

单词 透湿

湿透 ()

wet through

See also:

湿 adj

wet adj



External sources (not reviewed)

透湿性测 试仪,用以检测纺织品及纺织复合材料(特别是运动服面料)的水蒸汽透过性能。
To determine the resistance of textiles and textile composites (particularly action wear fabrics) to water vapour penetration.
配制这些聚合物的目的是为了选择具有多种特性的产品,如不同的硬度、耐磨性、涂覆性 透湿 性 、 阻燃性、耐化学性和清晰度。
These polymers are formulated to select products with a range of features such as different hardness, abrasion resistance, paintability, moisture vapor transmission, flame resistance, chemical resistance and clarity.
5 )、贴膜、复合:一般分为两种,一种是单贴、一种为三层贴,防水剂可分为染厂上或者贴合厂上,防止泼水斑;膜分为中、高透为主,复合注意胶水的用量,不能有异味;机器贴合有手工和自动,在生产过程中布面复合尤其注意格子和色织布的纬斜张力,贴合面不能有异物,防止布面不平,成品后测试泼水度 透湿 、 水 压、水洗、剥离牢度、左中右克重等数据。
(5), foil, composite: generally divided into two, a single paste, a three-paste, waterproofing agents can be divided into the CDW or the factory fit, to prevent splashing water spots; film is divided into high permeability to the main compound pay attention to the amount of glue, can not smell; machine fit manual and automatic cloth composite in the production process with particular attention to the lattice and yarn-dyed weft tension, the fitting can not have a foreign body, prevent cloth
uneven, finished product testing the
[...] splashing degrees, breathable, water pressure, [...]
washing, peeling fastness, left, right, and weight data.
由于目前各检测机构和标准机构没有出台专门针对生物降解塑料或包装膜 透 气 透湿 检 测标准,兰光依照ASTM D1434(压差法)和ASTM E96(减重法)等标准在阻隔性实验室对全淀粉型生物降解薄膜进行了一次阻隔性能检测验证。
At present, no specific testing standard for water vapor transmission or gas transmission property of biodegradable plastics has been issued. Thus, Labthink made a barrier property testing on full-starch biodegradable film based on ASTM D 1434(differential pressure method) and ASTM E 96 (weight method) in its Permeability Laboratory.
E-PTFE微孔膜制品,主要应用:空气净化及大气除尘、粉尘收集等;服装行业的防 透湿 微 孔膜及高档覆膜面料;水处理及净化的亲水过滤膜系列;对医药和生物医学替代材料,电子仪器设备用高性能电缆材料,燃料电池膜材料及高性能密封耐磨耐高温防辐射材料等。
E-PTFE membrane products, major applications: air purification and
atmospheric dust, dust collection;
[...] waterproof and breathable garment industry microporous [...]
membrane and high-grade coated fabrics;
water treatment and purification of the hydrophilic membrane series; on medicine and Biomedical alternative materials, electronic equipment with high-performance cable materials, fuel cell membrane materials and high-performance sealing materials, wear-resistant high-temperature radiation.
现我公司已生产出使用于空气净化处理、粉尘收集的e-PTFE膜跟覆膜过滤材料;服装用高档冲锋衣防 透湿 面 料 跟消防用防 透湿 特 种防护面料;水处理净化用过滤膜跟生物医药、电子耗材膜及同类型的覆膜制品。
Now our company has produced for use in air purification and dust collection e-PTFE membrane with the coated filter material;
clothing with high-end
[...] waterproof breathable jacket with waterproof breathable fabric with special fire [...]
protective fabrics;
water purification membranes used with bio-medicine, electronic supplies membrane coated with type products.
使用标准膜,就必然会涉及到标准数据,这个问题我们以前不关注是因为在制订GB/T 21529-2008之前我国只有GB/T 1037-1988透湿性测 试标准在应用,而称重法设备只要确保称重系统准确可靠即可。
We did not pay attention to this issue since we only have GB/T 1037-1988, the water vapour testing standard, in use; and the weighing method (weight method) only ensure the accuracy and reliability of the weighing system before GB/T 21529-2008.
因可结合的基材相当广泛,且因为PU微多孔本身具有优异的防 透湿 、 耐 候性佳、阻燃、耐酸碱等特性,因为复合面料成品可应用户外、休闲、防风夹克、消防、军警、特殊工作服等多行业服装。
Can be combined with the substrate is quite extensive, and
because the PU micro-porous with excellent
[...] waterproof and breathable, weather resistance, [...]
flame retardant, acid and other characteristics,
can be applied to outdoor composite fabric finished, leisure, wind jackets, fire, military police, special clothes and many other industries clothing.
在这危急时刻,他们幸运地获救了:一位渔夫恰好经过,解救了他们,此时他们已经浑 湿透。
But rescue arrives in this hour of need: a fisherman takes the soaking wet party safely on land in his rowing boat.
大多数被罚跪者都被直 升机螺旋桨上的水流淋湿,整个这段时间衣 湿透 , 非 常寒冷。
Most of those kneeling were drenched by water from the blades of the helicopter and were thus also in wet clothing throughout this period and were very cold.
要掌握Punting的基本技巧不难,但是要载人、平衡船只、不让搭 湿透 , 需 要一点经验累积哦。
To master the skills, such as balancing the punt, punt with passengers, requires time and experience.
空气管路过滤器 (F) 清除掉压缩空气 供给中的有害垃圾湿气。
An air line filter (F) removes harmful dirt and moisture from the compressed air supply.
他们遵循宾克,建筑院子里,但仍然无法抓住他,Norby落入一大桶潮湿的水泥,威高甩出的建设,到后面的垃圾车,和埃迪被困在起重机后,被浑 湿透 的 胶 水。
They follow Bink to a construction yard, but are still unable to catch him, with Norby falling into a vat of wet cement, Veeko getting thrown off the building and into the back of a garbage truck, and Eddie getting stranded on a crane after being drenched in glue.
用与所分配的流体及设备的湿部件相适应的流体进 行冲洗。
Flush with a fluid that is compatible with the fluid being dispensed
[...] and the equipment wetted parts.
(19) 委员会审议了关于第 02120 段的 32 C/DR.65(提案国:苏丹;附议国:埃及),该决议草案 要求支持会员国应用尊重生态系统管理方法,促进公平合理地保存和可持续利用资源,其中包括在 社会经济方面,以通过国际水文计划和人与生物圈计划的合作与结合,制订管理生物圈保留地中湿地和水资源的计划和政策,并进一步建议从预算外资金中拨款 200,000 美元,以便与 2004 年教科 文组织妇女教席合作在喀土穆举办一次地区研讨会,之后委员会建议大会这样作决定,即人与生物 圈计划/国际水文计划的合作中已有该决议草案的想法,可筹集预算外资金来召开喀土穆地区研讨 会。
(19) Having examined 32 C/DR.65 (submitted by Sudan, supported by Egypt), concerning paragraph 02120, requesting support to Member States to apply the ecosystem approach and promote conservation and sustainable use in an equitable manner including the socio-economic aspects to develop plans and policies for management of wetlands and water resources in Biosphere Reserves through collaboration and integration of IHP and MAB Programmes and further proposing the allocation of US $200,000 from extrabudgetary sources for the purpose of holding a regional symposium in Khartoum in 2004 in collaboration with the UNESCO Chair for Women, the Commission recommended that the General Conference decide that the idea of the draft resolution already existed through the joint MAB/IHP collaboration and that a regional symposium in Khartoum could be organized by raising extrabudgetary funds.
(B) 董事會透過其認為在各方面均合適的有關方式及有關條款和 條件籌集或擔保償付或償還該等資金,特別是以發行本公司的債權證、債券股證、債 券或其他證券的方式(不論直接地或以作為本公司或任何第三方的任何債項、責任或 義務的附屬抵押品方式)來籌集或擔保償付或償還。
(B) The Board may raise or secure the payment or repayment of such sum or sums in such manner and upon such terms and conditions in all respects as it thinks fit and, in particular, by the issue of debentures, debenture stock, bonds or other securities of the Company, whether outright or as collateral security for any debt, liability or obligation of the Company or of any third party.
一般規例 內 12部涵蓋的事宜包括規管本地船隻到達和駛離有關的程序規定、本
地船隻在香港水域內航行、停泊和使用浮標及碼頭、乘客登船和離船、 處理貨物的安全規定、使用及展示燈光及訊號、對某些在中國內地或
[...] 澳門註冊的船隻的規管及管制、透 過 高 頻無線電話通訊運作的報告 系統的船隻航行監察服務及對香港水域內某些活動(例如賽事、滑水、 [...]
捕魚及供給燃料活動)施加管制,以及提升本地船隻航行安全的雜項規 定。
The 12 Parts of the General Regulation cover matters from the procedural requirements governing the arrival and departure of local vessels, the navigation in the waters of Hong Kong, the berthing of, and use of buoys and piers by local vessels, the embarkation and debarkation of passengers, the safety requirements for handling of cargo, the use and display of lights and signals, the regulation and control of certain vessel registered in Mainland or Macau, the
vessel traffic service permitting a report
[...] system operated through high frequency [...]
radiotelephone communication, and the imposition
of control over some activities (such as racing events, water-skiing, fishing and bunkering activities) in waters of Hong Kong, and miscellaneous requirements enhancing the navigation safety of local vessels.
我/我們/本號〕現確認,在提交本投標表格時,除以下備註所指的豁免通訊外,〔我/我 們/本號〕並沒有將建議繳納的租金金額傳達房屋署以外的任何人士 透 過 與 任何其他人士的安 排 調 整 任 何 建 議 繳 納 的 租 金 金 額 、 與 任 何 其 他 人 士 就 〔 我 / 我 們 / 本號〕或該人應否提交投標表 格作出任何安排,或以其他任何方式與任何其他人士串通;並承諾,在上述舖位招租後,直至 房 屋 署 通 知 競 投 者 招 租 結 果 的 任 何 時 間 , 除 以 下 備 註 所 指 的 豁 免 通 訊外,〔我/我們/本號〕不 會將建議繳納的租金金額傳達房屋署以外的任何人士 透 過 與任何其他人士的安排調整任何建 議 繳 納 的 租 金 金 額 、 與 任 何 其 他 人 士 就 〔 我 / 我 們 / 本 號 〕 或 該 人 應否競投作出任何安排,或以 其他任何方式與任何其他人士串通。
I/We/Our company] had not communicated to any person other than HD the amount of any rental offer, adjusted the amount of any quotation by arrangement with any other person, made any arrangement with any other person about whether or not [I/we/our company] or that other person should submit a Form of Tender or otherwise colluded with any other person in any manner whatsoever and undertake that at any time thereafter in the letting of the above premises until the bidder is notified by HD of the outcome of the letting exercise and other than the Excepted Communications referred to in the remark below of this Form of Tender [I/we/our company] will not communicate to any person other than HD the amount of any rental offer, adjust the amount of any quotation by arrangement with any other person, make any arrangement with any other person about whether or not [I/we/our company] or that other person should bid or otherwise collude with any other person in any manner whatsoever.
援助侧重于以下几个方面:(a)建立符合国际标 准和规范的法律和政策框架;(b)加强国内机构特别是反腐败机构和刑事司法机 关的能力,以便以综合协调的方式有效预防和控制腐败;(c)在公共和私营部 门,包括在公共资源管理方面,增强廉洁和问责制并提 透 明 度 ;(d)协助有关 政府机关进行国际合作并在国内和国际范围追回资产;(e)与国际社会成员和联 合国系统成员发展战略性和主题性的合作伙伴关系,以确保技术援助提供工作 的一致性;(f)支助建立网络和平台,使会员国在区域和国际层面进行政策对话 和同侪学习。
Assistance focuses on (a) establishing legal and policy frameworks consistent with international standards and norms; (b) strengthening the capacity of domestic institutions, in particular anti-corruption bodies and criminal justice institutions, to effectively prevent and control corruption in an integrated and coordinated way; (c) enhancing integrity, accountability and transparency in public and private sectors, including the management of public resources; (d) supporting relevant Government institutions in international cooperation and the recovery of assets at the domestic and international levels; (e) development of strategic and thematic partnerships with members of the international community and United Nations system to ensure coherency in the delivery of technical assistance; and (f) supporting the establishment of networks and platforms for policy dialogue and peer learning among Member States at the regional and international levels.
鑒於本地的石油產品價格經常加快減慢及各油商調整價格 的步伐趨於一致,而石油產品零售價格往往又未能真確地反 映入口成本價,本會促請政府積極考慮在石油行業引入公平
競爭法及其他有效措施,包括要求競爭政策諮詢委員會關注 本港石油市場可能出現的不公平競爭模式,並委託該委員會
[...] 就有關情況作出監察和研究,以增加石油行業的競爭性和提 高產品價格透明度 ,從而避免寡頭壟斷,促進公平競爭和 [...]
That, as the adjustments of local oil product prices are always quick in going up but slow in coming down and the pace of price adjustments by various oil companies tends to be synchronized, while oil product pump prices often fail to truly reflect import costs, this Council urges the Government to actively consider introducing a fair competition law and other effective measures for the oil industries, including requesting the Competition Policy Advisory Group to take heed of any unfair mode of competition that may emerge in the local oil market, and entrusting the Group to monitor and study the situation, with a view to
increasing competition in the oil industries and
[...] enhancing the transparency of product prices, [...]
thereby avoiding oligopoly, promoting
fair competition and safeguarding commercial clients and the public against high oil prices.
2011 年工作组建议,在《特遣队所属装备手册》第 3 章附件 A 第 34 段之后
[...] 增加警察装甲保护车辆和警察维持秩序车辆的定义,并为这两类车辆,包括其喷 漆和重新喷漆,确定通用公平市价和 干 / 湿 租 赁 标准偿还率。
The 2011 Working Group recommended that the definitions of a police armoured protected vehicle and of a police crowd control vehicle be added after paragraph 34 of annex A to chapter 3 of the COE Manual
and establish generic fair market values and
[...] standard dry/wet lease reimbursement [...]
rates, including painting/ repainting,
for these two types of vehicle.
南南合作将在帕拉联邦大学设立的教科文组织可持续发 展教席(巴西贝伦)、热带森林和区域综合规划和管理地区研究生院(ERAIFT)以及印度
[...] 尼西亚人与生物圈全国委员会联系起来,这是为促进 湿 热 带 地区的工作而启动的,是边缘 [...]
South-South cooperation linking the UNESCO Chair for Sustainable Development in the Federal University of Pará (Belém, Brazil), ERAIFT and
the Indonesian MAB National Committee was
[...] launched for the humid tropics, as [...]
was a new phase of the project on Sustainable
Management of Marginal Drylands.




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