

单词 退避三舍

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

唯一的解釋是全 部電訊商皆財雄勢厚,連政府也 退避三舍。
The only explanation is that all these telecommunications companies are rich and powerful and the Government has to give way.
企业投资者对发展中国退避三舍, 流向 这些国家的净私人资本一度减半。
Corporate investors shied away from developing countries, to which there was at one point a 50 per cent reduction in net private capital flows.
此 外 , 本 人 亦 希望政 府能將 禮 貌 運 動納入 明 年的施 政 範 圍 內 , 因為即使香港擁 有 清 潔 的環境,不 禮 貌 的 對 待 別 人 也 會 令 遊退 避 三 舍 , 這 樣 , 香港的國際形象, 必 會 大 打 折扣。
This is because, even if we manage to keep our environment clean, tourists will still be scared away if they are not treated politely.
绝不允许某些国家利用 《条约》的退出规定,以避因退约 之 前违约而应 受到的制裁和处罚。
Countries should not be allowed to
use the withdrawal provision of
[...] the Treaty to evade sanctions and penalties for violations committed prior to withdrawal.
盡早拆 卸 騰空的部門宿舍既 可以避免產生上述問題, 亦無 須負擔有關的經常開 支 。
Early demolition can avoid these problems and the recurrent expenditure associated with the vacated premises.
行预咨委会注意到未编入预算的捐助价值为 13 801 400 美元,主要包括向联黎部队提供的土地 舍 ( 同 上, 第 三 .F 节)。
The Advisory Committee notes that the value of non-budgeted contributions from the
host Government amounted to $13,801,400, which relates
[...] to land and premises provided to the mission (ibid., sect. III.F).
我們參照了《安老院實務守則》所規定 三 類 院 舍以 制 定建議的發牌制度,並採納安老院的人手架構,以制定殘 疾人士院舍的最低人手要求。
Having modelled the proposed licensing
[...] framework on the three categories of homes as set out in the Code for RCHEs, we [...]
also propose to adopt the
framework of RCHEs on minimum staffing requirements for RCHDs.
(三 ) 會 否 考慮提 高居於 私營護理安老 院 的長者 的 綜合社 會保障援助 (“綜 援 ”)金額避免院 舍 經 營者“ 將 貨就價 ” , 以 確 保 有 需 要 的長者 可 得 到較佳 質 素的護 理安老 服 務 ?
(c) whether, to avoid
[...] PCHE operators choosing to provide inferior services for lower fees and ensure that the elderly in need can receive better care and attention, it will consider [...]
the rate of the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) for old people living in PCHEs?
三,在院舍、家居及社區照顧服務,以及支援服務方面,政府現時 1 年為長者作出 32 [...]
億元的財政撥款,比 97 年躍升一倍。
Thirdly, as regards residential, home and [...]
community care services for the elderly and other support services, the funding
provided by the Government has increased to $3.2 billion a year, 100% higher than the funding provided in 1997.
特别委员会对于维和人员住房问题所遭遇的种种延误表示关切,认为所有 特派团都应有适当的宿舍遮风避雨; 特别委员会请秘书处根据特遣队所属装备手 册采取必要措施,改善情况。
The Special Committee expresses its concern at the delays experienced in housing peacekeeping personnel in appropriate accommodation that provides adequate protection against the elements in all missions, and requests the Secretariat to take the necessary measures to improve the situation pursuant to the contingentowned equipment manual.
下列人员可在迁出后得到其他居住空间的情况下迁居:(一) 无正当理由自 行与企业、事业单位、国民经济最重要的行业组织(原单位给他们提供有住所)终
[...] 员(以及与他们同居的家属);(二) 在集体农场有住房但自己主动从集体农 退出 的公民;(三) 剥夺 父母亲权但仍与其被剥夺的父母亲权相关的子女住在一起的 [...]
公民;(四) 被剥夺子女教育权的父母-养父母;(五) 其他情况的人员。
May be evacuated with a subsequent offer of another living space: (i) workers and servants (along with the persons that live with them) that have discontinued their employment relations with the enterprises, institutions, organisations of the most important branches of the national economy, which offered them the living space, as a result of own initiative discontinuation of the employment relations without justified reasons, or which have been dismissed for breaching the employment discipline or as a result of an offence; (ii) citizens that have received living spaces in the houses of collective farms, if they have been excluded from the
collective farm as a result of
[...] their own initiative; (iii) citizens that have been deprived [...]
of their parental rights, if
they live together with their children in relation to whom they were deprived of their parental rights; (iv) parents-adopters, if they have been deprived of the education of the children; (v) other cases.
增加一个新的(b)项,内容为:“法庭法官如果任职九年以上,该法官应该为 超过九年任职的每一个月领取退休 金 的 三 百 分 之一,但养恤金最高以(不 含工作地点差价调整数的)年净基薪的三分之二为上限”。
A new subparagraph (b) is inserted, which reads as follows: “If the member has served for more than
nine years, he/she
[...] shall receive one three-hundredth of his or her retirement benefit for each [...]
further month beyond nine years, up to a maximum pension of two
thirds of the amount of the annual net base salary (excluding post adjustment).
這是 一個頗 為 重 要 的 問題,
[...] 我 們 要 沉 面 對 , 不避 , 不 退縮, 完 善 我 們 的 監 管 機 [...]
制 , 並 向 國 際 社 會據 理 力 爭 。
We must face it
[...] calmly; we must not evade the issue, or back [...]
down from tackling it; we must perfect our regulatory mechanism
and must argue forcefully according to reason with the international community.
[...] 告》继续强调保持核武器,依赖过时的威慑政策,调拨数十亿美元来实现美国武 器库的现代化,将核武器的削减限制 退 役 , 这样做 避 消 除 这些武器的义务, 新的《核态势评估报告》为保持核武器提出了新的借口,这些清楚地表明,美国 [...]
The continued emphasis of the new United States Nuclear Posture Review on maintaining nuclear weapons, relying on the obsolete deterrence policy, allocating several billions of dollars to the modernization of the United States arsenals,
limiting the reductions of
[...] nuclear weapons to decommissioning them and, by doing so, evading the obligation to [...]
eliminate them, and raising
new excuses for keeping nuclear weapons in the new Nuclear Posture Review, are clear indications of the United States policy to continue its non-compliance with its obligations under article VI.
(b) 批准開立為數 2 億 4,116 萬元的新 承擔額(按付款當日價格計算),以 便進行 49EG 號工程計劃,在香港 大學何世光夫人體育中心興三座 學宿舍,合共提供 900 個宿位。
(b) $241.16 million in money-ofthe-day prices for 49EG for the construction of three blocks of student hostel providing a total of 900 places at the Flora Ho Sports Centre Complex of the University of Hong Kong.
[...] 于认真和深入的社会对话,得到了公众的支持,除其他外,在经济及社会发展委 员会的领域内执行,维持和拓展了国内消费市场,这 避 免 衰 退 加 剧 ,撬动国家 经济和社会复苏的基本因素。
This set of policies, which enjoyed public support because it was the fruit of an honest and intense social dialogue, carried out in, among others, the sphere of the Economic and Social Development Council, guaranteed the sustainment and expansion of the internal
consumption market, a
[...] fundamental factor in avoiding the deepening of the recession and leveraging [...]
the country’s economic and social recovery.
本校位於華埠/北岸區(North Beach),舍樓高三層, 共有十三個光猛課室、一個電腦室、一個圖書館、一個美侖美奐的多用 途室及三個操場。
Our 3 story building is located in the Chinatown/North Beach area and houses 13 bright classrooms, a computer lab, a library, a beautiful multipurpose room and 3 play yards.
[...] 的计划,机构风险管理就无法制度化,其实施就要取决于某些管理人员的个人努 力,这在这些管理人员离开后或随着时间的推移不 避 免 地会 消 退。
In the absence of a formal plan, ERM cannot be institutionalized and implementation would depend
on the personal efforts of some managers,
[...] which would inevitably fade away when those [...]
managers leave or as time goes on.
在氣 溫驟降 及 天氣持 續 寒冷的
[...] 情況下,外 展 隊 會 協 助及勸諭有需要的 露宿者入住 宿舍及 臨 時 避 寒 中 心 。
When temperature plummets or cold weather persists, outreaching teams will assist or persuade
[...] needy street sleepers to move in hostels or TCSs.
[...] 種開支下,政府如何吸引營運者投標渡輪服務,為離島居民提供穩定渡輪服務,避免服務倒退,如 在非繁忙時間內縮減班次?
Question : Regarding the re-tender for the licences of the four outlying island ferry routes, how will the Government, in the face of the hike in fuel prices and other expenditures such as vessel maintenance and acquisition of new vessels, attract operators to bid for the ferry services so as to provide
residents of the outlying islands with
[...] stable ferry services and avoid any downgrading of the [...]
existing service level and reduction
of the frequency during non-peak hours?
老年退休金計劃不會拖垮本港的經濟,因為所須支付的退休金總額,將少於本㆞ 生產總值的 1.5%;由於所支付的退休金與供款是緊密相連的,因此可 避 免 輕 率㆞提退休金額的情況;亦因為這項計劃要求的平均每月供款額估計約為 180 元,對本港 的工作㆟口來說,可算十分低。
The Scheme will not bankrupt our economy, because total provision pension payment amounts to less than 1.5% of GDP, because pension payment will be iron-linked to contribution income thus preventing indiscriminate increases in benefits, and because an estimate average contribution of $180 per month is an extremely modest price for the working community to pay.
登記辦事處除定期 探訪已參加自願登記計劃的殘疾人士 舍 外 , 亦會 三 個月 探訪那些尚未參加自願登記計劃的私營殘疾人士院舍,以及 所有非政府機構營辦的自負盈虧殘疾人士院舍,以提供適當 的指導和意見1 。
Apart from conducting regular visits to RCHDs registered under the VRS, the Registration Office also conducts quarterly visits to private RCHDs not on the VRS list and all self-financed RCHDs run by NGOs, with a view to giving them guidance and advice as appropriate1 .
在這段過渡期後,現時的意向是本人於二零 一一年七三十一日退休離任本集團。
After this transitional period, it is the current
[...] intention that I shall retire from the Group on [...]
31 July 2011.
該 校 舍 改善計劃預 計 在 2004 年前分 8 期 完 成,在大部分 第 一至三期校 舍 改善工程已 經 完 成 之 際 ,政府 卻 認為有需 要 重新評估成 本效益, 並 且聘請 顧問進行檢討, 令 原 本 包括在 學 校 改善工程 第 四期的109 所 學 校 和 那 些 仍未列 入 工程名 單 學 [...] [...]
校 的 校 舍 改善遙遙無期。
Thus, improvements will not be made to 109 schools already included in phase 4 and schools not yet included in the project list within the foreseeable future.
根據由香港理工大學(“理大”)進行的“空置工廠大廈增值策略建議 書”建議,政府當局應把空置廠廈改建為二星 三 星 級 旅 舍 , 以 支援旅遊業 的發展。
A consultancy study conducted by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (HKPU) on "Value-added Strategy for Vacant Factory Buildings"
recommended that vacant buildings should be
[...] transformed into two- or three-star hostels in order to support [...]
tourism development.
在美國洛杉磯市,鴿子擁有人必須就養鴿領取許可 證,費用為 50 美元( 港幣 390 元 ) ,並必須保持鴿舍清潔  生,每星期清潔鴿舍三次, 而鴿子可在戶外自由飛 行。
In the City of Los Angeles USA, pigeon owners must obtain a permit for keeping pigeons and the fee is [...]
USD$ 50 (HKD $390).
就此,我希望新發展區必須符 合以下六大發展概念:(一
[...] )降低發展密度;(二 )鼓勵多變化的建築物高 度避免屏風樓;(三 )均衡區內公私營房屋比例;(四 )預留足夠空間作 [...]
綠化用途;(五 )在區內開設大學城及學校村;及(六 )採用新型的環保交 通設施。
In this connection, I hope the NDAs would be consistent with six major development concepts: (a) reducing development
density; (b) encouraging diversified
[...] building heights and avoiding screen-like buildings; [...]
(c) balancing the ratios of public
and private buildings in the NDAs; (d) earmarking adequate space for greening purposes; (e) establishing university towns and school estates in the NDAs; and (f) adopting new and environmentally-friendly transport facilities.
2.3 須申報的物業權益或資產包括股票、債券、其他證券 退休 金權益避稅安 排3 、信託利益、個人銀行帳戶、房地產、商業農作 物、牲畜、應收帳款或其他款項、可收取以供轉售或投資的項目。
2.3 Examples of reportable property interests or assets include stocks, bonds, other securities, pension interests, tax shelters3 , interests in trusts, personal bank accounts, real estate, commercial crops, livestock, accounts or other funds receivable, and collectible items for resale or investment.
這 些 利益可能退避性質(在這情況㆘,有關議員不會參與該局的審議工作, 並被要求離開會議,在某些情況㆘更不會收到有關文件),亦可能屬於申報性質(在這 情況㆘,有關議員可向總督提供意見,而總督在衡量該議員的意見時,會顧及所申報 的利益)。
This interest may be exclusionary in nature (in which case Members do not participate in the Council's deliberations, are asked to withdraw from the Chamber and in certain cases do not receive the relevant papers) or may be declaratory, in which case the Member may tender advice to the Governor who will take into account the interest declared in giving weight to that Member's advice.
受限於聯交所證券上市規則及規例不時訂明之本公司董事輪值退任方式,及儘 管任何委任或聘任董事之任何合約或其他條款有所規定,於每屆股東週年大會上, 當時三分一董事(或倘並非為三(3)之倍數,則為最接近但不少 三 分 一之數目)須輪退任, 惟每名董事(包括按特定任期獲委任者)須最少 三 年 輪 值 退 任 一 次。
Subject to the manner of retirement by rotation of directors of the Company as from time to time prescribed under the rules and regulations governing the listing of securities on the Stock Exchange and notwithstanding any contractual or other terms on which any director may be appointed or engaged, at each annual general meeting, one-third of the Directors for the time being (or, if
their number is not a
[...] multiple of three (3), the number nearest to but not less than one-third) shall retire from office by rotation, provided that every Director, including those appointed for a specific term, shall be subject to retirement by rotation at least once every three years.




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