单词 | 逐水 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 逐水 —relieve oedema through purging or diuresis (Chinese |
希伯来人在公海上底部交叉时,火柱消失和军队给 追 逐 , 水 关 闭 在埃及士兵,和希伯来人是安全的。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | The Hebrews cross on the open sea bottom; when [...] the pillar of fire disappears and the [...] army gives chase, the water closes over the Egyptian [...]soldiers, and the Hebrews are safe. seekcartoon.com |
不少私人公司的確會對曾當過公務員的僱員另眼相看,對 於有才能的員工而言,自然會逐水草 而 居,這變相使政府部門成為私人公司 培訓人手的地方,如果政府部門不能留住人才的話,便是變相浪費公帑,補 貼了私營市場,為私人市場培養人才。 legco.gov.hk | A lot of private companies do consider employees who have worked as civil servants to be a cut above the rest, so capable staff members will of course look for greener pasture and government departments have effectively become the training grounds for private companies. legco.gov.hk |
在挤奶之前,系统能够对每个乳头逐 个 用 温 水 和 暖 风清洗、刺激、预挤并干燥。 delaval.cn | Each teat is individually [...] cleaned with warm water and air, then stimulated, [...]pre-milked and dried before milking. delaval.ca |
社区一级的捐助者援助规模将是速效项 目 逐 步 降 至震 前 水 平 的 基准 参数。 daccess-ods.un.org | The level of donor assistance at the community level will be a [...] benchmark for phasing out quick-impact projects to pre-earthquake levels. daccess-ods.un.org |
安第斯高地和其他 山区及高纬度地区往往严重依赖积雪或冰 川 逐 渐 融化 供 水。 daccess-ods.un.org | The high Andes and other mountain regions and high latitude zones are often heavily [...] dependent on snow or gradual glacier melt for their water. daccess-ods.un.org |
在河流流域和地下水系统一级逐步持 续实 施 水 资 源综合管理,对于以公平的 方式满足社会、环境和经济需求而言至为关键。 daccess-ods.un.org | A gradual and sustained implementation of integrated water resources management [...] at the level of river basins and groundwater systems is central [...]to meeting social, environmental and economic needs in an equitable manner. daccess-ods.un.org |
对莫努恩湖进行脱气时注意到,该湖还富含氧气,因为人们发现鱼 类 逐渐 回归以及水质变清澈。 daccess-ods.un.org | After the degassing, the water in Lake Monoun has been [...] reoxygenated, as the progressive return of fish and water clarification indicate. daccess-ods.un.org |
污水處 理是政府的基本責任,政府應該㆒早將 污 水逐 步 有計劃㆞去處理,而不是等到問題越 來越大,污水越來越多,到不能再容忍時,才去解決。 legco.gov.hk | As disposal [...] of sewage is a basic duty of the Government, it should solve the problem as soon as possible in a step-by-step [...]and systematic manner, [...]rather than wait till the problem is getting bigger and bigger and till so much sewage is generated that it cannot be tolerated anymore. legco.gov.hk |
由于淡水逐渐稀 少,大量的人迁移以寻找 淡水。 peaceoneday.org | As fresh water becomes more scarce, [...] large numbers of people migrate to find it. peaceoneday.org |
实际上,气候变化的一些不利影响包括陆 地逐 渐消失、水灾、洪水泛滥 、旱灾、海平面上升、咸度 升高、极端天气现象、粮食减产、淡水短缺以及气候 [...] 导致的移民。 daccess-ods.un.org | Indeed, some of the adverse impacts of climate [...] change include the gradual loss of land, floods, inundation, [...]droughts, sea-level rise, increased [...]salinity, extreme weather patterns, decreased food production, scarcity of fresh water and climate-induced migration. daccess-ods.un.org |
裝滿水的運動,被裹住的管配備GST深一個中,通過microperforations couronnevalve在潛水週期逐漸並傾向於當供水壓力的增加,從而發送環境壓力,以通過一個槓桿的雙重針。 zh.horloger-paris.com | GST Deep One was fitted with a tube wrapped around [...] the movement that is [...] filled with water, through a microperforations couronnevalve during a dive cycle and tended gradually when the water pressure increased, [...]thereby transmitting [...]the ambient pressure to a double needle through the one lever. en.horloger-paris.com |
上图垂直坐标轴表示不同 地区人均排放,而人口随水平坐标轴 逐 渐 累 加。 undpcc.org | The upper graph shows the emissions per capita for different regions on [...] the vertical axis, with the population added [...]along the horizontal axis. undpcc.org |
国家对 退 休 金进行了调 整 , 以 使其适应新的工资 制度,并 通过四次 修改公务员 基本工资 指 数的单 价 而 逐 渐 提高薪 资 水 平。 daccess-ods.un.org | The retirement pension has been adjusted to fit a new salary system and the gradual increase of salary has also been made through modifying the unit price of the basis salary index of the civil servants for four times. daccess-ods.un.org |
讨论了制订一个强制性的最低捐助水 平 和 逐 步 向 上修订年度 捐款的必要性,会议决定将在议程项目 3 下关于财务事项的议题中, 对此进行进一步审议。 daccess-ods.un.org | The need to have an [...] obligatory minimum level of contributions and a gradual upward annual revision [...]of contributions was [...]discussed and it was decided to deliberate that further under the topic of financial matters in agenda item 3. daccess-ods.un.org |
Down and Out”(从上向 下,然后淡出)是指观察的角度要从一个高而有利的点向下俯瞰,然后 在 逐 渐 消失 的 水 平 线 上淡出,Albert Boime称之为“威严的凝视” 。 ba-repsasia.com | Down and out” refers to the point of view of looking down from a high vantage point and out to a vanishing horizon that Albert Boime called a “Magisterial Gaze. ba-repsasia.com |
在近些年,安全且卫生地冲厕所的用 水 量 正 在 逐 步 下 降:在英国, 已经有规范对马桶水箱的容量制定了标准(供水(用水设备)规范 1999)。 wrdmap.org | The volume of water to flush a toilet safely and hygienically has been progressively reduced in recent [...] years: the cistern [...]capacity is now governed by regulations in UK (Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations 1999). wrdmap.org |
然而,市場環境在年 [...] 底漸趨穩定,汽車代理業務開始展露曙光,新車銷售的折扣減少,存 貨 水 平 亦 逐 漸 從高 位下降。 dch.com.hk | Yet, a silver lining was seen towards the end of the year as market conditions [...] became more stable with level of discounts for new car sales narrowed while [...] the high auto inventory gradually subsided. dch.com.hk |
因此,退出战略中应保留一个 反周期的政策框架,在失业率下降到可接受 的 水 平 以 后, 再 逐 步 撤 销刺激措施。 daccess-ods.un.org | Thus, an exit strategy should retain a [...] countercyclical policy [...] framework, with the phasing out of stimulus measures after unemployment rates have come down to acceptable levels. daccess-ods.un.org |
以下三個辦法有助把食物中的 鈉含量在一段時間內減至最低水平:( 一 ) 逐漸減少或除去鹽/ 鈉的分量; ( 二 ) 使用鈉代替品;以及( [...] 三 ) 調整產品包裝大小。 cfs.gov.hk | Three initiatives have been identified to reduce the sodium content [...] in foods to the lowest level possible over time: (i) [...]to reduce or remove the amount of [...]salt/ sodium to the minimum little by little, (ii) to replace the sodium uses with alternatives, and (iii) to resize the package of products. cfs.gov.hk |
因此,2009 年以来,养老金指数 水平正在逐步减少,直到 2028 年。 daccess-ods.un.org | As a result, since 2009, [...] indexation levels on pensions are being progressively reduced until 2028. daccess-ods.un.org |
随着第 1701(2006)号决议的执行和战略对话工作取得进展,是否 继续为黎巴嫩武装部队提供物质和技术支持,将成为该部队在联黎部队行动区和 黎巴嫩领水内逐渐承 担更多责任的关键因素。 daccess-ods.un.org | As the implementation of resolution 1701 (2006) and work in the strategic dialogue progress, the continued material and technical support for the Lebanese Armed Forces [...] will become a critical [...] factor for it to gradually assume greater responsibility in the UNIFIL area of operations and in Lebanese territorial waters. daccess-ods.un.org |
淡水 养殖的贡献逐步增加,从上世纪九十年代的60%增加到2010年的65.6%。 fao.org | The contribution of freshwater aquaculture has gradually increased, up to [...] 65.6 percent in 2010 from around 60 percent during 1990s. fao.org |
正在富人选择的消费方式降低资源密集和环境损害的程度之际,确保穷 人的生活水平逐渐提高 daccess-ods.un.org | Ensure that the living standards of the poor are [...] progressively raised even as consumption [...]choices of the rich become less resource-intensive and environmentally damaging daccess-ods.un.org |
在编制本项目提案时预计,氟氯化碳消费量将逐年增加,从 2007 年的 341 ODP 吨增至 2011 年的 748.3 ODP 吨,达到最高水平,然后再逐年减 少,到 2014 年实现全部淘汰。 multilateralfund.org | At the time of the preparation of the project proposal, it was expected that CFC consumption will increase annually from 341 ODP tonnes in 2007 to a maximum level of 748.3 ODP tonnes in 2011 and then will decrease annually, achieving complete phase-out by 2014. multilateralfund.org |
在供水设施的监管环境下,庞大的资产管理 [...] 的商业模式需要清晰的、可审核的投资计划,以维护资产并保证客户服务水平维持在 一定水平上,国际上的供水和废水公 司 正 逐 渐 使 他们的资产运行在最有效和安全的状 况下。 wrdmap.org | Within the [...] regulated environment of a water supply utility, assetintensive [...]businesses require clear, auditable, investment [...]plans for maintaining assets and ensuring customer service levels. wrdmap.org |
妇女参与国家和社会事务管理的能力不断增强,参 政 水 平 逐 步 提 高。 daccess-ods.un.org | Participation by women at the managerial level in the affairs of the [...] State and society is continually increasing, and their level of participation [...] in political affairs is also gradually rising. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此, 易于塌陷的木材应或者首先进行风干 以允许含水率的逐步下降,或在大约 12 0 华 氏 度 的 较 低 干 球 温 度 下 用 窑 干 [...] 炉 烘 干 , 达 到 纤 维 饱 和 点 , 然 后 在 普 通 温 度 下 用 窑 干 炉 烘 [...]干 (Guer nsey 1951;Mackay和Oliveira 1989)。 wrcea.cn | Collapse-prone lumber should therefore either be air-dried [...] first to allow a gradual drop in moisture content, or kiln-dried at a low [...]dry bulb temperature of [...]about 120°F, to fibre saturation point, and then kiln-dried at normal temperatures (Guernsey 1951; Mackay and Oliveira 1989). wrcea.org |
2006 年中非合作论坛首脑会议和2008 年印非合作论坛首脑会议,以及拉丁 美洲国家加大对非洲的参与力度,加深了与非洲大陆的双边合 作 水 平 , 由此 可逐 步演 化为对区域性、最终形成对全球共同关注问题的合作。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation in 2006 and the IndiaAfrica Forum Summit in 2008, and the greater involvement of Latin American countries in Africa are increasing the continent’s cooperation at the bilateral level, which could evolve into regional, and eventually global, issues of common concern. daccess-ods.un.org |
因應日漸嚴謹的監管條例,及為客戶提供更妥善的保障, 期內財富管理部投入額外資源,以進一步提升監察管理及 客戶服務水平,逐步確 立其在行內的領導地位。 htisec.com | To cope with more stringent compliance regulations in which clients can receive better protection for their investments, additional resources have been invested to further strengthen standards of compliance management and client service, with the ultimate goal of reaffirming itself in a leading position in the industry. htisec.com |
尤其是对于这些激励措施而言,有理由相信,随着市场竞 争、技术进步以及学习曲线效应,提高能 效 水 平 的 成本 会 逐 渐 地明显下降, 并且越来越多的更加先进的节能技术和产品会在市场上出现。 efchina.org | Particularly over the term of these incentives, it is reasonable to expect that the cost of efficiency will decline significantly through innovation and competition as well as through the learning curve effect of increased production of more efficient designs and products. efchina.org |