

单词 退关

See also:


move back

External sources (not reviewed)

对大多数技术密集部门的投资低下与传统部门的 退 直 接相 关,有 碍旨在发展高附加值新部门的多样化工作。
Such underinvestment in most technology-intensive
[...] sectors is directly associated with the decline [...]
of traditional sectors and has hampered
efforts to diversify into new, high-value-added sectors.
为了帮您应对这些挑战,SGS提供包括勘探、生产、工业应用和矿 退 役 和 关 闭 的 广泛服务。
To help you meet these challenges, SGS offers an
extensive range of services that covers exploration, production, industrial
[...] applications and decommissioning and closure.
原则上,仅为了与工作人员服务终了 退 休 后 福利 关 的 具体目的才授权 从该基金转账,除非执行委员会另有决定。
6.9 In principle, transfers from the Fund will only
be authorized for
[...] specific purposes related to staff end-of-service or post-retirement benefits, unless [...]
otherwise decided by the Executive Committee.
退 出其他有关国家接到通知的时候生效。
Such withdrawal takes effect when notice of it has been received by the other States concerned.
腰痛的原因有很多,其中包括脊柱肌肉痛、脊柱神经痛、脊椎管变窄(椎管狭窄)、脊 关 节 炎 (脊椎 退 化 及骶 骨 关 节 机 能障碍)、感染和肿瘤。
There are many causes of lower back pain including spinal muscle pain, spinal nerve pain, narrowing of the
spinal canal (spinal stenosis),
[...] spine arthritis (facet degeneration and sacroiliac joint dysfunction), [...]
infection and tumors.
[...] 夺权利,对于该条款的理解是缔约国仍然要为退出 《条约》前的违约行为负责,任何 退 出 有 关 的决定都不得对第十条进行修改,或重新讨论《条约》 [...]
They recognized the inalienable right to withdraw from the Treaty under article X, it being understood that State parties remained responsible for violations of the Treaty committed prior
to their withdrawal and that any
[...] decision taken in relation to withdrawal should not [...]
lead to the revision of article X or
to reopening the text of the Treaty.
还有人要求澄清,为何关退出的 内容放在了第 4 条草 案,而没有放在第 3 条草案中。
It was also suggested that it be clarified why a reference to withdrawal was included in draft article 4, but not in draft article 3.
食典委同意有关“协商一致”定义问题不 退回 CCGP,关马来 西亚提议的讨 论可以达到类似目标,对如何做出决定更透明。
The Commission agreed further that the question of a definition of consensus would not be referred back to the CCGP while the proposal from Malaysia was under discussion as it aimed to reach a similar objective, namely more transparency on how decisions were taken.
用于激活 KV1 和 KV2 开关的电磁阀必须使空气排出关管路,以退回到更高的电压设置。
The solenoid valves used to activate the
[...] KV1 and KV2 switches must bleed the air out of the lines for the switches to draw back to the [...]
higher voltage setting.
在第二个阶段,秘书处将以书面形式告知,在三个月通知期 限到期后,秘书处将采取必要的法律措施来执行出租合同中 关退 回 办 公室的规定。
In the second phase, the Secretariat would inform them in writing that, upon expiry of a three-month notice period, it would
implement the necessary legal measures to apply the provisions of the
[...] rental contract relating to the return of [...]
the offices.
鉴于若干高级工作人员退休以及有 关 氟 氯 烃的新工作的发展,秘书处代表指出, 秘书处可能会向执行委员会提出 [...]
2008 年的订正人员配置结构,以便确保它能继续对执行委 员会的需要作出有效回应。
Given the retirement of several senior staff members, [...]
along with the development of new work on HCFCs, the representative
of the Secretariat indicated that the Secretariat might wish to come to the Executive Committee with a revised staffing structure in 2008 in order to ensure that it could continue to respond effectively to the needs of the Executive Committee.
[...] (A/63/119)附件一所载决议草案,并敦促第五委员会 插入他关退休人员工资的建议。
He acknowledged the European Union’s willingness to support the draft resolution contained in annex I to the
Secretary-General’s report (A/63/119) and urged the Fifth Committee to
[...] insert his proposals regarding retirees’ salaries.
在管理这些裂变材料的库存,包括其储存和最后处置,以及在生产裂 变材料和监测及关设施退役的 过程中,任何有利于透明度的措施都非常重要。
Any measure designed to facilitate transparency in the management of those stocks of fissile material, both its storage and ultimate disposal,
in the production of fissile material and
[...] monitoring and decommissioning of associated facilities [...]
would prove meaningful.
联合国各组织的高层管理人员 很快将面临一退休潮,退休年龄及 关 的 细则和条 例可能会对各组织尽可能充分利用有经验的人力资 源,造成不必要的障碍。
The United Nations organizations would soon face
[...] a wave of retirements among senior managers, and the low retirement age and associated rules and [...]
regulations might unnecessarily
prevent organizations from making the maximum use of experienced human resources.
(a) 科技委与相关机构合作,在国家一级开发 关 荒 漠 化/ 土退化的工具 和方法,并制定这方面的生物物理和社会经济基线。
(a) The CST develops, in cooperation
[...] with relevant institutions, tools and methods, biophysical and socio-economic baselines on desertification/land degradation at the national level.
进项税——是买方购买货物或者接受应税 劳务时应向卖方支付或负担的增值税,但 有可能从自己的销项税中抵扣,或从税务关退还。
input tax – a tax that a buyer of goods or services has to pay to a salesman, but has a possibility to deduct it from his own output tax or to receive it back from a tax office.
国家建 立的社会保障系 统 确保所 有公务员 得到与 国民经济发展水 平 相 称 的保障; 同 时,国家金 融 政 策 也 致 力于提高公务员 的生活 水 平,办 法是退 休 公务员 提退 休 金 ,并为关的公务员 提供残疾、 产 假 、 病 假 、工伤 和 丧 葬 补贴。
The social security system was set up in which all civil servants are guaranteed with regard to the availability of the national economy, as well as the national strategy of financial sector towards the improvement the living standard of the civil servants by providing retirement pension to retired civil servants together with allowance to disabilities, maternity leaves, sicknesses, labour dangers and deaths.
关于退出《 不扩散核武器条约》的任何决定,都不应当导致重新审查第十条、 对《条约》文本作出修正或损害公认的国际法原则和准则。
No decisions on withdrawal from the Treaty [...]
on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons should lead to the revision of article
X, amendments to the text of the Treaty or compromise the generally recognized principles and standards of international law.
另外,法院法官还保留加入关退休 后 医疗保险计划,无论他们选择在美利 坚合众国还是其他国家退休,同样负责支付全额保险费。
Furthermore, they also retained the option of
[...] joining the relevant after-service health plan, whether they chose to retire in the United [...]
States of America
or elsewhere, equally upon payment of the full cost of the premium.
(a) 董事会可以代表本公司成立或同意或连同其他公司(属本公司的附属公司
[...] 述任何其他公司的的董事或人员)成立或以本公司的资金出资成立任关 于提供退休金 、疾病或恩恤津贴、人寿保险或本公司的其他雇员(在本段 [...]
任何上述其他公司的任何执行职位或有收益的职位的董事或前董事)或前 雇员以及他们的扶养人或任何类别的此等人士的利益的计划或基金。
(a) The Board on behalf of the Company may establish or concur or join with other companies (being subsidiaries of the Company, or is allied or associated with the Company or with any such subsidiary company, or who are or were at any time Directors or officers of the Company or of any such other company as aforesaid) in establishing and making contributions out of the
Company’s moneys to any schemes or
[...] funds for providing pensions, sickness or compassionate [...]
allowances, life assurance or
other benefits for employees (which expression as used in this and following paragraph shall include any Director or exDirector who may hold or have held any executive office or any office of profit under the Company or any such other company as aforesaid of its subsidiary companies) and ex-employees of the Company and their dependants or any class or classes of such persons.
(d) 在联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室的任务授权范围内,开展预防和打击 贩运文化财产的国际、区域和双边合作,包括为此开展司法协助、建立公私伙关系和有关此类财产退回和 返还机制,并适当注意技术援助的作用。
(d) International, regional and bilateral cooperation, within the mandate of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, in preventing and combating trafficking in cultural property, including through mutual legal assistance, private/public partnerships and mechanisms for the restitution and return of such property, with due regard to the role of technical assistance.
这将包括为确保财政可持续性采取认真的支出成本核 算举措,特别关于退伍军 人和前政治犯的福利以及卫生部门和公务员的养恤金 和拟议改革工作。
This would include careful costing of spending initiatives to ensure
fiscal sustainability, more
[...] specifically with regard to benefits for war veterans and former [...]
political prisoners, as well as
pensions and the planned reforms of the health sector and the civil service.
(c) 设立一个新的国际机构,负责核查禁止生产和处置裂变材料以及关 设施退役的情况。
(c) Development of a new international agency to verify the ban on production and disposal of fissile
[...] material, and decommissioning of associated facilities.
委员会关切地注意到退伍儿童可能被招募到武装部队, 特别是在与亲属和当地社区的和解进程得不到援助时尤其如此。
The Committee also notes with concern that demobilized children [...]
may be recruited into the Armed Forces, in particular when
the reconciliation process with kin and local community lacks assistance.
关于退休的预测表明,今后五年内,目前工作人员从一些方案退休的比例 将高达 42%(大会和会议管理部)、45%(联合国日内瓦办事处)和 [...]
48%(人力资源管 理厅和西亚经济社会委员会(西亚经社会))(见 A/61/257/和 Corr.1,第 55 段)。
[...] of anticipated retirements show that, within [...]
the next five years, percentages of present staff retiring from some
programmes will be as high as 42 per cent (Department for General Assembly and Conference Management), 45 per cent (United Nations Office at Geneva) and 48 per cent (Office of Human Resources Management and the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) (see A/61/257 and Corr.1, para. 55).
要求总干事在下一个报告中列入 关退 休 人 员合同和现行规章条例方面的数据。
Requests the Director-General to include in his next report statistical information on contracts of retired staff and the [...]
rules and regulations in force.
任何债权证、债券或其他证券均可按折让(股份除外)、溢价或其他 价格发行,并可附带任何关赎回、 退 回 、 支取款项、股份配发、出席本公司股东 大会及表决、委任董事及其他方面的特权。
Any debentures, bonds or other securities may be issued at a discount (other than shares),
premium or otherwise and with
[...] any special privileges as to redemption, surrender, drawings, [...]
allotment of shares, attending
and voting at general meetings of the Company, appointment of Directors and otherwise.
(j) 政府应公关于邻国退回的 收缴矿物的政策,应考虑将出售这些矿物的 收入存入一个特别基金,用于推动建立可追踪的可持续供应链
(j) The Government should publish its policy on seized minerals returned from neighbouring countries and should consider putting any profits from their sale in a special fund that invests in the promotion of traceable and sustainable supply chains
当您通过电话或电子邮件联系我们的客户服务代表、在我们的站点上输入信息、提交问卷调查报告、参与促销、抽奖或竞赛活动等为获取有关我们的产品和促销活动的信息时,我们同样会收集您 关退 货 、质保和产品注册的个人身份信息。
We may also collect personally identifiable information in connection with the return of products, warranty and product registration, when you call or email our customer service representatives, enter information on our Site, submit survey responses, participate
in promotions, sweepstakes or contests or for the purposes of
[...] receiving information about our Offerings [...]
and promotions.
然而该代 表团强调,应当对资格标准进行修订,特别是 关 “ 退 出 ” 方面,要求对未做好准备进 行“退出”的国家予以重新考虑。
The Delegation nevertheless stressed that criteria for eligibility should be revised, especially with regard to “graduation” and called for reconsideration of the countries less prepared to “graduate”.




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