

单词 逆喻

See also:

go against

a simile
an analogy
an allegory
describe sth. as
surname Yu

External sources (not reviewed)

作为一个缩小数字和知识鸿沟的重要工具,提高媒介与信息素养的重要性不言 喻, 发 达国家和发展中国家对媒介与信息素养的重视程度与日俱增。
The importance of MIL is noted as a key instrument for narrowing both the digital and knowledge divides, and increased importance is being placed on MIL by both developed and developing countries.
不言喻,这 一数 额将根据行政委员会和五个计划委员会联席会议的意见和大会作出的有关最高预算额的决定加以调 整。
it being understood that this total amount was subject to adjustments in the light of the joint meeting of the Administrative Commission and of the five Programme Commissions and the decisions taken by the General Conference concerning the budget ceiling.
本 委員會要求 政府當局放寬現行對 曾 領取政 府 ‘ 房屋福利’ 人士在出售物 業後終 生 不能申 請 出租公屋的限 制,讓 曾 領取政府‘房屋福利’的人 士 , 在出售物 業後兩 年 ,若符合輪候冊的 入息 及資產 限 額 ,便可申 請 出租公屋,而房屋署列 舉的特殊情況,包括破產、領取綜援、家庭環逆轉及 家庭面對健康或個人問題的人士, 在 出售物 業後,則可即時申 請 出租公屋。
That this Panel requests the Administration to relax the current restriction on past recipients of ‘housing benefits’ from the Government to apply for public rental housing (PRH) for life after selling their flats, so that past recipients of ‘housing benefits’ from the Government who meet the income and asset limits for the Waiting List may apply for PRH two years after the sale of their flats, and in the case of those who face the special circumstances as cited by the Housing Department, including bankruptcy, receipt of the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance, adverse changes in family conditions as well as medical problems in the family or personal problems, they should be allowed to apply for PRH immediately after the sale of their flats.
該等措施包括喻課本 出版商不要在課本推廣活動上,向學校 提供任何形式的利益、捐贈、禮品或奢華款待,以免將有關成 本轉嫁到書價上;編訂《課本編印設計簡約指引》供出版商參 考,並要求出版商編印課本時,以"實而不華"的原則採用廉價而 恰當的印刷方法、紙張及設計等,以減輕製作成本;每年向學 校發出《學校選用課本及學習材料須知》的通函;以及提供指 引,述明如何透過教師研討會選用合適課本及幫助學生盡量減 少課本。
These include advising textbook publishers not to provide schools with any forms of advantages, donations, free gifts or luxurious hospitality during textbook promotion to avoid including the related costs when pricing the textbooks; issuing the "Guidelines for Printing of Textbooks" to publishers for reference and requesting them to adopt the "functional and cost-effective approach" by making use of appropriate printing methods, paper and design with low-cost features to reduce the production costs of textbooks; issuing to schools a circular memorandum on "Notes on Selection of Textbooks and Learning Materials for Use in Schools" every year; and providing guidelines on how to select suitable textbooks and help students minimize textbooks through teacher seminars.
摩尔多瓦:全球经济和金融危机的影响,使摩尔多瓦处于在社会经济发展方面经历负 增长的危险,人们日益担心形逆转 , 在实现千年发展目标方面尤其如此。
Moldova: The impact of the global economic and financial crisis places Moldova at risk of experiencing negative performance in its socio-economic development with an increasing fear of reversal in particular with regard to the MDGs.
在没有任何明确说明时,这 种意向可能是假定的,但不言喻的 是 ,保留方可以完全无阻碍地向其他缔约方 表明其真实意愿。
Although this intention may be hypothetical if not expressly indicated by the author, it is understood that nothing prevents the author from making its true intention known to the other contracting parties.
相互关联的多重全球危机和挑战,如粮食不安全加剧、不稳 定的能源和初级商品价格以及全球金融和经济危机,部 逆 转 了最不发达国家多 年来取得的发展成果。
Multiple, interrelated global crises and challenges, such as increased food insecurity, volatile energy and commodity prices, and the global financial and economic crisis partly reversed development gains that least developed countries achieved over the years.




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