

单词 适者生存

See also:

生存 v

survive v
exist v

External sources (not reviewed)

上周四,我和Kenny通了电话,很欣赏这位年轻老板 适者生存 ” 的积极态度,衷心祝福他生意兴隆。
Last Thursday, I spoke to Kenny on the telephone, and really appreciate the fighting spirit and
[...] positive attitude of this young entrepreneur.
[...] 谨慎利用稀有资源以避免在行政系统中无限制地利用酌处权,避免混乱政治竞 争、贪污腐败、缺乏问责制以及 适者生存 ” 的情况,这种情况是社会上许多人 容易遭受各种各样自私力量,以及最终遭受暴力的侵害。
Administrative ability is necessary for following and respecting laws, rules, regulations, procedures, due process and prudent utilization of scarce resources to avoid unlimited use of discretion in bureaucracies, chaotic political competition,
corruption, lack of accountability and a
[...] situation of “survival of the fittest” which leaves many [...]
individuals in society vulnerable
to all sorts of selfish forces and eventually to violence.
从那种意义上讲,对传统知识的存 问 题和传统知识保 者生 活 方式的延续问 题,可能代表了这些社区面对外界压力所面临的根本问题。
In that sense, concerns about
[...] the preservation of traditional knowledge, and the continued way of life of those holding such knowledge, may be symptomatic [...]
of the underlying problems
that face these communities in the face of external pressures.
国家计划还包括在地方护理和康复中心向地雷 存者 和 残 疾人提适当的社会心理支助。
The national plan also includes the
[...] provision of adequate psychosocial support to mine survivors and persons [...]
with disabilities in local
care and rehabilitation centres.
最 后,为了使发展中国家能够应对商品价格的波动, 因为波动尤其影响到粮食净输入国 者 热 带 作物生 产国,国际社会应当帮助这些国家培 适 应 和生存的能力。
Lastly, for developing countries to be able to face the impact of commodity price volatility, which particularly affected
economies that were net food
[...] importers or produced tropical crops, the international community should help the countries concerned to create national capacities for adaptation and resilience.
国际劳工组织关于社会安全(最低限度标准)的第 102 号公约在这一排除适用整章的可能性外, 同时规定实际必适用的最低限度数目章节(第 2 条)(同时参看国际劳工组织关于残疾、老年 和存者补助的第 128 号公约第 2 条,欧洲社会宪章第 20 条或 1964 年欧洲社会安全法第 2 条)。
The Convention concerning Minimum Standards of Social Security, No. 102, of the International Labour Organization (ILO) combines, moreover, this possibility of rejecting the application of entire chapters with a
minimum number of
[...] chapters that must actually be applied (art. 2) (see also article 2 of ILO Convention No. 128 concerning Invalidity, Old-Age and Survivors’ Benefits, [...]
article 20 of the European
Social Charter or article 2 of the European Code of Social Security of 1964).
(C) 在不違反上述(B)項規定之前提下,當任何聯名帳戶持有人身故、精神失常及/或其他喪失行為能
[...] 應向聯名帳戶持有人支付的所有款項及資產交予聯名帳戶持有人 生存者 ( 若 所有聯名帳戶持有 人全部身故,則應當交予最後生存的聯名帳戶持有人的遺囑執行人或遺產管理人),而吾等就以 [...]
(包括已身故的聯名帳戶持有人及其繼承人),前提是吾等會要求提供身故證明文件及/或身故者 遺產的相關法律受讓文件。
(C) Subject to paragraph (B) above, we shall hold on the death, or mental and/or other incapacity of or the occurrence of an Insolvency Event in relation to any of the joint Account holder all credit balance or balances and properties in all the Accounts and all monies due by us to the joint Account holders
under any Transactions and Services
[...] to the order of the surviving joint Account holder [...]
(in case of death of all of the joint
Account holders, to the executors or administrators of the last surviving joint Account holder) and any payment by us above shall be an absolute full and conclusive discharge of us as against the joint Account holders (including the deceased and his/her/estate and successor) provided that we may require the production of documentary proof of the death and/or the relevant legal grant to the estate of the deceased.
含水层国应采取一适当措 施,保护和保全跨界含水层或含水层系统内的生 态系统或依赖这些含水层或含水层系 生存 的 生 态 系统,包括采取措施确保含水 层或含水层系统所保留的水以及经排泄区排出的水的质量和数量足以保护和保 全这些生态系统。
Aquifer States shall take all appropriate measures to protect and preserve ecosystems within, or dependent upon, their transboundary aquifers or aquifer systems, including [...]
measures to ensure that the
quality and quantity of water retained in an aquifer or aquifer system, as well as that released through its discharge zones, are sufficient to protect and preserve such ecosystems.
此外,因为根据第二十条通过的修正适 用于交存了接 受修正文书的缔约方,所以,对《京都议定书》的生效条款进行修 正可能导致新生效程序仅适用于 部分缔约方。
Furthermore, because amendments
adopted under Article 20 would only apply to those Parties that have deposited their instruments of acceptance to the amendment, amending the entry into force provisions of the Kyoto Protocol could result in a situation where the new entry into force procedures would apply to some Parties and not to others.
可持续发展需求应成为社会和产业政策的主要关注点,基础设施的选择 以及产业重点(不仅是制造业,还包括农业、林业和能源)的确定,应符 合同时应适应和 减轻气候变化、创造充足就业机会和改善贫 者生计 等挑战的需要。
The demands of sustainable development will need to become a main focus of social and industrial policies and the choice of infrastructure and the setting of industrial priorities (not only for manufacturing, but also for
agriculture, forestry and energy) will need to be consonant with meeting, simultaneously, the challenges of
[...] climate change adaptation and mitigation, sufficient job creation and improving the livelihoods of the poor.
(B) 當一位或多位聯名帳戶持有人身故、精神失常及/或其他喪失行為能力、或發生無力償債事件, 所 有在聯名帳戶中的指示及交易或服務(視情況而定)均受有關部門的任何索賠或質疑所限制,且 不應影響吾等因任何留置權、抵押權、質押權、抵銷、索賠、反申索或其他原因享有的任何權利, 亦不得影響吾等鑒於生存者、遺 囑執行者、遺產管理者的任何申索,而是根據吾等絕對酌情權 認為可適當採取的任何措施或法律程序。
(B) All instructions and Transactions relating to any joint Account or (as the case may be) any Service, in the event of the death, or mental and/or other incapacity of or the occurrence of an Insolvency Event in relation to any one or more of the joint Account holder shall be subject to any claim or objection of relevant authority and shall be without prejudice to any right which we may have arising out of any lien, charge, pledge, set-off, claim, counterclaim or otherwise whatsoever or any step or legal proceedings which we may in our absolute discretion deem desirable to take in view of any claim by any person other than the survivors, executors, administrators of the deceased.
将第 14.4 段改为:“在 2014-2015 年期间,预期该方案将继续把精力集 中放在下列六个主要领域:(a) 增强妇女在涉及生活的 所有领域的领导力 和参与,其中包括政治和经济领域;(b) 使妇女更易于增强经济权能和获得 各种机会,尤其是最受排斥的妇女,特别是处于贫困的妇女;(c) 防止并消 除暴力侵害妇女和女童行为,并扩大 存者 服 务 的获取渠道;(d) 增强妇女 在和平与安全及人道主义反应方面的领导力;(e) 在所有各级加强计划和预 算对性别平等领域的敏感度;(f) 支持拟订关于性别平等和增强妇女权能的 全球规范、政策和标准。
14.4 During the 2014-2015 period, the programme is expected to continue to concentrate its efforts on the following six focus areas: (a) increasing women’s leadership and
participation in all areas that affect their lives, including in political and economic areas; (b) increasing women’s access to economic empowerment and opportunities, especially for
[...] those who are most excluded, particularly women living in poverty; (c) preventing and eliminating violence against women and girls and expanding access to survivor services; (d) increasing women’s leadership in peace, security and humanitarian response; (e) strengthening the responsiveness of plans and budgets in the [...]
area of gender equality at all levels; (f) supporting the development of global norms, policies and standards on gender equality and women’s empowerment.
[...] 數 量 含水銀的廢舊光管和燈泡,必須妥為包裝和標識, 並於廢物生者的處所暫時存,然 後收集作場外處理和處置。
Any chemical waste involving a large quantity of waste
mercury-containing lamps have to be
[...] properly packaged, labelled and stored temporarily at the producer’s [...]
premises before collection
for off-site treatment and disposal.
(b) 审查、评价和增订本国刑法和民法,确保将一切形式暴力侵害妇女行为
[...] 定为犯罪并加以禁止,尚未这样做的国家应为此采取措施,包括旨在防止暴力侵 害妇女行为、保护和支助存者并赋 予其权力的措施,以及旨 适 当 惩 罚暴力行 为人和确保向受害人提供补救的措施
(b) To review, evaluate and update their criminal and civil laws in order to ensure that all forms of violence against women are criminalized and prohibited and, if not, to adopt measures to do so, including measures aimed at preventing violence against women,
[...] empowering and supporting survivors, adequately punishing perpetrators and ensuring available [...]
remedies for victims
並且,賬戶及服務項下的所有權利及權益將 按生存者取得權的規則施行並歸賦於賬戶或服務 生存者。
Further, all rights and interests of and in the Account and
the Service will be
[...] vested in the survivor(s) under the Account or the Service by operation of the rule of survivorship.
在中立地位存在方面一 般不会生适用中 立法的问题,但在中立并保持中立的国家的具体权利和义务方 面会产生这样的问题;根据第 [...]
17 条,这些权利和义务优先于产生之本条款草案 的权利和义务。
The question of the applicability of the laws of neutrality does [...]
not generally arise in terms of the survival of the status
of neutrality but in relation to the specific rights and duties of a State that is neutral and remains neutral; pursuant to article 17, these rights and duties prevail over the rights and duties arising from the present draft articles.
我們不希望本港社會生混亂 ,亦不希望投 者存 有 嚴 重的信心 危機。
We do not
[...] want chaos in our society nor serious doubt among our investors.
者强调了国际旅游业对最不发达国家的社会经济进步和减少贫穷作出 的贡献并提出了以下建议: (a) 在国家一级,㈠ 建立安全稳定的有利环境,鼓励旅游业的可持续发展 并鼓励投资;㈡ 把旅游业可持续发展纳入各项国家发展战略文件的主流;㈢ 利 用产品专业化和品牌化,加强最不发达国家旅游目的地的市场地位;㈣ 更加注 重保护环境资产和自然和文化遗产;㈤ 在更广泛的旅游部门促进体面工作和对 个人权利的尊重;㈥ 制定和实施支持国家旅游业可持续发展战略的投资、旅游 和贸易政策;㈦ 为减少贫穷加强旅游部门和其他经济、环境和文化部门的联系 并发挥它们间的增效作用;㈧ 发展支持旅游企生存和竞 争的国家机制。
(a) At the national level, to (i) create a
[...] safe and stable enabling environment to encourage sustainable tourism development and encourage investments; (ii) mainstream sustainable tourism development in all national development strategy documents; (iii) harness product specialization and branding to strengthen market position of least developed country tourism destinations; (iv) pay more attention to the preservation of environmental assets and of natural and cultural heritages; (v) promote decent work and respect the rights of the individual in the wider tourism sector; (vi) adopt and implement investment, tourism and trade policies that support national strategies for sustainable tourism development; (vii) strengthen linkages and create synergies between tourism and other economic, environmental and cultural sectors for poverty reduction; and (viii) develop national mechanisms to support tourism enterprise viability and competitiveness.
危地马拉认为,联东综合团撤离后,联合国在东 帝汶境内的继存在必须适合当地情况需要,而且须 尊重未来几个月内将选举生的政 府的优先重点。
[...] believes that the continued presence of the United Nations after the withdrawal of UNMIT must be consistent with the situation [...]
on the ground
and respect the priorities of the Government to be elected in the coming months.
特别报告员认为,可以更按部就班地、有步骤地援引有关移民、难民和庇护寻者存在于 国家教育体制之中的一再声明,来丰富并改善非正式的和正式的教学环 境,据此并丰富和改善所有生的学 习经验。
The Special Rapporteur found the repeated statement
that the migrant, refugee
[...] and asylum-seekers’ presence in national education systems could be drawn upon more systematically to enrich and enhance non-formal and formal learning environments, and thus the learning experience of all students.
The production log books and the laboratory and analytical records were correlated
for the sample days to assess
[...] whether the records were appropriately maintained for the [...]
products that had been produced.
(e) 修正采购实体或适用情况下审批机关的非法决定,或者另作决定 取代该决定[,但使采购合生效的 任何行为或决定除外 ], 者适 用 情 况下 审批机关的合法决定; [在《指南》中作出说明,如果颁布国允许由行政复 议机构替换采购合同,这些颁布国可以略去方括号内的规定
(e) Revise an unlawful decision by the procuring entity or the approving authority where applicable or substitute its own decision for such a decision[, other than any act or decision
bringing the procurement
[...] contract into force] or confirm the lawful decision by the procuring entity or the approving authority, where applicable; [with the statement [...]
in the Guide that
the part in square brackets might be omitted in those enacting States where substituting the procurement contract by the administrative review body would be permissible
这种灵活性也将有利于集中采购机构,并且可以避免由于必须对 框架协议所有使者适用一个共同标准而对资金效益 生 的 不 利影响。
This flexibility will also be useful for centralized purchasing agencies, and to avoid the negative impact on value for money if one common standard must be applied to all users of the framework agreement.
(第 46 至 49
[...] 段)各国作出一系列承诺,包括将捕捞限制在最高持续产量 范围、渔具、监测、存生境(充分适 用 于 跨界鱼群),工作上完全遵守海洋 法(以及沿海国和远洋捕鱼国的权利和义务),与区域渔业管理组织切实合 作。
(Paras. 46-49) States made a range of commitments on keeping fisheries at maximum sustainable yields, gear, monitoring,
preserving habitats (with full effect with
[...] respect to straddling stocks), with work to be fully [...]
consistent with the Convention (and
rights and obligations of coastal and distant-water fishing nations), and with effective cooperation in regional fisheries management organizations.
此外,根据《刑法》第 21 条,无论犯罪所在地的现行立法如何和被指控犯 罪者的国籍为何,只要在巴拿马境 生 效 的 国际条约规定巴拿马有属地管辖权, 就将对违反这种国际条约的犯者适 用 巴 拿马刑法。
Moreover, under article 21 of the Criminal Code, notwithstanding the legislation in force in the place where the crime was committed and the nationality of the person accused of the crime, Panamanian criminal law shall apply to those who commit acts punishable under the international treaties in force in Panama, provided that the treaties give it territorial jurisdiction.




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