单词 | 送葬 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 送葬 —participate in funeral processionattend a burial葬送 —hold a funeral procession and burial • give sb. a final send-off See also:葬 n—burial n 葬—bury (the dead) • inter
特别报告员也了解到这样一个事件,即政府成 员涉嫌剥夺送葬者出席政治活动家 Ezatollah Sahabi [...] 的葬礼的权利。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Special Rapporteur was made aware of one such incident in which [...] members of the Government allegedly denied mourners the right [...] to attend the funeral of political [...]activist, Ezatollah Sahabi. daccess-ods.un.org |
我遗憾地要特别提及那些长 期以来一直以人权的仲裁者自居的人,但今天他们可 被称作送葬者, 但却连最后的仪式都不来参加。 daccess-ods.un.org | And I specifically mention, with regret, those who, for so long, have been the arbiters of human rights but who could today be called the pallbearers and are not here even for the last rites. daccess-ods.un.org |
就在今天,叙利亚部队恢复了对霍姆斯的野 蛮炮击,并且开枪击中了阿勒颇一个葬礼上的无 辜送 葬者。 daccess-ods.un.org | Just today, Syrian forces resumed their brutal shelling of Homs and shot innocent [...] mourners at a funeral in Aleppo. daccess-ods.un.org |
有报告称, 安全部队打乱了 2011 年 6 月举行的葬礼活动,强行夺取并搬走 Sahabi 先生的遗 体,并殴打送葬者,其中包括 Sahabi 先生的女儿 Haleh Sahabi。 daccess-ods.un.org | Accounts suggest that security forces disrupted the funeral observances, held in June 2011, by forcibly seizing and removing Mr. Sahabi’s body and beating mourners, including Mr. Sahabi’s daughter, Haleh Sahabi. daccess-ods.un.org |
傲视群沦的天才们用短短的岁月燃尽所有的光华,生 命 葬送 在 毒 品、酒精之中,让人无限遗憾,但他们不凡的艺术的确照亮了他们的年代。 ravenelart.com | Ahead of their time and apart from the crowd, these uniquely talented individuals produced incredible beauty in their work, only to succumb eventually to drugs or alcohol. ravenelart.com |
梁國雄議員:今天是民主黨、民建聯及政府的“大婚之喜”,亦是民 主葬 送之期,怎麼改期呢? legco.gov.hk | MR LEUNG KWOK-HUNG (in Cantonese): Today is the wedding ceremony of the Democratic Party, the Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong and the Government. legco.gov.hk |
在此次圆桌会议上,部长们还强调指出,“使用兴奋剂会像断送运动员一 样 葬送 体育 运动事业”,并指出“为了制止这一在年轻人当中蔓延的危险,预防是最好的防护”。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Also stressing at the Round Table that “doping threatens to kill sport as surely as it kills athletes”, the ministers said that “to combat this risk that is developing among young people, prevention is the best defence”. unesdoc.unesco.org |
103 个会员 国的部长和代表强调指出,“使用兴奋剂,……会象断送运动员一 样 葬送体 育 运动事业”,并承认“需要通过协调规章与做法,……在国际层面上加强 协调”。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Stressing the fact that doping “threatens to kill sport as surely as it kills athletes”, the ministers and representatives of 103 Member States recognized “a need for increased coordination of efforts at the international level … through the harmonizing of regulations and practices”. unesdoc.unesco.org |
今天,親自葬送自己 理想的人,最脗合這兩句詩句的內容,所說的一種是死亡的人,另一種 [...] 是戰敗者。 legco.gov.hk | (This is about LAWRENCE). Those [...] who are about to bury their ideal today [...]can best be described by these two lines of poem. legco.gov.hk |
作为父亲,儿子在羁押 中死亡,情况始终不明了,加之儿子尸体 被 送 回 家属 埋 葬 的 状 况,为提交人带来 连续不断的愤怒和心理压力,委员会十分理解,认为这等于对提交人不人道的待 遇,违反了《公约》第七条。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee understands the continued anguish and mental stress caused to the author, as the father of a deceased detainee, by this persisting uncertainty amplified by the condition in which his son’s body was returned to the family for burial, and considers that it amounts to inhuman treatment of the author, in violation of article 7 of the Covenant. daccess-ods.un.org |
(d) 父母或作为父母的照料者被判死刑的儿童、囚犯本人、家属及其法律 代理人,确保预先向他们提供关于有待执行的处决、处决日期、时间和地点的适 当信息,以便对囚犯进行最后的探视或与之交流,并将尸 体 送 还 家属 埋 葬 , 或通 知尸体所在地点; (a) 请秘书长确保从联合国经常预算中提供适当的工作人员和便利,以便 儿童权利委员会、联合国系统特别程序和特别代表能够迅速、有效地履行职能、 执行任务,联合国人权事务高级专员办事处开展有关儿童权利的工作,可酌情要 求各国继续提供自愿捐款 daccess-ods.un.org | (d) To ensure that children whose parents or parental caregivers are on death row, the inmates themselves, their families and their legal representatives, are provided, in advance, with adequate information about a pending execution, its date, time and location, to allow a last visit or communication with the prisoner, the return of the body to the family for burial or to inform on where the body is located daccess-ods.un.org |
外 地 殮 葬 或 運 送 遺 體 返 本 港 之 費 用, 最 高 賠 償 額: [...] HKD100,000。 bank.hangseng.com | Cost for burial abroad or transport of remains [...] back to Hong Kong up to a limit of HKD100,000 bank.hangseng.com |
y 委員會相信,新安排可便利旅行代理商在事先獲得授權的情況 [...] 下,協助旅客的配偶或親屬,在意外發生後即時前往當地探望 傷者,或處理殮葬或運送遺體 返港等事宜。 legco.gov.hk | The Board considers that the new arrangement will facilitate travel agents in assisting the spouse and relatives to visit the injured travellers at the place of accident [...] immediately afterwards or to handle the [...] repatriation and the funeral services of the [...]dead travellers, if the travel agents are [...]pre-authorised as their representatives. legco.gov.hk |
保障範圍 [...] 包括在意外地方的醫療費用(最高 10 萬元)、當地殮葬或運送 遺體返港的費用(最高 4 萬元),以及親屬前往探問的費用(每 [...]名旅客最多兩位親屬,每位最高 2 萬元)。 legco.gov.hk | The protection covers medical expenses at the place of accident [...] (up to $100,000), funeral expenses at the [...]place of accident or transportation cost [...]for returning the remains of the deceased (up to $40,000) and expenses relating to compassionate visit by relatives (up to two relatives, each not exceeding $20,000). legco.gov.hk |
在喀麦隆,绝大部分妇女不上学,一连几代人的机会就 这么葬送了— —她们不识字,也不具备基本的数学运算或职业技能,因而极易陷 入极端贫困的境地。 daccess-ods.un.org | In Cameroon, high dropout rates leave generations of women without opportunity — with no basic literacy, math, or vocational skills, they are at high risk of extreme poverty. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们促请国际社会站在和平一边,掷地有声地向占领国以色列表明,该国 的定居运动是非法的,是不被认可的,必须完全停止,因为这完全不符合“两国 解决方案”,如果不停止,将葬送这 一 解决方案的可行性。 daccess-ods.un.org | We call on the international community to take a stand for peace and to make abundantly clear to Israel, the occupying Power, that its settlement campaign is illegal and unrecognized and must fully cease, for it is totally incompatible with the two-State solution and, if not ceased, will bring to an end the viability of this solution. daccess-ods.un.org |
目前,部分持續進行的工 [...] 作包括:檢討小販發牌政策;檢討公眾街巿設施的供應;監察魚類統 [...] 營處在屯門興建新的魚類批發巿場的工作;推展增加政府墳場、靈灰 安置所及火葬場的 計劃;尋求和推廣處理骨灰的其他方法( [...]例如闢設新 的紀念花園) ;統籌各部門的控蚊工作,以防止登革熱和日本腦炎的爆 發;將所有鄉村旱廁改為沖水式廁所;以及修訂《除害劑條例》以加 [...]強對除害劑進出口和使用的管制。 legco.gov.hk | Some of the current initiatives which require on-going efforts include: review of the hawker licensing policy, review of the provision of public markets, monitoring the construction of a new wholesale fish market at Tuen Mun by the Fish Marketing Organisation, taking forward plans [...] to provide more government cemeteries, [...] columbaria and crematoria, identifying [...]and promoting the use of alternative options [...]for human ash disposal (e.g. provision of new Gardens of Remembrance), co-ordinating the anti-mosquito efforts of various departments to prevent the outbreak of dengue fever and Japanese Encephalitis, converting all aqua privies into flushing toilets, and amending the Pesticides Ordinance to strengthen control on the import and export as well as the use of pesticides. legco.gov.hk |
不過,我想局長確定其答案 的意思,政府是否不會考慮檢討有關政策,或將來可把醫管局的員工 安 葬於 浩園? legco.gov.hk | However, I wish the Secretary to confirm whether her answer means that the Government will not consider reviewing the policy concerned, or the eligibility of HA staff to be buried in Gallant Garden in future? legco.gov.hk |
人一生中的各种仪式(出生、成长、结婚、离婚和 殯 葬 等 仪 式),游戏和体 育活动,亲族关系与亲族关系的仪式,定居模式,烹调技术,确定身份和长 [...] 幼尊卑的仪式,有关四季的仪式,不同性别的社会习俗,打猎、捕鱼和收获 习俗,源于地名的姓名和源于父名的姓名,丝绸文化和工艺(生产 [纺织 ]、 [...] 缝纫、染色、图案设计),木雕,纺织品,人体艺术(纹身、穿孔、人体绘 画)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Life-cycle rituals – birth; rites of passage; [...] wedding, divorce and funerary rituals; games [...]and sports; kinship and ritual kinship ceremonies; [...]settlement patterns; culinary arts; designation of status and prestige ceremonies; seasonal ceremonies; gender-specific social practices; practices relating to hunting, fishing and gathering; geonymic and patronymic nomenclature; silk culture and crafts (production [fabrication], sewing, dyeing, cloth designs); wood carving; textiles; body-art (tattooing, piercing, painting). unesdoc.unesco.org |
(B) 倘本公司向有權收取人士寄發就股份所應付之支票、股息單或匯 票或其他應付款項連續兩次未兌現,或該支票、股息單或匯票一度未 能 送 達 而 被退回 本公司,則本公司毋須再向該人士寄發就有關股份所應付之任何到期股息或其他款 項,直至該人士通知本公司一個為此目的而使用之地址為止。 asiasat.com | (B) If any cheques, warrants or orders for dividends or other moneys payable in respect of a share sent by the Company to the person entitled thereto are left uncashed on two consecutive occasions or on one occasion if such cheque, warrant or order is returned to the Company undelivered, the Company shall not be obliged to send any dividends or other moneys payable in respect of that share due to that person until he notifies the Company of an address to be used for the purpose. asiasat.com |
这包括:兴建中的若开邦首府实兑附近 的印度洋海域深海港口以及平行公路、高速铁路、 石油管道和天然气管道,这将建起一个缅甸通往中 国西南部内陆省份的能源和贸易走廊;加叻丹多式 运输项目(Kaladan multi-modal project)将在印度 洋和印度东部沿海地区之间、印度洋和印度东北部 内陆地区之间建起一条交通走廊;以及达维发展项 目(Dawei Development Project),按照计划,该项 目将在缅甸南部修建一个大型工业区和一个现代化 深海港,以及连通泰国并进一步通至越南的公路和 铁路,这样可以从陆路将货物运送至 泰 国和越南, 比起经马六甲海峡的海路运输要少花好几天时间。 crisisgroup.org | These include: a deep-sea port being constructed on the Indian Ocean near the Rakhine State capital of Sittwe, and parallel road, high-speed rail, and oil and natural gas pipelines that will create an energy and trade corridor to China’s landlocked south west; the Kaladan multi-modal project that will create a transportation corridor between the Indian Ocean and India’s eastern seaboard and its landlocked north east; and the Dawei Development Project which, if completed according to plan, would include a large industrial estate and modern deep-sea port in the south, with road and rail links for transhipment of goods to Thailand and on to Vietnam, cutting several days off the sea route through the Straits of Malacca. crisisgroup.org |
安理会还在关于“恐怖主义行为对国际和平与安全造成的威胁”的第 [...] 1373/2001 号决议(安理会“关切地注意到国际恐怖主义与跨国有组织犯罪、非法 [...] 药物、洗钱、非法贩运军火、非法运 送 核 、 化学、生物和其他潜在致命材料之间 [...] 的密切联系”和关于“非洲和平与安全”的主席声明(S/PRST/2009/32)(“安理 [...] 会关切地注意到,贩毒和相关的跨国有组织犯罪在一些情况下对包括非洲在内的 世界不同区域的国际安全构成严重威胁”)中,从较广泛的角度审议了该问题)。 daccess-ods.un.org | It also considered the issue from a more general point of view in resolution 1373 (2001) on threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts (the Council “[noted] with concern the close connection between international terrorism and transnational organized crime, illicit drugs, [...] money-laundering, illegal arms-trafficking, and [...] illegal movement of nuclear, chemical, [...]biological and other potentially deadly [...]materials”) and in the presidential statement (S/PRST/2009/32) on peace and security in Africa (“the Security Council notes with concern the serious threats posed in some cases by drug trafficking and related transnational organized crime to international security in different regions of the world, including in Africa”). daccess-ods.un.org |
該 條例第6(2)條訂明,某人如沒有在第3(1)條提述的限期內繳付該條 所指的通知書內指明的表列罪行的定額罰款,或拒絕接受該通知 書,指明的主管當局須向該人送達一 份採用訂明格式的通知書, (a)要求他繳付有關表列罪行的定額罰款;(b)告知該人如他意欲就 該罪行的法律責任提出抗辯,則須以書面通知主管當局;以及(c) 述明該項繳款或通知,均須在自如此 送 達 的 通知書日期起計的10 天內作出。 legco.gov.hk | Section 6(2) of the Ordinance provides that where a person fails to pay the fixed penalty for the scheduled offence specified in the notice given under section 3(1) within the time specified or refuses to accept the notice, the specified Authority shall serve on the person a notice in the prescribed form (a) demanding payment of the fixed penalty for the scheduled offence; (b) informing the person that if he wishes to dispute liability for the offence he should notify the Authority in writing; and (c) stating that the payment or notification shall be made within 10 days from the date of the notice so served. legco.gov.hk |