单词 | 透气性 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 透气性 noun —permeability nless common: air permeability n See also:透气 n—permeability n • porosity n • ventilate n
此外,单丝中含有的一种污染物释放添加剂可以使用过的干网保持 原 透气性 的 76 %。 voith.com | In addition, a contaminant release additive within the monofilament resulted in the used fabric having 76% [...] of the original air permeability. voith.com |
二甲基硅氧烷和二甲基硅氧烷醇可在皮肤表面形 成 透气性 的 阻 挡层,令肌肤容光焕发。 wacker.com | Dimethicones and [...] dimethiconols form a breathable barrier layer [...]on the skin that makes the skin look radiant. wacker.com |
超轻量化透气长袖T恤,设计确保高能有氧运动中的运动自由度 和 透气性。 salomon.com | Very light, breathable long sleeve tee designed for freedom [...] of motion and breathability during high aerobic [...]activity. salomon.com |
我们的聚合物使非织造布具有出色的耐 久 性 、 透气性 和 阻 隔性。 exxonmobilchemical.com | Our polymers enable the design of engineered nonwovens with outstanding [...] durability, breathability and barrier properties. exxonmobilchemical.com |
轻质的MICROFLEECE长袖半拉链,为了 透气性 更 舒 适,在胸口附有网状模块;对于在寒冷的天气中做激烈运动或是作为整年的保暖内衣都是适用且舒适的。 salomon.com | Light microfleece long sleeve half zip with mesh panels at [...] the pits for breathability, the Joly is [...]a cozy shirt for highly active pursuits [...]on cool days, or a warm baselayer year round. salomon.com |
外部幕墙采用具有良好透气性的落 地双层玻璃,从而在日间和夜间营造出各种不同的景象。 nikken.jp | The exterior curtain wall features floor-to-ceiling [...] double-glazing with permeability, allowing for [...]different impressions during the day and at night. nikken.jp |
如何确保货物拥有良好透气性及能便利地取出物品? storhub.com.sg | How do I ensure [...] easy retrieval and good ventilation? storhub.com.sg |
请选择具有低透气性、可 与其它橡胶良好兼容并具有良好抗热性、抗臭氧性和抗弯曲疲劳的氯化丁基橡胶。 exxonmobilchemical.com | Choose chlorobutyl for low permeability to gases, good compatibility [...] with other rubbers and excellent resistance to heat, ozone and flex fatigue. exxonmobilchemical.com |
它不会形成薄膜,不会改变支承材料 的 透气性 , 因 此能够安全持久地防潮、防雨、防雾、耐霜冻等等。 gattocel.com | WR-repellent is an impregnating material with strong water repellent capacity It does [...] not form a film thus leaving unaltered [...] the support breathability, providing, thus,a safe [...]and long lasting protection against [...]moisture, rain, smog, frost etc. Prevents efflorescence, moulds and saltpetre. gattocel.com |
基于SILRES® BS的硅树脂涂料是最先进的外墙用涂料系统之一, 如果搭配合理, 能赋予矿物与合成树脂涂料优异的性能, 如, 透气性极高, 吸水性极低, 使用寿命极长等。 wacker.com | SILRES® BS silicone resin emulsion paints rank among the most advanced facade coating systems, offering an effective combination of outstanding properties of mineral and synthetic-resin-bound paints. wacker.com |
适用于多种纺织织物,包括产业用织物、非织造布等纺织制品和其它可透气材料 的 透气性 能 的 测定。 garmentworld.com | Electric permeability tester can detect [...] knitting, woven fabric, non-woven fabrics and other textile materials [...] in certain pressure on the permeability properties garmentworld.com |
该结构也使医疗包装具有其他重要特性,包 括:强度、抗水穿透性、低纤维屑磨脱率、抗穿刺 性和透气性。 www2.dupont.com | This structure also imparts other important properties for medical [...] packaging, including: strength; [...] resistance to penetration by water; low linting; puncture resistance; and air permeability. www2.dupont.com |
与其他技术不同,ion-mask™ 还可以维持鞋的透气性,保 证空气持续循环,有助于防止起泡。 p2i.com | Unlike other technologies, ion-mask™ also [...] maintains the breathability of the shoe [...]ensuring continued air circulation, which helps to prevent blisters. p2i.com |
因为 ion-mask™ 保护层比人的头发丝薄 [...] 1000 倍,所以并不影响鞋的外观、感觉或 透气性 , 延续了美津浓产品的传统舒适度。 p2i.com | Because the ion-mask™ protective layer [...] is one thousand times thinner than a human hair it does not affect the [...] look, feel or breathability of the original [...]shoe, maintaining the [...]traditional comfort of the Mizuno product. p2i.com |
独特的窗口式结构与腰带及腿圈处采用的迅捷技术使它成为同类产品中重量最轻 、 透气性 最 好 的运动攀岩安全带。 salewa.com.cn | The window design with a special moulding technology employed at the waist belt and on the leg loops make this harness one of the lightest and bestventilated sports climbing harnesses in its class. salewa.com |
从版型穿出与众不同!美丽胸部是好身材的关键 ☆ 透气性 佳 的 「呼吸NU BRA」、汗水与闷热空气都不易闷住、舒适好穿又耐久。 jshoppers.com | This breathable NuBra does not accumulate [...] sweat or stuffy air, keeping you comfy for a long time. jshoppers.com |
Mr.Billy工作室的鞋子都为纯手工设计制作,工艺采用了欧洲传统手工鞋履技术“固特异工艺”,这种工艺在制鞋过程中如同雕塑一件艺术品,在保证皮鞋美观的同时,鞋底的空腔和软木设计还保证 了 透气性 和 舒 适度。 vantageshanghai.com | All of Mr. Billy’s shoes are handmade, and Mr. Billy adopts a [...] traditional technique called ‘Goodyear Welt’, in which the shoes are made in a way similar [...] to carving a piece of fine sculpture. vantageshanghai.com |
该款鞋是我们倍受欢迎的KSO系列的越野版,其特点是袋鼠皮的鞋面和鞋垫能使脚部倍感柔软,有兼具韧性不易撕破,以及超凡 的 透气性。 vibramfivefingers.cn | A more rugged version of our popular KSO, it features a kangaroo [...] leather upper and sockliner that are soft against the foot, yet strong and tear resistant [...] with outstanding breathability. vibramfivefingers.cn |
高端品质的星敬SD9.8棉织带,由40%高支数棉纱,50%合成纤维以及10%涤纶工业长丝混纺而成,国内唯一混纺机织带,真正名副其实的棉织带,是国内目 前 透气性 最 佳 及最稳定的瓦楞纸板输送带。 sino-corrugated.com | Premium quality Sun-Jump SD9.8 Cotton Corrugator Belts, made up of 40% cotton yarn, 50% synthetic, 10% IFDY, the best quality in China, affordable price worldwide. sino-corrugated.com |
特种聚合物具有优越的透气性和极 高的湿蒸汽透射性,是制作体育和休闲服饰的理想织物。 cn.lubrizol.com | Superior breathability and high moisture vapor transmission [...] make engineered polymers an ideal choice for fabrics used in garments for sports and recreation. lubrizol.com |
由于具有良好的透气性,因此可以广泛地应用于消防软管、救生筏艇和其他户外场合。 cn.lubrizol.com | Good breathability allows for use in [...] fire hoses and life rafts and other outdoor applications. lubrizol.com |
常规的背包通常只提供少许的支撑性,并且基本不提供任何重量分配 及 透气性 , 都 不属于舒服的背包。 salewa.com.cn | A conventional rucksack offers only limited support and practically no [...] distribution of weight or ventilation. salewa.com |
除了检测传统纺织材料的机械强度(伸展性、耐磨性和摩擦等),我们还评估生理舒 适 性 ( 透气性 、 隔热性和皮肤感应特性)或是否符合 OEKO-TEX®Standard 100标准的某些要求。 hohenstein.us | In addition to traditional material tests on the mechanical strength (stretching, abrasion, rubbing etc.) of textile materials, this also includes the evaluation of the physiological comfort (breathability, heat insulation, skin-sensory properties) or some of the requirements of the OEKO-TEX® Standard 100. hohenstein.us |
因此, 禁止将猫咪装在没有透气窗的旅行包、书包 或 透气性 较 差 的编织袋里。 animalsasia.org | This will cause heatstroke cat, or even worse, de-hydration that can lead to death. animalsasia.org |
特殊的多孔材料可保证人体和外界的 透气性 manfrotto.cn | Special porous material which [...] allows excellent airflow between the user [...]and the outside. manfrotto.com |
这个水气透过阻力值越低,衣服的 透气性 越 好,舒适度也越高,在它的标准中,R值低于6的就属于很舒适的产品了,其实低于13的都可以接受,国产的防水透气面料大都集中在这个范围。 szfangzhi.com | Water vapor through the resistance value, [...] the lower the better clothes permeability, comfort the higher its standard R value [...]of less than 6 is a very comfortable product, in fact, less than 13 can accepted, made of waterproof breathable fabrics are concentrated in this range. szfangzhi.com |
加上钻石型叠层网状主体,使这副比赛标准的GEOMETRA专业TOUCH手套能够完美贴合手掌并提供良好 的 透气性。 umbro.com.cn | In an immaculate colourway of white, kingfisher and true red, the diamond sandwich mesh [...] body of these match standard Geometra Pro Touch gloves is designed to fit perfectly [...] whilst also offering breathability. umbro.com |
高端品质的星敬SD9.8棉织带,由40%高支数棉纱,50%合成纤维以及10%涤纶工业长丝混纺而成,国内唯一混纺机织带,真正名副其实的棉织带,是国内目 前 透气性 最 佳 及最稳定的瓦楞纸板输送带。 星敬SD9.8 RE 加强型铠装边输送带,边缘织入昂贵的特殊材料,更加经久耐用。 sino-corrugated.com | Premium quality Sun-Jump SD9.8 Cotton Corrugator Belts, made up of 40% cotton yarn, 50% synthetic, 10% IFDY, the best quality in China, affordable... sino-corrugated.com |
一种方法是直接通过设备检测获得,目前只有压差 法 透气性 测 试设备能够检测材料对多种气体(He、N2、Air、O2、CO2等)的阻隔性能,如果使用者能保证控制好气源并做好尾气处理(尤其是对于易燃、易爆、有毒的气体)的话该测试原理的设备也可用于检测一些特种气体 的 透 过 性 能。 service.labthink.cn | So far only differential pressure method testing equipment is able to test the barrier properties of certain materials to a wide range of gases (He, N2, Air, O2, CO2, etc.). service.labthink.cn |
本报告介绍了与石油采收率相关的两部分的研究 在缝洞型储层中 进行流体的多尺度模拟 以及在规模孔多孔介质流动的流体直接模 拟 因为有大尺寸的裂缝和洞穴之间的差距 在缝洞储层的复杂流动 有多尺度的特点 通过微观尺度模拟两相在不同类型单一的断层和 洞穴相结合的流量 我们可以探索水油混溶位移机制 [...] 随着多尺度耦 合方法 我们可以对工程级规模的注水操作进行模拟 [...] 我们还对孔隙 大规模流动进行直接模拟 对一系列岩石样本计算了透气性和相对 渗透率 这些模拟结果与实验结果一致 对于油藏的开发是非常有价 [...]值的方法 所有上述模拟都应用了GPU 效果显著 gputechconf.cn | We also performed the direct simulations of the [...] pore-scale flows and calculated the [...] permeability and relative permeability for a series of rock [...]samples, which are in agreement [...]with the experimental results and is useful for the reservoir development. gputechconf.cn |