

单词 适应性强的

See also:



适应 n

adaptation n

适应的 adj

settled adj

External sources (not reviewed)

为支持秘书长建设一支全球性 适应性强的 动 态工作人员队伍的 愿景,需要更为结构化的流动政策。
A more structured mobility policy is needed to support the Secretary-General’s vision of a global, adaptable and dynamic workforce.
[...] 年对建设和平委员会的审查能够 导致制订出更有效、灵活 适应性强的 办 法 ,应对世 界各地冲突后局势中的建设和平挑战。
We hope that the 2010 PBC review will result in a more
[...] efficient, flexible and adaptive approach to [...]
peacebuilding challenges in post-conflict situations around the world.
总干事提议进行教科文组织总部外办事处网络改革,其原则得到了执行局第一八 五届会议的赞同,将逐步建 适应性强的 多 部门区域办事处。
The Director-General’s proposed reform of UNESCO’s field office network, the principles of which were endorsed by the 185th
session of the Executive Board and which will lead
[...] to the creation of adaptive, multisectoral regional [...]
offices over time.
通过培养一支有技能适应性强的劳 动队伍,造就一个能满足当前和今 后需要的更为人们所尊重的有效和高效的技术和职业教育和培训系统。
To provide an efficient and effective technical and vocational
education and training system of
[...] greater public esteem responsive to the present and [...]
future needs by having a skilled and flexible workforce.
Habitat:Skunks are highly adaptable little creatures [...]
and can survive in a variety of different habitats.
关于中心的建议基于这样一种信念, 阿拉伯国家致力于改善他们的 K-12
[...] 教育系统,承认来自其他国家的经验教训可以为该地区 提供有益的思路适应性强的干预 措施。
The proposal for the Centre is based on the conviction that Arab States are committed to improving their K-12 education systems, and on the recognition
that lessons from the experience of other countries can provide
[...] useful ideas and adaptable interventions for [...]
the region.
本组织需要优 化配置和留用有活力适应性强的全 球 性工作人员,以帮助完成不断变化的任务。
The Organization needs optimal deployment and
[...] retention of a dynamic, adaptable and global workforce [...]
that can help meet evolving mandates.
人力资源管理厅将继续支持秘书长建设一支全球性 适应性强的 动 态 工 作人员队伍的愿景,并为此审查和评估各种人员流动举措,以制订全球人员流动 框架为总体目标。
The Office of Human Resources Management will continue to support the
Secretary-General’s vision
[...] of a global, adaptable and dynamic workforce by reviewing and assessing a range of mobility [...]
initiatives with the
overall objective of developing a global mobility framework.
它列出了四个优先领域,即:(a) 支持国家能力发展;(b)
[...] 调动资源; (c) 促使各主要行为者支持共同的建设和平目标;(d) 采用灵活适应性强的互 动协作工具。
It prioritized four areas, namely: (a) support for national capacity development; (b) resource mobilization; (c) alignment of
key actors behind common peacebuilding objectives; and (d)
[...] adoption of flexible and adaptable instruments of [...]
基金组织早就认识到,这场危机具有全球性,需要采用全球解决办法。因此, 基金组织率先为那些有回旋余地的国家制定了一项协调性财政扩张政策(全球国 内生产总值的 2% ),与此同时,基金组织与其他多边捐助方一道竭力确保发展中 国家有充足的资金,使其能够制 适应性强的 各 项政策,以支持经济增长和就业。
For its part, IMF, recognizing early on that the global nature of the crisis required global solutions, spearheaded a coordinated policy of fiscal expansion (2 per cent of global gross domestic product (GDP)) for those countries that had room for manoeuvre, and at the same time worked hard, together with other bilateral donors, to make sure that developing countries had adequate financing to enable them to adopt accommodative policies in support of economic growth and employment.
[...] 发展,有助于本组织建设一支充满活力 适应性强的 全 球 工作人员队伍,更好地 完成授权任务。
This would in turn provide a wider breadth of understanding of the diverse work of the Organization, allowing staff to develop
professionally and helping the Organization to
[...] develop a dynamic, adaptable and global workforce [...]
to better meet its mandates.
通过以全面、更加统一的方式处理这四个领域的问题, 本组织能够更好地吸引和管理有动力 适应性强的 全 球 性员工队伍,执行本组织 不断发展的任务。
By addressing these four areas in a comprehensive and more integrated manner,
the Organization can better attract and
[...] manage a dynamic, adaptable and global workforce [...]
to carry out the Organization’s evolving mandates.
这些政策包括鼓励气适应性强的土 地 管理办法,发展气 适应性强的 农作物和牲畜品种,增加收入、改进市场准入以及开发新的市场和产品来减少脆弱性。
Policies include incentives
[...] for climate-resilient land management practices, developing more climate-resilient varieties of crop and livestock, and reducing vulnerability by increasing [...]
incomes, improving
access to markets, and the development of new markets and products.
新方案的目标是充分发挥一大批充满活 力适应性强且来源各的青年 专业人员的潜力,供本组织在中长期选拔承担中 高级管理职能。
The aim would be to
[...] develop a pool of dynamic, adaptable and diverse young professionals [...]
to their full potential and from
which the Organization could draw to fill middle and senior management functions in the medium and long term.
在进行多元化之前,确保你拥有一 适应性 强且富有企业家精的管理团队。
Before diversifying, assure that you
[...] have a management team in place that is adaptable and entrepreneurial.
Dust Networks 提供了具有先进网络管理及全面安全特 的 可 靠 、 适应性强 和 可扩展的无线产品。
Dust Networks delivers reliable, resilient and scalable wireless [...]
products with advanced network management and comprehensive security features.
13 2010 年 12 月 15 日至 17
[...] 日在曼谷举行的统计委员会第二届会议 审查了对于亚洲及太平洋统计工作发展具有战略重要性的各种问题, 并议定将努力实现以下目标:(a) 确保至 2020 年亚太区域所有国家都 有能力产生关于人口、经济、社会和环境的一系列基本统计数据,以 及(b) 通过加强合作为各国统计机构创 适应性 更 强 和 成 本效益的 信息管理环境。
The Committee on Statistics at its second session, held in Bangkok from 15 to 17 December 2010, reviewed a range of issues of strategic importance to statistics development in the Asian and Pacific region, and agreed to work towards the goals of (a) ensuring that, by 2020, all countries in the region have the capability to generate a basic range of population, economic, social and environment
statistics, and (b)
[...] creating a more adaptive and cost-effective information management environment for national statistical offices through stronger collaboration.
亚太区域能力建设 13 活动的重点是统计委员会第二届会议通过的两项总体战略目标:(a) 确保至 2020 年亚太区域所有国家都有能力提供关于人口、经济、社 会和环境的一系列商定的基本统计数据;(b) 通过加强合作为各国统 计机构创适应性更强和成本效益 的 信 息 管理环境。
Capacity development activities in the region are focused on two overarching strategic goals adopted by the Committee on Statistics at its second session: (a) ensuring that, by 2020, all countries in the region have the capability to provide an agreed basic range of population, economic, social and environmental
statistics; and (b)
[...] creating a more adaptive and cost-effective information management environment for national statistical offices through stronger collaboration.
适应性强且易用的佐剂 可用于制备干燥配方和液体配方,也可用在农作物保护产品和肥料生产领域。
Our adaptable and easy-to-use adjuvants are [...]
used in the preparation of both dry and liquid formulations, in crop protection
products and in the manufacture of fertilizers.
大会应大胆进取,紧急拿出一个附有可衡量的目标和显示指标的强 有力的行动框架,为在可持续发展和消除贫困背景下采 适应性强 、 灵 活性高且 量身设的方法 实现绿色经济奠定基础。
It should be bold and result in the urgent delivery of a strong framework for action with measurable
goals and indicators,
[...] providing the foundation for an adaptable, flexible and customized approach [...]
to achieving a green economy
in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication.
(c) 协助拟订战略、政策和方案,以促进培养一支动 的 、 适应性强 并 具 最 高才干及忠诚度的全球性工作队伍,以服务于本组织不断变化的授权任务
(c) To contribute to the development of strategies,
policies and programmes with a view to
[...] promoting a dynamic, adaptable and global workforce [...]
with the highest levels of competence
and integrity to serve the evolving mandates of the Organization
Several delegations underscored the need for further
assistance from the international community, in
[...] particular, in enhancing the resilience and adaptability of vulnerable [...]
该厅继续致力于精简人力资源服 务;开发经强化的业绩管理和发展系统;为职业发展提供培训和支持;支持工作 人员平衡工作和个人生活;确保其方案配合结构性更 的 人 员流动办法,以满足 联合国的需要,并建设一适应性强 、 有活力和全球化的工作人员队伍。
The Office continued its efforts to: streamline human resources services; develop an enhanced performance management and development system; provide training and support for career development; support staff in balancing their professional and personal lives; and ensure that its programmes are
aligned with a more structured
[...] approach to mobility in order to meet the needs of the United Nations and develop an adaptable, dynamic and global workforce.
审议大会鼓励原子能机构通过会员国之间以及与原子能机构的合作,进一步 发展强有力、灵活适应性强且成 本-效益 的 国 际 技术基础,为加强保障监督 制度。
The Conference encourages IAEA to further develop
[...] a robust, flexible, adaptive and cost-effective international technology base for advanced safeguards through cooperation among Member States and with IAEA.
通过运用 Dust Networks 的 SmartMesh 技术,Rosemount 智能无线产品系列构建了一 适应性强 且 可 靠和安 的 无 线网格传感器网络,通过该网络即可传输传感器数据 (不必开沟和敷设电缆),从而显着地降低了安装成本。
Using Dust Networks® SmartMesh® technology, the Rosemount Smart Wireless product family created a resilient, reliable and secure wireless mesh sensor network over which to transmit sensor data without digging trenches and laying cable, reducing installation costs significantly.
新方案将吸引年轻、充满活力 适应性强 且 来 自不同地 的 男 女 大学毕业生, 他们有志为本组织的宗旨和授权任务而奋斗,并且正在秘书处内寻找富有挑战性 的国际就业机会。
The programme would attract
[...] young, dynamic, adaptable university graduates with diversity in geographic origin and gender who are dedicated [...]
to the purpose
and mandates of the Organization and are looking for a challenging international career with opportunities across the Secretariat.
秘书长希望联合国成为一个全球一体 适应性强 、 反应灵敏、工作灵的 组织 ,这一组织应有助于形成一种赋权和业绩文化,使工作人员能够学习和成长, 而卓越的人力资源管理对于实现这一愿景至关重要。
Excellence in human resources management is central to achieving
the Secretary-General’s
[...] vision of a global, adaptable Organization that is responsive and flexible, [...]
supports a culture of
empowerment and performance and allows staff to learn and grow.
在这方面,开发协会 16 将处理四个主题领域: (a) 通过设立“危机应对窗口”,加强对受全球性或区域性严重外源经济危机或 自然灾害影响的开发协会国家的支持;(b) 深化同合作伙伴的协作以提高对脆弱 和受冲突影响国家的援助实效;(c) 在所有业务活动中强性别平 等主流化工 作;(d) 增加支持最穷国的气候变化减轻 适应 努 力
In that regard, IDA 16 would address four major thematic areas: (a) strengthening support to IDA countries affected by severe exogenous economic crisis of global or regional nature or by natural disasters, through the establishment of the “Crisis Response Window”; (b) deepening collaboration with its partners to improve the effectiveness of its assistance to fragile and
conflict-affected countries; (c)
[...] scaling up its gendermainstreaming efforts throughout its operations; and (d) increased support for climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts in the poorest countries.
代表强调本区域的地理范围和多 性 决 定 了需要采取特定的和差异 的应 对措 施和行动,并且有必要谨慎地对减缓 适 应 措施进行优先排序。
Delegates stressed that the geographical size and diversity of the region required specific and differentiated responses and actions, and that adaptation and mitigation options [...]
needed to be carefully prioritized.




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