

单词 迫迁

See also:


force v

approach or go towards

change (a position or location etc)

take a step

External sources (not reviewed)

这可能会引起一个问题,那就是:是否可设想一种因环境 或气候因素迫迁移而 需要保护的移徙者。
This could raise the issue whether a
[...] new category of forced migrants due [...]
to environmental or climatic factors would be envisaged and subject to protection.
在冲突后迫迁后的 情况 下,应当建立并执行土地和财产归还的进程。
In post-conflict or post-displacement situations, processes for land and property restitution should be established and implemented.
[...] 求缔约国在其下一次定期报告中提供详细资料,说明缔约国关于 迫迁 离 事 件和 无家可归者的情况,和它为了解决这些问题所采取的措施。
The Committee also reiterates its request to the State party to provide in its next
periodic report detailed information on
[...] the incidence of forced evictions and [...]
extent of homelessness in the State party,
as well as the measures taken to address these problems.
一位代表提到了人类目前面临的多重危机,包括贫困、 迫迁 移 、 海平 面升高等,并敦促包括《蒙特利尔议定书》在内的各项环境条约和文书运用创 [...]
造性思维,确保在审议工作中充分考虑人权问题,包括采取更具协同性的方 法,鼓励广大利益攸关方的参与。
One representative spoke of the
crises currently facing the human family,
[...] including poverty, forced migration and [...]
sea-level rise, and urged environmental treaties
and instruments, including the Montreal Protocol, to employ creative thinking to ensure that human rights issues were given full cognizance in their deliberations, including through adoption of a more synergistic approach involving a wide range of stakeholders.
命令强化 了以前将西岸与加沙分开的政策,并将现有 迫迁 政 策 正式化。
The orders reinforce previous policies aimed at separating the West Bank from the Gaza Strip and
[...] formalize an existing removal policy.
[...] 解体后的多项法律的过渡进程(这些进程预见到是土地使用权证书,而非私人房 地产);苏联时代的迫迁移、 驱逐和没收做法;以及苏维埃社会主义共和国联 [...]
盟解体前后有争议的财产交易,包括所谓的住房委员会的决定,这些决定让人们 质疑交易的合法性。
The matter is further complicated by a number of additional factors, inter alia: the multiple, legal transition processes which followed the dissolution of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (which did not foresee private real estate property
but rather the instrument of land
[...] usage rights); the forced relocation, eviction and expropriation [...]
practices of the Soviet
era; and the controversial property transactions immediately prior to and following the dissolution of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, including the decisions of the so-called housing commissions which raise questions over the legality of transactions.
事实表明,受气候变化影响最大的是世界上最贫穷者,他们的家园和生存来 源被毁,他们将迫迁移他 处和寻求避难
Pointing out that the people most seriously affected by climate change will
be the world’s poorest, who will see their homes and livelihoods
[...] destroyed and will be forced to migrate and [...]
seek refuge
结果,特别是由于“南联盟 和塞尔维亚部队在 1998
[...] 年使用过度、滥杀滥伤的武力”,大批民众 迫迁 移 :据 联合国(人权事务高级专员)估计,在 [...]
1998 年底,有 285 500 人在境内流离失所(第 913 和 918-919 段)。
As a result of all this, and particularly of the “excessive and indiscriminate force
used by the forces of the FRY and Serbia in
[...] 1998”, massive forced displacement took [...]
place: the United Nations (its High Commissioner
for Human Rights) estimated that 285,500 people had been internally displaced towards the end of 1998 (paras. 913 and 918-919).
关注在许多国家涉及在民族或族裔、宗教和语言上属于少数群体的人的争端 和冲突十分频繁和严重,往往产生悲惨后果,并关注他们受冲突影响往往特别严
[...] 重,他们的人权遭到侵犯,而且特别容易因人口转移、难民流动以及 迫迁 移等 因素而流离失所
Expressing concern at the frequency and severity of disputes and conflicts involving persons belonging to national or ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities in many countries and their often tragic consequences, and that they often suffer disproportionately from the effects of conflict resulting in the violation of their human rights and
are particularly vulnerable to displacement through, inter alia, population transfers,
[...] refugee flows and forced relocation
委员会还敦 促缔约国调查和惩罚在各省迫迁离 过 程中造成死伤的责任人。
It also urges the State party to
investigate and punish those responsible for deaths and injuries occurring in
[...] connection with forced evictions in the [...]
其中包括:对难民 和国内流离失所者的保护与“保护责任”概念之间的关系的分析;对难民署的任
[...] 务与“保护平民”倡议之间关系的考察;对“预防” 迫迁 移 概 念的批评;对难 民署在大规模难民流入情况下关闭国家边境这一应对措施的审查;以及计划举行 [...]
They include an analysis of the relationship between the protection of refugees and internally displaced people and the “Responsibility to Protect” concept; an examination of the relationship between UNHCR’s mandate and the “Protection of
Civilians” initiative; a critique of the notion of
[...] “preventing” forced displacement, a review [...]
of UNHCR’s response to state border
closures in situations of mass refugee influx; and a planned workshop on the issue of witchcraft accusations, refugee protection and asylum.
[...] 产权不被承认,失去实际拥有;被逐出、流离失所和 迫迁 徙 , 这不仅对他们的 生活方式、而且对他们的文化和文化遗产产生影响;自然资源的使用和开采权遭 [...]
减少,生物多样性丧失;领地不断承受压力;捕捞、捕猎、采集、放牧和其他农 业活动所需的自然资源丧失。
The repercussions of transnational corporate activities for indigenous peoples’ lands and territories include non-recognition of indigenous peoples’ property rights in respect of their
lands and the loss of actual
[...] ownership; eviction, displacement and forced migration, which [...]
affect not only their way of living
but their culture and cultural heritage; the plundering of and violation of the right to use and exploit their natural resources; the destruction and contamination of the environment and its ecosystems; soil erosion, the reduction of flora and fauna and loss of biodiversity in their lands and territories; the constant pressure over their territories; and the loss of their natural resources for fishing, hunting, gathering, herding and other agricultural activities.
[...] 示,土著人民遭到暴力行为、犯罪行为的侵害,并被 迫迁 徙 和拘禁,生存和文 化都受到威胁,这种状况极为令人担忧。
The Special Rapporteur received reports of an increasingly worrying situation of violence and
other crimes against indigenous peoples, and
[...] also cases of forced displacement and [...]
confinement, which threaten the physical
and cultural survival of Colombia’s indigenous peoples.
[...] 中有些灾民并非完全自愿离开,不少营地居民可能面 临迫迁离的风险。
Unfortunately, some of that reduction has not been entirely voluntary, and many camp
[...] dwellers are at risk of forced eviction.
因此进行制订“保护迫迁土著 妇女权利”方案,由来自全国各地的土著妇 女参与制订,2 并组成国家协调委员会,3 委员会的目标是建立和协调拟订这个 方案的程序,确保全国的土著妇女都能有效地参与。
Work has been under way to develop the “Protection of the Rights of Displaced Indigenous [...]
Women” programme in conjunction
with indigenous women from all around the country,2 through a National Coordinating Committee,3whose aim is to build and coordinate the process of formulating that programme, guaranteeing effective participation by indigenous women throughout the country.
此外,以第 1649 号和第
[...] 1650 号军事命令为形式的新的法律为大规模的 迫迁 移 或 递解出境打开了大门。
Moreover, new legislation in the form of Military Orders Nos. 1649 and 1650 opened the door
[...] to wide-scale forced transfer or deportation.
从这一角度出发,国家政府积极促进执行宪法法院 2008 年关于保护迫迁 妇女 受害者、包括土著妇女基本权利的第 [...]
092 号裁决。
From that perspective, the National Government has made progress in terms of compliance with the 2008 Constitutional Court Order
No. 092 on the protection of the fundamental rights of
[...] women victims of forced displacement, [...]
including indigenous women.
例如:常设论坛第八届会议提出的建议 724:“常设论坛敦促各国在土著人民
[...] 的有效参与下,解决土著人民因暴力冲突而 迫迁 徙 或 流离失所从而丧失社 区公民身份和人权的问题,其中特别强调土著妇女的问题
Example: recommendation 724, made at the eighth session of the Forum: “The Permanent Forum urges States, with the effective participation of indigenous peoples, to address the concomitant loss of community
citizenship and human rights when
[...] indigenous peoples are forced to migrate or [...]
are displaced by violent conflicts, with a
particular emphasis on indigenous women
加拿大建议哥伦比亚政府(a) 对法外处决、强迫失踪和迫迁离行 为进行起 诉,并采取坚决行动制止这类行为。
Canada recommended that the Government (a) fully prosecute extrajudicial killings, enforced disappearances and forced displacements and take strong action to stop their occurrence.
波兰在书面陈述中也提请注意 90 年代科索沃发生的系统性、大规模的侵 犯人权和违反国际人道主义法的行为,科索沃平民广泛遭受族裔清洗、 迫迁 移、 肆意拘留、法外处决、被迫失踪和其他暴力(前南问题法庭审判分庭在 2009 年“米 卢蒂诺维奇等人”案的判决中如此认定),因此科索沃局势得十分独特。
Poland, likewise, drew attention, in its Written Statement, to the systematic and large-scale violations of human rights and international humanitarian law in Kosovo along the nineties, marked by the spreading of ethnic cleansing, forced displacement of people, arbitrary detentions and extra-legal executions, forced disappearances of persons, and other outbreaks of violence directed against Kosovo’s civilian population (as established by the ICTFY, Trial Chamber, in its 2009 Judgement in the Milutinovic et al.
此外,因环境退化和气候变化而 迫迁 移 的移徙者的人权通常 在整个移徙途中都有可能受到侵犯。
In addition,
[...] migrants who are compelled to move as a consequence [...]
of environmental degradation and climate change are often
extremely vulnerable to human rights violations throughout their migratory journey.
[...] 于被拘留者和囚犯的权利、对拘留所的监督和 迫迁 离 方 面的人权标准等专题的 培训活动。
UNMIT also carried out training activities for the staff of the NHRI and representatives of civil society organizations on the rights of detainees and
prisoners, and on monitoring of detention centres, as well as on human rights
[...] standards with regard to forced evictions.
秘书长代表很 高兴 有机会应 人道主义协调厅 外 地办事处的请求,提供法 律和政策咨询,包括 2008
[...] 年初提供的有关肯尼亚的指导说明,2008 年 1 月提供的 关于莫桑比克和南 部非洲迫迁离问题的说 明。
The Representative appreciated the opportunity to provide legal and policy advice at the request of OCHA field offices, including thorough guidance
notes that he prepared on Kenya in
[...] early 2008 and on forced evacuation for Mozambique [...]
and Southern Africa in January 2008.
促进建立法律框架,为财产问题,尤其是土地所有权及防止 迫迁离 问题,提供法律上的决定性( 墨西哥)
Promote a legal framework that
provides legal certainty in property matters, in particular land ownership and
[...] protection against forced evictions (Mexico)
联合国人类住区规划署(联合国人居署)将贫民窟家庭定义为遭遇以下任何一项或所有五项住房 匮乏问题的家庭:缺乏获得改善供水的机会;缺乏获得改善卫生设施的机会;过分拥挤(三人
[...] 或三人以上住在一个房间);住房建筑材料简陋;以及住房权无保障(缺乏文件证明有有保障的 住房权或实际或感觉上不会迫迁)。
The United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) defines a slum household as one that faces any or all of five shelter deprivations: lack of access to improved water supply; lack of access to improved sanitation; overcrowding (three or more persons per room); dwellings made of non-durable material; and insecurity of
tenure (lack of evidence of documentation to prove secure tenure status or de facto or perceived
[...] protection from evictions).
数世纪以来,数百万非洲人迫迁移 到 世界其它地区,随之也带走了他们的文化传 [...]
Centuries of forced transfer of millions [...]
of Africans to other parts of the world, along with their cultural traditions,
skills, ideas and general heritage have left a strong mark on the formation and shape of the cultures and civilizations of the world.




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