

单词 逐步实现

See also:

逐步 adv

gradually adv
gradual adj


step by step

实现 n

realization n
achievement n
implementation n
fulfillment n
accomplishment n

External sources (not reviewed)

发展权逐步实现应建 立在协商一致的基础上,避免政治化,而且首要前 提就是促进和尊重公民、政治、经济、社会和文化 [...]
The progressive fulfilment of the right to [...]
development should take place on a consensual basis, avoid politicization and
be based primarily on promotion of and respect for civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights.
人人享有初等教育已帮助 最不发达国逐步实现儿童平等入学。
Primary education for all has helped least developed
[...] countries towards achieving parity for children [...]
going to primary school.
必须立即改变借出和借入的做 法逐步实现主权 、民主和负责任的资助。
Immediate changes must be pursued in the practices of lending and borrowing to move towards sovereign, democratic and responsible financing.
[...] 可用的、有利于穷人的政策工具和策略能使各国在短期内取得绿色的经济 复苏,并在中长期内减少其对矿物燃料的依赖 逐步实现 低 碳 社会。
There are several pro-poor policy tools and strategies available that would enable countries to green their economic recovery in the short
term and, in the medium to long term, to reduce their
[...] dependence on fossil fuels and move towards a low-carbon [...]
该报告还指出,成员国表示支持采取以下步骤:(a) 进一步精 简文件数量及其内容;(b) 进一步合并各种报告,例如可将委员会 的报告作为背景文件或资料文件等,仅将每届委员会会议的主要建 议编入委员会自己的文件,提交经社会审议;(c) 所编写的报告应
[...] 有必要的参考信息和背景文件链接;并能反映所达成的共识和提出 的建议;(d) 逐步实现经社会届会无纸化,确保所有文件都可以在 [...]
网上读取,印刷和分发给每一成员国的文件不超过两套,其中包括 成员国所选择的官方语文的一套文件,同时通过电邮通知各成员国 可在网上读取文件。
The report also noted that member States voiced support for the following steps to be taken: (a) further streamlining the number of documents and their contents; (b) further consolidating reports; for example, committee reports could serve as background or information documents, with only the key recommendations from each committee session compiled into its own document for consideration by the Commission; (c) producing reports that are concise, direct and easy to understand, and directly related to the outcome of the meeting, containing the necessary references and links to background documents and
reflecting consensus and
[...] recommendations; and (d) moving towards a paperless Commission [...]
session by ensuring that all documents
are available online and that no more than two sets of documents are printed and sent to each member State, including one in the official language of its preference, and notifying member States via e-mail of the availability of the documents online.b 4.
[...] 援助及其他资源从非优先事项部门划拨到优先事项部门,并且确保将国际发展援 助用逐步实现刚果人民享有适足生活水平的权利。
The Committee also urges the State party to reallocate international development aid and other resources from non priority sectors to priority sectors and to ensure that
international development aid is
[...] utilized for the progressive realization of the rights of [...]
the Congolese to an adequate standard of living.
这一任务的内容包括凭借十分有限的资 源,确逐步实现粮食安全,提供保健服务、优质教育、社会保障、适足的住 房、供水和卫生设施、农村发展、土地改革和归还土地、农村和城市周边地区电 [...]
The implication of that task entailed, among
[...] others, ensuring the progressive realization to food security, [...]
access to health services, quality
education, social security, adequate housing, water and sanitation, rural development, land reform and land restitution, and electrification of rural and peri-urban areas—with very limited resources.
委员会还欢迎两份文件中提供了详细的数字和数据,从而使委员 会能够评估在缔约逐步实现和享受经济、社会和文化权利的情况。
The Committee also welcomes the detailed statistical data included in both
documents, which have enabled an
[...] assessment of the progressive realization and the enjoyment [...]
of economic, social and cultural rights in the State party.
这些举措最初的影响包括:在总部各业务单位之间实现和在外地行动之逐步实现一致 的信息存储和检索;销毁超过 225 英尺的过时文件,精简组织信 [...]
息并提供最新信息;精简各维持和平行动重复持有的业务文件和数据;所有维 和人员能随时查阅及时和准确的指导意见、知识和信息;以及统筹行动小组和
维持和平行动之间实时共享文件(因为软件已经正逐步推广到各小组和相应的 特派团)。
The initial impact of these initiatives has included: consistent information storage and
retrieval across business units at
[...] Headquarters and progressively in field operations; [...]
the destruction of over 225 feet of
obsolete documents, streamlining organizational information and keeping it up-to-date; the streamlining of duplicative holdings of business documents and data throughout peacekeeping operations; ready access by all peacekeepers to timely and accurate guidance, knowledge and information; and real-time document sharing between integrated operational teams and peacekeeping operations (since the software is progressively rolled out to the teams and corresponding missions).
[...] 于“调拨资源,落实儿童权利――国家的责任”的一般性讨论日提出的各项建议 中,委员会建议逐步实现理解 为,要求《公约》缔约国直接承担义务,采取有 针对性的措施,尽量迅速而有效地着手争取全面实现儿童的经济、社会、文化权 利。
In the recommendations from the 2007 day of general discussion on “Resources for the Rights of the Child –
Responsibility of States”, the Committee
[...] recommended that progressive realization be understood as [...]
imposing an immediate obligation
for States parties to the Convention to undertake targeted measures to move as expeditiously and effectively as possible towards the full realization of economic, social and cultural rights of children.
他们的共同目标逐步实现巴伐 利亚州教育系统的现代化。
The aim of all of these projects is to continuously modernize the Bavarian [...]
educational system.
最后,无论可能适用于联海特派团任务规定的标 准如何,联合国必须为协调支助海地的国际努力承担 起更多职责,始终须以该国自身确定的优先事项为基
[...] 础,以便在实现巩固稳定框架方面取得可持续的进 展逐步实现向海地当局的责任过渡。
Finally, regardless of the criteria that may be applied to the mandate of MINUSTAH, it is essential that the United Nations assume further responsibility for the coordination international efforts in support of Haiti, always on the basis of the priorities set by the country itself, in order to make sustained progress towards the
consolidation of a framework of stability that
[...] will allow for a progressive transfer of responsibilities [...]
to the Haitian authorities.
人权原则( 如逐步实现、不倒退和最大限度地提供资源) 在经济政策 的讨论中可以成为有效的授权工具,不得作为条件性或保护主义工具或反过来迫 [...]
Human rights
[...] principles (such as progressive realization, non-retrogression [...]
and maximum available resources) can be effective
empowering tools in economic policy discussions and should not be used as instruments of conditionality or protectionism or conversely for forcing the opening of markets.
在落实四年工作计划方逐步实现多 利害关系方 的伙伴关系方针,以更好地统一和协调投入,并改进服务伙伴关系方面的关系。
Move progressively towards a multi-stakeholder [...]
partnership approach to delivery of the four-year workplan in order to better
align and coordinate inputs and better service partnership relationships.
这些报告论述了:经济、社会 和文化权利的法律保障(E/2006/86); 逐步实现 ” 的 概念(E/2007/82);男女平 等原则和在享受经济、社会和文化权利方面禁止歧视妇女(E/2008/76),以及落 [...]
These reports have discussed: the issues of legal protection of economic, social
and cultural rights (E/2006/86),
[...] the concept of “progressive realization” (E/2007/82), the [...]
principle of equality between
men and women and the prohibition of discrimination against women in respect of their economic, social and cultural rights (E/2008/76), and the implementation and monitoring of economic, social and cultural rights (E/2009/90).
在 高级别论坛上,由东帝汶等国共同牵头的脆弱国家“七国+集团”核可了“脆弱 国家参与新政”,提出了 5 个建设和平和建设国家目标(合法政治、安全、司法、
[...] 经济基础、收入及服务),以指导实现脆弱国家的优先目标及其参与,并协助它逐步实现千年发展目标。
At the Highlevel Forum, the Group of Seven Plus fragile States, co-led by Timor-Leste, endorsed a new deal for engagement in fragile States, which sets out five peacebuilding and State-building goals (legitimate politics, security, justice, economic foundations, and revenue and services) to guide the
priorities and engagements in fragile States, and facilitate
[...] their progress towards achieving the Millennium [...]
Development Goals.
加拿大欢迎若干已确认拥有核武器的 国家最近声明将努力制逐步实现“ 全球零点”的办法。
Canada welcomes recent statements by several of the recognized nuclear-weapon States to
[...] work towards a step-by-step approach to reaching “global [...]
之后则对业务行动进行了规划, 逐步实现 国 家 、区域和全球 战略优先事项的目标。
Operations are then planned
[...] with a view to gradually attaining country, [...]
regional and GSP targets.
争取建立一个没有饥饿的世界,使各国都能执行联合国粮食及农业组织理事 会 2004 年 11
[...] 月通过的《支持在国家粮食安全范围 逐步实现 适 足 食物权的自愿 导则》,13 支持按照参与、透明度和问责制的原则实际适用该导则
Striving for a world free from hunger in which countries implement the Voluntary Guidelines to Support the Progressive Realization of the Right to Adequate Food in the Context of National Food Security, adopted by the Council of the Food and Agriculture Organization of
the United Nations in November 2004,13 and
[...] supporting the practical application of [...]
the guidelines based on the principles of
participation, transparency and accountability
[...] 步解决长期在城市就业的农民工户籍问题,有计划有步骤地解决好农民工在城镇 的就业和生活问题逐步实现农民 工在劳动报酬、子女就学、公共卫生、住房租 [...]
The Chinese Government is actively promoting reform of the household registration system, further relaxing household registration restrictions in medium and small cities and towns, thereby gradually
resolving the household-registration problems of rural people who become long-term residents of cities by reason of employment, as well as taking a
[...] planned and step-by-step approach to resolving [...]
the general employment and living issues they face.
各国如果已通过实现享有饮用水和卫生设施权利的国家行动计划,并在其中 订有基准和监测进程,特别能够分享它们的经验,因为这类计划 逐步实现 这些 权利的骨干。
States which have adopted national action plans for the realization of the rights to water and sanitation, with benchmarking and monitoring processes built in, are
particularly well placed to share experiences, as these plans form the
[...] backbone for the progressive realization of these rights.
[...] 划署(艾滋病规划署)方案协调委员会成员国相互合作,促进更好地协调和统 一艾滋病毒/艾滋病对策,逐步实现 吸 毒 者普遍享受预防、护理、治疗和支助 [...]
综合服务的目标;请联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室(毒品和犯罪问题办公室) 执行主任从第五十二届会议开始,在每年上半年举行的麻委会届会上向成员国
介绍方案协调委员会的有关决定;请毒品和犯罪问题办公室每年将麻委会的相 关决议转发方案协调委员会主席。
In that resolution, the Commission called for collaboration among Member States represented both in the Commission and on the Programme Coordinating Board of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) towards the promotion of better coordination and
alignment of the HIV/AIDS response in order
[...] to scale up towards the goal of universal [...]
access to comprehensive prevention, care,
treatment and support services for drug users; requested the Executive Director of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) to share relevant decisions of the Programme Coordinating Board with the Member States at each session of the Commission held in the first half of the year, starting with the fifty-second session; and requested UNODC to transmit relevant resolutions of the Commission each year to the Chairman of the Programme Coordinating Board.
森林文书强调指出在实现森林文书的各项目标方面监测、评价和报告至关重 要,认为这些活动逐步实现可持 续森林管理的有机组成部分。
The forest instrument underlined the importance of monitoring, assessment and reporting in the achievement of its objectives and considered those activities an integral part of efforts towards sustainable forest management.
逐步实现与伊 朗能源领域合作正常化:伊朗、欧洲联盟和其他愿意参加的伙 [...]
Steps towards the normalization [...]
of cooperation with Iran in the area of energy: establishment of a long-term and wide-ranging
strategic energy partnership between Iran and the European Union and other willing partners, with concrete and practical applications/measures.
SSDC 应该明确制定战略目标逐步实现人 权、性别平等、民间团体参与、体面劳动 和可持续发展,并制定时间范围来衡量在这些权利以及与相关国际约定列出的主题 [...]
SSDC should explicitly incorporate
[...] strategies aimed at the progressive realization of human rights, [...]
gender equality, civil society
participation, decent work and sustainable development with timeframes for measuring progress on specific dimensions of these rights and which are aligned with those outlined by global agreements on the topics.
在此 方面,联合国医务主任工作组表达了对联合国系统在 保护、管理和监测其工作人员健康方面目前能力的越 来越强烈的关切,联检组检查专员也有同样的关切, 这对于部署在艰苦工作地点的工作人员,以及从联合 国从战略高逐步实现流动 性和增加实地存在的角 度看,都特别有实际意义。
In that connection, the JIU Inspectors shared the growing concern expressed by the United Nations Medical Directors Working Group regarding the current capacity of the United Nations system to protect, manage and monitor the health
of its staff, which
[...] was of particular relevance to staff deployed at hardship duty stations, and in the context of the Organization’s strategic movement towards mobility and an increased field presence.
裁军和不扩散之间依然缺 乏均衡,前者被视为长期目标,有待核武器国家在 未来漫长的岁月逐步实现;而 对于后者,无核武 器国家应立刻采取行动。
There continued to be an imbalance between disarmament, which was treated as a long-term goal to be achieved by the nuclear-weapon States in the distant future, and non-proliferation, with respect to which non-nuclear-weapon States were expected to take immediate action in the present.
本次北京移动支撑系统统一远程接入平台项目需要充分考虑支撑系统的远程接入需求,在网络层对准入人员进行强身份认证与监控审计,降低安全风险,同时,统一远程接入平台应该具有扩展性,以支持在未 逐步实现 其 他 系统的远程接入需求。
This time, the Uniform Remote Access Platform Project for Beijing Mobile’s Support Systems needed to give adequate consideration to the demand for remote access to the support systems, performing strong identity authentication and monitoring audit on persons with access permission at the network level to reduce security risk; meanwhile, the uniform remote access platform should be provided with
expansibility to support the remote access requirement of other systems
[...] that will be realized step by step in the future.
但是精神上的这一想法可能会发现表示旧约预言,当我们读了他们在新约省却他 逐步实现 光 现在,作为一个整体紧紧抓住重大和王国,耦合政治解释犹太人民的作为自己的统治与上帝的胜利和世界各地建立他的统治的人民。
However spiritually this idea may be found expressed in Old
Testament prophecies, as
[...] we read them now in the light of their progressive fulfillment in [...]
the New Testament Dispensation,
the Jewish people as a whole clung to a material and political interpretation of the kingdom, coupling their own domination as a people with the triumph of God and the worldwide establishment of His rule.
[...] 所选替代品的技术可行性及其经济可行性;可能影响 实现逐步 淘 汰 的可持续性和维持 逐步淘汰的现代机构能力的市场问题,还有政治管理问题。
Key factors affecting sustainability of the phase-out and issues needing further analysis were identified, including technical feasibility of selected alternatives and their economic feasibility; market issues
that may impact the sustainability of
[...] the phase-out achieved and the existing institutional [...]
capacity to sustain the phase-out;
and political regulatory issues.




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