

单词 选拔


选拔赛 n

trial n

See also:

pull out
pull up
stand out (above level)
draw out by suction

External sources (not reviewed)

在很多国家,法官和检察官的职业是分 开的,在两种职业间转换需要经过竞争性 选拔 程 序
In many countries, the careers of judges
and prosecutors are separate and the possibility of switching between roles is subject to
[...] a competitive selection process.
在实行连续任用的同时应该辅之以完善而 统一的工作人选拔制度 ,并且要改进业绩考核制 度和加强问责制。
The implementation of continuing
appointments should be accompanied by an improved,
[...] uniform staff selection system, a revamped [...]
performance appraisal system and enforced accountability.
为了确保招聘选拔过程 是公平的,并提供平等的机会,特别委员会促请 秘书处将所有维和培训材料翻译成所有联合国正式语文。
In order to ensure that the process
[...] of recruitment and selection is fair and provides [...]
equal opportunity, the Special Committee
urges the Secretariat to translate all peacekeeping training materials into all official United Nations languages.
各部门和外部评估者是各选拔委员 会的一部分,成立这些委员会的目的是确保 选拔 享受 奖学金的候选人是那些最能为他们的国家增强国家能力作贡献的人。
The sectors and external evaluators form part
[...] of the various selection committees that have been established to ensure that the candidates chosen for fellowships [...]
are those that are
the most suitable for enhancing and contributing to the national capacities in their countries of origin.
[...] 级以上工作人员和 P-5 级“管理人员”)选拔程序和培养工作,其做法是以关键性的管理 [...]
In addition, a Senior Managerial
Competency Framework was developed which aims at
[...] improving the selection process and development [...]
of the senior management cadre
of the Secretariat (D-level staff and above and P-5 “managers”) by using “state-of-the-art” assessment techniques, based on key managerial competencies.
粮食署是联合国发展集团调整后的机构间咨询小组的成员,咨询小组实施了 一个战略方法,选拔合适的内部工作人员参加驻地协调员评估中心。
WFP is a member of the revised Inter-Agency Advisory Panel of the United Nations
Development Group, which has implemented a
[...] strategic approach to selecting suitable internal [...]
staff members to attend the Resident
Coordinator Assessment Centre.
为了确保公平和公正,中央审查机构目前仅仅 根选拔标准审查选拔程序 ,应该在实际挑选征聘、 升职、转变合同和终止合同的人选方面赋予其更大 的权力。
To ensure equity and fairness, the central review bodies,
which currently merely
[...] reviewed the selection process for compliance with the selection criteria, [...]
should be given greater
power in the actual selection of candidates for recruitment, promotion, contractual conversion and termination.
[...] 教干事的会员国互动;寻求会员国提供借调人员;审查、面试和甄选拟议干事; 管理这类借调人员选拔和轮调。
In addition to performing other support functions, the corrections team interacts with Member States that provide seconded corrections officers to peacekeeping operations; solicits offers of secondment; screens, interviews
and selects the officers proposed; and
[...] otherwise manages the selection and rotation of [...]
this category of seconded staff.
虽然基金的决策过程大体上仍然相同,但这种扩大可能需要改 变执行局的工作方法,例如需要在闭幕会议期间进行更多的决策,并且需要修订 对于要求参加条约机构或人权理事会各届会议的申请人 选拔 标 准
While the decision-making process under the Fund could, by and large, remain the same, such an expansion is likely to require certain changes in the working methods of the Board, such as more intersessional decision-making and revised selection criteria for those applying to attend sessions of treaty bodies or the Human Rights Council.
这是几内亚比绍第一次开办经法律授权的专业培训学校,为治安法 官的培训选拔提供证书。
This is the first time that Guinea-Bissau has had a professional training school, mandated by law, to
[...] certify the training and selection of magistrates.
在提出该项请求时,我要急 忙补充一点:免除 6 个月的规定绝对不会产生任何财
[...] 政后果,前实习生必须通过正常的 Inspira 员选拔 程序来申请。
In making this request, I hasten to add that there would be absolutely no financial consequences to
waiving the six-month rule, and former interns would have to apply through the
[...] regular Inspira staff-selection process.
关于加强海地国家警察能力的问题,警察部分以及开发署继续协助执行海地 国家警察改革计划,方法是支选拔 1 016 名新见习警察,并甄别新的和现有的 [...]
With regard to strengthening the capacity of the Haitian National Police, the police component, together with UNDP, has continued to assist in implementing
the National Police reform plan
[...] through support to the selection of 1,016 new recruits, [...]
and the vetting of new and existing personnel.
这一项目持 续不断地为那些负选拔和指 导研究生的负责人们提供相 关培训。
This program provides ongoing training for DGS who are responsible for recruiting and mentoring graduate students.
( 组织结构图和责任手册)
[...] ;编写监狱体系内的职位说明;制定、提出 并实施监狱系选拔程序 ;制定、提出并实施监狱系统升职程序;为重新设计这 [...]
些程序制定计划并实施;禁止工作人员在监狱区域内携带现金,并监督禁令的执 行;由最高主管人员负责监督牢房及床位分配,以确保每名囚犯都有像样的住
In the area of corruption, the proposed measures include: establishing a policy for re-engineering the prison administration system and a new organizational structure (organization chart and handbook of responsibilities); formulating job description profiles in the
prison system; designing, proposing and
[...] implementing a selection process for [...]
the prison service; designing, proposing and
implementing a promotion process for the prison service; designing and implementing a plan for re-engineering these processes; prohibiting staff from carrying money within prison premises and overseeing enforcement of the ban; making the most senior authority responsible for monitoring the assignment of cells and beds in order to ensure that each prisoner has a decent place to sleep without having to pay for it.
委员会表示关切的是,寄养父母有时不必经过一整套正规 选拔 和审 核程序便被选为收养父母,这可能违背了儿童的最高利益。
It is concerned that sometimes foster parents are selected as adoptive parents without necessarily going through the whole regular selection and eligibility process, potentially affecting the best interests of the child.
他还是中国电子商务协会在硅谷的执行代表,也是下一代互联网(NGI)项 选拔 委 员 会的成员。
He has also served as chief representative for the China E-commerce
Association in the Silicon Valley, and as
[...] a member of the selection committee for the [...]
California Next Generation Internet (NGI) program.
与军事观察员不同,国家特遣队的军事人员是 作为特遣队成员提供的,不是在个人基础 选拔 出 来
Unlike military observers, military
members of national contingents are provided as part of a
[...] contingent and are not selected on an individual [...]
or personal basis.
此外,在为填补地区单位职位空缺举行公开竞 选拔 程 序 时,规定候选人 有关于专业能力、知识和技能的书面证明,对候选人进行适当少数民族语言测试 [...]
Furthermore, when the selection procedure in a public [...]
competition for filling in vacant positions in regional units envisages
a written verification of professional capacities, knowledge and skills of candidates, the candidates shall be provided with tests or other forms of written examination in the appropriate language of the national minority.
王国政府将 批 准一项 积 极
[...] 行动政策 ,在公共 服 务领选拔 和提拔 一 批 妇 女担任决策 职 务。
The Royal Government will approve a positive
[...] action policy to choose and promote women [...]
to decision-makers in public services.
所有会员都是经过全面考查严选拔 出 来 的,考查的方面包括工作经验、技术成就、发表文章、所获专利、专业协会会籍以及对履行 [...]
UL 安全使命的总体贡献等。
Members are selected through a detailed [...]
review of job experience, technical achievements, publications, patents, professional
affiliations and overall contribution to the fulfillment of UL’s safety mission.
监督委员会由 10 名成员组成,其中一半人由塞尔维亚
[...] 共和国国民议会根据政府提议任命,另一半由根据国民议会议员团提议在著名公 职官员选拔,条 件是他们不是参加选举的政党机构成员。
The supervisory committee shall comprise 10 members, half of whom shall be nominated by the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia at the motion of the Government and the other half at
the motion of the deputy groups of the
[...] National Assembly selected among the renowned [...]
public officers, under the condition
that these are not members of the bodies of political parties taking part in the elections.
纽约州立大学为研究生提供了一个多样化的奖学金项目并 希望籍此项目帮助学校选拔和保 留学生方面保持其群体 的多样性。
This program assists in recruiting and retaining a diverse graduate student pool.
政府继续以政治态度和政治关系为标 选拔 为 数 不多的公派海外留学项目的参与人,但对自费留学生没有施加这样的限制。
The government continued to use political attitudes and affiliations
[...] as criteria for selecting persons for the [...]
few government-sponsored study abroad programs
but did not impose such restrictions on privately sponsored students.
正在改革让大家能够根据自己的适应性和升学愿望去选择想去学习的学校 选拔 制 度
Meanwhile, there is also a reform in the selection system in which students will be able to choose schools according to aptitude and future goals.
布宜诺斯艾利斯,萨尔塔天主教大学,法医科学学位课程,毒理学教授,2005 年;布宜诺斯艾利斯大学高级研究中心,药物滥用问题跨学科硕士学位方案管理
委员会成员,2000-2005 年;营养学、食品科学和毒理学系系主任,1999-2001
[...] 年;布宜诺斯艾利斯大学医学院,担任评价 选拔 学 生 作为毒理学专业医生培养 对象的委员会成员(1989 [...]
年、1990 年、1991 年、1995 年、1998 年和 2001 年)。
Professor of Toxicology, forensic science degree course, Catholic University of Salta, Buenos Aires, 2005; member of the Commission for the Administration of the Interdisciplinary Master’s Degree Programme on the Problem of Drug Abuse, Advanced Studies Centre, University of Buenos Aires, 2000-2005; Director of the Department of Health, Nutrition, Bromatology and Toxicology,
1999-2001; member of a committee for
[...] the evaluation and selection of students to train [...]
as doctors specializing in toxicology
(1989, 1990, 1991, 1995, 1998 and 2001), Faculty of Medicine, University of Buenos Aires.
262 这一设想具有一定 的建设性,但不应仅仅局限于成立一个智囊团,而 应该将该组织设定为地区性和平调解的秘书处,同 时从东盟的现任及前任各级官员 选拔 发 展 外交特 使。
The blueprint calls for the new institute to develop a pool of regional experts to assist in conflict management and resolution.262 That is constructive, but rather than create merely a think tank, ASEAN should do more to develop its own envoys from the ranks of its serving and ex-officials, while using the institute as its secretariat for regional peacemaking.
关于顾客的个人信息: ・业务上的联系 ・为与顾客协商及履行合同 ・提供我公司产品,服务信息及宣传 ・销售及服务窗口的介绍 ・关于研究会及展览会的介绍 ・为更好的产品及服务的调研 ・为提供保修及技术支持 ■关于对本公司的采用应募的个人信息 •为采选拔 •为公司说明会,面试等的导向 •选拔结果的联络 •为进公司过程的导向 •为有关进公司前的教育的联络 *另外,我公司为顺利的进行业务,对委托方委托一些业务时,委托方可能使用必要范围内的个人信息。
Information of passing status -Information of employement procedure -Information of training before employment *In addition, Micros Software may entrust a part of work to other companies to accomplish our work smoothly with the entrustment of handling personal information within the scope necessary.
对于即将在巴西里约举行的国际特奥融合杯足球赛,莫纳米希说,他需要为此更加努力准备,因为他相信世界各地 选拔 获 得 出赛资格的那些队伍,实力皆不容小觑。
For the upcoming Special Olympics World Cup competition in Rio, Mnyamisi says that he needs to prepare more because he expects to play teams which have qualified from around the world which must be good teams.
联合国志愿人员组织继续征 聘高素质的志愿人员,力求性别均衡和地域分配平衡,强化志愿人员管理周期,
[...] 并将管理周期自动化,其中包括每年对 50 000 份志愿人员申请进行造名册选 拔的程序。
UNV continues to recruit high quality UNV volunteers, pursuing gender balance and geographic distribution, and strengthening and automating
the volunteer management cycle, including
[...] the rostering and selection process for 50,000 [...]
volunteer applications annually.
2010 年,据媒体报道,总理向总督转达意见表示,领土《宪法》中有若干方 面亟需处理,包括总督与领土政府之间“协商”的含义以及公职人员 选拔 和任 用问题。
In 2010, according to media reports, the Premier conveyed to the Governor that there were a number of areas with regard to the Constitution of the Territory that needed to be addressed on an urgent basis, including the meaning of
“consultation” between the Governor and the territorial
[...] Government, and the selection and appointment [...]
of public officers.




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