单词 | 退思园 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 退思园 —The Retreat and Reflection Garden in Tongli, JiangsuSee also:退 v—retreat v • withdraw v 退—move back 思 v—think v 思—consider 园—land used for growing plants • surname Yuan • site used for public recreation
有人说,该部应成为“我们的经济和社 会 思 想 家的 家 园 … … 他们必须成为我们的 智囊团。 daccess-ods.un.org | One said that the Department was supposed to [...] be home to “our economic and social thinkers. daccess-ods.un.org |
在2012年,他们再次流离失所,在附近的一个小镇避难,直到洪 水 退 去 才 回到 家 园。 unicef.org | In 2012, they were displaced again and sheltered in a [...] nearby town until the waters receded. unicef.org |
而“Garabagh”一词从阿塞拜疆文翻译过来 的意思是“黑色花园”。 daccess-ods.un.org | The word “Garabagh” is [...] translated from Azerbaijani as “Black Garden”. daccess-ods.un.org |
彭先生還證實,在第二次退思會上,與會者達成共識不選擇全面合 併,而是與其他高等院校就聯盟/連繫/協作進行討論。 legco.gov.hk | Mr Pang also confirmed that at the Second Retreat, a consensus was reached not to have a full merger, but to have discussions with other HEIs on Federation/Affiliation/Collaboration. legco.gov.hk |
环境、社会、经济和社会方面所关注的问题是 [...] Howard 思想的核心,就是在这个思想的驱动之下, 1903 年建立了莱奇沃思花园城市 docs.china-europa-forum.net | Environmental, social, economical and [...] political concerns were the backbone of Howard’s thinking which led to the [...] foundation of Letchworth Garden City in 1903. docs.china-europa-forum.net |
第11幼儿园以激发幼儿思维为 导向,与过去盛行的苏维埃式教育方法完全不同。 unicef.org | Preschool Number 11, designed to stimulate young minds, is a world away from the Soviet-style approach to education that used to predominate. unicef.org |
梁博士堅稱,他在首次退思會上 使用“千刀切而死”一詞, 只是強調教院需要改變,不能維持現狀,因為預計適齡入學的兒童數 目會下降,教院將不能為其課程所需撥款額找到合理理據。 legco.gov.hk | Dr Leung was adamant that when he used the term “death by a thousand cuts” at the First Retreat, he was just emphasizing the need for HKIEd to make changes and not to maintain the status quo as its programmes would not be able to justify the level of funding required due to the forecasted decline in the number of school-age children. legco.gov.hk |
莫禮時教授強調,校董會的正式立場是︰根據顧問萬國商業 機器在二零零二年十一月二十九日的報告提出的建議及在兩 次 退思會 達成的共識,教院不會尋求與另一院校全面合併,只會尋求某種形式 的協作。 legco.gov.hk | Professor Morris emphasized the Council’s formal position, following the recommendation of the consultants – IBM – made in a report dated 29 November 2002, and the consensus reached at the two Retreats that HKIEd would not seek a full merger with another institution, but only some forms of collaboration. legco.gov.hk |
林教授告訴委員會,第一次退思會給 她的印象是,梁博士希 望教院與中大全面合併。 legco.gov.hk | Professor Lam told the Commission that the impression she gained at the First Retreat was that Dr Leung was aiming at a full merger of HKIEd with CUHK. legco.gov.hk |
梁博士亦 強調,有關退思會的 記錄清楚證明他所言非虛。 legco.gov.hk | Dr Leung also emphasized that the notes kept of the Retreats clearly supported him. legco.gov.hk |
彭先生又證實在第一次 退思會上 ,梁博士的確強調如果教院維持現狀,便會因人口結構改 變、社會變遷、政府對院校整合的立場及《賴能報告書》中的建議而 遭“千刀切而死”。 legco.gov.hk | Mr Pang confirmed that at the First Retreat, Dr Leung did emphasize that if HKIEd were to maintain its status quo, it would “die a death by a thousand cuts” in the light of the demographics, the changes in society, the Government’s stance on institutional integration and the recommendations in the Niland Report. legco.gov.hk |
作为一个专业的会议组织和活动道具租用公司,ace:daytons direct专门在园林主题的构思和适 当的室内外主题的道具。 sg.acedaytons-direct.com | Now a PCO and Event Prop Rental company, Ace:Daytons Direct specializes in the conceptualization of garden themes and the rental of theme-appropriate indoor and outdoor props. sg.acedaytons-direct.com |
梁博士表示,他在首次退思會上 說過“千刀切而死”,這是 為了強調不利的人口結構轉變因素會導致撥款削減。 legco.gov.hk | Dr Leung said at the First Retreat he used the phrase “death by a thousand cuts” to emphasize the unfavourable demographics that would lead to funding cuts. legco.gov.hk |
2011年5月21日,小树苗接受厦门市基督教青年会(YMCA)的邀请 , 跟 思 明 区 福乐 家 园 、 湖里区特教辅读班还有很多朋友一起参加了这次特殊青少年趣味融合同乐会的活动。 cpxsm.org | 2010 May 21st, invited by Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA), CP Sapling took [...] part in the Special Youth Party [...] organized by YMCA with Siming Fule Home, Huli Special Tutorial [...]Class and some other friends. en.cpxsm.org |
他堅持應讓校 董會成員、教院職員及學生知道有關情況,因此首 次 退思 會 有 四十多 人出席,議程廣泛,包括小組討論。 legco.gov.hk | He insisted that Council members, staff and students should be made aware of the situation and hence the First Retreat was attended by forty odd people with an extensive agenda, including small group discussion. legco.gov.hk |
馬女士又提到在退思會上 ,梁博士發表強烈意見,表示教院 要作出迫切和根本的改變,包括進行合併。 legco.gov.hk | Ms Ma also mentioned the Retreats in which Dr Leung expressed a strong view for urgent and fundamental changes, including a merger. legco.gov.hk |
顧思滿教授 亦宣稱,在二零零四年的首次退思會 上 ,梁博士以遭“千刀切而死” 形容教院如不合併便可能出現的情況,而有關合併是指全面合併。 legco.gov.hk | Professor Grossman also asserted that at the First Retreat in 2004, Dr Leung used the phrase “death by a thousand cuts” in association with what might happen if HKIEd did not merge, and that was a full merger. legco.gov.hk |
梁博士利用在第一次退思會所 作的摘要記錄支持他強調的一 點,即教院不能維持現狀,必須回應轉變。 legco.gov.hk | Dr Leung went through a brief note taken at the First Retreat to support his emphasis that HKIEd could not maintain the status quo and must respond to the need to change. legco.gov.hk |
彭先生證實二零零四年四月二十四日及六月五日 的 退思 會曾 討論《賴能報告書》發表後教院的未來路向。 legco.gov.hk | Mr Pang confirmed that the two Retreats on 24 April and 5 June 2004 discussed the way forward for HKIEd following the release of the Niland Report. legco.gov.hk |
加拿大的包括圣卢西亚制冷和空调行业的消耗臭氧层物质的最终淘汰管理计划和乌拉 圭附件 A 第一类物质最终淘汰管理计划,意大利的是刚果民主共和国最终淘汰溶剂行业的 [...] 消耗臭氧层物质总体项目,摩洛哥淘汰用作土壤熏蒸剂的甲基溴,在塞尔维亚最终淘汰四 氯化碳项目;西班牙的是阿拉伯利比亚民众国淘 汰 园 艺 中 的甲基溴。 multilateralfund.org | For Canada, those covered the terminal phase-out management plan for ODS in the refrigeration and air-conditioning sector in Saint Lucia and the terminal phase-out management plan for Annex A Group I substances in Uruguay; for Italy, the umbrella project for terminal phase-out of ODS in the solvent sector in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the phase-out of methyl bromide as a soil fumigant in Morocco, and the terminal [...] CTC phase-out project in Serbia; and for Spain, the phase-out of [...] methyl bromide in horticulture in Libyan Arab [...]Jamahiriya. multilateralfund.org |
莱 奇沃思花园城市农场创造的收入,2008 年达到 1,401,000 英镑。 docs.china-europa-forum.net | The economic dimension is reflected in the revenue generated by Letchworth Garden City Farms, which in 2008 (the latest publicly available Annual Report http://www.lgchf.com/files/LGCHF_Annual_report_20 08.pdf ) had a turnover of £1,401,000. docs.china-europa-forum.net |
曾於二零零四年四月二十四日參加第一 次 退思 會 的 教院職員 說,梁博士強調教院必須與中大合併,否則會遭“千刀切而死”。 legco.gov.hk | HKIEd staff members, who attended the First Retreat on 24 April 2004, said Dr Leung emphasized that HKIEd must merge with CUHK or it would suffer “death by a thousand cuts”. legco.gov.hk |
新举措的另一个方向可能在对公众进行提高认识的宣传 活动中发现,宣传的主题是我们的星球对未来几代人的潜力,并鼓励青年人更多地了解我们 的地球家园、地球的力量、地球的美丽和带来的挑战。 unesdoc.unesco.org | A second direction for new initiatives will probably be found in outreach for raising awareness among the general public on the potential of our planet for future generations and to encourage young people to learn more about our home planet, its powers, its beauty and its challenges. unesdoc.unesco.org |
看看目前占主导地位的做法,如果退 后 一 步 思 考 , 就会看到有必要根据每个 具体局势采用不同形式的调解。 daccess-ods.un.org | Stepping back from the currently dominant practices, one sees the need to apply different forms of mediation as necessitated by each specific circumstance. daccess-ods.un.org |
在第二次退思會上 達成的共識是否定合併,但進行聯盟模 式、深入協作模式或彈性聯繫模式的院校整合。 legco.gov.hk | The consensus reached at the Second Retreat was a rejection of a merger, but to pursue institutional integration under the Federation Model, the Deep Collaboration Model or the loose Affiliation Model. legco.gov.hk |
張博士說,在二零零四年四月二十四日 的 退思 會 上 ,梁博士 談到李教授提出教院與中大合併的建議,並強調其重要性,又表示教 院如果不同意,將會遭受極大損害結果是痛苦告終。 legco.gov.hk | Dr Cheung said at the Retreat on 24 April 2004, Dr Leung emphasized the importance of a merger with CUHK, as proposed by Professor Li, and that if HKIEd did not agree, it would suffer greatly ending in a painful death. legco.gov.hk |
紐約時報》報導,紐澤西州州長Chris Christie支持這座購物中心在任內完工,同時更名為American Dream @ Meadowlands,今年初,這位州長以財務為由,不顧明確可見的實質利益,宣布停建ARC隧道,卻願意撥款與放棄龐大營業稅款,為這座龐大商場背書,若這 種 退 步 思 想 仍存,實在很難對未來保有信心。 thisbigcity.net | Despite shutting down a project of real, tangible benefit earlier this year, citing fiscal concerns (yes, I’m talking about the ARC tunnel), Christie is willing to put up money and forfeit substantial amounts of sales tax revenue for this monstrosity. thisbigcity.net |
在塔吉克斯坦,有四个特征构成了联合国发展援助框架的基础,即许多基础服务 的质量的下降和获得基础服务机会的减少(比如教育和保健)和严酷的山区地形(自 然资源的可持续管理、备灾)、临时出现民主价值观(决策的问责制、法制与人权以 及区域稳定)和重建家园中更 大的家庭和社区举措(经济机会、获得干净的饮用 水)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In Tajikistan four features form accordingly the basis of the UNDAF, namely decline in the quality of and access to many basic services (e.g. education and health) and the demanding mountainous terrain (sustainable management of natural resources, disaster preparedness), a tentative appearance of democratic values (accountability of decision-making, rule of law and human rights and regional stability), and greater household and community initiative in rebuilding their livelihoods (economic opportunities, access to clean drinking water). unesdoc.unesco.org |
新单位 × 派合智(Xindanwei × PAIHUB)位于思南路近皋兰路,地理位置优雅、便捷,毗邻复兴 公 园 、 思 南 公 馆,是各类设计和时尚社群理想的办公、展示和交流场所。 xindanwei.com | Xindanwei × PAIHUB is located in a modern building on Sinan Road near Gaolan Road, one of Shanghai’s unique offering of cultural heritage and urban extravaganza. xindanwei.com |
10. 莫禮時教授提及二零零四年在賽馬會雙魚河鄉村會所舉行的 退思會上,梁博士強烈表示教院必須與另一院校合併,否則會遭“千 刀切而死”。 legco.gov.hk | Professor Morris referred to the Retreats in 2004 at the Jockey Club Beas River Country Club when Dr Leung made a very strong statement that HKIEd had to merge or else it would suffer “death by a thousand cuts”. legco.gov.hk |