单词 | 追奔逐北 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 追奔逐北—pursue and attack a fleeing enemySee also:追逐adj—chasingadj 追逐—chase pursue vigorously 追逐n—pursuitn
外交部支持在国际问题上采取行动,然而 军事和经济部门却追逐自身利益。 crisisgroup.org | While the foreign ministry is increasingly supportive of action on issues of international concern, military and economic actors continue to pursue their own interests. crisisgroup.org |
云是北极光追逐者们的天敌。 visitfinland.com | Clouds are the aurora chaser’s curse. visitfinland.com |
国际经济再也 不允许追逐利益所驱动的金融市场掩盖实体经济的 发展需求了。 daccess-ods.un.org | The international economy could no longer allow a financial market driven by profit to overshadow the development needs of the real economy. daccess-ods.un.org |
例如,在坦桑尼亚达累斯萨拉姆大学,几个百人班级 追逐一本 图书馆教科书是很普遍的,而且收 藏的教科书经常是两次新版之前的过期版本。 iprcommission.org | For example, at the University of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania, classes [...] of 100students chasingone copy of a library [...]textbook are common and the textbook [...]collections are often two editions out of date. iprcommission.org |
他们是天生的北极圈奔跑能手,正等着送您游览拉普兰哩。 visitfinland.com | They were born to run in Arctic conditions and are waiting for you to send them on their way. visitfinland.com |
北京大学国际与战略研究中心朱锋 称,中石油有时为了追逐商业利益而置国家利益于不 顾。 crisisgroup.org | Zhu Feng, at Beijing University’s Centre for International and Strategic Studies, said the likes of PetroChina had sometimes pursued profits at the expense of broader national interests: “These state-owned companies have become very powerful interest groups. crisisgroup.org |
流体技术事业部在中国的主要客户包括长城汽车股份有限公司、北汽集团、上汽集团、北京奔驰汽 车有限公司、东风汽车公司、上海大众、福建戴姆勒、一汽大众、一汽轿车股份有限公司、宝马、林德、永恒力(Jungheinrich)、阿特拉斯•科普柯(Atlas Copco)等。 contitech.cn | The company’s customers in China include Great Wall Motor Company Limited, Beijing Automotive Group, Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation, Beijing Benz Automotive, Dongfeng Motor, Shanghai Volkswagen, Fujian-Daimler, FAW-VW, FAW Car, BMW, Linde, Jungheinrich and Atlas Copco. contitech.cn |
我们追逐着老鼠和梦想,我们的作品在午夜日本的中心渐渐成形,这里一切都像一个借口。 shanghaibiennale.org | Wepursued rats and dreams for our works coming into being in the midnight center of Japan where everything sounds like an excuse. shanghaibiennale.org |
近年来,在实践中,北京已逐步偏离了纯 粹的不干涉政策。 crisisgroup.org | In recent years, Beijing has deviated from a pure non-interference policy in practice. crisisgroup.org |
普印力因其高质量的打印机和出色的代理商服务获得厂家的青睐,被选为北京奔驰 -戴姆勒克莱斯勒汽车有限公司的独家打印机供应商。 printronix.cn | Recognized for its high quality printers and excellent service of its agents, Printronix was selected as the printer provider for all of Beijing Benz-Daimler Chrysler Automotive’s needs. printronix.com |
我 们认为,我们需要北部地区逐步与 科索沃其他地区融 合在一起,只有通过对话和当地社区及贝尔格莱德的 接受才能达到这一目的。 daccess-ods.un.org | We believe [...] thatwe need agradual reintegration of theNorth into the rest of Kosovo, [...]which will happen only through dialogue [...]and the acceptance of both the local communities and Belgrade. daccess-ods.un.org |
其中包括美国凯尔喜( KIC )公司、威博( WEBB [...] )公司、阿文美驰( ARVIN MERITOR )车辆系统公司、北方奔驰(NORTH BENZ )公司、英国克兰( KELLETT )公司、 [...]R.O.R 公司、澳大利亚马克特恩( MAXITRANS [...] )公司、东风德纳车桥、陕汽、一汽底盘、江淮、中国重汽、中集、安凯、丹东黄海、曙光汽车等。 cnsxtr.com | And the company is now more than 50 well-known domestic and international OEM customers to establish a stable and cooperative relations, including the United States-CARE [...] (KIC), Weibo (WEBB), [...] ArvinMeritor(ARVIN MERITOR) Vehicle Systems, theNorth Mercedes-Benz (NORTH [...]BENZ), the United Kingdom [...]Crane (KELLETT) company, ROR, Australia Maketeen (MAXITRANS), Dongfeng Dana axles, Shanxi Auto, FAW chassis, Jianghuai, China's heavy truck, in the set, Ankai, Dandong Huanghai Sea and the dawn of automobile. cnsxtr.com |
就法国而言,我们将根据北约部队规划,逐步减少部队人数,到 2013 年结束我们的战斗任务,并把 我们的训练人员保留到 [...] 2014 年以后。 daccess-ods.un.org | As for France,we willgradually reduce ourtroop numbers [...] and bring an end to our combat missions in 2013, in accordance [...]with NATO’s force planning, while maintaining our trainers beyond 2014. daccess-ods.un.org |
梅赛德斯-奔驰香港有限公司为此次试验计划提供各项支援服务,包括设於售後服务中心的充电站、位於鰂鱼涌的指定服务中心,以及经专业培训并合资格的smart电动汽车维修技工和技术人员。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | Service support from Mercedes-Benz Hong Kong Limited for pilot program partners will include a charging station at the after-sales services centre, a designated service centre in Quarry Bay, quali-fied mechanics and technicians trained in smart electric drive maintenance. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
印度尼西亚有责任确保本地区顺利实现 千年目标,因此,我们最近在雅加达举行了“亚洲和 [...] 太平洋审查千年发展目标部长级特别会议:奔向2015 年”。 daccess-ods.un.org | As part of our responsibility to ensure success in achieving the MDGs in our region, [...] Indonesia recently held in Jakarta the Special [...] Ministerial Meeting for the Millennium [...]Development Goals Review in Asia and the Pacific: Run up to 2015. daccess-ods.un.org |
2月7日凌晨1点30分:两名洛杉矶警局警员奉命在Riverside县保护一名Dorner宣言中提到的”仇人”,他们发现有辆车很像是Dorner的,在 追逐中一名警员擦破额头,嫌疑车辆逃走。 ktsf.com | Thursday, Feb. 7: At around 1:30 a.m. in the Riverside County community of Corona, Calif., two LAPD [...] officers assigned to protect a person named in [...] the manifesto chase avehicle they [...]believe is Dorner’s. During a shootout, one [...]officer is grazed in the forehead. ktsf.com |
一个武装团伙从司机 Jamal Abud [...] 手中抢走了阿拉伯干旱地区和干地研究 中心(旱研中心) 的一辆奔驰230 政府公车。 daccess-ods.un.org | An armed group stole a Government-owned [...] Mercedes 230 vehicle assigned to the Arab Centre for the Study of Arid Zones and Dry Lands [...] (ACSAD) from its driver, Jamal Abud. daccess-ods.un.org |
游戏通过许多不同的方式展示其自身,包括像 追逐、打闹和玩 打架这些高度活跃的游戏;假装和社会戏剧游戏;语言游戏;社会游戏和规则游戏;和建构 [...] 游戏。 ipaworld.org | It manifests itself in many different ways, including highly [...] active gamessuch aschasing,rough-and-tumble [...]and play fighting; pretend and socio-dramatic [...]play; language play; social play and games with rules; and construction play. ipaworld.org |
他们是天生的北极圈奔跑能手,正等着送您游览拉普兰。 visitfinland.com | The reindeer is an icon of Finnish Lapland, and sleigh rides are a great way of experiencing the Arctic wilderness. visitfinland.com |
当这不起作用,末底改后来承认Starla他不喜欢她的,和作为一个结果,她愤怒地 追逐末底改和里格比,沿途摧毁了大半个城市。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | When this doesn’t work, Mordecai later admits to [...] Starla his dislike of her, and as a [...] result, sheangrily chases Mordecaiand Rigby, [...]destroying half the city along the way. seekcartoon.com |
但长波转捩点前後,往往会出现因应某些「新经济」机会的金融狂潮,見证「太 多金钱追逐太少实质利润」的困境。 sktsang.com | These nurture the downwave. However, around the turning point, financial euphoria about rosy scenarios arising from the “new economy” [...] typically takes the centre stage, testifying the quagmire of [...] “toomuch money chasing too few profitable [...]opportunities”. sktsang.com |
下午 2 时许,再次响起紧急警报,呼吁米特罗维察北部居民集会,追悼Mesud Dzeković 医生。 daccess-ods.un.org | At around 2 p.m., the emergency siren sounded again, [...] calling on residents of northernMitrovicato gather to [...]mourn the loss of Dr. Dzeković. daccess-ods.un.org |
马来西亚教授全国理事会副主席 Amri Baharunddin Shamsul [...] 先生首先指出,根据经验, 国际移民问题的理论化可追溯到北美洲 和欧洲的经验,而在亚洲和非洲,“合法公民身份” [...]的实际情况则要比公认的复杂得多,也更加不确定。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Mr Amri Baharunddin Shamsul, Vice Chair and National Council of Professors of Malaysia started by pointing out that theorization on [...] international migration was empirically rooted in [...] the experiences of NorthAmerica and Europe [...]while in Asia and Africa, the reality [...]of “legal citizenship” was far more complex and uncertain than commonly recognized. unesdoc.unesco.org |
只有当 狮子共同追逐猎物,它们才永远是赢家。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is when lions hunt together that they always win. daccess-ods.un.org |
它不仅是欧洲最长的赛道之一,迄今仍保有其闻名遐迩的诸多特色,例如着名的“红水”(Eau Rouge)弯道就曾经是多场激烈赛事的舞台。其中乔·斯费尔特(Joe Siffert)和佩德罗·罗德里格斯(Pedro [...] Rodriguez)就曾于1970年驾驶着保时捷917超跑在山顶上竞 逐奔驰。audemarspiguet.com | Its track is one of the longest in Europe and has retained most of the elements which contributed to its fame, such as the famous “Eau Rouge” bend, theatre to [...] many wheel-to-wheel races such as Joe Siffert and Pedro Rodriguez [...] in their Porsches 917at the [...]top of the hill in 1970. audemarspiguet.com |
然而也有人认为, 减贫工作中不应追逐利润,并断言商业利益必定牺牲社会正义——这种结果被称 为“使命的异化”。 daccess-ods.un.org | Others believe, however, that profit has no place in poverty eradication work, asserting that business interests necessarily put social justice in the back seat, a result referred to as “mission drift”. daccess-ods.un.org |
生产作业区域采用了生产工序一体化、全封闭、超洁净、恒温恒湿、高效物流的标准设计与建设,使用瑞典CRASWFORD阔福门程序化开启系统、中央空调系统、循环空气净化系统、环氧与硬质耐磨材料铺涂地坪、英国的INGERSOLL [...] [...] RAND压缩空气输送系统、自主研发制造的自动程序化加漆系统、全视角的生产质量监控视频网络系统、芬兰KONECRANES行车与法国VERLINDE悬臂吊车协同电瓶动力叉车的组合式物流运输系统,真正实现了日降尘量≤5毫克/每平方米、产品制造过程100%的全监控与可追溯性、北进南出单向无阻碍的高效物流。 sh-yhtc.com | Production of regional integration in production processes used, closed, ultra-clean, temperature and humidity, and efficient logistics of the design and construction standards, the use of wide-fu Sweden CRASWFORD programmed to open doors, central air-conditioning system to clean up the air circulation system, epoxy Hard and wear-resistant coating material shop floor, INGERSOLL RAND Britain's air transportation system, developed manufacturing process of an automatic system, plus paint the whole perspective of the production of quality video surveillance systems, Finland and France KONECRANES traffic VERLINDE co-cantilever crane Forklift battery power of the combined logistics and transport systems, the real amount of dust on ≤ 5 mg / per square meter, [...] manufacturing 100% of the whole process [...] of monitoring and traceability, the North into the South with [...]a one-way hinder the efficient logistics. sh-yhtc.com |