

单词 逆流而上

See also:


a counter-current
adverse current
against the stream
fig. reactionary tendency
go against the trend


upper class

External sources (not reviewed)

将每个转逆流而上运送 至 Chisasibi - 福伊特在那里建造了一个码头,将转轮直接移到定制的低底盘 [...]
12 轴半挂车上。
The runners were transported up the river, one by one, [...]
to Chisasibi where Voith Hydro worked to construct a dock that would
allow the runners to be moved directly onto a special low-bed 12-axle semi-trailer.
在目前艰难的决策环境中,波音公司、考克斯报业集团、福特汽车公司、凯悦、IBM 和沃尔玛等企业均凭借此解决方 逆流而上 , 增 创营收。
This drives increased revenues in the world’s most demanding decision-making environments in organizations like Boeing, Cox Newspapers, Ford Motor Company, Hyatt, IBM, and Walmart.com.
十多年来,我 们一直在努力解决如何使建设和 逆流而上 和 如何 在冲突结束后立即作出更迅速和更有效反应的问题。
For over a decade, we have grappled with how to bring peacebuilding upstream and how to mount a more rapid and effective response in the immediate aftermath of a conflict.
秋季时在河口附近产卵,三周时间即可孵化成稚鱼流入大海越冬,又会在春季来临时寻觅水温较易上升的河川,为觅食,成百成千的大鱼 逆流而上。
They lay eggs in autumn near the mouth of a river and young fish about three weeks after hatched from
[...] the eggs go into the ocean to pass the winter.
(二) 沙頭角鎮至伯公坳段 由4號點起沿沙頭角河中心逆流而上 經 伯 公坳東側山谷谷底 至該坳鞍部中心止(5號點,北緯22˚33'23.49",東經114˚12'24.25")。
From Point 4, the boundary runs upstream along the centre line of the Sha Tau Kok River and thence along the bottom line of the valley east of Pak Kung Au until it reaches the middle of the Pak Kung Au saddle point (“Point 5”, Latitude 22˚33'23.49" North, Longitude 114˚12'24.25" East).
在拍摄现场,阿拉斯加的渔民Wade Buscher和Mikal Berry给了摄影师Baker第一手捕鱼经验,登上刺网捕鱼船,在河口捕捉帝王鲑 逆流而上 拜 访上游的声纳站。
While in Alaska, Wade Buscher and Mikal Berry give Baker a first-hand fishing experience aboard
their gill net boat, fishing for
[...] King Salmon at the mouth of the river and visiting the Sonar Station [...]
further upstream.
逆流而上:发 展中国家如何应对全球危机”,世界银行工作人员为 2009 年 3 月 13 至 14 日在 联合王国霍舍姆召开的 20 国集团财政部长和中央银行行长会议编写的背景文件。
Swimming against the tide: how developing countries are coping with the global crisis”, background paper prepared by World Bank staff for the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting, Horsham, United Kingdom, 13-14 March 2009.
90年代以来,面对不断热化的海外业务扩展现象,菲赛普果断作出选择 逆 市 场 潮 流而上 , 将 所有的生产线和技术都留在意大利,深深扎根祖国。
From the '90s onwards, in the face of the growing phenomenon of delocalisation, Ficep made a precise choice,
against the tide of
[...] the rest of the market, by deciding to keep all its production lines and know-how in Italy, and [...]
demonstrating a deep
attachment to its own territory and roots.
在这种设计中,阀门不会因泵的排出压 而 打 开 ,因此系统可从根 上 避 免 逆流。
The design is such that the valves will not open against the pump discharge
[...] pressure, as a result the system is inherently protected against backflow.
逆流会放 大总体需求的波动和妨碍投资, 而 严重 影响长期的增长。
Reversals tend to magnify the volatility in aggregate demand and discourage investment, thereby seriously affecting long-term growth.
此外,心脏病和食管疾病的症状可能重叠;例如,在冠心病患者中,胃食 逆流 可 能 导致 ECG 上的 ST 节段发生改变,还可引起胸痛 [29]。
Furthermore, cardiac and esophageal disease may overlap; for instance in
patients with coronary artery disease,
[...] gastroesophageal reflux may trigger ST segment changes on ECG and chest pain [29].
他不明白为何本组逆潮流而 行,推崇老办法。
He therefore wondered why the Organization was going against the trend and advocating an old approach.
尽管这场危机起源于发达国家,并且正在引导经济衰退,但发展中国家也正 在遭受资逆转、借贷成上升、全球贸易和商品价格崩溃以及汇 流 动 减 退等因 素造成的严重影响。
While the crisis originated in developed countries, which are also leading the economic downturn, developing countries are also being
strongly affected through capital
[...] reversals, rising borrowing costs, collapsing global trade and commodity prices and subsiding remittance flows.
相信射精次數較多可減少精逆流, 從 而 減 低 前列腺增生的機會。每星期射精最少一次的男性較少機會出現中等至嚴重的泌尿系統問題。
It was believed that frequent ejaculation would prevent the
[...] hyperplasia by reducing the reflux of the prostatic juice, [...]
and indeed men who reported ejaculating
at least once a week were less likely to have moderate to severe urinary symptoms.
欢迎在国家、区域和国际各级为执行 2001
年《关于艾滋病毒/艾滋病问题的 承诺宣言》和 2006
[...] 年《关于艾滋病毒/艾滋病问题的政治宣言》作出巨大努力并 取得重要进展,其中包括:30 多个国家的新增艾滋病毒感染率下降 25%以上,母 婴传播艾滋病毒显著减少而获得抗 逆 转 录病毒疗法治疗的机会前所未有地扩 大,惠及 600 多万人,使过去 5 年与艾滋病毒相关的死亡下降 20%以上
Welcome the exceptional efforts at the national, regional and international levels to implement the 2001 Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS and the 2006 Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS and the important progress being made, including a more than 25 per cent reduction in the rate of new HIV infections in over 30
countries, the significant
[...] reduction in mother-to-child transmission of HIV and the unprecedented expansion of access to HIV antiretroviral treatment [...]
to over 6 million people,
resulting in the reduction of AIDS-related deaths by more than 20 per cent in the past five years
考虑到要优先淘汰臭氧消耗潜能值高的物质,谨提议 委员会考虑,如果一国属上述第 (a)(i)段所述情形,应能够优先处理涉及淘汰臭氧消耗潜 能值低的物质的项目,而逆转缔 约方会议在其向执行委员会提出的建议中确立的顺序。
Given the priority for phasing out substances with a high ODP, the Committee might wish
to consider if a
[...] country being in the situation described under paragraph (a)(i) above should be able to prioritize projects addressing the phase-out of a low ODP substance, thus reversing the order [...]
established by the Meeting
of the Parries in its advice to the Executive Committee.
与京津地区不同的是,2012年度长三角和珠三角两地区拍卖市场份逆 势而上,均比上一年度有一定的提升。
Contrary to the Beijing and Tianjin region, the Yangtze River Delta1 and Pearl River Delta2 regions auction market share rose in 2012 against the trend, both improving on the year before.
来自全世界的人们能够参与辩论而这 一事件将在上流动。
People from around the world would be able to engage in
[...] the debate, as the event would be streamed online.
(i) 一种就如何能够充分、有效和可持续执行《公约》,解决关于缓解、
[...] 适应、技术、资金和能力等合作和加强行动提供总的和明确指导的意 见和观点流;而非有待《公约》缔约方第十五届会 上 达 成 的商定 结果的最后成果或案文用语 (中国,MISC.5 和 MISC.5/Add.2)。
(i) An exchange of views or ideas providing general and clear guidance about how to enable the full, effective and sustained implementation of the Convention, addressing cooperative and enhanced action on mitigation,
[...] technology, finance and capacity; not be a final result or a textual language in the agreed outcome [...]
to be reached at
fifteenth session of the Conference of the Parties (COP) (China, MISC.5 and MISC.5/Add.2).
增强妇女权能工作欠缺,对充分实 现人权和总体的经济政治发展和进 而 言 , 是一股逆流。
The lack of women’s empowerment poses a major setback to the full achievement of human rights and overall economic and political development and progress.
在各条主要流上正在 兴建或计划修建 25 个 以上的大型水电站,投资主要来自邻国,大部分电力也将出口给这些国家 而缅 甸目前只有 13%的人口拥有电力供应。
More than 25 large hydropower dams are being built or planned on all major rivers, with investment mainly from neighbouring countries to whom most of the power will be exported, despite only 13 per cent of Myanmar’s population currently having access to electricity.
委员会还建议缔约国加紧努力并利用一切可能的手法,打击和遏制公共言论方面 的种族主义和仇外心理逆流,尤其要强烈谴责公共官员和政治及宗教领袖的种 族主义和仇外心理的言论,并采取适当措施,尤其打击缔约国实际控制领 上侵 害非犹太少数民族的种族主义行为和表现的泛滥现象。
The Committee also recommends that the State party step up its efforts and use all possible
means to counter and stem the tide of racism and xenophobia in public
[...] discourse, in particular by strongly condemning all racist and xenophobic statements by public officials and political and religious leaders, and by implementing appropriate measures to combat the proliferation of acts and manifestations of racism that particularly target non-Jewish minorities in the territories under the State [...]
party’s effective control.
第一季度出現持續復甦,標普500指數上升5%,利 率保持相對穩定而AA公司 債券息差及波動性較二零零九年底水平有所下跌,第二季度有 逆 轉 , 本年上 半年 末標普500指數下跌7.6%,十年期國庫債券息率跌至3%以下,掉期利率跌至接近歷史低位,AA公司債券 息差小幅增加,而波動性增加至與二零零九年上半年末更一致的水平。
The continued recovery witnessed in the first quarter - the S&P 500 index increased five per cent, interest rates remained relatively steady and AA corporate spreads and
volatility declined
[...] somewhat from year-end 2009 levels – was reversed in the second quarter – the S&P 500 index ended the first half of the year down 7.6 per cent, 10-year [...]
Treasury rates
dropped below three per cent, swap rates declined to approximate historic lows, AA corporate spreads increased slightly and volatility increased to levels more consistent with the end of the first half of 2009.
在 1980 年代,货币基金和世界银行被动员起来,帮助许多发展中国家实 施经济改 革,以减少其 债 务,在这些年中,贫 民 窟 爆炸性地增长
[...] ,不仅吸 引 了 贫 困 的 乡村移民,而且 还 吸 引 了成上千万由于这些调而流离 失 所或陷 于 贫困的 城市居民。
The 1980s, when the IMF and World Bank were mobilized to help the restructuring of the economies of many developing countries in order to reduce their debt, were the years when slums grew
explosively, attracting not only poor rural migrants,
[...] but also millions of city-dwellers displaced or impoverished by [...]
the impact of these adjustments.
然而,由於投資者的風險厭惡水平上升,該趨勢已於二零一一 上 半 年 度 逆 轉 ,而 M&G 的固定收 入基金系列於不同權益及資產取得結餘,佔零售淨流量的 62%。
However, as levels of risk aversion amongst investors has
increased, this
[...] trend has reversed over the first half of 2011 with M&G’s [...]
fixed income fund range accounting for 62 per cent of the net retail flows
with the balance spread across equities and property.




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