单词 | 追尊 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 追尊 —posthumous honorific nameSee also:追—recall • chase after • musical instrument (old) • sculpt • do one's utmost to seek or procure sth. 尊—senior • ancient wine vessel • of a senior generation
对于那些仍不愿加入我们这方面努力的国家,我 要说:不要责怪受害者,而要支持他 们 追 求 尊 严。 daccess-ods.un.org | To those who are still reluctant to join us in such an endeavour, allow me to say: do not blame the victims, but [...] support their quest for dignity. daccess-ods.un.org |
这种天性和人道是 神的馈赠,是笃信真主的圣灵的外现,因为真主是整 个宇宙的造物主和设计师,永生不灭,他的言行流露 [...] 出同情、大度,公正和正直;也是因为人类 在 追 求尊 严,使自身臻于完美无缺,又渴望升华自身的物质和 [...] 精神境界,向往实现自由;不畏压迫、腐败和歧视并 力图支持被压迫者;为所有人谋求幸福和持久的繁荣 与安全。 daccess-ods.un.org | As everyone knows, the superiority of human beings and their dominance over other creatures lie in the very nature and the truth of humankind, which is a divine gift and a manifestation of the divine spirit embodying faith in God, the everlasting Creator and Planner of the entire universe who shows compassion, generosity, [...] justice and integrity in both words and [...] deeds; the quest for dignity to reach the pinnacles [...]of perfection, the aspirations to [...]elevate one’s material and spiritual status and the longing to realize liberty; defying oppression, corruption and discrimination and trying to support the oppressed; seeking happiness and lasting prosperity and security for all. daccess-ods.un.org |
红十字委员会示范法律共八章,涉及若干问题:“失踪人员”及“失踪人员 [...] 亲属”等术语的定义(见“一般规定”);与人身自由被剥夺的人员相关的基本权 利和措施以及失踪人员亲属的知情权;对失踪人员 的 追 查 ; 尊 重 已 亡故的失踪人 员;追究刑事责任。 daccess-ods.un.org | The ICRC model law contains eight chapters, covering a number of issues: definitions of terms such as “missing persons” and “relative of the missing” (under “general provisions”); basic rights and measures relating to persons deprived of their freedom and the right of their relatives to know; the legal status [...] of missing persons and related [...] rights; the tracing of missing persons; respect for the deceased; [...]and criminal liability. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,国 际刑事法院在协助利比亚建立一个真正民主国家方 [...] 面的作用将更加重要。这样一个民主国家能够满足利 比亚人民追求尊重人权、在国家生活中享有更大话语 权和代表权以及有更多机会的愿望。 daccess-ods.un.org | The role of the International Criminal Court will therefore be even more important in assisting Libya to bring about a truly democratic State [...] that responds to the aspirations of the [...] Libyan people for respect for human rights, [...]a greater voice and representation for [...]the people in their country’s life, and enhanced opportunities. daccess-ods.un.org |
我 们认为,只有全面落实“人的安全”概念,才能帮助 每一个人最大限度地发挥其潜力,并在安全健康的环 境中追求有尊严的生活。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is our belief that a comprehensive approach to human security is the only way that this concept would help every [...] human being explore his or her potential to the maximum, while [...] pursuing a life of dignity in a safe and healthy [...]environment. daccess-ods.un.org |
东帝汶在追求确保尊重人 权、保护人权和促进人权方面所遇到的种种挑战 是活生生地亲历了各种基本保障之间不可分割性、相互依存性和相互关联性。 daccess-ods.un.org | The challenges that Timor-Leste faces in its [...] quest to ensure the respect, protection and [...]promotion of human rights are living witness [...]to the indivisibility, interdependence and inter-relation of the different fundamental guarantees. daccess-ods.un.org |
伊斯兰教要求其追随者尊敬所有宗教。 daccess-ods.un.org | Islam required its followers to revere all religions. daccess-ods.un.org |
我恐怕在 他 們 眼 中 ,我們不是一 敢 於 追求真 相 的 尊貴議員,而 只 不過是一批 怯 於 權 貴 的 應 聲 蟲罷了 。 legco.gov.hk | I am afraid that in their eyes, we are not Honourable Members who dare to seek the truth, but only scores of yes-men who are scared of the big shots. legco.gov.hk |
2011 年,席卷阿拉伯世界的民主运动表明 , 追 求民 主和尊严是人们的普遍愿望。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The groundswell of democracy surging through the Arab World in 2011 is proof of the [...] universality of the aspiration to freedom and dignity. unesdoc.unesco.org |
过去一年,联合国注重打击有罪不罚现象,加强责 任 追 究 力 度, 为 尊 重 法治创造了条件。 un.org | Throughout the past year, the Organization [...] nurtured conditions for the respect of the rule of law through [...]its focus on combating impunity [...]and strengthening accountability. un.org |
在各国根据国际法有义务保护包括学校在内的民用机构的规定方面,委员 [...] 会敦促缔约国履行国际法固有的义务,确保学校成为和平区,成为培养对普遍人 权的追求探索和尊重的 地方;确保学校免遭武装人员的军事攻击或占领,或用作 [...]征兵中心。 daccess-ods.un.org | With reference to the obligation under international law for States to protect civil institutions, including schools, the Committee urges States parties to fulfil their obligation inherent therein to ensure schools as [...] zones of peace and places where [...] intellectual curiosity and respect for universal human [...]rights is fostered; and to ensure that [...]schools are protected from military attacks or seizure by militants or use as centres for recruitment. daccess-ods.un.org |
目标:通过和平手段求得阿拉伯叙利亚共和国危机的政治解决办法,以在平等和不歧视基本原则的 基础上满足叙利亚人民追求自尊、自 由和公正的合理愿望 daccess-ods.un.org | To achieve through peaceful means a political solution to the crisis in the Syrian Arab Republic, which will [...] meet the legitimate aspirations of the [...] Syrian people to dignity, freedom and justice, [...]based on the principles of equality and non-discrimination daccess-ods.un.org |
77 国集团和中国呼吁国际社会关注生活在外国 [...] 占领区的妇女权利问题,保证她们不可剥夺的权利 受到尊重并追究和 惩罚侵犯她们权利的行为人。 daccess-ods.un.org | The international community should address the issue of the [...] rights of women living under foreign [...] occupation, guarantee respect for their inalienable [...]rights and ensure that those who violated [...]their rights were prosecuted and punished. daccess-ods.un.org |
希望將來成立 的調查委員會能慎重考慮以上的建議,從而建立一個大 家 尊 重 及 日後可 追隨的先例。 legco.gov.hk | It is hoped that the investigation committee to be established in [...] the future can seriously consider these proposals, so that a [...] precedent which will be respected and followed can be set. legco.gov.hk |
以色列已一再表明,我们随时准备并且能够作出大胆 而勇敢的决定,保护生命,捍卫人的 尊 严 , 并 追 求和 平。 daccess-ods.un.org | Time and again, Israel has shown that [...] it is ready and able to make bold and courageous decisions to preserve [...] life, to uphold human dignity and to pursue peace. daccess-ods.un.org |
當然, [...] “踐仁義,知天道”發展出一些文化與傳統,例 如 尊 師 重 道、慎 終 追 遠, 這些都是厚德文化,亦是我本人尊重的文化。 legco.gov.hk | Obviously, these teachings have [...] given birth to some cultural and [...] traditional values, such as respect for teachers and truth, [...]and the need to be prudent in performing [...]funerary rites and to remember our ancestors, which all contribute to a culture of enhanced virtues, and this is also a culture that I respect. legco.gov.hk |
所以,即使今天我所說的,對某些同事來說,或許不是 很中聽,但我也希望你們本着追求 民主 、 尊 重 人 權及自由的精神,容許 別人發表不同的意見,因為在你們發言時,我亦是以一種很尊重的態度 [...] 來聆聽你們的講辭的。 legco.gov.hk | Hence, even if certain colleagues do not feel comfortable with what I say [...] today, I hope that in the spirit of [...] democracy and with the respect for human rights and [...]freedom, you will give room to different opinions. legco.gov.hk |
我们敦促国际社会支持他们对自由、人权和 尊严的追求。 daccess-ods.un.org | We urge the international community to support their quest for [...] freedom, human rights and dignity. daccess-ods.un.org |
就連社會主義祖國,最少在形式上也要宣示‘實行民主選舉、民 主決策、民主管理、民主監督’,我們的特區政府卻無動於衷, 對追 求民主有尊嚴的自覺的香港人,此時此刻必須為將來作出一個理性的 抉擇。 legco.gov.hk | Even in our mother country which practices socialism, it has at least made superficial declaration to 'carry out democratic elections, decision-making, administration and oversight', but the SAR Government remains indifferent and takes no action. legco.gov.hk |
这些英雄——无 论是名声卓著还是默默无闻——都表明,对人 类 尊严 的追求是最强大的力量。 daccess-ods.un.org | Whether renowned or unsung, those heroes show that the [...] pursuit of human dignity is the most powerful [...]force of all. daccess-ods.un.org |
經濟的發展會豐富社會的資源和改善㆟民的物質生活,而文 化的發展就豐富㆟民的精神生活和培養他們的公民性格 ― 這種性格 是 尊 重 自 己、 尊重別㆟和追求社會的真、善和美。 legco.gov.hk | Cultural development enriches people's spiritual life and cultivate their civic-mindedness — that is self-respect and respect for other people, and the pursuit of truth, goodness and beauty. legco.gov.hk |
法治仍然不够制度化,对国际人道主义 法和人权的尊重以及追究过去虐待行为的责任仍然被视为次要问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | The rule of law has remained insufficiently [...] institutionalized, and respect for international [...]humanitarian law, human rights and accounting for past [...]abuses have continued to be treated as secondary matters. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们强调,必须采 取单独和集体行动,并以最大的紧迫性和责任感,结束以色列的有罪不罚现 [...] 象,维护法治,确保对国际人道主义法和人权 的 尊 重 , 并确 保 追 究 责 任和伸 张正义,所有这些都是必要的,有助于切实改变目前恶劣、不可持续的现实, [...] 促进巴勒斯坦人民所受各种创伤的愈合。 daccess-ods.un.org | We stress the need to act, individually and collectively and with utmost urgency and responsibility, to bring an end to [...] Israel’s impunity, to uphold the [...] rule of law and ensure respect for international humanitarian [...]law and human rights, and [...]to ensure accountability and justice, all of which are essential for tangibly changing the current deplorable, unsustainable reality and promoting the healing of the multiple layers of trauma inflicted on the Palestinian people. daccess-ods.un.org |
并且我开始了解爱彼表的卓越价值: 尊 崇 传统 , 追 求 品 质,勇于创新,独具风格。 audemarspiguet.com | And I gradually came to understand the values [...] of Audemars Piguet: respect for traditions, the [...]uncompromising quest for quality, the [...]sense of innovation and the pedigree design of their watches. audemarspiguet.com |
2.4 东帝汶在尊重人权和追究侵犯人权行 为方面取得进展 2.4.1 政府采纳人权条约机构的报告机制 daccess-ods.un.org | 2.4 Progress towards respect for human rights and [...] accountability for human rights violations daccess-ods.un.org |
我們的 遊 行亦並非為了要取 得 利 益 , 而 是 為了有尊 嚴 地 追 隨 我 們 的理想 。 legco.gov.hk | The march has exactly brushed off this impression. We did [...] not take part in the march out of any quest for interests; we took to [...] the streets to the dignified pursuit of our ideals. legco.gov.hk |
尊重他人和追求卓 越為我們在工作場所中的 成功創造了機會。 lockeedmartin.com | Respecting others and performing [...] with excellence create opportunities to achieve success in our workplace. lockeedmartin.com |
向 40 名法律起草人、分析员和议会委员会 [...] B(外交事务、国防和国家安全)成员提供文职监督、 人权和性别平等意识培训 2.4 东帝汶在尊重人权和追究侵 犯人权行 为方面取得进展 2.4.1 处理了以往罪行不受惩罚的情况,包括处 [...] 理了联合国特别调查委员会和案件受理、 [...] 真相与和解委员会以及真相与友谊委员会 所提出的此类情况 daccess-ods.un.org | Provision of civilian oversight, human rights and gender awareness training to 40 legal drafters, analysts and members of Parliament Committee B (foreign affairs, defence [...] and national security) 2.4 [...] Progress towards respect for human rights and accountability [...]for human rights violations 2.4.1 [...]Impunity for past crimes, including those referred by the United Nations Special Commission of Inquiry, the Commission for Reception, Truth and Reconciliation and the Truth and Friendship Commission, has been addressed daccess-ods.un.org |
制订和开展关于司法、尊重人权和追 究 在 东帝汶侵犯人权行为的全国性宣传活动,包括制作 每周电台节目、每月录像资料节目和书面资料,如新闻稿、海报、概况介绍、通讯、招贴画、 [...] 传单及其他宣传材料,在全国各地的宣传板和联东综合团的网站上公布和张贴;组织与民间 [...] 社会和公众的社区外联活动及新闻发布会和新闻宣传活动 daccess-ods.un.org | Design and implementation of nationwide [...] public information campaigns on the [...] administration of justice, respect for human rights [...]and accountability for human rights [...]violations in Timor-Leste, including the production of weekly radio programmes, monthly video information programmes and written information, such as press releases, posters, fact sheets, newsletters, leaflets and other promotional materials to be distributed and posted on information boards countrywide and on the UNMIT website; and organization of community outreach events with civil society and the public, and press conferences and press events daccess-ods.un.org |