单词 | 退款 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 退款 noun —refund n (almost always used)less common: refunds pl • rebate n • chargeback n 退款 —refund退款 verb—refund v退款 adjective —refunded adj • refundable adj See also:退 v—withdraw v • retreat v 退—move back
預付供款就 可得現金退款或削 減未來供款時確認為資產。 asiasat.com | Prepaid contributions are recognised as an asset to the extent that a cash refund or a reduction [...] in the future payments is available. asiasat.com |
所以,有時候,他們寧願相信投訴者所說的話,願意 退款,甚至取消或更改合約。 legco.gov.hk | Therefore, sometimes, they prefer to believe in the claims of the complainants and are [...] willing to offer refunds or even cancel [...]or change the contracts. legco.gov.hk |
然而,审计 委员会仍然担心,余下项目关闭工作的延误可能导致预收缴款账户的错报,或拖 延盈余、退款或核销的入账。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, the Board has a residual concern that the delay in the closure of remaining projects may result in [...] the misstatement of the [...] contribution received in advance account or that surpluses, refunds or write-offs will [...]be delayed. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果在离开澳大利亚前 30 天以内,您从任何一家供应商购买了总价格不低于 300 澳元的新商品或二手商品,根据游客 退款 计 划 (TRS),您有权享受商品及服务 税 退款。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | If you purchase new or second-hand goods with a total minimum value of $300 from any one supplier no more than [...] 30 days before you leave Australia, [...] under the Tourist Refund Scheme (TRS), you are entitled to a refund of any GST paid. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
(d) 杂项收入净额 4 [...] 420 欧元,包括出售法庭的领带、围巾和饰针、一项保 险赔付、上期调整数和水供应商的 退款。 daccess-ods.un.org | (d) Net miscellaneous income of €4,420, which includes sales of the [...] Tribunal’s ties/scarves/pins, compensation for an insurance claim, prior [...] period adjustments and refunds from the water supplier. daccess-ods.un.org |
收入估计数包括房地租金收入、专门机构 和其他机构偿付的服务费用、银行利息、出售旧设备、往年支 出 退款 、 非 会员国 缴款、电视和类似服务以及杂项收入。 daccess-ods.un.org | The estimated income relates to rental of premises, reimbursement for services provided to specialized agencies and others, [...] bank interest, sale of [...] used equipment, refund of previous years’ expenditures, contributions of non-member [...]States, television [...]and similar services and miscellaneous income. daccess-ods.un.org |
年度上限由董事釐定,過程中已考慮(其中包括)(i)本集團對範圍內產品(使用任何 [...] 3D專利權)的未來需求增長的估計,該估計乃根據範圍內產品的估計未來需求及生 產趨勢釐定;(ii)範圍內產品在全球市場的前景、展望及競爭環境;(iii)範圍內產品 [...] 的定價趨勢;(iv)3D專利權許可使用費 退款 的 分成百分比,如知識產權協議所協 [...] 定;(v)估計3D專利許可費率;及(vi)完成日期的可能變化。 cre8ir.com | The Annual Caps were determined by the Directors after taking into account, amongst other things, (i) the Group’s estimates for the increase in the future demand for the Scope Products (utilizing any 3D Patents), which was determined with reference to the estimated future demand and production trend for the Scope Products; (ii) the prospects, outlook and the competitive environment of the global market for the Scope Products; (iii) the pricing trend for the Scope [...] Products; (iv) the sharing percentage of the 3D [...] Patents royalty rebate as agreed in the [...]Intellectual Property Agreement; (v) the [...]estimated 3D Patents royalty rate; and (vi) possible change of the Completion Date. cre8ir.com |
在此期間屆滿之後,即使閣下 其後聲稱所運送貨品並非閣下付款購買的貨品或貨品狀態不佳 等情況,我們亦毋須給予退款或其 他退換貨品,但在任何情況 下都受閣下作爲消費者可享有的法定權力(包括任何有關不允許 蓄意行爲失當或嚴重疏忽有限責任的強制性法律)的約束。 dragonair.com | Following this period of time we shall not be obliged to offer any refund or other goods if you subsequently claim that the goods delivered are not the goods you paid for or not in a good condition, subject always to your statutory rights as a consumer including any mandatory laws which do not permit the limitation of liability in case of wilful misconduct or gross negligence. dragonair.com |
根據吾等與 貴集團管理層的討論,並考慮到3D專利權的 許可使用費收費率預期為每塊顯示屏不超過1.5歐元(相當於約2.1美元),以及飛利 浦品牌範圍內產品(就顯示屏或組件方面具有3D專利權)於知識產權協議的期限內 第一年、第二年及第三年在許可地區的預計產量分別為不超過250,000台、500,000 台及1,000,000台,相比於合營集團的估計營業額而言,預期飛利浦所分成的3D專 利權許可使用費退款總額屬相當微少。 cre8ir.com | Based on our discussion with the management of the Group and after considering the anticipated 3D Patent royalty rate of not exceeding EUR1.5 (equivalent to approximately US$2.1) per panel and the projected production volume of the Philips-branded Scope Products (with 3D Patents in respect of display panels or components) in the Territory of not more than 250,000 units, 500,000 units and 1 million units for the first, second and third year of the term of the IntellectualPropertyAgreement,thetotalamount of the 3D Patent royalty rebate shared by Philips is anticipated to be insignificant as compared to the projected turnover of the JV Group. cre8ir.com |
银行帐户开户人与 WIPO 帐户持有人不同的,除特别情况(诉 讼)外,不能退款。 wipo.int | The funds cannot be refunded on a bank account with a different identity than the WIPO account’s holder, except in specific cases (litigation). wipo.int |
在所有其他情況下,請選擇您的退款 類 型 並選擇「繼續」以開始處 理 退款 申 請。 united.com | In all other cases, please [...] choose your refund type below and select Continue to begin the refund request process. united.com |
f. 每位旅客均同意在任何时候遵守承运人及其高级职员的一切规定及指示,否则旅客可能会被要求上岸,而承运 人将不承担退款或支 付任何相关费用或损失给旅客或任何随行旅客的责任。 starcruises.com | Each Guest agrees to abide by all rules and follow the directions of the Carrier and its officers at all times and failure to do so may subject the Guest to [...] disembarkation without any liability on the part of [...] the Carrier for a refund or any other related [...]expenses or losses to the Guest or [...]any accompanying Guest whatsoever. starcruises.com |
如果您的学生签证申请被澳大利亚移民与公民事务部(DIAC)拒签,您可以依据《海外学生教育服务法案》(ESOS Act)的计算规则获得预付学费的退款。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | If your application for a student visa is refused by the Department [...] of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC), [...] you will receive a refund for pre-paid course [...]fees calculated in accordance with the ESOS Act. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
在收到退款请求 后的十(10)个营业日之内,或者在适用的情况下,在收到我们要求您提供进一步信息之后的十(10)个营业日之内,我们或者向您退还全部的付款金额,或者向您提供拒 绝 退款 的 理 由,并告知您,如果您不接受我们拒 绝 退款 的 理 由,您有权将此事件提交金融督查署(Financial Ombudsman Service)(22这一条中有详细规定)。 moneybookers.com | Within ten (10) Business Days of receiving a request for a refund or, where applicable, of receiving any further information we requested from you, we will either refund the full amount of the payment or provide you with justification for refusing to refund the payment indicating that you have a right to refer the matter to the [...] Financial Ombudsman [...]Service (details in section 22) if you do not accept the justification provided. moneybookers.com |
可能将继续从各种来源筹款为一个加速淘汰和保持势头专款提供资金(例如:各执行 [...] 机构和双边机构当年业务计划中的已核准项目通过节省而不再需要的经费;项目余 额 退款 以及已核准项目被撤消之后的退款; 在业务计划所涉年度没有获得批准的年度分期付款; 或由于符合资助条件的 [...] ODS 消费量和/或产量低于预测模型得出的数量上限所节省的经 费)。 multilateralfund.org | A window for accelerated phase-out and maintaining momentum might continue to be funded from various sources (e.g., funds not required through savings in approved projects from the current year’s [...] business plans of the [...] implementing and bilateral agencies; funds returned from balances and cancellations [...]from projects approved; [...]funds from annual tranches not approved during the business plan year; or savings from funding lower levels of eligible ODS consumption and/or production than the maximum levels resulted from the Model). multilateralfund.org |
(b) 由政府提供一站式服務以協助受影響投資者,以及成立 由兩至3名獨立成員組成的委員會以提供調解,並在有需 [...] 要時就銀行與受影響投資者對抵押品估值及應 付 退款金 額的爭議作出仲裁。 legco.gov.hk | (b) the Government to provide one-stop shop service to assist the affected investors, and to set up a panel comprising two to three independent members to provide mediation and, where [...] necessary, arbitration for disputes between banks and the affected investors in the valuation [...] of collaterals and refund payable. legco.gov.hk |
乘客根據本 2.1.1 條文所述在截止入 閘時間之前抵達入閘櫃檯/閘口但是因辦理出境手續延誤以致無 法在其關閉前抵達碼頭登船閘口時可選擇乘坐之後的有空餘座 [...] 位的航班,並且如乘客因此而只能乘坐比船票上所示等級要低的 座位時,乘客將不會獲得任何退款或 補 償。 cotaijet.com.mo | A Passenger who has arrived at check-in counter/gate before deadline as per Article 2.1.1 here but fails to arrive at the boarding gate of the terminal before its closing as a consequence of delay in finishing immigration formalities may choose to take the next sailing subject to the availability of the seat and in case the Passenger has [...] to travel on a lower class than that stated on the Ticket, the [...] Passenger will not be refunded or reimbursed in [...]any kind. cotaijet.com.mo |
(3) 可申請退款的各項校服均設有數量上限(見上表)。 dbs.edu.hk | (3) The maximum quantity that can be reimbursed for each item is listed in the above table. dbs.edu.hk |
若您無法使用我們的退款表格 提交您的申請,或您需要傳送額外證明檔案並無法使用電子傳送,您可使用以下方法聯絡我們 的 退款 服 務 團隊。 united.com | If you are unable to [...] submit your request using our refund form, or if you need to send additional documentation and can’t do so electronically, you can contact our Refund Services team using one of [...]the methods below. united.com |
(6) 區域法院可命令上述退款須連 同自繳款予議會的日期起按法院所釐定的利率計算的利息, [...] 或不連同利息退還。 hkcic.org | (6) The District [...] Court may order repayment with interest, [...]at a rate determined by the Court, calculated from the date of [...]payment to the Council, or without interest. hkcic.org |
(3) 吊車公司並無法律責任發出車票代替已遺失或未經使用的車 票,或就任何已遺失或未經使用的車 票 退款 或 就 按照本附例向任何人收取 的附加費退款。 np360.com.hk | (3) The Company shall not be liable to issue a ticket in replacement [...] of [...] a lost or unused ticket or to make a refund in respect of any such lost or unused [...]ticket or in respect of a surcharge charged to any person in accordance with this Bylaw. np360.com.hk |
該收費將於八達通餘額的退款(如 有)中扣除,或由自動增值服務賬戶持有人及 /或八達通持有人共同及個別地 [...] 支付。 octopus.com.hk | The fee will be [...] deducted from the refund of the remaining [...]value on the Octopus, if any, or charged to the AAVS Account Holder [...]and/or the Octopus Holder, who shall be jointly and severally liable for the payment. octopus.com.hk |
对售房广告宣传必不可少的要求是必须注明开发商将调整其做法和签订合同,以 执行1968年7月 27 日通过的 57号法令中的规定,明确指出售房单位要保证在合同无 法执行时退款,以及指定退款入账 的银行或储蓄所的专用账户。 ucaragon.com | An essential requirement for the advertising of selling the houses is that it should be stated that the promoter will adjust his acting and hiring to the fulfilment of the requirements established on the Law 57/1968, from July 27th, mentioning [...] expressly the body that [...] guarantees the refund of such amounts in case of non fulfilment, as well as the banks in which the said amounts will be deposit in a special [...]account. ucaragon.com |
在保修期内,由 GN 全权判断对产品的处理方式:(a) 使用全新或翻新零部件维修产品;(b) [...] 使用全新或翻新产品更换产品;或是 (c) 按所付购买价退款(简 称为“保修维修服务”)。 jabra.cn | During the Warranty Period, GN will, at GN’s sole discretion (a) repair the product using new or refurbished [...] parts, (b) replace the product with a new or refurbished [...] product, or (b) refund the purchase price [...]paid (“Warranty Service”). jabra.com |
(F) 敦沛在接獲關於申請的任何退款,不 論是約定貸款條款指定的還款日期之前或之後,有權自行酌 情把上述退款或其任何部份用以清還貸款包括任何累計利息或把上 述 退款 或 其任何部份交還給 閣下。 tanrich.com | (F) When [...] Tanrich receives any refund in respect of the Application, Tanrich has the right, at its discretion, to apply the same or part of it towards the discharge of the Loan including any interest accrued thereon and/or return the same or the remaining balance (if any) to you, whether before or after the repayment date in accordance with the Agreed Loan Terms. tanrich.com |
如果这一时期是由卖方与超越的产品发货连接,电子邮件将被发送给买方,后者将可以选择取消订单,如果他的银行帐户已充电后,一对在30天产品价 格 退款。 zh.horloger-paris.com | If this period is exceeded by the Seller in connection with the shipment of the product, an email will be sent to the Buyer and the latter will have the option to [...] cancel the Order and, if his bank account has already [...] been charged, a refund of the price of [...]the product within 30 days. en.horloger-paris.com |
如吊車系統的所有或任何服務有更改、暫停或撤銷,除按 照吊車公司的退款政策作出的任何 退款 安 排 ,吊車公司無須就因此所造成 的損失或損害對任何人負有法律責任;但涉及死亡或人身傷害的有關損失 或損害除外。 np360.com.hk | Apart from any refunding arrangement [...] made in accordance with [...] the Company’s refund policy, the Company will not be liable to any person for any loss or damage caused by the alteration, suspension or withdrawal of all [...]or any of the services [...]of the Cable Car System, other than such loss or damage involving death or personal injury. np360.com.hk |
2.16 对于经常预算,以前各财政期支出款 项 的 退款 、 出 售剩余财产所得的收益、旅行代理人的佣金、 [...] 禁核试条约组织的支助费用和其他杂项贷项均记作杂项收入。 unido.org | 2.16 For [...] the regular budget, refunds of expenditure charged [...]to previous fiscal periods, proceeds from the sale of surplus [...]property, commissions from travel agents, CTBTO support costs and other sundry credits are treated as miscellaneous income. unido.org |
6. 如发生以下情况,学生可申请退款: a ) 学生能提出合理证明其寄宿家庭的房屋状况、周边环境或家庭成员不符合 [...] 安全条件; 或者 b) 接待人家庭未能及时知会特殊情况,如出游计划或者同时接待其他国际留学生。 portlandenglish.com | 6) The student [...] is entitled to a refund at any time if either [...]a) the student has justifiable reason to feel unsafe in regards [...]to person or property inside or in the vicinity of the host family house, or b) the host family fails to communicate pertinent information including, but not limited to, host family vacation plans or hosting of other international students. portlandenglish.com |