

单词 适用于...

适用于... verb

cover v

适用于 verb

pertain v

See also:

适用 v

apply v


be applicable

适用 n

applicability n


use in
use for
use on

External sources (not reviewed)

世界新闻自由日以及世界新闻自由奖依 然是重要的措施,有助于提高全世界对于作为基本人权的言论自由的认识,有助于倡导应用 和尊适用于社会各阶层的法律、道德和专业标准。
This, as well as the award of World Press Freedom Prize, continues to serve as an important step in raising awareness globally to freedom of expression
as a basic human
[...] right, and in advocating for the application and respect of international legal, ethical and professional standards that implicate all levels of society.
执行局通过了决定 151 EX/6.4。它意识到某些国际组织的性质既不属于政府间组织也不是非政府组织,并希望 与这些组织作出令双方满意的适当安排,以便开展合作,并因此决定总干事可以根据执行局 的总的授权,与根据不同国家政府之间的协议建立起来的政府间组织以外的国际组织,或 《关于教科文组织与非政府组织之关系的指示》所规定的组织以外的国际组织,建立合作关 系,并同时决定:“上述《指示》所规定的原 适用于 同 这 类组织的合作关系”。
By adopting 151 EX/Decision 9.4, the Executive Board, “(a)ware that certain international organizations are neither intergovernmental nor non-governmental in character and desirous of ensuring that suitable and mutually satisfactory arrangements can be made to cooperate with them, therefore decide(d) that: the Director-General may, under the general authority of the Executive Board, establish relations of cooperation with international organizations other than intergovernmental organizations established by agreement among governments of states, or organizations as defined under the Directives concerning UNESCO’s relations with non-governmental organizations…”; and that “the principles set out in the (…) aforementioned NGO Directives (…) apply to relations of cooperation with organizations of this type”.
国际法院关于“以核武器进行威胁或使用核武器的合法性”的咨询意见 E 段 指出,“以核武器相威胁或使用核武器,一般是违 适用于 武 装 冲突的国际法规则, 特别是人道主义法的原则和规则”。
Paragraph E of the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the legality of the threat or use of nuclear
weapons states that
[...] “the threat or use of nuclear weapons would generally be contrary to the rules of international law applicable in armed conflict, [...]
and in particular the
principles and rules of humanitarian law”.
[...] 报告的时候,阿尔巴尼亚都还没有批准《伦敦修正案》,因此附件 B 中的管制措施并适 用于阿尔巴尼亚。
It should be noted, however, that Albania could not be considered in non-compliance with the TCA control because it had not ratified the
London Amendment at the time of writing and therefore the control measures
[...] for Annex B are not yet applicable to Albania.
监督厅提出关于审适用于总部间接费用的标准费用的报告(A/60/682)后, 秘书处审查了这些标准费用,并尽量根据订正费率拟订 [...]
2011/12 年度预算拟议新 设员额的经常性费用项下所需资源,如房地租金、办公室用品和设备、商营通信 费用(传真费和电话费)和信息技术维护服务级协议和基础设施费用的所需资源,
以及非经常性费用项下所需资源,如购买家具和包括计算机和电话在内的办公设 备,以及改建或装修。
Following the report of OIOS on
[...] the audit of the standard costs applied to Headquarters [...]
overhead (A/60/682), the Secretariat
has reviewed the standard costs and, to the extent possible, has applied the revised rates in the formulation of the requirements under recurrent costs, such as those for the rental of premises, office supplies and equipment, commercial communications costs (fax and telephone charges) and service-level agreements and infrastructure costs for information technology maintenance and repair; and under non-recurrent costs, such as those for the purchase of furniture and office equipment, including computers and telephones, and alterations or improvements, for newly proposed posts in the 2011/12 budget.
安理会第 1970(2011)号决议决定,旅行禁令和资产冻结 适用于 被 委员会指 认的以下个人和实体:(a) 参与或合谋下令、掌控或以其他方式指挥对阿拉伯利 比亚民众国境内的人施行重大侵犯人权行为,包括参与或合谋计划、指挥、下 令或进行违反国际法的针对平民和民用设施的袭击,包括用飞机进行轰炸者; [...] [...]
或(b) 为(a)分段所述个人或实体或代表他们或按他们的指示行事者。
In its resolution 1970 (2011), the Council decided that the travel ban and asset freeze should apply to the individuals [...]
and entities designated
by the Committee (a) involved in or complicit in ordering, controlling or otherwise directing, the commission of serious human rights abuses against persons in Libya, including by being involved in or complicit in planning, commanding, ordering or conducting attacks, in violation of international law, including aerial bombardments, on civilian populations and facilities, or (b) acting for or on behalf of or at the direction of individuals or entities identified in subparagraph (a).
本规则第一节,内容涵盖监所的一般管理 适用于 被 剥 夺自由的所有类别的 女性,包括刑事或民事、未经审判或已判刑的女性囚犯,以及接受法官所命令的 [...]
Section I of the present rules, covering the general management of
[...] institutions, is applicable to all categories [...]
of women deprived of their liberty,
including criminal or civil, untried or convicted women prisoners, as well as women subject to “security measures” or corrective measures ordered by a judge.
例如,这里的评注似可作如下说明:(f)项——筹资安排所在地或筹资批准所在地 或债务人主要银行所在地——只在银行控制债务人的情况下才相关;(k)项——雇
[...] 几点为依据就不那么重要了:对雇员的保护更多的是保护相关方权利问题,与 主要利益中心分析无关,而且《示范法》第 22 条无论如何都已处理这一问题; (e)项—适用于大部分争议的法律所属的法域,其重要性不足以成为一项决定 性因素,而且这种法域在任何情况下都有可能是一个与债务人的管理地或业务 [...]
实施地无关的法域,比(e)项更重要的因素反倒是债务人的管理地或业务实施 地。
That commentary might suggest, for example, that (f) the location from which financing was organized or authorized or the location of the debtor’s primary bank, would only be important where the bank controlled the debtor; that (k) the location of employees, might be important where employees could be future creditors, or less important on the basis that protection of employees is more an issue of protecting the rights of interested parties, is not
relevant to the COMI
[...] analysis and is, in any event addressed by article 22 of the Model Law; that (e) the jurisdiction whose law would apply to most disputes, [...]
was not sufficiently
important to be a determining factor and could, in any event, be a jurisdiction unrelated to the place from which the debtor was managed or conducted its business, factors that were both considered to be more important than (e).
例如,针对国际大公司的 反腐败调查有时会导致这些公司总部所在国的援助减少,并因此发出透明度要求 只对当地官员有效而适用于多国 公司的信号。
For example, investigations on anti-corruption with regard to big international companies have sometimes led to diminishing aid from countries where those companies are based, hence sending the signal that transparency is expected of local officials but should not apply to multinationals.
根据第 1483(2003) 号决议第 23 段,冻结和转适用于与伊拉克前政权有关联的个人和实体的资金 或其他金融资产或经济资源,即萨达姆·侯赛因或伊拉克前政权其他高级官员及 其直系亲属,包括由他们本人或代表他们或按他们指示行事的人直接间接拥有或 控制的实体,转移出伊拉克或获取的资金或其他金融资产或经济资源;以及伊拉 克前政府或其国家机关、公司或代理人在伊拉克境外的资金或其他金融资产或经 济资源。
According to paragraph 23 of resolution 1483 (2003), the freeze and transfer apply to funds, other financial assets and economic resources of individuals and entities associated with the former Iraqi regime, i.e. funds, other financial assets and economic resources removed from Iraq or acquired by Saddam Hussein or other senior officials of the former Iraqi regime and their immediate family members, including entities owned or controlled, directly or indirectly, by them or by persons acting on their behalf or at their direction; as well as to funds, other financial assets and economic resources of the previous Government of Iraq or its State bodies, corporations, or agencies, located outside Iraq.
此法律适用于以公 共安全为目的对个人资料的处理,但不妨 适用于特 区 的国际法文书以及区际协定的特别规定。
This law is also applicable to the processing of personal data within the context of public security, without prejudice of special rules contained in applicable international [...]
law instruments or inter-regional agreements.
[...] (CODEX STAN 108-1981)中分析方法部分提出的建议,即该标准中没有说 适用于 3.2.17 部分(表面活性剂)、3.2.18(农药和多氯联苯)部分、3.2.19(矿物油)部分和 [...]
3.2.20 (多环芳香化合物)部分所提到的一些化学物质的分析和取样程序特定方法;并注意到
修改卫生部分的建议,以便更方便使用且符合建议的天然矿泉水采集、加工和营销国际 卫生操作规范(CAC/RCP 33-1985)。
The Commission noted the proposal of Kenya to initiate new work on the completion of the Section on methods of analysis in the Codex Standard on Natural Mineral
[...] 108-1981) in view of the fact that, in the standard, there was no indication of specific [...]
methods of analysis
and sampling procedures available for a number of chemical substances mentioned in Sections 3.2.17 (Surface active agents), 3.2.18 (Pesticides and PCBs), 3.2.19 (Mineral oil) and 3.2.20 (Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons), and the proposal to revise the Section on Hygiene to make it easier to use and consistent with the Recommended International Code of Hygienic Practice for Collecting, Processing and Marketing of Natural Mineral Waters (CAC/RCP 33-1985).
最初,警察局的工作人员试图 将 “棍鞭”的存在解释为在一个刑事案件中查获的犯罪证据;这种难以令人信 服的解释不符合高级官员对警方记录、标记和储存物品作为证据的程序――经代 表团核适用于警察 局现有其他证据项目的程序――的叙述。
Initially, staff at the police station sought to explain the presence of the “whiplash” as a piece of criminal evidence seized for presentation in a criminal case; this unconvincing explanation failed to fit with the account, as given by the senior officer, of procedures for documenting,
labelling and storing
[...] items taken in evidence by the police – procedures verified by the delegation as being applied to other items of evidence present at the police station.
如有必要,可 在您的开发阶段调节调谐范围;我们的现场服务工程师将与您一起制定 适用于 您 应 用需求的 调谐范围,并在现场快速地重新对您的装置进行配置。
If necessary, tuning ranges can be adjusted during your development phase; our field service engineers will work with you to pinpoint the range that’s right for your application and quickly reconfigure your unit in the field.
然而,A 分节适 用于被判刑囚犯的规则,也应当同 适用于 B 分节所涉及的囚犯类别,前提是这 些规则并不与管辖这一类别的女性的规则冲突,并且对这些女性有利。
Nevertheless, the rules under
[...] subsection A, applicable to prisoners under sentence, shall be equally applicable to the category [...]
of prisoners dealt
with in subsection B, provided they do not conflict with the rules governing that category of women and are for their benefit.
这些外形小巧的器件具有寄生电 感和热阻低的特点,因适用于多种市场,其中包括 WLAN、WiMAX、蜂窝手持设备、 蜂窝基础架构、汽车、CATV/卫星通信、智能能源、医疗、军事、RFID 以及测试和测 量市场。
These small form factor devices offer low parasitic inductance and low thermal impedance, making them ideal for a variety of markets including WLAN, WiMAX, cellular handset, cellular infrastructure, automotive, CATV/Satcom, smart energy, medical, military, RFID, and test and measurement.
您在该网站上和/或通过我们产品提交的信息将会被用于大量的商业目的,例如,完成产品交易和付款;向您提供我们的产品;验证您的身份;回应您对服务或帮助的请求;预测和解决我们的产品的实际和潜在的问题;创建并改进产品;推荐其他不同的产品;对目前和将来的产品作出内部商业决定;提供个性化服务和用户体验;保护我们的权益和财产;以及收集的信息在其他条款或条件 适用于 该 网 站和/或产品的特定功能。
Any information you submit on this Site and/or through our Offerings will be used for a variety of business purposes, including for example, to complete transactions and bill for Offerings; provide you with our Offerings; verify your identity; respond to your requests for service or assistance; anticipate and resolve actual and potential problems with our Offerings; create and improve Offerings; suggest additional or different Offerings; make internal business decisions about current and future offers; provide customised service and user experiences; protect our rights and property; and as otherwise disclosed at the point where such information
is collected or in any additional terms
[...] and conditions applicable to the particular [...]
feature of this Site and/or the Offerings.
[...] 地区一体化体制的一项规定,认为该项规定 适用于 人 权 领域,而是指区域性政 治框架。
It did not accept a recommendation which would refer to a provision within the Central American
regional integration system, as it considered
[...] it not to be applicable to the sphere [...]
of human rights, but more to the regional political framework.
食典委同意着手苦木薯品种标准化的新工作,作为一项单独的标准,但条件 是委员会可在今后的一个阶段审议制定 适用于 两 种 木薯的单一标准的可能性,与 食典委在可能时制定更加横向的和包容性标准的方法保持一致。
The Commission agreed to initiate new work on the standardization of bitter varieties of cassava, as a separate standard, with the understanding that the Committee might consider, at a
later stage, the possibility of having a
[...] single Standard applicable to both types of [...]
cassava, consistent with the Codex approach
to develop more horizontal and inclusive standards when possible.
[...] 旨在帮助长期冲突的受害者康复的国家行动计划;以及修订目 适用于 新 闻 机构 和人权组织的规定。
It urged Eritrea to cooperate with the international community to end the instability in the subregion, to develop a national plan of action for the rehabilitation of
the victims of the successive conflicts and to
[...] revise the rules applicable to press bodies [...]
and human rights organizations.
另外还有九名发言者的论文着重讨论了 1970 年代 和 1980 年代所开发采矿技术的分析,1970 年代和 1980 年代所制定的示范采矿单 位;过去为深海采矿而确定的项目经济意义和成本模式;先驱制度所依据的经济、
技术考虑因素以及国际海底管理局的规章;可能把空间程序应用于深海海底采 矿;多金属结核采矿提升系统的状况;红土镍矿提炼的进展以及可能适用多金属
[...] 结核提炼的情况;针对多金属硫化物的技术开发以及可能适用结核采矿的情况; 以及用于石油及天然气的立管技术进展以及可 适用于 结 核 采矿的情况。
There were also nine other presenters, whose papers focused on an analysis of mining technologies developed in the 1970s and 1980s and model mining units envisaged in the 1970s and 1980s; project economics and cost models that had been developed in the past for deep seabed mining; the economic and technical considerations underpinning the pioneer regime and the Authority’s regulations; possible use of space applications for deep seabed mining; the status of lift systems for polymetallic nodule mining; advances in nickel laterite processing and possible applications to polymetallic nodule processing; technology development for polymetallic sulphides and possible
applications to nodule mining; and advances in riser technology for oil and
[...] gas and possible applications to nodule mining.
2007 年 10 月 17 日第 2007/40 号决议(第 6 段)中,
[...] 决定制定、审议并期望在联合国森林论坛第八届会议上通过一 适用于 所 有 类型 森林的全球自愿金融机制/组合办法/森林筹资框架,目的是在现有和新出现的创 [...]
机制的评估和审查结果,以支持实行可持续森林管理,实现全球森林目标,执行 关于所有类型森林的无法律约束力文书。
The Economic and Social Council, in its resolution 2007/40 of 17 October
2007 (para. 6), decided to develop and
[...] consider, with a view to its adoption at the [...]
eighth session of the United Nations Forum
on Forests, a voluntary global financial mechanism/portfolio approach/forest financing framework for all types of forests, aimed at mobilizing significantly increased, new and additional resources from all sources, based on existing and emerging innovative approaches, also taking into account assessments and reviews of current financial mechanisms, to support the implementation of sustainable forest management, the achievement of the global objectives on forests and the implementation of the non-legally binding instrument on all types of forests.
[...] 非曲直,与此同时一方面考虑到向一审法官提交的证据,另一方面并根 适用于 相关 案例的法律条款检验审理的开展方式。
Such review, in the frame of a decision regarding a leave to appeal, must be examined on its merits, taking into consideration on one the hand the evidence presented before the first instance judge,
and on the other hand the conduct of the trial on the basis of the
[...] legal provisions applicable to the case in [...]
英飞凌服务于各种汽车应用,比如:汽车动力系统(包括发动机和变速箱控制装置,用于优化燃耗,满足政府的排放要求,还包 适用于 各 种新兴技术的芯片,例如混合动力汽车、起动机、发电机和配气机构)、车身和便利装置(包括车灯控制装置、HVAC、门锁系统、电动车窗、座椅记忆器和无钥匙进入系统)、安全管理(例如电动助力转向系统、防碰撞系统、防抱死制动系统、安全气囊、稳定性控制、胎压监控)和信息娱乐系统(包括电子呼叫、信息调用、无线通信和全球定位)。
Infineon serves automotive applications such as the car's powertrain (comprising engine and transmission control for optimized fuel consumption and to meet government emission regulations addressing chips for emerging technologies, such as hybrids, starter alternators, and electromechanical valve-trains), body and convenience (including light control; heating, ventilation and air-conditioning HVAC; comfort locking; power windows; seat memory and keyless entry), safety management (e.g. electronic power steering, collision avoidance, anti-lock brake system, airbag, stability control, tire pressure monitoring) and infotainment (including e-call and information access).
如果您购买了具有日期限制的机票,请遵循实际支付票价适用的各项规则,下列一项或多项限制(其中包括,但不限于下列一项或多项限制)可 适用于 您 的 旅行:(1) 可能无法退票,但可交费兑换满足原始机票的所有规则/限制(包括支付全部票价差额)的其他限价机票;(2) [...]
(3) 可能限制搭乘特定的航班和/或要求限定时间以及最短和/或最长停留时间。
If you have purchased a restricted ticket, depending on the rules applicable to the fare paid, one or more restrictions including,
but not limited to one or more of the
[...] following, may apply to your travel: (1) [...]
the ticket may not be refundable but can
be exchanged for a fee for another restricted fare ticket meeting all the rules/restrictions of the original ticket (including the payment of any difference in fares); (2) a fee may apply for changing/canceling reservations; or (3) travel may be restricted to specific flights and/or times and minimum and/or maximum stay may be required.
本标适用于石膏板、纤维增强水泥板、加气混凝土板、轻集料混凝土条板、混凝土空心条板、 纤维增强硅酸钙板及复合板等轻质墙体板材。
This technical requirement shall apply to lightweight wall boards such as plasterboard, fiber reinforced cement board, aerocrete panel, light aggregate concrete ribbon board, concrete hollow ribbon board, fibrous reinforcement calcium silicate board and composite board.
这条 规定明适用于医药制品和毒品、赃物、放射性材料、有毒物质、爆炸 品、证券、贷款或任何其他金融工具,以及侵犯著作权、版权、商标 [...]
权、商业秘密、任何其他 IP 权利、个人权利或者第三方数据保护权利的 客体或服务,或者违反竞争法规定的邀约。
This notably applies to medicinal products [...]
and drugs, stolen goods, radioactive materials, toxic substances, explosives,
securities, loans or any other financial instruments as well as to objects or services infringing on copyrights, patents, trademarks, trade secrets, any other IP rights, personality rights or third-party data protection rights, or offers which violate provisions under competition law.
(2) 尽管细则条文载有任何规定,如适用法律准许,在本公司已或股份过
[...] 细则第(1)段(a)至(e)分段载列的文件及与股份登记有关的任何其他文件,惟本细则适用于本着 善意及在本公司及其股份过户登记处未有获明确通知该文件的保存与 [...]
(2) Notwithstanding any provision contained in these Articles, the Directors may, if permitted by applicable law, authorise the destruction of documents set out in sub-paragraphs (a) to (e) of paragraph (1) of this Article and any other documents in relation to share registration which have been microfilmed or electronically stored by the Company or by the share registrar
on its behalf
[...] provided always that this Article shall apply only to the destruction [...]
of a document in good faith and without express
notice to the Company and its share registrar that the preservation of such document was relevant to a claim.




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