

单词 选举人

See also:

选举 adj

electoral adj


successful candidate in the imperial provincial examination

人选 pl

candidates pl
nominations pl

External sources (not reviewed)

年总统和地方选举的监测报告中所载建议,这涉及进一步改革选 举制度以及修选举人名单
Concerning elections, the State indicated that it would implement fully the recommendations contained in the OSCE/ODIHR Election
Observation report of 2009, which involved further
[...] reform of the election system, as well as the revision of the voter’s list.
自由、透明的选举被推迟了六次,最近取消指称的外 选举人 的 参 选资 格,造成了暴力局面。
The organization of free
[...] and transparent elections had been postponed [...]
six times and the recent withdrawal of alleged foreign
electors from the rolls had led to violence.
选举人由于残疾原因不能阅读,或不能选择投票箱及将选票装在 信封内交给选举委员会主席,则他们可以选择他们信任的人进行该行为。
Electors who cannot read or who, because of a disability, are prevented from choosing the ballot [...]
paper or placing it in
the envelope and handing it to the Chairperson of the Board may use a person they trust to perform those tasks.
委员会章 程规定选举人应铭记候选人个人必须具备必要的资格、而委员会作为一个整体 则应确实代表世界各大文明和各主要法系。
Under the terms of the
[...] statute, the electors shall bear in mind that the persons to be elected should individually [...]
possess the
qualifications required and that in the Commission as a whole representation of the main forms of civilization and of the principal legal systems of the world should be assured.
如果圈定的姓名少于要填补的空缺席位,则选票有效,因 选举人明 确表明其赞成某些候选人但不赞成其他候选人的意图。
When fewer names have been circled than seats to be filled, the vote is valid since the elector clearly indicates his/her intention to vote for certain candidates, but not for others.
参与该方案起草的各方面代表有内务部(内政处 ) , 选举人 口 普 查办公室, 社会政策及卫生部(残疾人部门政策协调处),邮政机构,西班牙省市联合会,西 [...]
班牙残疾人代表委员会(CERMI)及西班牙国家盲人组织(ONCE),在该草案完成 后将于 2010
年启动皇家法令的正式批准程序,预计在 2011 年应用于县市级选 举。
On completion of the draft by the working group, composed of representatives of the Ministry of the
Interior (the Directorate-General for
[...] Domestic Policy, the Electoral Census Office, [...]
the Ministry of Health and Social Policy
(Directorate-General for Coordination of Sectoral Policies on Disability), the Post Office, the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces, the Spanish Committee of Representatives of Persons with Disabilities (CERMI) and ONCE, a start will be made in 2010 on the formal processing of the draft royal decree, which is expected to be in force in time for the 2011 municipal elections.
这方面的例子包括关于选举廉正的政策指令,以及关于解决选举 争端选举人欺诈 等各种选举问题的技术说明。
Examples of these include policy directives on election integrity and technical notes on various electoral issues like electoral dispute resolution and elector fraud.
[...] 继续在阿比让以及在主要城市布瓦凯和达洛亚支持约有 12 800 人的本选举人 员的 能力建设,并支持设立新的国家选举管理机关,以替代目前的独立选举委员 [...]
The Office would also continue to support, in Abidjan as well as in the main cities
of Bouake and Daloa, capacity-building of
[...] the national electoral staff, which [...]
are estimated at approximately 12,800, and
support the establishment of a new national electoral management body to replace the current Independent Electoral Commission, ensuring that it is fully able to organize future local, municipal and regional elections.
选举人在第 一次投票时最多只可投票选 举五名选人,其后 如需再行投票,可投 选举 的 人 数 最 多只可为五减去已获绝 对多数票候选人的人数。
Each elector may vote for not more than five candidates on the first ballot and, on subsequent ballots, if any, for five less the number of candidates who have already obtained absolute majorities.
该路线图的目标是在平等、平选举 、人 权、 正义、透明、现代性及真正民主理想的基础上制定新的宪法并实行选举。
The Road Map is intended to lead to a new
[...] constitution and elections based on equality, [...]
equal suffrage, human rights, justice, transparency,
modernity and true democratic ideals.
与开发署支助东帝汶选举周期项目合作, 通过国际顾问,以及通过在法律事务、业 务选举人/国民 教育、信息技术、行政 和后勤等领域展开培训活动,向选举管理 机构提供支助 是 在所有地区开展公民和选民教育;公布 2009 年选民人数为 589 610 人,2010 年 为 599 465 人;培训了超过 4 000 名选 举工作人员,并选举管理机构的工作 人员进行了培训,提高他们的能力。
Provision of support through international advisers and training in the areas of legal affairs, operations, voter/civic education, information
technology, administration
[...] and logistics to electoral management bodies, in collaboration with the UNDP support to the Timorese electoral cycle project Yes Civic/voter education was provided in all the districts, the voter roll was published, with 589,610 voters for 2009 and 599,465 for 2010, and the list of candidates was completed, training of over 4,000 electoral staff was completed, and training and capacity-building of electoral management [...]
bodies staff was carried out.
我将集中选举、人道主 义挑战和安全问题谈谈 我的看法。
I will focus my remarks on elections, humanitarian challenges [...]
and security issues.
我谨提醒各成员注意秘书长的备忘录(S/2010/ 442)第 14 段,其中指出,每选举人只可 选投一名 候选人。
I should like to remind members of paragraph
14 of the Secretary-General’s memorandum (S/2010/442), which specifies that
[...] each elector may vote for only one candidate.
公民权利和政治权利国际公约》( 柬埔寨是缔约国) 第二十五条规定,每个人均 有权参与本国的公共事务,有权在真正的定期选举中选举和被选举,这种选举应 是普遍的和平等的并以无记名投票方式进行,以保 选举人 的 意志的自由表达。
Article 25 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (to which Cambodia is a State party) provides that everyone has the right to take part in the conduct of public affairs in the country, and to vote (and to be elected) at genuine periodic elections that are to be by
universal and equal
[...] suffrage and to be held by secret ballot, guaranteeing the free expression of the will of the electors.
改革框架》明确阐明按照总 统的授权,在平等、公选举、人权 、 公正、透明度、现代性和真正的民主理想 [...]
The SFC articulates the formulation of a new
[...] Constitution and elections based on equality, [...]
equal suffrage, human rights, justice,
transparency, modernity and true democratic ideals as mandated by the President.
在第二次或其后的投票中,每选举 人可投票支持至多 25 名候选人减去已获得绝对多数 票的候选人人数的候选人。
In any second or subsequent ballot, each elector may vote for no more than 25 candidates less the number of candidates who have already obtained an absolute majority.
关于第 29 条 a) ii)款,在 2009 年欧洲议会选举时,内政部制定了一项行动 协议,其中规定在有听力障碍的残 选举人 提 出 配备手语翻译的要求时,应提供 手语翻译作为选举委员会成员为听障残疾人在整 选 举 过程中提供服务。
Regarding article 29 (a) (ii), in connection with the 2009 elections to the European Parliament, the Ministry of the
Interior prepared a protocol of
[...] measures for cases in which a voter with a hearing disability requested a sign-language interpreter in order to serve on election day as an electoral officer.
在任何这种情况下,每选举人可在 第一次投票或其后的任何一次投票中 投票支持 25 名候选人。
In any such case, each elector may vote, both in the first ballot and in any subsequent ballot, for 25 candidates.
本项无障碍选举程序的实施方法是,在盲人或视觉障 选举人 事 先提出申 请的情况下,在相应选举委员会的投票处放置标记好的盲文文件及相应的常规投 票箱和信封。
This accessible voting procedure consists in furnishing at the appropriate voting station, for blind or visually impaired electors who have requested it, documentation in Braille together with the standard ballot papers and envelopes.
[...] 《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》,4 特别是每个公民都毫无区别地有权利和机 会直接或通过自由选择的代表参与公共事务,并在真正的定期选举中选举和被选 举,这种选举应依据普遍和平等的投票权,并以不记名投票方式进行,以保选 举人自由表达意志
Reaffirming the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights,2the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women3and the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination,4 in particular that citizens, without distinction of any kind, have the right and the opportunity to take part in the conduct of public affairs, directly or through freely chosen representatives, and to vote and to be elected in genuine periodic elections which shall be by
universal and equal
[...] suffrage and shall be held by secret ballot, guaranteeing the free expression of the will of the electors
她提请注意,间接民主或代议制民主不是世界上唯 一的民主形式,还存在其他可能,如委内瑞拉实行 的参与制民主,就是通选举、人民 协 商和宪法普 选实施。
She remarked that indirect or representative democracy was not the only model of democracy in the world and that other forms, such as participatory democracy, also existed.
按照理事会第 1147(XLI)号决议的规定,将于 2010 年在公平地域分配基础上 按照规定的方选举人口与 发展委员会、社会发展委员会、妇女地位委员会、可 持续发展委员会及科学和技术促进发展委员会的成员。
Under the terms of Council resolution 1147 (XLI), in 2010 the members of the Commission on Population and Development, the Commission for Social Development, the Commission on the Status of Women, the Commission on Sustainable Development and the Commission on Science and Technology for Development are to be elected on the basis of equitable geographical distribution according to a specified pattern.
如预算报告所示,选举援助办公室将:(a) 最终完成余留的选举后业务; (b) 继续支持本选举人员的能力建设;(c) 支持设立新的国家选举管理机关, 确保该机关完全有能力组织今后的地方、市和地区选举;(d) 就选举方面的法律 以及如何维护和更新选民名单向国家当局提供咨询意见。
As indicated in the budget
[...] submission, the Electoral Assistance Office would: (a) finalize the remaining post-electoral operations; (b) continue to support capacitybuilding of the national electoral staff; (c) [...]
support the establishment of a new electoral management body ensuring
that it is fully able to organize future local, municipal and regional elections; and (d) advise the national authorities on electoral legislation and the maintenance and updating of the voter list.
安理会成员应在其希选举的候选人 姓 名 旁边 的方框内打上“X”记号。
Members of the Council should place an “X” in the box next to the name of the one candidate for whom they wish to vote.
[...] 体)大使、几内亚外交部长和参加第二轮选举的两名总统 选人举 行 了 联席会议, 敦促后者继续在过渡时期为维持法律和秩序而努力。
The visiting Presidents also had joint meetings with a number of stakeholders, including ambassadors to the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), the Prime Minister of
Guinea and the two presidential candidates
[...] in the run-off election, whom they urged [...]
to continue to work to maintain law and
order throughout the transition process.
在这方面,我国代表团欢迎联合检查组的报告 (A/65/71),其中建议大会为秘书长一职的 选人举 行听证会或与候选人会晤。
In that regard, my delegation welcomes the report of the Joint Inspection Unit (A/65/71) in which it proposes that the Assembly conduct hearings or meetings with candidates for the post of SecretaryGeneral.
[...] 辖权来代表整个塞岛或土族塞人或作为其代表行事,由土族 人选举 的 代 表才是 土族塞人唯一合法的代表。
It should be stated, at the outset, that the “Government of the Republic of Cyprus” has no legal or moral right or the jurisdiction to represent or act on behalf of the whole
island or the Turkish Cypriot people whose sole legitimate
[...] representatives are those elected by the Turkish [...]
Cypriot people.
而在此关键时 刻,宪法法庭于 12 月 2 日以领人选举舞弊 为由 命令解散人民力量党及其它两个小政党。
At this critical moment, on 2 December, the Constitutional Court handed down a ruling that dissolved the PPP and two smaller parties on grounds that their executive members were involved in electoral fraud.
在 2005 年成立的 主要政党中,团结党确认其总统候选人为约翰逊·瑟利夫总统,副总统候选人为 约瑟夫·博阿凯副总统,自由党选举查尔斯·布鲁姆斯基纳和邦州参议员富兰克 林·西亚科尔为其总统和副总统候选人,民主变革大会选举温斯顿·塔布曼为其 总统选人,选举其 2 005 年总统候选人乔治·维阿为副总统候选人。
Among the main parties from 2005, the Unity Party confirmed President Johnson Sirleaf as its presidential candidate and Vice-President Joseph Boakai as vice-presidential candidate; the Liberty Party elected Charles Brumskine and Bong County Senator Franklin Siakor as its presidential and vice-presidential candidates; and the Congress for Democratic Change elected Winston Tubman as its presidential candidate and George Weah, its 2005 presidential candidate, as its vice-presidential candidate.
(a) 与竞选行政首长的选人举行听 讯和(或)会议,以提高遴选进程的透明 度和公信力,使这个进程更具包容性,使所有国籍的人士都可参与; (b) 确保由联合国各基金和方案以及(或)其他附属机关和实体的执行委员 会、咨询委员会和(或)其他立法机关的成员与列入决选名单的 选人举 行 听 讯和 (或)会议
(a) Conducting hearings and/or meetings with candidates running for the post of executive head, in order to enhance the transparency and credibility of the selection process and make the process more inclusive of all nationalities




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