单词 | 退守 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 退守—withdraw and maintain one's guardless common: retreat and defend See also:退v—withdrawv retreatv 退—move back 守v—guardv defendv 守—nearby adjoining keep watch abide by the law observe (rules or ritual)
本公司非执行董事并非按指定任期获委任,但须根据本公司细则於本公司股东周年大会上轮值告退( 守则条文A.4.1)。 equitynet.com.hk | Non-executive directors of the Company were not appointed for a specific term but were subject to retirement by [...] rotation at the Company’s annual general meeting in accordance with the bye-laws [...] of theCompany (CodeProvisionA.4.1). equitynet.com.hk |
对于退守至成本较低的地区的战略,可以采取两种重新定位的策略:向中国西部转移以及离开中国。 rolandberger.com.cn | On the other hand, within the relocate to 'lower' ground strategy two relocation tactics are applied: Move to the West of China, and Move out of China. rolandberger.com.cn |
在 这 事 上 他 十 分 坚 持 ﹐ 而 且 得 到 一 些 自 由 派 的 贵 族 [...] 相 助 ﹐ 他 便 能 够击退保守领导的 反 对 ﹐ 在 1861 [...]年 将 此 事 施 行 到 底 。 hkahe.com | Due to his insistence and with the help of some [...] liberal nobles, he was able to force through the Emancipation Act in 1861 against the [...] oppositionof the conservativeleaders. hkahe.com |
李国勇先生之任期为一年,亦须按本公司组织章 程细则之规定轮值告退及遵守其他有关条文。 equitynet.com.hk | Mr. Lee Kwok Yung is appointed for a term of one year [...] and is subject to retirementbyrotation and other [...]related provisions as stipulated [...]in the articles of association of the Company. equitynet.com.hk |
1990年底,英国的戴卓尔夫人在「认许率」跌至25%後,退出保守党领袖的竞选,并辞去自1979年起出任的首相职务。 hkupop.hku.hk | The author will discuss this in future. In late 1990, after the "approval rate" of [...] Margaret Thatcher sank [...] to 25%, she withdrew from the election for the leader of the British Conservative Party, thereby gave [...]up her job as the Prime [...]Minister of UK, a post which she held since 1979. hkupop.hku.hk |
该股有权将考核鉴定退还给不遵守规定标准的主管。 daccess-ods.un.org | It has the authority to return appraisals to [...] supervisors who do not comply with the expected standards. daccess-ods.un.org |
(1) 尽管细则有任何其他规定,於每届股东周年大会上,当时为数三分之一的 董事(或如董事人数并非三(3)的倍数,则须为最接近但不少於三分之一的董事人数) 均须轮席退任,惟每名董事须遵守至少每三年退任一次。 tdchem.com | (1) Notwithstanding any other provisions in the Articles, at each annual general meeting one-third of the Directors for the time being (or, if their number is not a multiple of three (3), the number nearest to [...] but not less than [...] one-third) shallretire from office by rotation provided that every Director shall be subject toretirement atleast once every [...]three years. tdchem.com |
他们一致认为该公约应该对缔约国在国家和国际 一级的权利与义务作出规定,一开始就提出“保护”一词无论如何不得作为缔约国打算退却或闭关自守的借口,反之,言论自由和让公众有最广泛多样的接触机会,则能保证文化内容 和艺术表现形式的多样性。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Rather, the diversity of cultural contents and artistic expressions should always be guaranteed by freedom of expression, and the public should be afforded the broadest possible access to them. unesdoc.unesco.org |
最后,持续的困难是制定和遵守退出战略。 daccess-ods.un.org | Finally, a continuing difficulty is to [...] develop and comply with an exit [...]strategy. daccess-ods.un.org |
英国对於目前情势处於矛盾 一边是欢 欣庆贺希望英国彻底退出欧盟的保守派另一边是愁眉不展希望英国更融入欧盟的其它 众多势力 包括部份商业团体 然而由於 英国经济存亡尚需仰赖欧盟的经济发展 银行 业 服务业与制造业 英国目前处境仍是十 分尴尬 apecscmc.org | But since the UK economy depends on EU economic growth (in banking, services and manufacturing) for their own survival, this position is deeply contradictory. apecscmc.org |
您可随时更换健康保险公司,但应遵守所退健康保险公司的更改条件。 australiachina.com.au | OSHC form and payment at time of processing your enrolment to study in Australia. You may choose to change your [...] health fund at any time, but [...] will need toabide by the conditions of changeof the health fund [...]provider you are leaving. australiachina.com.au |
他 与 所 统 领 的 红 衫 千 人 团 在 马 尔 萨 拉 (Marsala) 登 陆 ﹐ 并 在 [...] 一 个 月 内 内 迫 使 尼 亚 坡 里的守军(Neapolitan garrison)彻退。hkahe.com | As the head of his Thousand Red Shirt, he landed at Marsala and within a month, the red [...] shirts hadforced theretirement of theNeapolitangarrison. hkahe.com |
根据本细则委任的董事须和本公司其他董事 一样遵守关於退任及辞退的条文,倘由於任何原因而终止任职董事,则必须(受限於他与 本公司订立的合同条文)实际上立即终止任职。 soundwill.com.hk | A Director appointed to an office under this Bye-law shall be subject to the same provisions as to resignation and removal as the other Directors of the Company, and he shall (subject to the provisions of any contract between him and the Company) ipso facto and immediately cease to hold such office if he shall cease to hold the office of Director for any cause. soundwill.com.hk |