

单词 追还

See also:

chase after
do one's utmost to seek or procure sth.
musical instrument (old)

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 促进基尔库克的若干建立互信措施,这些措施涉及尚未解决的财 追还 和 索 赔事 件、教育权利和拘留犯问题。
UNAMI also continued to assist in promoting a number of
confidence-building measures in Kirkuk, related to outstanding
[...] property claims and restitution, education rights [...]
and detainee issues.
The troop -contributing country has disciplinary authority over members of its contingents and can take action to recover those sums from the soldiers concerned.
还强调了纳追求实效章节这一创新方法,力图采用注重成果的计划制定和管理 手段,提高计划实施的质量、效率、效益、问责和透明。
He also highlighted the innovative approach by including a section on management for impact, seeking [...]
to apply a resultsbased
programming and management approach, improve the quality of programme delivery, efficiency, effectiveness, accountability and transparency.
实际上,世界各国人民不仅追求和平与安全的生 活还追求通过积极参与本国经济和社会发展而获得 繁荣。
Indeed, the populations of the world aspire not only to live in peace and security, but also to a prosperous existence through their active participation in the economic and social development of their nations.
在对一位专家提出的关于“追加计划”应具 有灵活性,以便未预计到的和新出现的需求都能够得到满足的要求作答时,秘书处的代表确 认,该追加计划”还将反 映各国的发展战略和其它共同在国家一级开展的计划,反映不断 变化的需求和情况。
In response to the request by an expert to make “additional programme” flexible so that unforeseen/emerging needs can be accommodated, it was confirmed that the “additional programme” also would reflect national development strategies and other joint country-level programmes, as well as changing needs and circumstances.
经济及社会理事会在题为“保护文化财产尤其是使之免遭贩运的预防犯罪 和刑事司法对策”的第 2010/19 号决议中,鼓励毒品和犯罪问题办公室继续为联 合国教育、科学及文化组织(教科文组织)、国际博物馆理事会、刑警组织、国 际统一私法协会(统法协会)和世界海关组织之间在文化财产贩运及 追 回和 返还方面所建立的合作网做出贡献。
In its resolution 2010/19, entitled “Crime prevention and criminal justice responses to protect cultural property, especially with regard to its trafficking ”, the Economic and Social Council encouraged UNODC to continue to contribute to the cooperative network established among the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the International Council of Museums, INTERPOL, the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (Unidroit) and the World Customs Organization in the areas of trafficking in cultural property and its recovery and return.
应采取更多措施,防止失窃资产转移到国外,依照《联合国反腐败公约》5协追回和返还此类 资产,特别是返还来源国,并防止具有犯罪意图的资本流动。
Additional measures should be implemented to prevent the
transfer abroad of stolen assets and
[...] to assist in the recovery and return of such assets, [...]
in particular to their countries of
origin, consistent with the United Nations Convention against Corruption,5 as well as to prevent capital flows that have criminal intent.
敦促 敦促 敦促 敦促会员国和相关机构酌情强化和充分实施加强国际合作包括司法互 助的机制,打击一切形式和方面的贩运文化财产以及盗窃、抢掠、损坏、转移、 掠夺和毁坏文化财产等相关犯罪活动,并为被盗文化财产 追 回 和 归 还 提 供 便 利,并请联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约缔约方会议和预防犯罪和刑事司法委员 会特别铭记经济及社会理事会第 2010/19 号决议第 12 段,继续努力有效加强预 防犯罪和刑事司法对策,保护文化财产,尤其是防止文化财产被贩运
Member States and relevant institutions, as appropriate, to reinforce and fully implement mechanisms to strengthen international cooperation, including mutual legal assistance, in order to combat all forms and aspects of trafficking in cultural property and related offences, such as the theft, looting, damage, removal, pillage and destruction of cultural property, and to facilitate the recovery and return of stolen cultural property, and requests the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice to continue their efforts to effectively strengthen crime prevention and criminal justice responses to protect cultural property, especially with regard to its trafficking, bearing in mind, in particular, paragraph 12 of Economic and Social Council resolution 2010/19
还包括确保追究下 令采取或实际 采取这类恐吓或报复行为的人的法律责任。
It also includes ensuring that those who [...]
order or undertake such acts of intimidation or reprisal are subject to prosecution.
价值无追溯的财产还原主 或赔偿可根据当事人的申请,从地方政府预 算、基希那乌市和巴蒂市预算、加告兹自治区预算以及国家预算中支出。
The restitution of the goods, recovery of their value which cannot be retrieved, is made on the basis of the application, from the raion budgets, the budgets of the municipalities of Chisinau and Balti, the budget of the autonomous territorial unit Gagauzia, as well as from the state budget.
公民事务还会追踪 C igna 公司年度报告和年度捐献报告中使用的捐献信息、用于沟通的信息以及政府实体、非盈利 [...]
Civic Affairs also tracks contribution [...]
information for use in Cigna’s corporate Annual Report and yearly Contributions Report,
and for communications and information requests from governmental entities, non-profit organizations and potential customers.
这次研还追踪 审 查了联合国发展援助框架是否专门为性别平等——无论是涉及一项具体性别 [...]
The study also tracked whether or [...]
not the United Nations Development Assistance Framework specified estimated budgets dedicated
to gender equality, either with reference to a specific gender equality outcome or as part of another outcome.
不论是自然爱好者、历史迷还是简 单 追 寻 阳 光和悠闲的游客,莫塞尔湾都会令人心醉。
Mossel Bay will appeal to all passengers, from nature-lovers to families, history buffs and those simply seeking sun and relaxation.
增加的资源中包括追加的员额 资源(699 300 美元),原因是拟将与 5
[...] 个续设员额有关的预算资源从后勤基地预 算调拨到支助账户预算(见下文第 117 段),还追加了 非员额资源(401 200 美元), 原因是一般临时人员和其他用品、服务和设备所需资源增加。
The increase includes additional resources for posts ($699,300), owing to the proposed redeployment from the budget of the United Nations Logistics Base to the support account budget of the budgetary resources related to 5
continuing posts (see
[...] para. 117 below) and additional non-post resources ($401,200), owing to increases in [...]
the requirements for
general temporary assistance and other supplies, services and equipment.
此外还制订了一追踪制度,来记录管理当局对评价工作的反应和后续行动,目的是 作为一种书面记录,记载对各项评价工作打算采取何种行动。
A tracking system to document management responses and follow-up actions to evaluations was also developed, which aims to provide a written record of planned actions in response to evaluations.
除了 ZEUS 对树脂进行的大量试验外,对您订购的 所有产品,我还提供 100% 可追溯性
In addition to the extensive testing ZEUS does on their resins, we
[...] offer 100 percent traceability on all your orders.
各位部长吁请所有国家开展合作,并协调其努力,以打击伊拉克古董非法 贸易和走私活动,向伊拉克博物馆 还追 回 的 艺术品。
The Ministers called upon all states to cooperate and coordinate their efforts in combating the illegal trade and trafficking of Iraqi antiques, and in returning the recovered art works to Iraqi museums.
关于 2010-2011 两年期还提议追加经费共计 167 800 美元,将在 2010-2011 两年期拟议方 案预算经费范围内匀支,情况如下:(a) 第 2 款大会 和经济及社会理事会事务和会议管理下;(b) 第 9 款 经济和社会事务下;(c) [...]
第 16 款国际药物管制、预 防犯罪和恐怖主义及刑事司法下。
For the biennium
[...] 2010-2011, it was proposed that additional requirements totalling $167,800 for conference servicing and travel should be met from [...]
within section 2,
General Assembly and Economic and Social Council affairs and conference management; section 9, Economic and social affairs; and section 16, International drug control, crime and terrorism prevention and criminal justice, of the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2010-2011.
此外,制定的计划应以贩运现象的范 围方面的准确数据为依据还应追踪 和 定期评估计 划的执行情况,以确保计划真正有效,并尊重受害 者的基本权利。
Such prevention programmes should be based on accurate data on the incidence of human trafficking, and their implementation should be monitored and regularly reviewed in order to ensure that they were effective and respected the human rights of trafficked persons.
近年来,希腊只出线过一次,他们上一次的胜 还 要 追 溯 到 2007年举行的2008年欧锦赛预选赛,那时候他们3-2取胜。
In recent years the countries have met just once in Greece, with Greece coming out 3-2 winners back in 2007 in a Euro 2008 Qualifier.
要使零容忍政策 发挥效力,军事指挥官不仅须实行严格的纪律,若其未能防止下属实施侵犯人权 行为或就此采取行动,还必须追究 其 自身的责任。
For the zero-tolerance policy to be effective, military commanders must not only impose rigid discipline but also have to be held accountable themselves for not preventing or responding to human rights violations committed by their subordinates.
与会还就在 追查小 武器和轻武器方面加强有效合作的良好做法、经验教训和实际措施交换了 [...]
Participants also exchanged views on [...]
good practices, lessons learned and practical measures to strengthen effective cooperation
in tracing small arms and light weapons.
还将需要追加预算外资源 239,400 万美元,用以收集和审查成功的经验并将它们 汇编成册,使毒品和犯罪问题办公室得以在推广这些成功经验方面提供指导和 援助。
It was estimated that additional extrabudgetary resources in the amount of $239,400 would also be needed to collect and review successful experiences and compile them into a compendium that would put UNODC in a position to provide guidance and assistance in replicating these successful experiences.
还说,关于追补资 金问题,以前有核准这种供资申请的先例, 但要由执行委员会决定在这种情况下追补资金是否合理。
He also said, with regard to retroactive funding, that there had been precedents [...]
for approving such funding requests, but
that it was up to the Executive Committee to decide whether retroactive funding was justified in the present case.
是在顺服神的生活中找到你还是在 追 求世 界的享乐中找到你?
In the place of
[...] obedience or in the place of worldly pursuits?
还请缔 约国追回被盗资产举措提交案例,以列入该数据库,或者在将案例提交给毒 品和犯罪问题办公室时说明其是否准许毒品和犯罪问题办公室将案例列入该数 据库。
States parties are invited to submit cases also to the StAR Initiative for inclusion in the database, or to indicate whether they would allow UNODC to include them in the database when submitting them to UNODC.
第 1874(2009)号决议通过后,委员会于 2009 年 7 月 16 日根据该决议第 24
段通过了一项决定,其中决定增列两个应受第 1718(2006)号决议第 8
[...] 段(a)㈡所 述规定制约的物项;还追加指 认了五个应受第 8 段(d)所定措施制约的实体以 [...]
及五名应受第 1718(2006)号决议第 8 段(d)和第 8 段(e)所定措施制约的个人。
After the adoption of resolution 1874 (2009), on 16 July 2009 the Committee adopted a decision in accordance with paragraph 24 of that resolution, by which it determined two additional items subject to the provisions set
out in paragraph 8 (a) (ii) of resolution
[...] 1718 (2006); it also designated five [...]
additional entities subject to the measures
of paragraph 8 (d) and five individuals subject to the measures imposed in paragraphs 8 (d) and 8 (e) of resolution 1718 (2006).
保护处境危险的儿童和青少年全国委员 还追 随 、 支持和评估成立于 1991 年的保护未成年人委员会,59 并根据 9 月 1 日的第 147/99 号法律调整和设立新 的委员会,为保护处境危险的儿童和青少年全国委员会提供更好的网络。
The CNPCJR also follows, supports and assesses the Commissions for the Protection of Minors,(CPCJ) established in59 1991, by reformulating, and creating new commissions according to Law No. 147/99, of 1 September, to provide a better network for the Promotion and Protection of Children and Young People in Danger.
此外,除了具 备传统功能外还追加了 不用停止跟踪开始触发器的条件设置、程序执行,即可确认整个 RAM 区域 的数据变化的实时 RAM 监控功能,提高了程序开发效率。
In order to increase efficiency of program development, the real-time RAM monitor function, that enables to confirm data changes in the whole RAM area without stopping condition setting of trace start trigger and/or program execution, has been added to the existing technologies.
我们任意选择一 个垃圾堆, 然后将其翻
[...] 个底朝天,看能否找到 可循环利用之物。 我还会追踪到废物产生的 部门,并开展有关循环 [...]
We’ll pick a dumpster at random, go
through everything inside and if we find
[...] recyclables, we’ll trace the waste back to [...]
the department it came from and do more training on recycling.




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