

单词 递加

See also:

pass on sth
gradually increase or decrease

External sources (not reviewed)

谨代表加拿大政府随函递加拿大 提交安全理事会第 1540(2004)号决议所 设委员会的有关迄今国家执行情况的第三份报告(见附件)。
On behalf of the Government of Canada, I am pleased
[...] to transmit herewith the third report of Canada to the Committee [...]
established pursuant to
Security Council resolution 1540 (2004) on national implementation to date (see annex).
阿塞拜疆共和国宪法》(1995 年)第 50 条第(I)款规定:“人人有权遵照法律收集、取得、递、加工和散布信息”。
Article 50(I) of the 1995 Azerbaijani Constitution provides: “Every person shall have the right to legally seek, get, pass, prepare and spread information.
Automated dispersant delivery accelerates analysis.
在这方面,我荣幸地向大会递雅加 达 千年发 展目标问题部长级特别会议宣言,它是亚太国家为本 次高级别会议作出的具体贡献。
In that regard, I have the honour to transmit to the Assembly the declaration of the Jakarta Special Ministerial [...]
Meeting on the
MDGs as a concrete contribution of the countries of Asia and the Pacific to this High-level Meeting.
谨以拉丁美洲和加勒比禁止核武器组织(拉加禁核组织)驻纽约协调员的名 义递拉加禁核组织成员国 2011 年 9 月在墨西哥城通过的声明(见附件)。
I have the honour to address you in my capacity as Coordinator of the Agency for the Prohibition of
Nuclear Weapons in Latin
[...] America and the Caribbean in New York in order to transmit herewith a declaration [...]
adopted by the member
States of the Agency in September 2011 in Mexico City (see annex).
您还将收到一封信告诉您决 定的原因,以及如果您对决定不满意如递交加急外部申诉审查。
You will also receive a letter
telling you the reason(s) for the decision and
[...] how to file an expedited external grievance [...]
review, if you do not like the decision.
相关组织在获得成员资格15日内,应向劳动和社会保障 递 交 加 入 的 国际 组织的章程。
The statute of the international organization shall be forwarded by the relevant
organization to the Ministry of Labour and Social Security within 15 days following the
[...] date of its acquisition of membership.
由于与 其他综合收益项目相关的递延税项负债 加 , 递 延 税 项资产总额有所减少,从而释放之 前以收益支出设立的一部分估值准备金。
Increases in deferred tax liabilities associated with
components of other comprehensive income
[...] reduced the gross deferred tax asset, allowing for the release [...]
of a portion of the valuation
allowance that had been previously established through a charge to earnings.
[...] 平均水平,而且针对中小城市或农村地区的 递 业 加 盟 店 ,政府也在不断规范其 社会福利缴纳。
Not only are salaries in the transportation sector rising faster
than the national average, but the
[...] government is also increasingly enforcing the [...]
social benefit payment from the local franchises
used by several express companies for delivery to smaller cities or rural areas.
审议了国际公务员制度委员会 2004 年、1 2005 年2 和 2006 年报告、3 秘书处递加强国际公务员制度小组报告的说明4 及秘书长关于该小组研究结果和建议 的说明,5 又审议了秘书长关于高级管理网的说明6 和关于流动和艰苦条件津贴的说 明,7 重申决心维持一个单一、统一的联合国共同制度,作为规定和协调联合国共 同制度服务条件的基础, 深信共同制度是按照《联合国宪章》规定,聘任最有效率、最胜任和最正直 的国际公务员的最佳工具
that the common system constitutes the best instrument through which to secure staff with the highest standards of efficiency, competence and integrity for the international civil service, as stipulated in the Charter of the United Nations, the statute of the Commission8 and the central role of the Commission and the General Assembly in the regulation and coordination of the conditions of service of the United Nations common system
奉我国政府指示,谨随函递瓦加杜 古 政治协议常设协商框架第七次会议的 最后公报;此次会议是 [...]
2010 年 9 月 21 日在科特迪瓦内部直接对话协调人、布基 纳法索总统布莱斯·孔波雷先生的主持下举行的。
On instructions from my Government, I
[...] have the honour to transmit herewith [...]
(see annex) the final communiqué of the seventh
meeting of the Permanent Consultative Framework of the Ouagadougou Political Agreement, held on 21 September 2010 under the auspices of His Excellency Mr. Blaise Compaoré, President of Burkina Faso, Facilitator of the Direct Inter-Ivorian Dialogue.
第一套即将以英语授课,以便递给 加 勒 比 各国更多 的人。
The first course will be offered in English so that it can reach a wider audience in the Caribbean States.
信息可复制或移动,操 作可应用至指定文件夹里的文件,也可 递 归 为 基础 加 应 用 至子文件夹 及其内容。
Information may either be copied or moved, and the operation may either be
applied simply to the files in the
[...] specified folder, or additionally to sub-folders and their contents on a recursive basis.
秘书长谨向理事会递 2011 年 1 月 28 日加利亚常驻联合国代表团的普通 照会(见附件)。
The Secretary-General is hereby communicating to the Council a note verbale dated 28 January 2011 from the Permanent Mission of Bulgaria to the United Nations (see annex).
2011 年 9 月 23 日,马哈茂德·阿巴斯主席向秘 书递交了加入联合国的申请。
On 23 September 2011, President Mahmoud Abbas submitted to the Secretary-General an
[...] application for membership in the United [...]
为加快核证进程,请各常驻观察员代表团和联络处向纽约礼宾和联络 递交 所加会议代表的核证申请(见上文第 24 段)。
In order to expedite the accreditation process, permanent/observer missions
and liaison offices
[...] are urged to submit their accreditation requests (see para. 24 above) to the Protocol and Liaison Service in New York for all delegates who will participate in the Conference.
孟加拉国外交部长在 2009 年 12 月 13 日给法庭庭长的信中提到了缅甸 2009 年 11 月 4 日发表的声明,其中缅甸表明“接受国际海洋法法庭的管辖,以解决 缅甸联邦与孟加拉人民共和国关于孟加拉湾海洋边界划界的争端”,并向法递 交孟加拉国 2009 年 12 月 12 日的声明,其中孟加拉国表示“接受国际海洋法法 庭的管辖,以解决孟加拉人民共和国与缅甸联邦关于孟加拉湾海洋边界划界的争 端”。
In a letter dated 13 December 2009 addressed to the President of the Tribunal, the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh referred to the declaration issued by Myanmar on 4 November 2009 by which Myanmar “accepts the jurisdiction of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea for the settlement of dispute between the Union of Myanmar and the People’s Republic of Bangladesh relating to the delimitation of maritime boundary between the two countries in the Bay of Bengal” and transmitted to the Tribunal a declaration by Bangladesh dated 12 December 2009 by which Bangladesh “accepts the jurisdiction of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea for the settlement of the dispute between the People’s Republic of Bangladesh and the Union of Myanmar relating to the delimitation of their maritime boundary in the Bay of Bengal”.
审议了秘书长递关于加强全 球道路安全的报告的说明及其所载各项建议,1 认识到道路交通重大碰撞事故造成的死亡是巨大的全球负担,并且每年还有 [...]
Having considered the note by the
[...] Secretary-General transmitting the report on improving [...]
global road safety and the recommendations
contained therein,1 Recognizing the tremendous global burden of mortality resulting from road traffic crashes, as well as the twenty to fifty million people who incur each year non-fatal road traffic injuries, many of whom are left with lifelong disabilities
谨随函递载有 77 国集加中国 的观点和提议的立场文件,作为对大会不 限成员名额特设工作组审议世界金融和经济危机及其对发展的影响问题会议成 果文件所载问题的实质性贡献(见附件)。
I have the honour to transmit herewith a position paper containing the views and proposals [...]
of the Group of 77 and China
as a substantive contribution to the deliberations of the ad hoc open-ended working group of the General Assembly to follow up on the issues contained in the outcome of the Conference on the World Financial and Economic Crisis and Its Impact on Development (see annex).
以下代码会在系统创建父文件夹后 递 归 方式 添 加 各 个 子文件夹,从而在应用相应 FileSystem [...]
的根中创建新的层次结构 (music/genres/jazz)。
The following code creates a new hierarchy
(music/genres/jazz) in the root of the
[...] app's FileSystem by recursively adding each subdirectory [...]
after its parent folder has been created.
实际上,行动方案是根据与会代表提出的建议而做出的, 着重针对以下目标:发展对于各国联合会及俱乐部领导人的培训;在世界联合会 与其合作伙伴间分享并递信息;参 加 联 合 国机构组织的国际活动;与教科文组 织及国家委员会建立信任气氛;促进世界联合会的财务独立;关注促进南北国家 在教科文组织优先领域的互助团结。
Indeed, inspired by the recommendations adopted by delegates, this Plan of Action revolves around the following objectives: provide additional training for the managers of the national federations and clubs; disseminate and circulate information between the World
Federation and its
[...] partners; participate in international events organized by United Nations agencies; establish an atmosphere of trust with [...]
UNESCO and the national
commissions; encourage the financial autonomy of the World Federation; foster solidarity between the countries of the North and those of the South with respect to UNESCO’s priority areas.
而在光学传感领域,有最新研发中的紫外传感器(用于测量紫外线照射量)和InGaAs/InAs长波长光电二极管(配备半导体电子制冷片),以及积极开发中的通过 递 模 塑 加 工 来 制造SMD发光及光接收器件的技术等。
And in the field of photodevices for sensors, we are developing new UV sensors for ultraviolet measurement and InGaAs & InAs long wavelength photodiodes with Peltier cooler, and further, earnestly working on the development of fabrication technology for surface-mounted light emitting and photodetecting devices(SMDs) using the transfer molding process as well.
当转弯和上坡、下坡行驶时,轴承适应车辆的翻转和摆动及纵向倾斜,与轨枕的水平,车体间 加 速 度 力的 递 等。
The bearings facilitate the required turning and tilting motions and longitudinal tilts when cornering and traveling uphill and
downhill and the horizontal position of the track beds
[...] and transfer all acceleration forces between [...]
the vehicle bodies.
谨随函递关于多米加共和国对加 沙 领 土严重局势立场的公报(见附件), 同时请将其作为关于加沙地带局势的大会第十届紧急特别会议的正式文件分发 为荷。
I have the honour to transmit herewith a statement setting forth the position of the Dominican Republic with regard to the grave situation in the Gaza Strip (see annex).
[...] Insight提供先进的员工支持者识别和管理功能,包括可配置的在线门户,不但能通过工作流和消息 递 组 织员 工 加 快 参与,还能重复和放大品牌在社交网络上的努力。
Dachis Group's Employee Insight offers advanced employee advocate identification and management features including a configurable online portal
to mobilize employees with workflows
[...] and messaging to accelerate participation and [...]
echo and amplify the brand's social effort.
9.5 委员会注意到申诉人的观点,即她2004
[...] 年受雇于刚果议会做前台接待,据 说为卢旺达的叛乱分子递了秘 密情报 加 上 她 在瑞士申请政治庇护,这些都使 她面临返回刚果民主共和国后遭受虐待的风险。
9.5 The Committee notes the complainant’s argument that the fact that she supposedly passed secret information to the Rwandan rebels when
employed as a receptionist at the
[...] Congolese Parliament in 2004, added to the fact that she has [...]
requested political asylum in Switzerland,
would expose her to the risk of ill-treatment if she were to return to the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
将个人层面的研究结果放到国家层面进行概述不是一件简单的事,因为有与 改善健康有关的其他宏观因素,包括正面的外界因素,例如健康对教育的影响, 或死亡率降低时人口对有限的土地或有形资本形成的压力 加 , 致 使回 递 减。
It is not straightforward to generalize the results of studies at the individual level to the national level because of other macro effects related to better health, including positive externalities, such as the effect of health on education, or
the diminishing returns
[...] triggered by increased population pressure on limited land or physical capital that arise when mortality decreases.
Babadoudou 先生 (贝宁)要求秘书加快向 大会递该决 议草案的程序,以便能够在 2009 [...]
年 12 月 10 日的特别会议上通过该决议,以标志着国际人 权学习年和《世界人权宣言》通过六十一周年的结 束。
(Benin) requested the Secretariat to expedite transmission of the [...]
draft resolution to the General Assembly so that it might
take up the resolution at its special session on 10 December 2009, which marked the end of the International Year of Human Rights Learning and the sixty-first anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
[...] 用,可促进提高认识,防范和打击种族主义、种族歧视和仇外心理及相关不容忍 现象,以加强传递消除 种族主义、种族歧视和仇外心理及相关不容忍现象的信 息。
The Working Group notes the important role of sport players, sport authorities and other relevant authorities in contributing to awareness-raising campaigns for preventing and combating racism, racial
discrimination, xenophobia and related
[...] intolerance and reinforcing the message for the elimination [...]
of racism, racial discrimination,
xenophobia and related intolerance




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