

单词 逆水行舟,不进则退



Study is like rowing upstream: no advance is drop back

See also:


lit. a boat going against the current (idiom); fig. you must work harder

External sources (not reviewed)

所以,特 區政府應該深刻體會逆水行舟,不 進 則 退 的 大 道理。
Therefore, the SAR Government should understand very well the fact that "a boat sailing against the current must forge ahead or it will be driven back".
换句话说,如不进行 技术 性调整将这些费用增加到上面所列的实际零增长预算的总额之上,活动 水 平 则 势 必会 降低。
In other words, the level of activities will inevitably be reduced if these costs are not added, as technical adjustment, on top of the ZRG budget level indicated above.
眾所周知,要在競爭劇烈的國際社會上生存,心中須時刻保持危機意 識,否則便會有逆水行舟般,不進 則 退。
As we all know, we should maintain a vigilance against crisis in order to survive in the highly competitive international community.
雖然今天的議題有如逆水中行舟, 但 我希望大家以後能多從企業精神的角 度出發,不是從 賺錢的角度來看待事物。
Though the proposal in today's motion seems to sail against the
current, I hope Members will take a
[...] different perspective in future, considering everything from the angle of entrepreneurial spirit but not in terms of money.
我们强烈希望一切拥有核武器的其他国家效法,并且同时在核裁 进 程 中不可逆转、可核查和透明度的则。
We strongly hope that all other states possessing nuclear weapons
will follow suit, while
[...] applying the principles of irreversibility, verifiability and transparency to the nuclear disarmament process.
我们必须努力确保我们对待武 装冲突局势中保护平民的方法始终一致 不 以 国 家利 益、仅以正义和则作为进退的依据。
We must try for consistency in our approach to the protection of civilians in
all situations of armed
[...] conflict and not be held back or propelled by national interest, but by justice and principle alone.
在此背景之下,他们吁请美国和俄罗斯联邦对此类裁 减适用透明不可逆转和可核查则 , 并 进 一 步 削减核武库,包括弹头和运载 系统,从而推动行其核 裁军义务并促进尽早实现一个无核武器的世界。
In this context they called on the United States and
the Russian Federation
[...] to apply the principles of transparency, irreversibility and verifiability to such cuts, to further reduce their nuclear arsenals, both warheads and delivery systems, thus contributing to the fulfilment [...]
of their nuclear
disarmament obligations and facilitating the realisation of a world free of nuclear weapons at an earliest date.
政府以往不願意做,便說我們沒有共識,但現在有了共識, 政府仍是不願意做;再加上有這種令政 逆水行舟 的 不 良 形 象,當局是 否明白問題所在?
Now that a consensus has been reached, the Government is still unwilling to exercise regulation; and now there is also this undesirable impression, which has caused the Government to be doing something like sailing a boat against the currents.
草案(第 3 和第 4 款在很大程度上互相重复)所设想的程序应规定:(a)在仲裁 庭组成后,须在可行条件下尽快确定仲裁庭的收费和开支(第 4 款末尾设想在 “裁决书已下达”的情况下也能对仲裁庭确定收费和开支的方 进行 “调 整”),同时也鉴于下述(b)项的情况;(b)仲裁员若认为无法接受第三方(无论是 指定机构还是常设仲裁庭)对仲裁庭的确定方法所作的调整 则 有 权 退 出。
The procedure envisaged by the draft (in paras. 3 and 4, to a large extent repetitive), should provide for: (a) the need to determine the arbitral tribunal’s fees and expenses as soon as practicable after its constitution (para. 4, at the end, assumes that “adjustments” to the arbitral tribunal’s
determination of fees
[...] and expenses may intervene also when “the award has already been issued”), also in light of (b) below; (b) the right of an arbitrator to withdraw, should the third party’s (be it the appointing authority or the PCA) adjustments to the arbitral tribunal’s [...]
determination be held unacceptable.
旦孩子的觀念已經確立,要用社區教育去改變他既定的觀念, 就逆水行舟,事 倍功半。
Once a child has taken on certain values, any attempt to change his values through community education is just like making bricks without straw.
因此,巴西代表团提议将则草案 退回步骤 6,在委员会进行更为 深入的讨论,以确保 则 满 足 进口国和出口国的关注。
The Delegation therefore proposed to return
[...] the Draft Guidelines to Step 6 for further discussion in the Committee, in order to ensure that the Guidelines met the concerns [...]
both of importing and exporting countries.
劉慧卿議員: 主席,我的質詢其實很簡單,便是說社會上有這種印象, 當然,在這數十年來,最有錢的人皆是地產商,而林鄭月娥局長也說, 公眾有這個看法,令政府做 逆水行舟 , 我 便問當局有否作出分析,找 出原因,不是問他做過些甚麼。
Over these few decades, the richest people are surely all real estate developers, and Secretary
Carrie LAM also remarked
[...] that owing to this public image, the Government might be doing something like sailing a boat against the currents.
爱尔兰的独舟运动全年进行,各个 不 同 的 季节会提供不同的选择。
In Ireland, canoeing is a yearlong activity with the different seasons offering a phenomenal variety [...]
of options.
本运动呼吁美国和俄罗斯联邦按照条约为其规定的 义务,行透明、不可逆和可核查 则 , 进 一 步 削减 其核武库,无论是弹头还是运载系统。
The Movement calls on the United States and
the Russian Federation
[...] to apply the principles of transparency, irreversibility and verifiability [...]
to further reduce their
nuclear arsenals, both warheads and delivery systems, under their Treaty obligations.
中东和平进不进则退,越 是面临困难,国际社 会越应该团结协作,加大劝和促谈的力度,不遗余力 [...]
地推动巴以早日实现复谈,保证和平进程持续向前发 展。
In the face of increasing difficulties, the
international community should be more
[...] coordinated and united as it steps up its efforts to [...]
promote peace talks and spare no effort
to promote the resumption of talks between Israel and Palestine as soon as possible and to secure the advancement of the peace process.
如果当事人的愿望无法确定或不行 、 或不可靠,有关的数据和生物标 则 应 不 可 逆转 地切断与当事人的关联或加以销毁。
If the person’s wishes cannot be determined or are not feasible or are unsafe, the data and biological samples should either be irretrievably unlinked or destroyed.
以上各不影响一缔约国在合理的时间内根据条约规定或其他可适用的 国际法则对终止、退出条 约或中止其 行 提 出 反对的权利。
Nothing in the preceding paragraphs shall affect the right of a Party to object
[...] within a reasonable time, in accordance with the terms of the treaty or applicable rules of international law, to termination, withdrawal or suspension of its operation.
在目 前相对疲软的全球经济条件下,若石油价格在今后两年内一直保持上涨 50%的水 平,则世界生产总值就可能降低 0.5 至 1 个百分点。4 假如这导致其他商品价格 随之上涨,而且如进一步的不确定性引发在对影响的某种估计中没有考虑到的 后果,也就是说导致金融市场混乱,则影响可能更为严重。
Under the present, relatively weak, global economic conditions, an oil price rise of 50 per cent
sustained over the coming
[...] two years could lower world gross product growth by 0.5 to 1 percentage point.4 The impact could be stronger if it induced other commodity prices to rise as well and if increased [...]
uncertainty triggered
turmoil in the financial market, effects not considered in the given estimate of the impact.
雖然有逆水行舟,形 勢比人弱, 但仍然要頂天立地,堅守承諾,因為本人深信民主,所以相信市民的 判斷,選擇了在爭取民主的路上與市民同行。
Although we are sometimes the underdog who must go against the tide, we still need to stand upright and hold true to our promises because I firmly believe in democracy and hence, the people's judgment.
發展局局長曾表示,“基於 社會上對於香港地產界的公眾形象,特區政府的工作是有 逆水行 舟 ”。
The Secretary for Development has remarked that "owing to the public image of the real estate sector in Hong Kong, both the Government and I might be doing something like sailing a boat against the currents".
然 而,在这一年到期时,如退约国正处于冲突之 中则退约行为需 待冲突结束、起码是归还完 文化财产后方能生效。
However, if, on the expiry of this period, the
denouncing Party is involved in an armed
[...] conflict, the denunciation shall not take [...]
effect until the end of hostilities, or
until the operations of repatriating cultural property are completed, whichever is the later.
我明白,今天提到任何與地產發展有關的工作時,基於 社會對於香港地產界的公眾形象,我或特區政府的工作會有 逆水行 舟,我 們要用很大的努力向大家證明,我們是為了廣大市民的利益,亦 是為了維護小業主的權益而進行這項工作。
I understand that when mention is made of work related to real estate development, owing to the public image of the real estate sector in Hong Kong, both the Government and I might be doing something like sailing a boat against the currents.
在2008 年于巴塞罗那举行的第四次世界养护大会上,由国 家、政府机构和非政府组织组成的自然保护联盟的成 员通过了敦促大会要求各国制定评估程序的文字,包 括评估对国家管辖范围以外区域的海洋环境、海洋生
物资源和生物多样性可能产生重大不利影响的各种 人类活动的累积性影响;并且确保所评估的、可能产 生此种重大不利影响的活动须经对从事此种活动的
[...] 国民和船只负有责任的国家在事前核准,并且需要符 合国际法和确保管理这类活动,以防止这种重大的不 利影响,则不核准进行这种活动。
At the fourth World Conservation Congress, held in Barcelona in 2008, IUCN members, composed of States, Government agencies and non-governmental organizations, adopted language urging the General Assembly to call on States to develop assessment processes, including the assessment of the cumulative impacts of human activities with a potential for significant adverse impacts on the marine environment, living marine resources and biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction; and to ensure that assessed activities with the potential for such significant adverse impacts are subject to prior authorization by the States responsible for nationals and vessels engaged in those activities, consistent with
international law, and that such activities are managed to prevent such significant
[...] adverse impacts, or not authorized to proceed.
根据关于纳米比亚卫生动态性质的各种统计数据,政府充分了解,如果要实 现到 2015 年将儿童死亡率降低三分之二的千年发展目标,就必须在同一时期内 将全国的死亡率降低一半(纳米比亚共和国,2007;路线图:4);如 不进行营 养监测和促进孕产妇和儿童营养,不改善全国弱势群体(尤其是妇女、儿童的和 HIV/艾滋病感染者)的营养状况;不通过使用 逆 转 录 病毒治疗来预防母亲将艾 滋病毒传染给未出生的孩子;不改善保健服务的基础设施,那么,到 2015 年可 能无法实现千年发展目标 3、4、5 和 6。
Given various statistical data on the dynamic nature of health in Namibia, the Government is fully informed that the Millennium Development Goal to reduce child mortality by two thirds by 2015 can only be achieved if national mortality is halved during the same period (Republic of Namibia, 2007; road map:4); and that without nutritional surveillance and promotion
of maternal and child
[...] nutrition, as well as improving the national status of nutrition among the vulnerable groups (particularly women, children, and people living with HIV/AIDS); prevention of HIV transmission from mother to the unborn child through the use of antiretroviral [...]
treatment; and improvement of
the infrastructure for health services, Millennium Development Goals 3, 4, 5, and 6 may not be achieved by 2015 (OECD, 2008:488; Republic of Namibia, 2010:3-4; Republic of Namibia, 2008.
此外,第 1973(2011) 号决议第 15 段要求会员国不管是 以本国名义采取行动,还是通过区域组织或 安排采取行动,在按照该决议第 13 段进行检查时,立即向委员会提交初步书面 报告,特别是说明检查的理由、这些检查的结果以及是否获得合作;如果发现禁 止转移的物品则进一 步要求这些会员国在晚些时候向委员会提交后续书面报 告,提供检查、没收和处置的相关细节和转移的相关细节,包括有关物项、其来 源和预定目的地的描述(如果初次报告中没有这些信息)。
Moreover, paragraph 15 of resolution 1973 (2011) requires any Member State, whether acting nationally or through regional
organizations or
[...] arrangements, when it undertakes an inspection pursuant to paragraph 13 of the resolution, to submit promptly an initial written report to the Committee containing, in particular, explanation of the grounds for the inspection, the results of such inspection and whether or not cooperation was provided, and, if prohibited items for transfer are found, further [...]
requires such Member States
to submit to the Committee, at a later stage, a subsequent written report containing relevant details on the inspection, seizure, disposal and relevant details of the transfer, including a description of the items, their origin and intended destination, if this information is not in the initial report.
我们还必须确保我们的核查系统强大 到足以使人们对基于可核查不可逆 及 透 明等 则的 防进程和 裁军进程的完整性怀有必要的信心。
We also need to ensure that our verification systems are robust enough to provide the necessary confidence in the integrity of both non-proliferation and disarmament processes, based on the principles of verifiability, irreversibility and transparency.
9年后,我们也应该清醒地认识到自己的短处,作为立足中国,希望树立中国品牌的临床CRO,面对着汹涌而至的来自全球各大CRO的咄咄逼人的攻势,我们四面都隐藏着巨大的威胁和挑战 不进则退 , 我 们只有不断地提升自身的技术能力,改进 行 力 , 向先进的公司学习先进的管理方法,更积极主动地去思考长久发展所需要的东西,打造真正专业的人才和团队,奠定更扎实的发展基础,我们才能够应付挑战,并战胜自己和对手,成为最终的胜者。
9 years later, we also should recognize our own shortcomings clearly, as a clinical CRO based on China and hoping to set up our own brand, facing the surging aggressive offensive from global large CROs, there are
great threats and
[...] challenges hidden in all directions, not to advance is to go back, we only have to continually upgrade our technical [...]
ability, improve
the power of implementation, learn the advanced methods of management from the advanced companies, more actively think about the requirements for long-term development, train real professional talents and build a professional team, lay a more solid basis of development, so we are able to cope with the challenges and conquer yourself and rivals, then become the final winner.
(c) 在第三十八次会议向世界银行划拨的经费中暂时扣发 1,159,980 美元 因 为世界行所提供不退还这些支助费用的解释不够详细 对这一事项作任进一步 审议都应该与世界银行提供秘书处所索取的资料挂钩 以便秘书 处评估世界银行遵守第 35/13(k)号决定的情况 (d) 指出只有在以下情况中 才可以不行联合 国的做法 不退还已撤消项目 和有经费节省的已完成项目的部分支助费用 执行机构已经向财务中介机 构支付了一笔费用 以便在执行项目之前对有关企进行 一 次财务评价 而有关项目随后被撤消
(d) To note that the only circumstances under which it would be possible for a portion of the support costs from cancelled projects and completed projects with savings not to be returned according to United Nations practice was when a fee was paid by the implementing agency to a financial intermediary to undertake a financial evaluation of the enterprise before project implementation, and the project was subsequently cancelled.
为此,有必要限不直接参与产品实际生产的这 类期货市场参与者,例如保险公司、投资 行 、 退休 基金和股票基金等可进行的交 易数量。
To that end, it is essential to limit the volume of transactions that may be executed by such futures market participants as insurance companies, investment banks, pension funds and equity funds, among others, which play no direct part in the physical production of the product.
例如,南區區議會便利用撥款中的340萬元, 舉辦了“南區旅遊文化節”,內容包括淺水灣夏日沙灘嘉年華、赤柱酒吧 街旅遊推廣活動、生行山導 賞遊、香港仔 舟 競 渡 、大 水 陸 祈 福巡 遊及黃昏音樂會等。
For example, the Southern DC has earmarked $3.4 million from the provision to organize the Southern District Tourism & Culture Festival with programmes including a summer beach party at Repulse Bay, tourism promotion activities at Pub Street, Stanley, docent
eco-tours, dragon boat
[...] race at Aberdeen, a mega land and water parade to pray for blessings, evening [...]
concerts, and so on.




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