

单词 透支


透支额 n

overdraft n

External sources (not reviewed)

为了避免任透支麻烦,应每日了解所有银行余额的水平,用一个 账户的盈余来填补另一个赤字账户,规划出账日期,如有必要则推迟出账。
To avoid
[...] any inadvertent overdraft, the level of all [...]
bank balances should be tracked daily, the surplus of one account should
be used to finance the deficit in another account and disbursement dates should be scheduled – and delayed if possible.
透支在資 產負債表之流動負債內借貸中列示。
Bank overdrafts are shown within [...]
borrowings in current liabilities on the balance sheet.
除 本 節 所 述 者 及 經 擴 大 集 團 內 公 司 間 的 負 債 及 一 般 貿 易 應 付 款 項
外,於 二 零 零 七 年 六
[...] 月三十日營業時間結束時,經擴大集團並無已發行或同意發行的任何借貸資本、銀 透支、 貸 款 或 其 他 同 類 債 項、承 [...]
兌 負 債 或 承 兌 信 貸、公 司 債 券、按 揭、抵 押、租 購 合 約 或 融
資 租 約 承擔、擔 保或其他重大或然負債。
Save as referred to in this section and apart from intra-Enlarged Group liabilities and normal trade payables, the Enlarged Group did not have, at the close of business on 30 June 2007, any loan
capital issued and outstanding or agreed to be
[...] issued, bank overdrafts, loans or other [...]
similar indebtedness, liabilities under
acceptances or acceptance credits, debentures, mortgages, charges, obligations under hire purchases contracts or finance leases, guarantees, or other material contingent liabilities.
就現金流量表而言,現金及現金等值項目包括上述界定的現金及現金等值項目,並於適用的情況下減去 未償還銀透支。
For the purpose of the statement of cash flows, cash and cash
equivalents consist of cash and cash equivalents as defined above, net of
[...] outstanding bank overdrafts when appropriate.
[...] 須事先獲閣下及授權使用者同意或向彼等發出通知,而閣下及授權使用者須對因此而產生 之任透支、墊支或借 項承擔全部責任。
We may, however, at its sole discretion carry out any instructions notwithstanding such insufficiency without prior approval from or notice to you or the Authorized
User and you and the Authorized User shall be fully
[...] responsible for any overdraft, advance or debit [...]
created as a result.
現金及 現金等值物包括庫存現金、銀行通知存款、原到期日
[...] 為三個月或以內之其他短期高流動性投資以及銀透 支。
Cash and cash equivalents include cash on hand, deposits held at call with
banks, other short term highly liquid investments with original maturities of three months or
[...] less, and bank overdrafts.
合 資 格 之 交 易 包 括 : (i) 於 有 關 優 惠 期 內 於 海 外 以 外 幣 簽 賬 / 現透 支 及 於 網 上 以 港 幣 付 款 之 旅 遊 及 教 育 類 別 交 易 及 所 有 以 外 幣 付 款 之 交 易 , 並 於 2014 年 1 月 15 日 或 之 前 誌 賬 於 信 用 卡 戶 口 內 之 簽 賬 / 透 支 現 金 ;及 (ii) 於 優 惠 期 內 於 本 地 商 戶 以 免 息 分 期 付 款 購 物 之 每 項 新 交 易 淨 值 滿 HKD5,000 或 [...]
以 上 , 並 於 2014 年 1 月 15 日 或 之 前 誌 賬 於 信
用 卡 戶 口 內 之 簽 賬 。
Eligible transactions include: (i) overseas spending or cash advance and online purchase including HKD transactions in Travel and Education categories and all foreign currency transactions during respective Promotion Period which are posted to the credit card [...]
account on or before 15 January 2014; and (ii)
new interest-free instalment purchase net amount of HKD5,000 or above per transaction at local merchants during the Promotion Period which are posted to the credit card account on or before 15 January 2014.
就 合 併 現 金 流 量 表 而 言,現 金 和 現 金 等 價 物 包 括 庫 存 現 金 和 活 期 存 款,以 及 流 動 性 強、易 轉 換 成 已 知 金 額 的 現 金、且 價 值 變 動 風 險 很 小 的 短 期 投 資,且 購 買 時 到 期 日 通 常 為 三 個 月 內,減 去 作 為 本 集 團 現 金 管 理 一 項 組 成 部 分 的 見 票 即 付 的 銀透 支。
For the purpose of the consolidated cash flow statement, cash and cash equivalents comprise cash on hand and demand deposits, and short-term highly liquid investments that are readily convertible into known amounts of cash, are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value, and have a short maturity of generally within three months when acquired.
(b) 銀行應特別向客戶強調他們所作出的某些決定可能引起的 財務後果,例如帳透支。
(b) banks should highlight the financial consequences of certain actions by customers, for example if they overdraw their accounts.
它是由暂时的困难所 造成,如果反复出现,就难以克服了:为了避免出现零周转基金或负周转基金的情况,支付就会
[...] 推迟,这可能导致供应商抬高销售价格或降低交货质量;应延期支付工资;于是银行就会犹豫是 否允透支或发 放短期贷款,或者强行提高利率。
It gives rise to temporary difficulties that are awkward to overcome if they become recurrent: to avoid a negative or null working capital, payments must be deferred, prompting suppliers to raise their selling prices or lower the quality of their deliverables; salary payments
must be deferred; banks are then
[...] reluctant to authorize overdrafts or to lend short-term [...]
money and may charge higher interest rates.
[...] 三十一日,經擴大集團並無任何按揭、抵押、債券或其他借貸資本或銀 透支 、 貸款 或其他類似債務或承兌負債(一般商業票據除外)或承兌信貸或租購承擔或任何擔保或 [...]
Save as referred to as above and apart from intra-Group liabilities and normal trade payables, the Enlarged Group did not have, as at 31 July 2010, any
mortgages, charges, debentures or other loan
[...] capital or bank overdrafts, loan or other [...]
similar indebtedness or liabilities under
acceptances (other than normal trade bills) or acceptance credit or hire purchase commitments or any guarantees or any material contingent liabilities.
[...] 府購買批租土地應付的款項、貸款、銀 透支 、 融 資 租賃及為固定資產籌措資金而安排的其他借款。
means commercial paper, suppliers’ credits, amounts payable on leasehold land
purchased on instalment terms from the
[...] Government, loans, bank overdrafts, finance leases [...]
and other borrowings arranged for the financing of Fixed Assets.
如因使用自動增值服務產生任透支 , 銀 行可(但並非必須) 透過銀行認為合適的任何方式就自動增值 服務戶口的任透支通知本人/吾等。
The Bank may (but is not obliged to) inform me/us of any overdraft on the AAVS Account as a result of use of AAVS by any means as the Bank may consider [...]
(1) 付予客戶按金、貸款及銀透支的利息(下文第 4(a)分段所列的利息除外),將記入經營費用總 [...]
(2) 銀行存款賺取的利息,包括毋須繳付本港課稅的 利息,將從經營費用總額中抵銷。
(1) Interest payable on consumers’ deposits,
[...] loans and bank overdrafts (other than [...]
interest as set out in sub-paragraph (4)(a))
will be charged to Total Operating Costs.
信譽良好的投資者一般可在新加坡使用一系列信貸工具,包 透支 、 短期預支貸款、中長期貸款及進出口融資工具等。
Investors with good credit standing should generally be able to utilise a myriad range of credit
facilities in Singapore. These credit
[...] facilities include overdrafts, and short-term [...]
advances to medium and longterm loans,
import and export financing facilities etc.
[...] 十一日營業時間結束時,本集團並無任何已發行及尚未償還或協定將予發行之貸款資本、銀透支、貸 款或其他類似債務、承兌負債或承兌信貸、債權證、按揭、質押、租購承擔、擔 [...]
Save as aforesaid or as otherwise disclosed herein, and apart from intra-group liabilities, the Group did not have outstanding at the close of business on 31 January 2012 any loan
capital issued and outstanding or agreed to be
[...] issued, bank overdrafts, loans or other [...]
similar indebtedness, liabilities under
acceptances or acceptable credits, debentures, mortgages, charges, hire purchases commitments, guarantees or other material contingent liabilities.
如因存款不足或事前未作信貸安排,「會員」需在「「 生」要求時,立刻償還該透支之提款或轉賬(視乎何種情況而定)而引致之差額或全部金額,連同 透支 提 款 或轉賬(視乎何種情況 而定)當日起至實際償還日止(不論該還款日期為判決之前或之後)按「「生」不時訂定之利率計算之利息。
If any withdrawal or transfer is made without sufficient fund or pre-arranged credit, the Cardmember shall repay to Hang Seng on demand the sum representing the shortfall or the amount of such withdrawal or transfer (as the case may be) together with interest thereon at such rate as Hang Seng may from time to time specify from the time the shortfall arises or the withdrawal or transfer is effected (as the case may be) up to the date of actual repayment (as well after as before judgment).
[...] 力会回落或持平,因为私营部门需求的压力可能会减少,一些国家向中央银透 支以弥补财政赤字的情况会减少。
Inflationary pressures are expected to recede or remain flat in the majority of countries, as private demand pressures
are likely to be moderate and recourse
[...] to central bank overdraft facilities to finance [...]
fiscal deficits will be scaled down in a number of countries.
為了加深瞭解白領人士如何應付精 透支 問 題 ,葡萄適能量飲料特別委託香港大學民意研究計劃進行了一項意見調查,探討本地白領人士工作時的精 透支 情 況
In an effort to find out how white-collars manage
[...] mental tiredness at work, Lucozade Energy commissioned the Public Opinion Programme (POP) of the University of Hong Kong to conduct a survey examining the state of white-collars' mental well being at work [...]
in Hong Kong.
於二零一零年年終(包括出售集團的財務狀況)的資產負債 比率(界定為銀行貸款、應付票據及銀 透支 總 額 除以股東資金)為43%。
As at end of last year, including the Disposal Group’s financial position, gearing ratio,
as defined by total bank loans, bills
[...] payable and bank overdrafts to shareholders’ [...]
funds as at 31 December 2010, was 43%.
(l) 籌集資本的開支,如按揭及貸款透支利息
(l) capital
[...] financing expenses, e.g. mortgage and interest on loans/ overdrafts.
就 現 金 流 量 表 之 呈 列 而 言 , 現 金 及 現 金 等 價 物 包 括 須
[...] 於 要 求 時 償 還 之 銀透 支( 構 成 本 集 團 現 金 管 理 [...]
之 整 體 一 部 份 )。
For the purpose of the statement of cash
flows presentation, cash and cash
[...] equivalents include bank overdrafts which are repayable [...]
on demand and form an integral part
of the Group’s cash management.
本港的調查發現,曾於工作期間感到精 透支 的 絕大多數被訪者 (93%) 當中,佔了79% 認為精神不振對工作表現帶來負面影響。
The local survey found that a landslide majority of respondents (93%) experienced mental tiredness at work, of whom 79% felt a negative impact on their work performance.
[...] 否已發行及尚未償還、已獲授權發行或已設立惟尚未發行)、有期貸款、其他借款或屬借 款性質的債項,包括銀透支、承付負債(一 般貿易票據除外)、承兌信用證、租購承擔、 [...]
Save as disclosed above and apart from intra-group liabilities and normal trade payables in the ordinary course of business, as at the close of business on 31 December 2006, the Group did not have any outstanding debt securities, whether issued and outstanding or authorised or otherwise created but unissued, term loans, other borrowings or
indebtedness in the nature of borrowings
[...] including bank overdrafts, liabilities [...]
under acceptances (other than normal trade
bills), acceptable credits, hire purchase commitments, mortgages, charges, guarantees or other material contingent liabilities.
这是各会员国作为国家和作为地球居民的责任, 他们已经向这个星透支了其 子孙后代的资源,但 却未能予以保护。
That was the responsibility of the Member States as countries and as inhabitants of Earth, a planet which they had borrowed from succeeding generations but had failed to safeguard.
董事可不時行使本公司一切借貸權,包括但不限於為本公司緣故,以票據 透支 、 現 金信貸或其 他取得貿易融通的常見方式,向銀行或其他人士借入董事酌情認為對本公司財政的妥當及便利管 理屬必要或可取的一筆或以上款項的權力。
The Directors may from time to time exercise all the borrowing powers of the Company including but without limitation powers to borrow from bankers or others for the purposes of the Company by way of bills, overdraft, cash credit or other usual means of obtaining trading accommodation such sum or sums of money as they in their discretion shall consider necessary or desirable for the proper and convenient administration of the Company’s finances.
現金等值物包括銀行存款及手頭現金、於銀行及其他金融機構之活期存款,及短期和流通率極高之投資, 此等投資可隨時轉換為既定金額之現金,且其價值變動風險有限及一般於購入後三個月內到期,扣減 須於通知時即時償還並構成本集團現金管理中組成部分之銀 透支。
Cash equivalents comprise cash at bank and on hand, demand deposits with banks and other financial institutions, and short-term, highly liquid investments which are readily convertible into known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value, and have a short maturity of generally within three months when acquired, less bank overdrafts which are repayable on demand and form an integral part of the Group’s cash management.
憑八達通現金計劃,基本卡持有人使用此卡累積簽賬每港幣200元正便可獲得價值港幣 1元八達通現金回贈(「八達通現金」)並以上述的比率以下捨入方式兌換至仙位數值, 信用卡累積簽賬包括自動增值服務,但不包括一般不被發卡公司接受為信用卡簽賬項目 (包括,但不限於現透支)。
Under the Octopus Cash Program, the Principal Cardholder will be awarded HK$1 worth Octopus cash credits (the “Octopus Cash”), rounded down to the nearest cent for each HK$200 of the credit card spending items (in aggregate) using the Card, including Automatic Add Value Transactions, but excluding such transactions which
customarily do not
[...] constitute credit card spending items in the discretion of the Company (including, without limitation, cash advances).
基 於 被 告 是 在 英 格 蘭 取 得 金
[...] 錢 利 益 ( 指 能 夠透 支 方 式 獲 得 貸 款 的 利 [...]
益 ) , 法 庭 裁 定 英 格 蘭 法 院 有 司 法 管 轄 權 審 理 此 案 。
The English court was found to have [...]
jurisdiction on the ground that the accused had obtained the pecuniary advantage (of
a borrowing by way of overdraft) in England.
於二零一零年十二月三十一日(包括出售集團的財務狀況)的資產負債比率(界定為銀行貸款、 應付票據及銀透支總額 除以股東資金)為 43%,而於二零零九年十二月三十一日則為 5%。
Including the disposal group’s financial position, gearing ratio,
as defined by total bank loans, bills
[...] payable and bank overdrafts to shareholders’ [...]
funds, as at 31 December 2010 was 43%
compared to 5% as at 31 December 2009.




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