter of the United Nations [P.55].
作为美国驻华使团简化签证申请程序努力的一部分,2013年3月16日开始,大使馆和发放签证的所有领事馆将实施新的签证预约、费用支付和文 递送 系 统
As part of the U.S. Mission in China’s efforts to streamline the visa application process, the Embassy and all Consulates that
issue visas are implementing a new visa appointment, fee payment
[...] and document delivery system starting [...]
on March 16, 2013.
比如,在售后中,整个部递送的流 程都迁移到了一个平台上。
In after-sales, for example, the entire parts distribution process is being migrated to a single platform.
(f) 努力确保在国家一级制定适当的程序法和实体法,以应对在电子环境
[...] 下实施的毒品贩运,包括制订一个框架,用于有效规范和监督在各法域内经营递送含有受国际管制的麻醉药品和(或)精神药物的药剂的网上药房
(f) Make efforts to ensure that appropriate procedural and substantive legislation is developed at the national level to deal with drug trafficking carried out in an electronic environment, including a framework for the effective regulation and
oversight of online pharmacies
[...] operating or delivering pharmaceutical preparations containing [...]
internationally controlled narcotic
drugs and/or psychotropic substances within their respective jurisdictions
但是快速扩张也导致许多服务问题的投诉,使得一些顶级公司推出自己 递送 服 务 ,进一步加剧该市场的竞争。
But the rapid expansion has also led to numerous complaints of service
problems, leading some of the top players to
[...] launch their own delivery services, adding [...]
further competition to the market.
我们向联合国秘书递送了这 项决议,并请秘书 长按照《联合国宪章》采取必要行动,支持阿拉伯联 盟的努力。
The resolution was communicated to the Secretary-General of the United Nations and requested him to take necessary action in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations to support the League’s efforts.
安全理事会关于基地组织和塔利班及有关个人和实体的第 1526(2004)号决 议设立并经安全理事会第 1904(2009)号决议延长的分析支助和制裁监察组谨根 据第
[...] 1904(2009)号决议第 30 段,向递送报告关于第 1822(2008)号决议第 [...]
25 段所述审查的结果的报告。
Chair Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1267 (1999) concerning Al-Qaida and the Taliban and associated individuals and entities The Analytical Support and Sanctions Monitoring Team established pursuant to Security Council resolution 1526 (2004) and extended by Security Council resolution 1904 (2009) concerning Al-Qaida and the
Taliban and associated individuals and
[...] entities has the honour to transmit to you [...]
its report on the outcome of the review
described in paragraph 25 of resolution 1822 (2008), in accordance with paragraph 30 of resolution 1904 (2009).
回顾其第 1541(XV)号决议,其中所载原则应指导会员国确定是否有义 递送 《联 合国宪章》第七十三条(辰)款要求的情报, 表示关切在《给予殖民地国家和人民独立宣言》2 通过 48 年之后仍有一些非 自治领土
Recalling its resolution 1541 (XV), containing the principles that should guide Member States in
determining whether or not an
[...] obligation exists to transmit the information called for under Article 73 e of the Charter of the United Nations, [...]
Expressing concern
that more than forty-eight years after the adoption of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples,2there still remain a number of Non-Self-Governing Territories




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