单词 | 送客台 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 送客台 —seeing-off platformSee also:台客—stereotypical Taiwanese person (often derogatory)
這種發展大勢將有 [...] 利於衛星行業 ,不單直接得益於直接到戶(DTH)市場 ,亦因將節目內容傳送至該等新平台 而 間 接受惠 。 asiasat.com | This trend of general expansion bodes well for the [...] satellite industry both directly in the DTH market and indirectly in [...] the distribution of content to these new platforms. asiasat.com |
寬頻設備銷售收入於擁有權之風險及回報轉讓予買方時確認,一般與貨 品 送 達 至 客 戶 及 所有 權轉讓時間一致。 asiasat.com | Sale of broadband services equipment is recognised upon the transfer of risks and [...] rewards of ownership, which generally coincides with the time when goods [...] are delivered to customers and title is passed. asiasat.com |
他提醒與會人士,如食物樣本是向顧 客 免 費 贈 送 而 非 供出 售,第132W章便不適用,也無須加上營養標籤。 cfs.gov.hk | He reminded that, if the food sample [...] was offered free to customers and not for sale, [...]Caps. 132W would not be applicable and [...]nutrition label would not be required. cfs.gov.hk |
該等嶄新及經常互相競爭之傳送平台 ,需要依賴具創意和獨家的節目內容 ,才能從競爭對手中脫穎而出 , [...] 因此亦帶動內容行業之發展 。 asiasat.com | These new and [...] often competing delivery platforms require innovative [...]and exclusive content to differentiate themselves from [...]their competitors and are thus driving the expansion of the content industry. asiasat.com |
處 理交易及安排 送貨前,顧客必須 在已修改的訂貨表格上聯署簽 名。 dragonair.com | Customer's countersignature against the amended order form is required before the transaction is processed and delivery arranged. dragonair.com |
例如,拟议对机队的组成进行改 [...] 组,以顾及 2010/11 年度计划在东部地区通过公路 而非飞机运送更多乘客和货物的情况。 daccess-ods.un.org | For example, a reconfiguration of the fleet composition is proposed to take into [...] consideration the planned increase in 2010/11 of the movement by road [...] instead of air of passengers and cargo in the east. daccess-ods.un.org |
当客户单击 [...] hhdsoftware.com 网站上的“现在购买”按钮时,则通过 HTTP POST 将产品 ID 和附加参数发送至 Avangate 平台,客户将重定向到 Avangate 服务器上的安全结账页面。 avangate.com | When a customer clicks the "Buy now" button on hhdsoftware.com, the [...] product ID and [...] additional parameters are sent to Avangate platform via HTTP POST and the customer is redirected [...]to the secure checkout page on Avangate servers. avangate.com |
依靠同欧盟广播电视局、美联社电视部和路透社电视部的伙伴关系,所有节目都通过卫星 传送 到播出电视台。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Each of them was distributed by satellite to broadcasters through partnerships with the European Broadcasting Union, Associated Press TV and Reuters TV. unesdoc.unesco.org |
本公司利用第二個牌照經營大埔地面站之多路 單載波平台,透過向廣播客戶提供一站式之多路單載波平台服務,讓他們享受增值及成本較低的服務。 asiasat.com | The Company uses the other licence to [...] operate its MCPC platforms from the Tai Po Earth Station offering value-added and cost saving services to broadcast customers by providing them [...]with a one-stop MCPC platform service. asiasat.com |
换台系统可为您带来最大经济效益。当一个工 作 台 被 送 入 窑 炉后,另一个工作台可以装载 到换台系统上。 nabertherm.de | Especially economical is the alternating table system, in which one table is loaded while the other one is in the furnace. nabertherm.com |
(三 ) 在 的士上 安 裝 電 [...] 子 道路信息 系 統,以 便更快 捷 地 把 遊 客 送 抵 目 的 地 ? legco.gov.hk | (c) the installation of an electronic road information system on [...] taxis so that visitors can be taken to [...]their destinations more quickly? legco.gov.hk |
在很多情况下,更新为客户提 供了一个机会,使他们能够考虑 平 台 迁 移 的价值主张,并评估哪个 供应商最能满足他们的当前需要。 sageza.com | In many cases, a refresh is an [...] opportune time at which [...] to consider the value proposition of a platform migration and to evaluate which vendor [...]could best meet the customer’s current needs. sageza.com |
根據《電訊(傳送者牌照)(修訂)規例》(第 106章,附屬法 例 V),綜合牌照將會被界定為一類新的傳送者牌照,營 辦商可提供各類現有傳送者牌照( 包括固定傳送者牌 照、有限制固定傳送者牌照、移動傳送者牌照及有限制 移動傳送者牌照,但空間電台傳送者 牌 照除外)所核准的 固定、流動及匯流電訊服務(或任何組合的服務)。 legco.gov.hk | The UCL will be defined as a new type of carrier licence under the Telecommunications (Carrier Licences) (Amendment) Regulation (Cap. 106 sub. leg. V) for all types of fixed, mobile and converged telecommunications services (or any combination thereof) which are currently authorized under the Fixed Carrier Licence, Fixed Carrier (Restricted) Licence, Mobile Carrier Licence (MCL) and Mobile Carrier (Restricted) Licence, except for the Space Station Carrier Licence. legco.gov.hk |
Burke E. [...] Porter 的其中一个风力涡轮机测试台客户是Broadwind energy,该客户提供风力涡轮机齿轮箱翻新和维修,以及焊接和齿轮制造等其他服务。 bksv.cn | One of Burke E. Porter’s wind [...] turbine test stand customers is Broadwind energy, [...]who supply wind turbine gearbox refurbishment [...]and servicing, among other services like welding and gear manufacturing. bksv.com |
随着业务发展,179平台的电子证券的语音业务要迁移到C SP 平 台 上 ,重点发展为电 子 客 票 和电子彩票业务等新业务;同时由于电信南北拆分,(原)中国网通集团建设了自己的CA安全认证中心, 179平台需要结合集团的CA安全认证中心实现CA认证功能,改造完成后将不再使用原CTCA安全认证中心。 surekam.com | The voice business for E-securities [...] on the 179 Platform had to be moved to the CSP platform as business developed, with emphasis on developing into E-ticket, E-lottery [...]and other new [...]business; meanwhile, (former) China Netcom Group constructed its own CA security certification center, as a result of split of the Telecom into north and south parts, and the 179 Platform needed to realize CA certification function by combining the Group’s CA security certification center; former CTCA security certification center would be no longer used upon completion of the retrofit. surekam.com |
它为移动电话,桌面电脑和PDA提供一个公共的消息 发 送 平 台。 javakaiyuan.com | It is the mobile phone , desktop computer and PDA to provide a [...] common messaging platform. javakaiyuan.com |
這些出入口設有一種或多種的輔 助設施如輪椅輔助車、輪椅升降台、 客 用 升 降機或斜道等,以使行動不便人 士能獨立地或在車站職員的協助下進出車站。 legco.gov.hk | These exits are equipped with either one or several facilities like [...] wheelchair aids, stair lifts, passenger lifts or ramps to [...] enable disabled passengers to access the [...]stations independently [...]or under the assistance of station staff. legco.gov.hk |
而切割后的型材段,则从切割中心的 辊台送入卸 载工作台,由操作人员从传输皮带上人工卸下。 emmegi.com | The pieces cut off from the bundle are evacuated from the cutting zone by the unloading table roller conveyor and picked up by belts to be unloaded manually by the operator. emmegi.com |
酒店酒吧也有夏季露台,客人可 以负担得起的价格享受许多不同的饮料和咖啡。 instantworldbooking.com | Hotel bar also has a [...] summer terrace where guests can enjoy many different [...]drinks and coffee at affordable prices. instantworldbooking.com |
OFBiz Neogia包括财务,供应链管理SCM(包括产品生产和 配 送 ), 客 户 关 系管理CRM(包括行销,销售,售后服务,服务管理)和电子商务。 javakaiyuan.com | OFBiz Neogia including financial , supply [...] chain management SCM ( including production [...] and distribution ) , customer relationship [...]management CRM ( including marketing [...], sales, service , service management ) and e-commerce. javakaiyuan.com |
本次工作坊的内容主题方向为结合真实案例介绍如何使用outside-in与inside-out角度进行Custom Journey [...] Mapping中体验触点(Touchpoint)的确定与细分,解决以用户为中心的跨渠道跨 平 台客 户 体 验触点分析及营销部署的思路过程。 userfriendly.org.cn | The workshop topic direction is combined with real case on how to use the outside-in and inside-out Custom Journey Mapping experience point of contact ( Touchpoint ) is identified with the [...] subdivision, to solve the user centered [...] Cross-Channel & Cross-Platform customer experience contact [...]analysis and marketing deployment thinking process. userfriendly.org.cn |
我們可用本項資料減少或移除已傳 送客 戶 的 郵件。 mammals.org | We may use this information to reduce or [...] eliminate messages sent to customers. mammals.org |
法改會認為在案中的情況下做出合理的行為的 免責辯護會為記者及其他進行正當活動的人(例如:政治 說客、送達傳 票或申索陳述書的人、護衞員,以及受聘 於保險公司負責偵查裝病詐騙案的調查員)提供較大的保 障。 legco.gov.hk | In the LRC’s view, the defence of acting reasonably in the circumstances would provide greater protection to journalists and other persons who carry out legitimate activities, such as political canvassers, those who serve subpoenas or statements of claim, security guards and insurance company investigators who are retained to detect malingering. legco.gov.hk |
以一直以来给人们带来美好梦想的迪士尼卡通角色作为EDION集团的宣传角色,与家电产品一同为 顾 客送 去 更 多的"快乐"与"梦想"。 edion.co.jp | By introducing dream-inspiring Disney characters as [...] the promotional characters of EDION, [...] we hope to provide customers greater "joy" and "dreams" [...]together with electric home appliances. edion.co.jp |
McQueen特別設計了一款全球限量的2 GB USB贈送客戶, 內藏特別製作的時裝短片。 think-silly.com | To mark the occasion, McQueen has designed a limited edition of 2GB USB (complete with a special short film [...] inside) for the most loyal customers. think-silly.com |
根据 Teletrax 监测系统编制的数据,联合国电视广播 平 台 传 送 系 统 提供的 每日新闻和特写材料得到采用的次数较之 2009 年同期几乎翻了一番。 daccess-ods.un.org | The number of pickups of the daily feed of news and feature material provided by the UNifeed distribution system almost doubled compared to the same period in 2009, according to the data compiled by the Teletrax monitoring system. daccess-ods.un.org |
送入檢測箱的三腳架和雲台送入檢 測箱高溫測試:120攝氏度溫度升高,三腳架正在接受嚴格測試溫度升高箱內變淡藍色高溫環境下,使得畫面拍攝有些模糊,但是我們仍可 明顯感覺到測試箱內灼熱的高溫,儘管我們也許永遠不可能在120攝氏度的高溫下進行攝影作業,但是能夠經受住這樣的測試,足以證明思銳對於自己產品的自信。 tw.evershooting.com | Tripod and head into the detector box into the detect the box high temperature test: elevated temperature of 120 degrees Celsius, a tripod is undergoing rigorous testing temperature increases inside the pale blue high temperature environment, some fuzzy screen shot, but we can still obviously feel the burning of high-temperature test box, even though we may never photography job at a high temperature of 120 degrees Celsius, but can withstand this test proves SAGE confident their products. evershooting.com |
在依然维持医疗后送、客运和 货运服务的商务空运合同的同时,非索特派 团支助办还将继续充分利用不断扩大的经联合国核准的非洲东部商业航空服务提 [...] 供商市场。 daccess-ods.un.org | While commercial contracts [...] for air medical evacuation, passenger and cargo services [...]remain in place, UNSOA will also continue [...]to leverage the expanding United Nations-approved commercial air service providers market that exists in East Africa. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,我今天提出修正案,在譚耀宗議員的原議案加上“ 對 台 灣 旅 客 來 港 實 施落地簽證”,希望隨着兩岸關係更趨緊密,港府能落實措拖,進一步利便 台客訪港,促進港台的商貿和旅遊。 legco.gov.hk | Therefore, the amendment I propose today [...] is to add "granting [...] visa-on-arrival to Taiwan travellers visiting Hong Kong", to the original motion proposed by Mr TAM Yiu-chung, hoping that with closer cross-strait relations, the Hong Kong Government will implement measures to provide further convenience to Taiwanese travellers visiting Hong Kong and promote trade and commercial ties as well as tourism between Taiwan and Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |