单词 | 逃跑 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 逃跑verb—escapev(often used)less common: fleev run awayv 逃跑—flee from sth.Examples:迅速逃跑v—boltv See also:逃v—escapev fleev run awayv fledv 跑v—escapev runv run awayv 跑—off (verb complement) away run around (on errands etc) (of a gas or liquid) leak or evaporate (of an animal) paw (the ground) 逃adj—fleeingadj
将他们引渡的决定是根据《公民权 [...] 利和政治权利国际公约》的条款做出的,并考虑到了罪名的严重性以避免有人逃 跑和确保缔约国领土上的公共安全。 daccess-ods.un.org | The decision to extradite them was taken in accordance with the provisions of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and also taking into [...] account the gravity of the charges, to [...] avoid theindividualsescaping and to ensure public [...]security on the territory of the State party. daccess-ods.un.org |
工作组还注意到,司法制度在审前拘留方面不利于外国人,因为可以很容易地 [...] 说,外国人与城市或国家之间没有联系纽带,因此可能会 逃跑。daccess-ods.un.org | It also notes that the judicial system works against foreigners with [...] respect to pretrial detention, as it is easily argued that foreigners have no ties to the city [...] or country and mayflee. daccess-ods.un.org |
在笼子的一侧有一个弹性的,可以自动闭锁的V 形门,这可以安全的防止猫咪逃跑,即使它们弄翻了笼子也无妨。 animalsasia.org | On one side there is a flexible [...] V-shape door that can automatically lock, which will safely [...] prevent thecat from escaping evenif thecages [...]are knocked over. animalsasia.org |
设想一下赫尔辛基居民逃跑的情景。 unicef.org | Imagine the residentsof Helsinki on therun. unicef.org |
如果法德 [...] 里所说为实,那每个人都可以松一口气,因为主 谋已经被关在牢里了,无论他在逃跑时还曾想过 什么更大的计划现在都没有机会实施了。 crisisgroup.org | If Fadly’s version is correct, then everyone should breathe easier: [...] the mastermind is already behind bars, and whatever larger plans he may [...] havehad afterescaping have nowbeen scuttled. crisisgroup.org |
一个多月以后,在佤察女士大致了解了所在的位置、并知道怎样才能找到一个安全的地点获得帮助后,她设法 逃跑了。 unicef.org | More than a month later, Ms. Wacha managed to escape, after getting to know the area and learning where to find safety and help. unicef.org |
虽然波斯 [...] 尼亚和黑塞哥维那法院已将协助斯坦科维奇 逃跑的三人定罪,但检察官办公室仍 鼓励波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那当局以及相邻各国采取一切必要措施,将他逮捕归 案。 daccess-ods.un.org | Although the Court of Bosnia and [...] Herzegovina has convicted three persons for [...] assisting Stanković’s escape, the Office of the [...]Prosecutor encourages the authorities of [...]Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as neighbouring States, to take all necessary measures to apprehend him. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果猫咪逃跑,应 当在附近放上水和食物, 逃跑的猫咪一般会躲藏一段时间,但它们不 会跑的很远,持续提供食物和水可以帮助它们回来。 animalsasia.org | Ifthe cat escapes itwill not go far, so you should provide food and water near [...] by to help encourage it back. animalsasia.org |
专家组从多种来源了解到,招募人员并非是胁迫性的。 [...] 从遣返人员比例相对较高的事实和从很多回返者收集的证词来看,卢民主力量中 的一些普通士兵是利用军事行动产生的混乱 逃跑的。daccess-ods.un.org | The relatively high rate of repatriation, as well as testimonies gathered from many of the returnees, suggest that [...] some among the rank-and-file FDLR elements have taken advantage of the confusion created by [...] military operationstoflee. daccess-ods.un.org |
(c) 拘留不是最后的手段,许多儿童被拘留,几乎有一半处于审前拘留的 状态,然而,青少年康复中心中的女孩有一半被指控犯有所谓的道德罪行,例如 从家中逃跑、有的甚至在怀孕期间和孩子出生以后逃跑 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) Detention is not the last resort and a large number of children are in detention, almost half of them in pre-trial detention, while about half of the girls in Juvenile Rehabilitation Centres have been charged with so-called moral offences, such as running away from home, some of them even during pregnancy and the birth of their child daccess-ods.un.org |
死亡的原因涉及广泛的普通疾病,而两人死亡是因暴力所致:一 个是企图逃跑时受 伤,另一个是受到虐待。 daccess-ods.un.org | Causes of death ranged across of a broad spectrum of ordinary diseases, while two [...] deaths resulted from violence: one case of injuries [...] sustainedduringanescape attempt and one [...]case from ill-treatment. daccess-ods.un.org |
吉布提、坦桑尼亚和索马里三国可能需要达 [...] 成协议,确定进行这种转运的条件,其中包括安保安排、嫌犯的拘押、运送过程 中发生逃跑或紧急医疗事件等,并确定应由谁承担费用。 daccess-ods.un.org | An agreement would be likely to be necessary between Djibouti, Tanzania and Somalia to determine the conditions of such transfers, including security [...] arrangements, the custody of the suspects, [...] contingenciessuchasescape or medicalemergencies [...]during transit, and to determine who would meet the costs. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外, 该地区各国家都必须采取一切可能的措施,将已被判 [...] 处 20 年徒刑,但在波斯尼亚监狱服刑期间 逃跑的拉多万·斯坦科维奇重新捉拿归案。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, all possible measures must be taken by [...] countries in the region to apprehend [...] Radovan Stanković, whoescaped from prison in Bosnia [...]while serving his 20-year sentence. daccess-ods.un.org |
他们逃跑,机车脱落雪橇,沿着陡峭的山上,它与其他机车在铁路终点站碰撞,造成锅炉爆炸开始营和森林火灾。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Theyescape,and thelocomotive [...] falls off its sledge and down the steep hill where it collides with another locomotive at [...]the railhead, causing a boiler explosion which starts the camp and woods on fire. seekcartoon.com |
五年后,都柏林便在武力下被其攻占,但海盗也受到当地爱尔兰人的攻击,随后仓皇 逃跑离开了爱尔兰。 discoverireland.com | Five years later, Dublin was taken, but the Vikings were [...] attacked by the localIrishandfled. discoverireland.com |
回到镇上,与汉普顿自己手腕上的手表,它永远地与你 逃跑的那一刻,记住一个周末豪华的海滨。 zh.horloger-paris.com | And back in town, with a Hampton watch on his wrist, it keeps forever with [...] you a moment of escape, a weekend Remember [...]luxurious oceanfront. en.horloger-paris.com |
随之而来的一场争吵后,侮辱她,当他们试图 逃跑,宾克爬起来旋转门的入口在他的书中还设有一个百货(),并被迫向内的势头。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | An altercation ensues after they insult her, and while [...] they attempt their escape, Bink crawls up [...]to a revolving door at the entrance to a [...]department store (also featured in his book) and is forced inwards by its momentum. seekcartoon.com |
关于扣留,第 15 [...] 条规定,“成为遣返对象”的外国人有以下情况才可被扣留: (a)“存在逃跑风险”;或(b)“逃避或阻碍进行遣返或驱离的准备工作”。 daccess-ods.un.org | With respect to detention, article 15 provides that an alien who is “the subject of return procedures” [...] may only be kept in detention when (a) [...] “there isa risk of absconding”, or(b) the [...]alien concerned “avoids or hampers the [...]preparation of return or the removal process”. daccess-ods.un.org |
一些囚犯还说,由于最近有人逃 跑,他们每日的室外放风已被取消,每天只获准在走廊里呆上一个小时,其余时 [...] 间就一直被锁在牢房里。 daccess-ods.un.org | The prisoners also said that, [...] because of a recent escape, theirdaily breaks [...]in the fresh air had been stopped and they [...]were only allowed to go into the corridor for one hour a day, remaining locked up in their cells for the remainder of the time. daccess-ods.un.org |
各国至少应该规定乞讨、游荡、流浪、 逃跑和其他各种生存行为不是刑事 犯罪,并确保与街头有联系的儿童不会因生存活动被强行驱集或者受到类似于罪 犯或少年犯的对待。 daccess-ods.un.org | As a minimum, States should decriminalize survival behaviours such as begging, loitering, vagrancy, runningaway and other acts, and ensure that children with street-connections are not forcibly rounded-up or treated like criminals or delinquents for survival activities. daccess-ods.un.org |
但是,如果游戏滑进了压力过大的状态时,和其他儿童一起 玩的游戏提供了一个“安全网”和逃跑路径——“我不玩了”。 ipaworld.org | But the framing of play with others provides a [...] ‘safety net’and escaperoute if play [...]tips over into being too stressful – ‘I’m not playing’. ipaworld.org |
舒适的头等舱座椅和其他乘客设施,提供安全,快捷,舒适的班车帮助提供快速逃走,他们伟大的 逃跑,可能需要的。 zh-cn.seaphantom.com | Comfortable Captain’s Chairs and other passenger [...] amenities provide a safe, fast and comfortable shuttle helping to provide the fast getaway [...] that their greatescape may require. ja.seaphantom.com |
申诉人援引庇护申请中涉及逃跑的女性特殊原因,但没有充分说明这一主 张。 daccess-ods.un.org | 3.3 The complainant refers to specific [...] female reasons for escape in asylum applications, [...]but does not substantiate this argument. daccess-ods.un.org |
在未满 18 岁 的 妓 女 中,半 数是受骗 被 卖 或者诱拐的,欺骗者说她 们 将 充 当 佣 人 或者帮助她 们 找 到工 作 ; 其他人受到肉 体 虐待,遭到毒 打 而 沦 为 妓 [...] 女 或 女 招待;如果 企图逃跑,抓到 后 就 会遭到毒 打 。 daccess-ods.un.org | Among prostitutes aged under 18, half of them were tricked to be sold by luring that they would get a job as a house servant or would help look for a job, and others were physically abused through the means [...] of beating to make a prostitute or [...] retaining; the attempt to run awaywill be rewarded [...]with physical assault if caught. daccess-ods.un.org |
该系统采用锚轮上安装一个弹簧,它与锚和放电机制操纵 逃跑的每一秒和60分数笼沙丘移动...这一发现的另一种形式的“兰芝”A.机械的发展朗格很少使用,更遑论的旋涡。 zh.horloger-paris.com | This system uses an anchor wheel mounted on a spring which [...] engages with an anchor and a discharge [...] mechanism rigged to escapeeverysecond and [...]move the cage dune sixty fractions ... [...]This mechanical development found in another form in the "Lange 31" A. Lange & Söhne is rarely used, let alone for the vortices. en.horloger-paris.com |