

单词 逃生

逃生 ()

flee for one's life



mortal danger, escape alive (idiom); a narrow escape
survive by the skin of one's teeth

See also:


escape v
fled v
flee v
run away v

External sources (not reviewed)

对于保证安全还有什么其他的措施,如指引乘客前往最近 逃生 集 合 点的地图?
What other enhancements does the line use to ensure safety, i.e. maps showing routes to the nearest lifeboats, etc.?
當聽到火警鐘聲,所有學生應立即停止一切活動,遵照火 逃生 程 序 及/或教職員指示,盡 快離開校舍,到達指定的集合點。
On hearing the fire alarm, all students
should stop immediately what they are doing,
[...] follow the Fire Escape Procedures and [...]
/ or the instructions issued by the teaching
staff, evacuate from the campus building and gather at the appropriate assembly point to await further instructions.
增加兩條樓梯以提供足夠的走火途徑,以符合火 逃生 途 徑守 則的規定。
2 staircases will be added for compliance with the Code of Practice for the
[...] Provision of Means of Escape in Case of Fire.
在他们的死逃生愤怒 ,厄休拉假装自己作为一个美丽的年轻女子名叫凡妮莎和Ariel的声音出现陆上唱歌。
Angered at their narrow escape, Ursula disguises [...]
herself as a beautiful young woman named Vanessa and appears onshore singing with Ariel’s voice.
視察範圍涵蓋樓宇安全及相關規定( 逃生 途 徑、門鎖、樓 宇結構規定、照明及通風、不可容忍的違例建築工程、耐火 [...]
結構、升降機及殘疾人士洗手間等項目)和消防安全規定(即 自動/手動火警警報系統、花灑系統、應急照明系統及出口 指示牌等項目)。
The survey covered building safety and related requirements (in terms
[...] of their means of escape, locking devices, [...]
structural requirement, lighting and ventilation,
objectionable unauthorised building works, fire resistant construction separation, lifts and accessible toilets, etc.) and fire safety requirements (in terms of their automatic/manual fire alarm system, sprinkler system, emergency lighting and exit signs, etc.).
(b) 每間工廠內用於發生火災逃生的消 防通道的每扇窗、門或其他出口(作 為一般用途的出口除外)應以大部分工人能理解的語言作出顯著標記,標 [...]
(b) In every factory every window, door, or other exit
[...] affording means of escape in case of fire, [...]
other than the means of exit in ordinary
use, shall be distinctively marked in a language understood by the majority of the workers and in red letters of adequate size or by some other effective and clearly understood sign.
平推逃生裝置 :可配合大部份領先品牌 逃生 裝 置 一同使用(產品不包 逃生 裝 置 )。
Rim Exit Device: Compatible with most leading brands of Exit Devices (Exit Device and Mounting Hardware not included)
然 而,由以下的幾則案例,我們可以看 逃生 滑 梯 除了可 能導致令人尷尬的航班延誤之外,更可能造成嚴重的傷 亡。
However, as the following
[...] reports show, escape slides can cause [...]
embarrassing delays and have the potential to cause severe injury.
谁曾得到风拇指姑娘逃生Grund el,开始狩猎为她和最终轨道甲壳虫下来,他威胁到合作,并为他取科尼利厄斯故意服用他的翅膀,只有甲壳虫愤怒地威胁到申报的行动对Grundel的(“听伙计。
Grundel, who had gotten wind of
[...] Thumbelina’s escape, begins hunting [...]
for her and eventually tracks Beetle down, threatening
him into cooperating and fetching Cornelius for him by deliberately taking his wings, only Beetle angrily threatens to declare action against Grundel (“Listen pal.
然 而 , 根 據 屋 宇 署 的 執 法 經 驗 , 在 這 116 幢 目 標 樓 宇 內 的
分 間 單 位 中,最 常 見 的 違 規 之 處 包 括 因 開 鑿 違
[...] 例 門 口 而 導 致 違 反 有逃 生 途 徑 的 耐 火 結 構 規 定 、 [...]
因 裝 設 間 隔 牆 而 阻 礙 走 火 通 道 、 因 進 行 不 合 標
準 的 渠 管 工 程 而 造 成 滲 水 , 以 及 因 過 度 裝 設 間 隔 牆 及 / 或 加 厚 地 台 而 令 樓 板 負 荷 過 重 。
Nevertheless, based on the experience of BD’s enforcement action, the most common irregularities found in the sub-divided flats in these 116 target buildings include formation of unauthorised door openings that contravene the
fire-resisting construction
[...] requirements of the means of escape, installation of [...]
partition walls that block the fire escape
routes, sub-standard drainage works that result in water seepage and excessive installation of partition walls and/or thickening of floor screeding that result in overloading of the floor screeding.
増 保持出口均沒有鎖上和有清晰指示, 逃生 通 道 沒有阻礙。
Keep exits unlocked,
[...] clearly marked and escape routes unobstructed.
所有的公共区域都有箭头标志指向前 逃生 集 合 地点并有提示需走楼梯到达。
Maps on the location of the different muster stations are displayed in all public areas and staircases etc. All public areas also feature arrows showing the way to the muster stations and indicating the staircases to reach them.
去年 的首尾发生了对两名女记者的野蛮攻击——Uma Singh 于 2009 年 1 月 11
[...] 日在贾纳克布尔被杀;Tika Bista 于 12 月 8 日在罗尔帕受袭后死逃生。
The past year was bookended by savage attacks on
two female journalists — Uma Singh, who
[...] was killed in Janakpur on 11 January [...]
2009, and Tika Bista, who survived her attack in Rolpa on 8 December.
z 如同所有的槍枝都應該被視為「子彈已經上鏜,隨
[...] 時可能擊發」來小心處理外,飛機上 逃生 滑 梯亦 應隨時被視為處在 Armed [...]
的危險狀態,直到確認解 除為止。
z Just as every firearm should be
treated as if it were loaded and ready to
[...] fire, aircraft escape slides should [...]
always be considered armed and dangerous until
their status can be positively verified.
从顶甲板通往舰桥甲板逃生点很 狭窄,又受到限制,因此 在这一区域的乘客很难躲避实弹。
Escape points to the bridge deck from [...]
the top deck were narrow and restricted and as such it was very difficult for passengers
in this area to avoid being hit by live rounds.
这包括制定并演习您逃生路线 ;学习如何及何时关闭水、电、气等公共设施总管线;定好突发紧急情况时的安全集合地点;以及讨论在决定提前离开时如何照顾好宠物
This includes planning and
[...] practicing your escape routes; learning [...]
how and when to turn off the utility mains such as gas,
electricity and water; establishing a safe meeting point in case of a sudden emergency; and discussing how you will care for pets in the event you decide to leave early
4.4 屋宇署會派代表出席協商小組會議,解答申請人或其公司有關樓宇安全逃生途徑等等的提問。
4.4 The Buildings Department will send representatives to answer questions on building safety, means of escape or others related to the buildings put up by the applicant or his company, if any, at the Consent Panel Meeting.
请认真阅读本手册中的 “ 家逃生计划” 指南。
[...] review the Family Escape Planning guidelines [...]
in this manual.
要将火灾的危险降至最低,我们建议必须展开家居消防安全审核,同时 需要制定火逃生计划
To minimize this danger, we recommend that a household fire safety audit be
[...] conducted and a fire escape plan be developed.
4.2 牌照課鄭重建議申請人委託「獲授權人士」進行專業的檢查,以確保擬建
[...] 按摩院在結構、承重量及消防安全(包 逃生 途 徑 、防火、滅火及救援等)方面,均完 [...]
4.2 An applicant is strongly advised to seek professional assistance from an Authorized Person to ensure that the proposed establishment will comply with
all structural, loading and fire (which
[...] includes means of escape, fire containment, [...]
fire fighting and rescue etc.) safety requirements.
一旦您确定了最有可能起火的方位并制订好安 逃生 路 线 ,以便最大程度地降低风险,请务必定期与全家人演 逃生 计 划
Once you recognize where a fire is most likely to
start and develop
[...] safety routines to minimize the risk, be certain to practice escape plans regularly with every member of the family.
更具体一点说,您是否了解学校的消防政策和预防措施,以及孩子居住的宿舍内是否安装了消防水喷淋管道系统,使他们在发生火灾时能够 逃生 的 机 会?
More specifically, do you know anything about the school’s fire protection policies and safeguards and whether or not the dorm room they sleep in is protected by a fire sprinkler system so they have a fighting chance to get out alive?
袭击者在阻逃生路线后 不分青红皂白地向平民开火。
The attackers fired indiscriminately on the civilian
[...] population after blocking escape routes.
联塞部队认为提高每座宿舍楼和所有共 逃生 通 道 的防 火水平至关重要。此外,由于观察哨所在的两个预制建筑彼此非常临近,两个建 筑物之间大火迅速蔓延的可能性加大,因此也必须安装联合硬连线警报系统。
In addition, owing to the close proximity of two prefabricated buildings in which two observation posts are located, an increased risk of the rapid spread of fire between the two buildings also warrants the requirement for a combined hard-wired alarm system.
加長空間座位」設於緊逃生出口 附近,並受香港民航處之飛行安全規定限制。
Extra-legroom Seats are located near the emergency exit doors and are subject to the flight safety guidelines of the Civil Aviation Department of Hong Kong.
17岁的“奥加尔.巴斯克斯 (Olga Vasquez)”口述她亲身经历的、从父亲虐待 逃生 的 故 事。
Seventeen-year-old "Olga Vazquez's" personal story of survival from her father's abuse, in her own words.
(b) 在 這 116 幢 目 標 樓 宇 內 的 分 間 單 位 中,最 常 見 的 違 規 之 處 包 括 因 開 鑿 違 例 門 口 而 導 致 違 反 有逃 生 途 徑 的 耐 火 結 構 規 定 、 因 裝 設 間 隔 牆 而 阻 礙 走 火 通 道 、 因 進 行 不 合 標 準 的 渠 管 工 程 而 造 成 滲 水 , 以 及 因 過 度 裝 設 間 隔 牆 及 / 或 加 厚 地 台 而 令 樓 板 負 荷 過 重 。
As regards the existing UBWs which constitute less serious contravention of the law and pose lower potential risks, the BD will analyse information collected from the Reporting Scheme, conduct objective risk assessment and then formulate follow-up plans for progressive enforcement after dealing with the first round targets.
注意他们在犹大在她需要一天的情况下:(1)他们站在超然(11节);(2)他们高兴在她的灾难(12节):(3)对她(同一诗句)吹嘘(4)他们分享她的破坏(13节);(5)他们阻止了她的一些 逃生 ( 14 节);(6)实际交付了其中一些囚犯(同样的诗句)。
Note what they did in the case of Judah in her day of need: (1) They stood aloof (verse 11); (2) they rejoiced in her calamity (verse 12): (3) they boasted against her (same verse); (4) they
shared in her spoiling (verse 13); (5)
[...] they prevented the escape of some of her people [...]
(verse 14); and (6) they actually
delivered up some of them as prisoners (same verse).
安全灯逃生路线 灯可提供足够的光线指引人们关断机器,找 逃生 路 线 ,迅速找到消防灭火器以及其他安全设备,避免引起人群恐慌,防止安全事故发生。
Safety lights and escape route lights provide enough light to shut machinery down, use the escape routes [...]
and give quick access to
fire extinguishers and other safety equipment.
尽管女王公园巡游者继续留在英超联赛中的希望比较渺茫,但在上一赛季,他们就顺 逃生 , 这 应该会给他们本赛季带来一些希望,他们仍然有机会再次创造奇迹。
Though Queens Park Rangers’ hopes for surviving the
cut in the Premier League are relatively
[...] slim, their great escape last season should [...]
give them some hope that they still have
a chance to recreate that magic this time.




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