

单词 适才

See also:

only then
a moment ago
(followed by a numerical clause) only
a capable individual
sb. of a certain type
(preceded by a clause of condition or reason) not until

External sources (not reviewed)

环境基金进一步阐述 了在最不发达国家基金下共同供资的含义,解释说,国家适应行动方案项目必须 纯粹适应有关,才能免 于共同供资的要求。
The GEF further elaborated on what co-financing means under the LDCF, and that NAPA projects would need to be purely concerned with adaptation for them be exempt from the need for cofinancing.
请联系您的供应商了解哪适配器线 缆 才 能 满 足您的需要。
Contact your supplier to
[...] see which adapter cable is required to meet your needs.
另外,法律适用的标准看起来相当高,只有在面对某个明显高于一切的利益, 而不仅是较为重要的利益时,该规 才适 用。
Furthermore, the standard of application appears to be high so that it is only where there is a clear overriding interest, rather than simply a more important interest, that the rule would be engaged.
当您的 LINK 350 适配器已完成固件更新,从电脑上拔下它,然后使用您 才 用 于 更新 LINK 350 适配器 的同一个固件文件继续耳机固件的更新。
When your LINK 350 adapter has been firmware updated unplug it from your PC and continue with an update of the headset firmware using the same firmware file as you just used for the LINK 350 adapter.
这些FLIR红外热像仪种类繁多,因此 用户常常想知道哪一才是合适自己 的。
This variety often leads people to ask, which FLIR camera is right for me?
据认为,还是应当允许外国供应商参加此种采购(如果他们愿意参加 的话),但是,(按照 1994 年《示范法》的做法,)采购实体不必适用只对国际 采才适用的 某些程序(例如,在一份国际广为发行的报纸上用国际贸易惯常 使用的语文登载招标书)。
The view was expressed that foreign suppliers should be allowed to participate in such procurement if they so chose, but (following the 1994 Model Law approach) the procuring entity would not be required to apply certain procedures relevant only for international procurement (e.g. publication of the solicitation in a newspaper of wide international circulation in a language customarily used in international trade).
此外,对 于某些具特殊才适合个 别职位,但语言能力未达规定的申请人,有关招聘部门 可申请豁免所须的语文能力要求。
Furthermore, individual departments may seek exemption for candidates with special expertise required for a particular job but who do not meet the stipulated language proficiency requirements.
巴拉圭刑法只有在行为人进入巴拉圭 境内才适用。
Paraguayan criminal law applied only when the person who had committed such an act entered the national territory.
它还将有赖于特殊和差别待遇原 则的切适用,因为才能确 保发展中国家和最不发达国家得到必要的技术援 助,而不会在不具备相应执行能力的情况下受承诺的束缚。
It would also depend on effective application of the principle of Special and Differential Treatment to ensure that developing countries and LDCs received the necessary technical assistance and would not be bound by commitments if they did not have the corresponding implementation capacity.
How big of the backpack is consider enough?
该课程主要利用贸发会议的研究,向参与者提供国际贸易、金融、投资和技 术等经济因素如何互相关联,如何才能对他们国家的经济和社会发展产生积极影 响以及这些领域适当政策如才能 从 全球化经济获益的全面概述。
The course, which largely draws on UNCTAD’s research, gives participants a comprehensive overview of how economic factors such as international trade, finance, investment and technology are related to one another, how they can impact positively on the economic and social development of their countries and how appropriate policies in these areas can bring gains from the globalized economy.
必须指出,相关人士在申诉成功、使驱逐令搁置、本人最终获释时,须仍然 在马来西亚,这时上述情才适用。
It must be noted that the above situation applies when the person is actually still in Malaysia at the moment when he succeeds in setting aside the expulsion order and being eventually set at liberty.
作者可能要 用几年时才把合适的歌 词和动听的曲调合成一首流行歌曲,而计算 机用户把歌复制进电脑,再(用P2P网络)与全球亿万人共享,不过 [...]
While it can take an author years to compose the right words and
[...] catchy melody for a hit song, it only takes a few [...]
seconds for a computer user to copy
that song into a file in his computer and share it (through p2p networks) with millions of people around the globe.
鉴于关于低消费量国家消耗臭氧层物质处置示范项目的项目建议是逐个提交执行委 员会审议,委员会不可能全面清楚地方审查所有的项目 才 能 核 准最 适 的 建 议。
Given that project proposals for ODS disposal demonstration projects for LVC countries were being submitted piecemeal for consideration by the Executive Committee, it was not
possible to obtain a clear overview of all projects for the Committee to be in a
[...] position to approve the most appropriate ones.
普遍认为约六个月大的婴儿无论在生理及体格发展方 才适 合 进 食固体食物。
It is generally recognized that babies about six months of age are physiologically and developmentally ready for solid food.
综上所述,有必要确定,就民众聚会而言,何种程度的法律和政策框才 适于应对当前和今后的挑战。
In view of the foregoing, it would be appropriate
to determine to what extent the legal and
[...] policy frameworks in place, in respect [...]
of mass gatherings, are suitable for dealing
with current and future challenges.
但小孩一般要到 12 个 月左才适合进行美术和手工制作。
Arts and crafts are
[...] generally not appropriate until about the [...]
age of 12 months.
(5) 第 2 款中所作的有关规定,仅在第三部分中的义务涉及国际组织可能对成 员国和成员国际组织负有国际义务的情况 才适 用。
(5) The provision in question, which is set out in paragraph 2, only applies insofar as the obligations in Part Three relate to the international responsibility that an international organization may have towards its member States and organizations.
请注意,只有具有 Jetlite 多层结构的面材外才适合对 圆形试管贴标。
Please note that only the outer face layer is suitable for labelling around test tubes with the Jetlite Multitac construction.
年展望”倚重七个发展支柱,尤其以重点强调人类资 源开发和赋予妇女、青年及人民实权为主要支柱,通过确保巴新境内男女均得到 良好培训和才适用、 报酬丰厚、待遇公平等方式,增进性别平等和参与,以及 有成效地促进国家发展。
The Vision 2050 focuses on 7 development pillars that inter alia, articulates the importance of human capital development and gender, youth and people empowerment as the major pillar that promotes gender equality and participation by ensuring that PNG men and women are well trained and utilized, well paid, fairly treated and are contributing productively to national development.
1990 年颁布时,《公约》仍须在受制于英国保留条文的情况 才适 用于 香港,其意见对当年的情况没有影响;因此,即使按照祈彦辉法官的推论,也不 存在保留条文过时的问题。
Andrew Cheung J was of the view that Keith J was addressing the position in Hong Kong in 1995 when the Letters Patent had been amended to provide for a wholly elected legislature and his view did not affect the position back in 1990 when the Basic Law was promulgated and the application of the Covenant to Hong Kong was still subject to the British reservation and thus there was no question of the reservation having become spent at that time even under Keith J’s reasoning.
由于国际公 共部门会计准则要到 2012 年才适用, 推迟使用会 对核实应计负债的精算方法产生何种影响?
Since the International Public Sector Accounting Standards were not to be applied until 2012 at the earliest, what impact would that delay have on the actuarial methodology for validating the accrued liabilities?
凡是注日期的引用标准,其随后所有的修改单或修订版只有在本欧洲 标准也进行了相应修改或修订才适 用 于本标准,凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本适 用于本标准。
Users of British Standards should make sure that they possess the latest amendments or editions.
对于委内瑞拉加入的人权文书中规定 的标准,只有在其中包含的准则比国家宪法所载的准 则更有利时,才适用。
The standards set forth in human-rights instruments to which his country was a party were only applied domestically to the extent that they contained norms that were more favourable than those already contained in the national constitution.
為了顯示新班子的專業服務形象,民建 聯促請特區政府加快研究將現時《電訊條例》第 7M 條規管電訊商具誤導性 或欺騙性的行為擴大至涵蓋收費電視,並引入合約冷靜期、合約確認程序及
[...] 標準合約條款等,以防止電訊及廣播服務業不良推銷活動走向泛濫的困局,才能有效保障消費者的權益。
To demonstrate the "professional service" image of the new governing team, the DAB urges the SAR Government to expeditiously study the extension of section 7M of the Telecommunications Ordinance, which regulates misleading or deceptive practices by telecommunications service operators, to cover pay television and introduce a cooling-off period, a procedure for contract verification and standard terms in contract, with a view to preventing the proliferation of unscrupulous sales activities
in the telecommunications and broadcasting
[...] industries, and only in this way can [...]
consumer interests be effectively protected.
秘书长在向咨询委员会提供的补充资料 中说,合规检查团的一条经验教训是,无论合规督察干事的个人专 才 干 如 何, 在同 P-5 或资深 P-4 职等安保主任打交道或向 D-2 或以上职等指定官员汇报情况 时,一个 P-3 合规督察干事的资历或实地经验都不足以取信。
In the supplementary information provided to the Advisory Committee, the Secretary-General states that one of the lessons learned with regard to compliance missions was that, irrespective of the professional competence of the individual compliance officers, when dealing with Chief Security Officers at the P-5 or senior P-4 levels or debriefing designated officials at the level of D-2 or above, a P-3 compliance officer has neither the seniority nor the field experience to be credible.
为了进行更加全面的保护,鼓励各国根据国际法采取各 适 当 的 措施与其他有关国家进行合 作,以便确立有关的司法管辖权,并对那些犯有或下令犯有上述行为(VII.个人的刑事责任)并在 [...]
For the purposes of more comprehensive protection, each State is
[...] encouraged to take all appropriate measures, in accordance [...]
with international law, to cooperate
with other States concerned with a view to establishing jurisdiction over, and providing effective criminal sanctions against, those persons who have committed or have ordered to be committed acts referred to above (VII – Individual criminal responsibility) and who are found present on its territory, regardless of their nationality and the place where such act occurred.
[...] 女一切形式歧视公约》,并按照该《公约》,制定了保护妇女免遭暴力的法律, 以使妇女在政府和阿富汗的社会生活中享 适 当 份 额。
Regarding women’s rights, it was reiterated that Afghanistan had ratified the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and had in place a law to protect women from violence, in
conformity with the Convention, in order
[...] to give women an appropriate share in the Government [...]
and social life in Afghanistan.
款的裁判予以更新;并邀请各国政府提供关于本国在这方面的实践的资料;还请 秘书长在第六十五届会议之前尽早提交这份材料;决定由第六委员会的一个工作
[...] 组进一步探讨在这些条款的基础上拟订国家对国际不法行为的责任公约或采取 其适当行动的问题(第 62/61 号决议)。
At its sixty-second session, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to update the compilation of decisions of international courts, tribunals and other bodies referring to the articles, and to invite Governments to submit information on their practice in that regard; also requested the Secretary-General to submit that material well in advance of its sixty-fifth session; and decided to further examine, within the framework of a working group of the Sixth Committee, the question of a convention on
responsibility of States for internationally
[...] wrongful acts or other appropriate action on the basis [...]
of the articles (resolution 62/61).




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