

单词 迫令

See also:


force v


an order n
order n
command n
warrant n
season n

make sth. happen
government position (old)
honorific title

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 這些高風險產品的過程中有否涉及欺詐,管理層有否施加壓力 迫令前 線 員工交數,而沒有向投資者解釋清楚有關風險?
Did the bank management exert
[...] any pressure to compel the front-line [...]
staff to meet the quotas set instead of explaining the
risks involved to the investors?
這會使多位從海外招聘的常額及可享退休金的公務員於未來 數年內迫令提早退休或撤換。
This will necessitate the compulsory premature retirement or supersession of a number of overseas permanent and pensionable officers over the next few years.
至於嚴重或屢犯不改的不當行為或刑事罪行,當局會採取正式紀 律行動,施以譴責、嚴厲譴責、罰款、降級 迫令 退 休或革職等懲罰。
For serious or repeated misconduct or criminal offences, formal disciplinary action will be taken. Punishment under formal disciplinary
action may include reprimand, severe reprimand, financial penalty,
[...] reduction in rank, compulsory retirement or [...]
市民不能因為他在直選內投 票,就不能在功能團體投票,迫令 他 兩 者任擇其㆒。
A voter who has voted in a direct election should not be denied the right to vote in a functional body, nor is it proper to force a voter to choose between the two.
須繳付 補助金的責任,會形成㆒種壓力 迫令 負 責 道路和鐵路運輸的機構盡量減少噪音。
The liability to pay grants would add pressure to bodies responsible for road and rail transport to reduce noise.
為了確保公帑用得其所,政府有責 迫令 受 資助的大專院校,提 高行政及財務的透明度,甚至要求院校將開辦自負盈虧課程的學院, [...]
脫離所屬的資助大學,以避免大專院校可以含混其詞,剝削了受資助 學生的權益。
To ensure the proper use of public money, the
[...] Government has a duty to compel publicly-funded [...]
post-secondary institutions to enhance their
administrative and financial transparency, or even require them to de-link with their colleges which offer self-financing programmes to prevent them from creating ambiguities, which would otherwise deprive students who are entitled to financial assistance of their rights and interests.
公積金 計劃公務員如迫令退休 ,其政府自願性供款權益及 其他福利或利益,或會全部獲得發放,或會被扣減或 [...]
If a CSPF civil
[...] servant is compulsorily retired, GVC [...]
benefits and other benefits or advantages may be granted to the civil
servant in full or may be reduced or forfeited.
1.32 兩名證人在2009年 5 月及6
[...] 月曾多次透過其代表律師 致函專責委員會,就多項事宜提出質疑,包括:專責委員會 是否有權傳召證人出席研訊作證和出示文件,以 迫令 兩名 證人提交陳述書;送達兩名證人的傳票在法律上的有效性; 專責委員會的提問是否侵犯了兩名證人的私隱權;以及就紅 灣半島發展項目的處理事宜進行的研訊,是否違反"迴避待決 [...] [...]
案件"的原則,因為在高等法院有一宗由紅灣半島發展項目發 展商於2003年針對政府及香港房屋委員會( 下稱" 房委會")提 出的訴訟尚未了結。
1.32 The two witnesses wrote to the Select Committee through their legal representatives several times in May and June 2009 and raised queries on a number of issues, including
whether the Select
[...] Committee had the power to summon witnesses to give evidence and produce documents at its hearings and to compel the witnesses to [...]
give written statements;
the legal validity of the summonses served on them; whether the questions asked by the Select Committee were an infringement of the witnesses' right of privacy; and whether the hearings on the disposal of the Hunghom Peninsula development were contrary to the sub-judice rule as the High Court action initiated in 2003 by the developer of the Hunghom Peninsula development against the Government and the Hong Kong Housing Authority ("HA") was still pending.
2003 年年初,我們精 簡 並 強 化 了 處 理工作 表 現 欠
[...] 佳員工的機制,以便在 符合公 眾 利 益 的前提下 , 加迫 令 退休的 程 序 。
The mechanism for handling sub-standard performers has
been revised and streamlined in early 2003 to
[...] expedite their compulsory retirement from [...]
the service in the public interest.
第三,對交通督導員職系人員迫令 退 休 懲罰作出規定,並且對關 於此職系人員施加紀律懲罰的若干條文作出輕微的文本修訂,使這些條 [...]
Thirdly, to
[...] provide for the compulsory retirement of [...]
traffic warden grade officers and to make minor textual amendments
for achieving consistency in certain provisions on punishments that may be imposed on them.
他表示 , 雖 然自由黨 的 議員支持此 項建議 , 但 他們卻不滿 意在補償退休計劃 下,當局須 向迫令退休的 公務員發放特惠金,因為私 營機構要 求不稱職 的 職 員 離 職 時,一般 不 會 向 他們發 放 任何特 惠金。
He stated that whilst Members of the Liberal Party would support the proposal, they were not very satisfied with the proposed grant of ex-gratia payment to retire the officers under the MIR scheme as incompetent staff in private-sector organizations were normally asked to quit without any ex-gratia payment.
當時有關當局似乎認為價格競爭正損害銀行業在息 率方面的利潤幅度,從迫令銀行 在收益大而風險亦高的資產項目㆖投資。
The belief of the authorities at the time appeared to be that price competition was damaging banks' interest rate margins and thus inducing them to invest in high yield and high risk assets.
涂謹申議員在審議條例草案期間,建議應在法例中訂明,有關紀律 部隊人員被處迫令退休,並扣減政府自願性供款累算權益的懲罰時的 [...]
扣減上限(即 25%)。
In the course of scrutiny, Mr James TO proposed to provide in the legislation for the maximum
level of reduction (that is, 25%) of the GVC
[...] benefits on compulsory retirement [...]
of civil servants of the disciplined services.
註 2︰在這145人 中,68人遭口頭或 書 面 警 告;33人遭譴責、嚴厲 譴責、 降 職及/ 或 罰款;其餘 44人被革職迫令退休
Note 2: Of these 145 officers, 68 were warned verbally or in writing; 33 were punished with a reprimand, severe
reprimand, demotion
[...] and/or a financial penalty; and the remaining 44 officers were compulsorily retired or dismissed [...]
from the civil service.
主席先生,我明白香港政府在這方面,沒有決定權,但我仍堅持,香港政府有責任 更進㆒步為這批為數有限的非華裔㆟士,向英國繼續爭取他們應得的權利 迫令 英國 政府履行其道義㆖的責任。
Mr President, I understand that the Hong Kong Government has no say in this matter, but I am adamant that it has the responsibility to keep striving for these
non-Chinese ethnic minorities by
[...] demanding the British Government to give them their entitled rights and fulfil its [...]
moral obligations.
一些委員關注到,雖然當局現時建議扣減公積金的上限為25%,但 法例並無明確訂明公積金計劃公務員 迫令 退 休 時,其退休福利的扣減 上限。
Some members have expressed concern that although the Administration's current proposal for the maximum percentage of reduction of GVC benefits is 25%, the reduction ceiling for the retirement benefits on compulsory retirement of CSPF civil servants is not explicitly provided for in the legislation.
6 如指稱的不當行為經查證後可令有關人員被革職 迫令 退 休 ,當局便會根據《公務人員(管理)命令》第 10 條採取行動。
Minor misconduct cases which are punished by summary disciplinary action in the forms of verbal or written warning do not require submission to the Commission for advice.
如 果 警 方 是 可 以 自迫 令 被 控 人 接 受 詰 問 和 盤 問 並 援 引 其 所 言 為 證 據,那 麼 控 方 事 實 上 便 會 是 [...]
把 被 控 人 變 為 一 名 被 強 迫 的 證 人,並 且 會 是 在 陪
審 團 席 前 以 第 二 手 的 方 式 來 提 出 證 據 , 而 這 些 證 據 , 即 使 是 已 設 有 一 切 預 防 措 施 可 供 刑 事 審 訊 時 保 護 被 控 人 之 用 , 也 是 不 能 以 第 一 手 的 方 式 來 援 引 的 。
If it were competent for the police at their own hand to subject the accused to [...]
interrogation and cross-examination and
to adduce evidence of what he said, the prosecution would in effect be making the accused a compelled witness, and laying before the jury, at second hand, evidence which could not be adduced at first hand, even subject to all the precautions which are available for the protection of the accused at a criminal trial.
例如由香港先做,政府向銀行施壓 迫令 它 們 把現時用作跟苦主 訴訟及刊登廣告的費用,撥入這個基金,以便處理涉及某些弱勢社羣的 個案,然後再考慮今天有數位議員在修正案中提到的仲裁或調解。
For instance, the Hong Kong Government can take the initiative to put pressure on banks so that they would allocate to the fund the expenses on legal proceedings with the victims and placing advertisements, for handling certain cases involving the disadvantaged, before considering arbitration or conciliation as proposed in the amendments by some Honourable colleagues.
演變 至今,市民及部份議員均認為由立法會行使《立法會(權力及特權)條例》 (“《權力及特權條例》”),才 迫令 政 府 及銀行馬上正視問題,加速找 出有效的解決方法,改善監管制度。
In the light of the developments to date, people and some Members think that only invoking the Legislative Council (Powers and
Privileges) Ordinance (the Ordinance)
[...] would immediately compel the Government and [...]
the banks to address the problem squarely,
speed up the search for effective solutions and improve the supervisory system.
在灣仔北,將有兩個大型工程計劃( 即 中環灣仔繞道和灣仔發展計劃第二期工程) ,有關工程的配合 相當複雜,加上該區的市區環境迫 , 令 配 合問題更加複雜, 須費時費力才可解決問題。
Added with the already congested urban setting in this district, the interface problem is extremely complex and requires time consuming efforts to resolve.
基於上述合約條款,以及經參考現行適用於2000年 6月 1日前入職、 可享退休金公務員的免職懲罰,以及廣泛諮詢職方及立法會公務員及資 助機構員工事務委員會後,政府為公積金計劃公務員訂立了3個不同級 別的免職懲罰,分別是:革職並沒收全部政府自願性供款累算權益迫 令退休 並扣減不超過25%的政府自願性供款累算權益,以 迫令 退 休但 保留全部政府自願性供款累算權益。
Based on the above terms of contract and with reference to the current removal punishments applicable to pensionable civil servants who joined the service before 1 June 2000, as well as extensive consultation with the staff sides and the Legislative Council Panel on Public Service, the Government has introduced three levels of removal punishments for CSPF civil servants.
87 延任 /不予續聘的個案包括不獲續約、提供任期較正常為短的合約、新聘人員因品行 /表現問題而遭延長 /拒予通過試用 /試任關限、首長級人員根據補償退休計 劃提早退休,以及根據《公務人員(管理)命令》第 12 條為公眾利益着想迫令退休
87 Continuous employment and termination of service cases cover non-renewal, offer of shorter-than-normal agreements, deferment and refusal of passage of probation or trial bar on conduct or performance grounds, early retirement of directorate officers under the Management Initiated Retirement Scheme and compulsory retirement under section 12 of the Public Service (Administration) Order.
那 些 間 中 曾 對 本 國 的 刑 事 司 法 制 度 造 成 破 壞 的 詴 圖 迫 供 極 端 方 法 , 例 如 拷 問 台 和 夾 拇 指 刑 具 , 不 但 為 文 明 社 會 所 厭 棄,而 且 如 同 其 他 雖 未 致 如 此 可 怖 但 效 用 未 必 較 差迫 令 被 控 人 說 話 的 方 法 一 樣,都 是 未 必 能 令 被 控 人 說 話 或 吐 露 實 情 的 。
"It is not only that those extreme means of attempting to extort confessions, for example the rack and thumb-screw, which have sometimes disfigured the system of criminal justice in this country, are abhorrent to any civilised society, but that they and other less awful, though not necessarily less potent, means of applying pressure to an accused person to speak do not necessarily produce speech or the truth.
第三,关 于 确保妇女享有平等权利对于达成和平 协议和所有政治解决办法至关重要的问题,看到充分
[...] 承认所有权利仍然未被始终一贯地纳入和平谈判与 和平协议,而且有关方面对于改善这一状况似乎并无 什么迫感,令人感到沮丧。
Thirdly, as to ensuring that women’s equal rights are fundamental to peace accords and all political settlements, it has been frustrating to see that the full recognition of all rights is
still not consistently included in peace talks and accords, and there appears to be
[...] little sense of urgency to improve that.
教科文组织工作人员工会 (STU)对有关情况的分析意见是,人力资源的管理政策不应继续是 迫 命 令 , 而 应对教科 文组织工作人员的特点和具体需要给予应有的考虑。
STU’s analysis of the situation is that human resources management policies should not continue to be dictated ex cathedra but must take due account of the particular characteristics and needs of UNESCO staff members.
缔约国应该采取一切必要措施,打击 迫 失 踪 、大量 令 逮 捕及未经起诉和司法 程序进行任意和长期羁押的做法。
The State party should take all necessary measures
[...] to counter enforced disappearances and the practice of mass arrest without a warrant and arbitrary [...]
detention without charges and judicial process.
有 人 認 為 涉 及 多 名 訴 訟 人 的 訴 訟 會 單 純 因 為 有 可 能 費 用 昂 貴 而 且 會 拖 延 很 久 , 因令 訴 訟迫 在 早 期 和 解 。
It was said that the mere prospect of expensive and protracted litigation involving multiple litigants would force a settlement offer at an early stage.
南极海 生委的争端解决机制似乎不令人 满意 , 迫 切 需 要采取实质性行动,并考虑执行 《联合国海洋法公约》第十五部分规定的有约束力的解决争端程序。
CCAMLR dispute settlement mechanisms appeared to be unsatisfactory, and there was a pressing need to take substantive action and consider implementing the binding procedures for dispute settlement in Part XV of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.




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