单词 | 追打 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 追打 —chase and beatSee also:追—recall • chase after • sculpt • musical instrument (old) • do one's utmost to seek or procure sth.
不過,他 很勇猛,雖然被追打一年 多,結果也能完成立法。 legco.gov.hk | Although he had been under ferocious attacks for more than a year, in the end, he still managed to complete the enactment of the legislation. legco.gov.hk |
邱局長不會被追打很長時 間,1 年後便會完結。 legco.gov.hk | So, Secretary Edward YAU, you will not be under attack for very long. legco.gov.hk |
我當 時說了一句十分感歎的說話,泛民主派的同事其實每天也被“親政府”、 “親建制”的報章、媒介日夜“追打 ” , 我已被打至習慣,被別人“打到軟” 了。 legco.gov.hk | At the time, I made a most saddening remark, saying that colleagues of the pan-democratic camp had been actually "pursued and attacked" round the clock every day by the "pro-government", "pro-establishment" newspapers and media. legco.gov.hk |
场景还是在海岸边,狄俄尼索斯正坐在一 [...] 块岩石上同一只黑豹玩耍,一些海盗正被一群撒提尔(Satyrs)拿着酒神 杖 追打 , 其 他的海 盗正在跳入大海,其中的一半被变成了海豚。 minpress.gr | The scene is laid on the sea-shore, where Dionysus sits on a rock [...] playing with a panther, while some of the [...] pirates are being beaten with the thyrsus [...]by a band of Satyrs, and others are leaping [...]into the sea, half transformed into dolphins. minpress.gr |
正因為大家窮追猛打,政 府在備受壓力之下,理屈詞窮,最後只 好提出這項毫不特殊、毫不困難也毫不長篇的條例草案。 legco.gov.hk | Under undue pressure and realizing that the arguments were far-fetched, the Government finally proposed this Bill, which is neither special, complicated nor lengthy. legco.gov.hk |
游戏通过许多不同的方式展示其自身,包括 像 追 逐 、 打 闹 和 玩 打架这些高度活跃的游戏;假装和社会戏剧游戏;语言游戏;社会游戏和规则游戏;和建构 [...] 游戏。 ipaworld.org | It manifests itself in many different ways, including highly [...] active games such as chasing, rough-and-tumble and play fighting; [...]pretend and socio-dramatic play; [...]language play; social play and games with rules; and construction play. ipaworld.org |
当丹麦创始人Morten [...] Linde和Jorn Werdelin在开发其市场传播的理念时,他们决定舍弃手表广告与公关 穷 追 猛 打 的 套 路。 iontime.ch | When Morten Linde and Jorn Werdelin [...] developed their MarCom concept, the danish founders of LW [...] decided to leave the beaten tracks of watch advertising & PR. iontime.ch |
我們正嘗試決定是否應傳召㆒個在 20 年前成立並 以卓越幹勁為我們掃盪了猖獗㆒時、遺禍至廣,並且不斷侵食本港社會的貪污問題組織 的專員接受本局議員質詢,就他解僱直屬㆟員徐家傑㆒事的原由而任由我們 窮 追 猛 打。 legco.gov.hk | We are trying to decide whether the Commissioner of an organization set up 20 years ago to rid Hong Kong of endemic and very serious corruption which was eating at the heart of our society and which has done a magnificent job for us, should be required to come before us and be questioned, as closely as we wish to question on the reasons for his dismissal of his immediate subordinate, Alex TSUI. legco.gov.hk |
陪 審 團 會 在 心 中 盤 算 〆 ‚ 被 告 人 因 此 事 而 被 窮 追 猛 打 時 , 為 何 不 作 答 呢 〇 ‛ 那 倒 沒 有 甚 麼 辦 法 能 阻 止 陪 審 團 基 於 這 些 特 殊 情 況 而 得 出 被 告 人 保 持 緘 默 便 是 承 認 對 方 所 言 屬 實 的 結 論 了 。 hkreform.gov.hk | The jury will be able to ask itself : "Why, when taxed with this matter, did the defendant not make any reply?" There is nothing to prevent the jury concluding that, in the light of the particular circumstances, his silence was an acknowledgement by him that what was being put to him was true. hkreform.gov.hk |
大家知道,媒體很多時候都教從政者又愛又恨:愛 它是因為政府要依靠媒體傳播自己的政策;有時候不開心,是因為媒體 窮追猛打,為了小小事情便令政府極度難堪和尷尬。 legco.gov.hk | They are unhappy with the media because the media always pursue things to the utmost and as a result, even trivial things would land a government in a most difficult and embarrassing situation. legco.gov.hk |
我想提出的是,我是強烈反對涂議員每年提出的這些修正案,我認為背 後有一種對警務人員的偏見、仇視、非要懲戒他們、 窮 追 猛 打 , 如 果有失職 的,便非要“釘死”他不可的這種心態。 legco.gov.hk | What I actually want to say is that I oppose Mr TO's amendment as this one, moved year after year. I think that at the back of his mind, there is a kind of prejudice, enmity against police officers so that he wants them punished, purged and "blacklisted" if found negligent in their duties. legco.gov.hk |
保安局局長去 年 指 涂謹申議員的修 正 , “ 背 後 是 那種對 警 務人員的偏 見 、 仇 視 、 非 要 懲 戒 他 們 、 窮 追 猛 打 、 如 果有失 職 非 要 `釘死'他 們 不可的 這 種心態 "。 legco.gov.hk | The Secretary for Security's comment on Mr James TO's amendment last year was that "at the back of his mind, there is a kind of prejudice and enmity against police officers such that they must be punished, purged and 'blacklisted' if found negligent in their duties". legco.gov.hk |
主席女士,我 們今次再度在這個議事廳 內 就 釋 法 問題提 出 辯 論 , 並非要 讓 很 多本地的法律界 人士以至國 際 的法律界 人士就這項問題向香港政 府嚴 加 [...] 苛 責 , 讓 他 們 再次向 政 府 窮追猛 打 。 legco.gov.hk | Madam President, we have moved another motion debate on the interpretation of the Basic Law (by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress "NPCSC") in this Chamber not so much because we wish to give the local legal professionals, or even [...] the international legal community, another opportunity to lash out at the Hong Kong [...] Government, to assail it yet again. legco.gov.hk |
這種“擠牙膏”式的透露 ― 他們很喜歡用“擠牙膏”這詞 ― 如果不是議員窮追猛打,如 果不是民意一面倒怪責特首處理不當,我相信今 天的安排也不會出現。 legco.gov.hk | Turning to this sort of disclosure, one in the manner of "squeezing a tube of toothpaste" ― they love to use the expression "squeeze a tube of toothpaste" very much ― if Honourable Members had not been hot on the trail of the matter or public opinions had not been totally critical of the Chief Executive because of his improper handling, I think there would not be any arrangement like that today. legco.gov.hk |
他們的關注是理所當然的……㆒方面要確保 窮 追 猛 打 受 賄的公務員及盡速把他們從 公務員隊伍㆗鏟除,另㆒方面對那些廉潔的公務員(現職㆟員大部份都是這類㆟)給與 恰當的保護,以免他們可能成為犧牲品或受到不公平的對待。 legco.gov.hk | . to ensure that while corrupt officers are vigorously pursued and swiftly removed from the public service, the honest officer, who is very much in the majority in the public service, will be properly protected against any possible victimization or injustice. legco.gov.hk |
由于许多矿工尚未登 记,并缺乏从矿区到出口点的连续文 件 追 查 线 索,加 纳 打 击 非法进口科特迪瓦钻 石的努力受到威胁。 daccess-ods.un.org | The presence of unregistered miners and the [...] absence of a continuous [...] paper trail from the mine to the point of export threaten Ghana’s efforts to combat the illicit import [...]of Ivorian diamonds. daccess-ods.un.org |
葡萄牙强调必须追究责任和打击严 重违反人权 的行为不受惩罚的现象。 daccess-ods.un.org | Portugal stresses the importance of [...] accountability and the need to fight impunity for serious [...]violations of human rights. daccess-ods.un.org |
一本追求手工打造完 美时计的初衷,我们以无懈可击的精确度与专业技能,精巧有致地制作每一枚时计。 audemarspiguet.com | In our pursuit of perfecting timepieces by hand, we meticulously craft each piece with precision and expertise. audemarspiguet.com |
各国注意到,世界不同区域的国家之间进行合作以及成功交 流 追 查 信息 对打 击非 法贩运小武器和轻武器的努力的重要意义。 daccess-ods.un.org | States took note of the importance of cooperation among States in various regions of [...] the world, and the [...] successes in sharing tracing information, for the effort to combat the illicit [...]trafficking in small arms and light weapons. daccess-ods.un.org |
国际刑事法院和特设法庭 通过促进追究责任和打击有罪不罚现象,对维护世界 和平、安全和福祉作出了重要贡献。 daccess-ods.un.org | The ICC and the ad hoc tribunals, through the promotion of [...] accountability and the fight against impunity, are [...]making an essential contribution to [...]the preservation of the peace, security and well-being of the world. daccess-ods.un.org |
(3) 為使渣打銀行(香港)能 夠 在 它 認為合適時,將憑 藉本條例移 轉予和 轉歸或當作轉歸渣打銀行(香港)的財產的擁 有權,藉擁 有權公告 、 契 據、文書或其他方式予以完 備,或使渣打銀行(香港)能 夠追溯該 擁 有 權,本條例須當作為以渣打銀行(香港)為受益人而作出的該財產的轉讓 、 轉 易 、移轉或一般 產權處置 的文書(視屬何 情況而定),而出示本條例的政 府 印 務 局 文本,就證明 或 追溯渣打銀行(香港)為 擁 有權的受益人而言 ,即 為本條例的不可推翻的證據。 legco.gov.hk | (3) To enable Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) to complete title, if thought fit, to any property transferred to it and vested or deemed to be vested in it by virtue of this Ordinance by notice of title, deed, instrument or otherwise, or to deduce title, this Ordinance shall be deemed to be an assignment, [...] conveyance, transfer or, as the case may [...] be, an instrument of a general disposition of such property in favour of Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) and the production of a Government Printer's copy of this Ordinance shall be conclusive evidence of this Ordinance for the purpose of proving or deducing title in favour of Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong). legco.gov.hk |
此外,由于联合国在 2002 年 1 月发起了一个文化和文明对话十年,本组织为加 [...] 强不同文化间的了解设立了一个文化促进单位,从而参与了对和平 的 追 求 和 打击 各 民族间一切形式的抵制和种族主义的努力。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, since the United Nations launched in January 2002 a decade for the dialogue of cultures and civilizations, the organization has created a cultural promotion unit to improve understanding between different [...] cultures and thus participated in the quest for [...] peace and efforts to combat all forms of rejection [...]and racism among peoples. daccess-ods.un.org |
区域组织能够 [...] 而且应该支持其成员国更系统地执行《行动纲领》,从而促进合作和信息交流, 这对边境管制、追查武器和打击武器走私和有组织犯罪是至关重要的。 daccess-ods.un.org | Regional organizations can and should support their member States more systematically in implementing the Programme of Action, thus promoting cooperation and information [...] exchange, which is crucial for [...] border control, the tracing of arms and the fight against arms [...]smuggling and organized crime. daccess-ods.un.org |
(a) 如果尚未制订或加强遵守《国际追查 文书 》 打 标 、 保存记录 和 追 查 合 作 要求所需要的法律、条例和行政程序,则制订或加强这些法律、条例和行政程序 daccess-ods.un.org | (a) If they have not already done so, to put in place or strengthen the laws, regulations and administrative procedures needed to comply with the requirements related to marking, record-keeping and cooperation in tracing set out in the International Tracing Instrument daccess-ods.un.org |
我實在不 明 白 為 何政府在慘劇發生後 , 面 對 市民不斷的 訴 求 , 一直沒 有 打 算 追 究 有關官 員及高 層 的 責 任,甚 至在專家 報 告發表 後 仍 沒 有這個打 算 。 legco.gov.hk | It is indeed beyond my understanding why the Government did not have any intention to look into the responsibility of the officials and the senior management concerned after the tragedy in face of the continuous demand made by the public. legco.gov.hk |
由于向会员国租赁办公场所被认为是本组织场地使用创收活动的一项主要内容,数年 [...] 累积的未偿租金数额对总部设施使用基金的运作不断产生负面影响,致使它已 经 打 算 提 出追 加预算。 unesdoc.unesco.org | As renting offices to the Member States is considered as one of the main revenue-generating activities related to the use of the Organization’s premises, the sums of outstanding rent, accumulating over the years, [...] have continued to have adverse consequences for the Headquarters Utilization [...] Fund which they were intended to supplement. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在 叙利亚看来,核武器是地区和世界的一个不稳定因 素。当前的审议大会必须解决许多悬而未决的问题, [...] 即缔约国是否尽力使《条约》成为一个平衡且非歧 [...] 视的工具;是否确定了一个有时限的消除核武器计 划;各缔约国,特别是核武器国家是 否 打 算 追 究以色列拒不执行呼吁它加入《条约》的许多国际决议 [...] 这一责任;最后,缔约国是否能够在普及《不扩散 条约》的同时维护条约作为有法律约束力的国际文 书的公信力和权威。 daccess-ods.un.org | The current Review Conference would have to address a number of outstanding issues, namely, whether States parties had managed to make the Treaty a balanced and non-discriminatory instrument; whether a time-bound programme to eradicate nuclear weapons had been defined; whether States [...] parties, in particular [...] nuclearweapon States, intended to hold Israel accountable for [...]its refusal to implement any of the [...]numerous international resolutions calling for its accession to the Treaty; and finally, whether States parties could achieve universality of the NPT while preserving its credibility and authority as a legally binding international instrument. daccess-ods.un.org |
現時法例尚未通過,目前民事訴訟要耗費很多金錢,如果工友得不 到法律援助,很可能動輒要花數萬元和很長時間透 過 打 官 司 來 追 討。 legco.gov.hk | Now that the relevant law has yet to be passed and civil action takes a lot of time and money, if workers do not have any legal aid, it is likely that they will spend tens of thousands of dollars and much time to recover the sums in arrears through legal action. legco.gov.hk |