

单词 迫于

See also:

approach or go towards

External sources (not reviewed)

如若需对所列的这 类情况加以修订,那末经过修订不得产生这样的结果,即设出诸如 迫于 本 组织 的利益”这样太泛的类别。
Any revision of the list should not result in the establishment of an over-general category such as “when the interest of the Organization so requires”.
他感谢尽迫于 压力但仍声援支持缅甸的代表团。
He thanked those delegations that had stood in solidarity with Myanmar, despite the pressure exerted on them.
事件的影响力越 高,中国当局就迫于公众 压力不能示弱。
The higher profile the incident the more pressure Beijing feels to not be seen by the public as responding weakly.
迫于需要 ,垃圾填埋地和其他垃圾处理场地往往是由儿童和妇女在糟透的条 件下负责清理的。
Landfills and other places for garbage disposal are often cleaned up by children and women under abysmal conditions, out of necessity.
社区的国内迁 移,其人口常常达不到基本的识字水平,缺乏市场所需的技能,造成乡村社区农 场劳动力流失,损害乡村的农业生产和收入产生,导致社会中很大部分人 迫于 经济 生存的需要而从事非正规活动和其他收入微薄的活动。
This internal migration of communities, often lacking in basic levels of literacy and marketable skills, has created a loss of productive labor on farms in rural communities, undermined rural agricultural production and income generation, and has led a large segment of society to engage in informal and other micro-income generating activities for economic survival.
Output price discounting was generally
[...] attributed to pressure from customers for [...]
cost reductions and the need to boost competitiveness in the face of weak demand.
委员会尤为关切的是,在报告孕产妇和婴儿死亡率等数字时存在一 种政府控制下的定额制度,而且卫生工作 迫于 压 力要达到这种定额。
In particular, the Committee is concerned about the existence of a State controlled quota system, for instance with regard to reporting on maternal and infant mortality rates, and of pressure exercised on health workers to meet such quotas.
有无设立负责确保实现该项权利的独立审查机构,其构成和 作用以及这些机构执行的方案和采取的措施 最后一项反动决定,即解散国民议会的决定作出后,在 国民的努力下,迫于国际 压力,秘鲁当即召集成立了 制宪议会,并于 1993 年制定颁布了《秘鲁宪法》(《大 宪章》),秘鲁由此转变为一个法治国家,迄今已有 18 年,秘鲁也设立了若干独立机构。
The existence, composition and role of independent review organizations to ensure the fulfilment of this right, as well as the programmes and measures adopted by these bodies There are a number of independent institutions in Peru operating under the rule of law that has been in place for almost 18 years now (ever since the last anti-democratic decision was taken to dissolve Congress, which was immediately followed — thanks in large part to international pressure — by a call for elections to choose the members of the Constituent Assembly that framed the Peruvian Constitution of 1993).
奥贾兰先迫于这方 面的压力离开意大利。
Mr. Öcalan had to bow to pressure for him to leave Italy.
然而,尽管近 20 年前,里约 原则 15 就建议执行该预防原则,迫于政治 压力,这一原则的适用给变成了一 场辩论,人们仍在争论,如果存在不确定性,是否可以采取行动。
However, nearly two decades after Rio Principle 15 recommended implementation of the precautionary approach, political pressure has turned the issue into a debate about whether action can be taken if there is uncertainty.
一些团体自愿登记,但许多迫于压 力 登记。
Some groups registered voluntarily,
[...] while some registered under pressure.
利比里亚外交部代理部长告诉台湾驻利比里亚大使 Chen Yeong-cho ,利比里亚政府决定与北京建立外交关 系迫于联合国和邻国的强大压力。
Liberia’s acting foreign minister told the Taiwanese ambassador to Liberia, Chen Yeong-cho, that his government’s decision to establish ties with Beijing was the result of intense pressure from the UN and neighbouring countries.
Yet, because of pressure to reduce weight and improve packaging, axles cannot become larger or heavier.
3.3 提交人坚持认为,他是违反第十四条第2 款及第十四条第3款(庚) 项行为的 受害人。他辨称,缔约国法院认定其犯有所控罪行,主要是 于 从 犯 迫于 执 法人 员压力而作出的证词。
3.3 The author maintains that he is a victim of violations of article 14, paragraph 2, and article 14, paragraph 3(g), arguing that in finding him guilty of the crimes charged, the State party’s courts relied primarily on his accomplices’ testimony obtained under pressure from law-enforcement officers.
在某些特殊情况 下,欠债人被证迫于生活 所需,例如为了确保住房或者为了避免类似的紧急情 况,亦或为了避免自身重新流落街头而欠下的债务可以或者应该通过补助金得到 解决(《社会法典》第二章第 22 条第 5 款和《社会法典》第 12 章第 34 条)。
In exceptional cases, the debts of individuals in need may or must be settled, if this is warranted to secure accommodation or avoid a similar emergency, or, indeed, if the person concerned is at risk of homelessness (art. 22, para. 5, of Book II of the Social Code and art. 34 of Book XII of the Social Code).
教师参与专业学习分两种情况,一种是基于满足学生的需要,认真投入,学习重 要的知识与技能;而另一种迫于环 境 或随大流而参与专业学习。
The research evidence shows that learning important content through engagement in meaningful activities, supported by a rationale for participation that is based on identified student needs, has a greater impact on student outcomes than the circumstances that lead teachers to sign up.
而与之最为接近的美国,增长率仅为5.5%2。中国借鉴了欧洲成熟完善的知识产权法律,同 迫于 美 国 的压力,外国诉讼人能更加容易地使用中国绝大部分地区的司法体系,因此澳大利亚公司应当重新考虑在中国的知识产权采购与执法计划。
Its closest rival, the USA, saw a rate of 5.5 per cent.2 With sophisticated IP laws modelled on those in Europe, and a judicial system which in most parts of China, and under pressure from the USA, has become much more accessible to foreign litigants, Australians need to reconsider their IP procurement and enforcement programs in China.
然 而,于迫切问 题普遍优先于重要问题,这些政府几乎没有选择余地,只能尽量 维持,因此在人民和政治家之间没有建立起必要的信任。
However, given that urgent matters generally [...]
have priority over important ones, these governments had little choice but
to manage business, which has not allowed the required level of trust to develop between citizens and politicians.
(b) 她于迫切需要同印度改善关系的独立立场及其对克什米尔争端的影 [...]
(b) Her independent
[...] position on the urgent need to improve [...]
relations with India, and its implications for the Kashmir dispute,
which the military had regarded as its policy domain
于迫使古 巴支付现金或者远在国外购买食品和医疗用品,禁运 [...]
By forcing Cuba to pay cash [...]
or to buy foodstuff and medical supplies from far abroad, the embargo imposes higher costs on
the country’s acquisition of such supplies and forces longer delays in their delivery.
在这方面,我国代表团支持秘书长 在 2008 年 10 月 20 日有关苏丹的报告(S/2008/662) 中提出的建议,即安全理事会应考虑举行一次于 迫在眉 睫与保护处于危险中的平民相关的规定的透 彻辩论。
In that regard, my delegation supports the Secretary-General’s recommendation, set out in his 20 October 2008 report on the Sudan (S/2008/662), that the Security Council consider holding a thorough debate on provisions related to the protection of civilians in imminent danger.
此 外,应当加大努力,制定一项全球战略,将发展层面优先纳入全球进程和有关 多边机构,以使发展中国家能够从全球化和贸易自由化所提供的机会中获益, 包括通过为发展创造一个有利的外部经济环境,这要求国际贸易、货币和金融 体系之间加强一致性,使之具有普遍、开放、平等、非 迫 性 、 基 于 规 则 、可 预测和非歧视性。
In addition, greater efforts must be made to generate a global strategy to prioritise and mainstream the development dimension into global processes, and in the relevant multilateral institutions in order to enable developing countries to benefit from the opportunities offered by globalisation and trade liberalisation, including through the creation of an enabling external economic environment for development which requires greater coherence between the international trading, monetary and financial systems that should be universal, open, equitable, non-coercive, rule-based, predictable and non-discriminatory.
回顾 2008 年 4 月 20 日至 25 日在阿克拉举行的主题为“应对全球化给发展 带来的机遇和挑战”的联合国贸易和发展会议第十二届大会的成果,5 又回顾关于发展权的大会以往各项决议、人权理事会 2008 年 9 月 24 日第 9/3 号决议、6 理事会以往各项决议和人权委员会决议,特别是委员会 1998 年 4 月 22 日于迫切需要在实现《发展权利宣言》阐明的发展权方面取得进一步进展的第 1998/72 号决议,7 欣见人权理事会发展权工作组报告8 所载并在秘书长关于发展权的报告9中 提及的 2008 年 8 月 18 日至 22 日在日内瓦举行的工作组第九届会议的成果
Recalling the outcome of the twelfth session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, held in Accra from 20 to 25 April 2008, on the theme “Addressing the opportunities and challenges of globalization for development”,5 Recalling also all its previous resolutions, Human Rights Council resolution 9/3 of 24 September 2008,6 previous resolutions of the Council and those of the Commission on Human Rights on the right to development, in particular Commission resolution 1998/72 of 22 April 1998,7 on the urgent need to make further progress towards the realization of the right to development as set out in the Declaration on the Right to Development
当它很晚才采取行动时,它通过的决议——第 1860(2009)号决议——并没有满足国际社会的期望, 特别是于迫使以 色列当局停止其对巴勒斯坦人的 暴行并从加沙撤军的期望,甚至关于强烈谴责以色列 当局危害人类罪的罪行,以及设计一套机制使以色列 官员为自己已经犯下并继续对所有巴勒斯坦人民— —特别是加沙地带人民——犯下的战争罪和种族灭 绝行为负责的期望,即使这样一份不完美并姗姗来迟 的决议,也被以色列当局完全无视,就象先前其他许 多联合国决议一样,以色列对它们的回应一直是蔑视 和不遵守。
The Security Council was first prevented by some permanent members from taking any action, and when it took action belatedly, the resolution it adopted, resolution 1860 (2009), did not address the expectations of the international community in, inter alia, forcing the Israeli regime to stop its atrocities against the Palestinians and withdraw from Gaza, or even in strongly condemning the Israeli regime’s crimes against humanity and devising a mechanism for holding Israeli officials accountable for the war crimes and genocide that they have committed and continue to perpetrate against the Palestinian people in general and in the Gaza Strip in particular.
(r) 由于迫切需要在刚果民主共和国打击自然资源的非法开采和贸易,因此 [...]
与国际伙伴和邻国一道支持政府做出努力和加强政府能力,防止为武装团体提供 支助,特别是来自非法经济活动和自然资源非法贸易的支助,并与刚果民主共和 国政府一道巩固和评估为提高矿产品的可追踪性促使所有国家部门参加南北基
(r) With
[...] respect to the urgent need to fight [...]
illegal exploitation and trade of, natural resources in the Democratic Republic
of the Congo, support the Government’s efforts and enhance its capabilities, along with international partners and neighbouring countries, to prevent the provision of support to armed groups, in particular support derived from illicit economic activities and illicit trade in natural resources, and consolidate and assess, jointly with the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the pilot project of bringing together all State services in five trading counters in North and South Kivu in order to improve the traceability of mineral products
(a) 定期或连续任用工作人员如在工作不满一年时、或在结束回籍假或探亲 假后返任之日后六个月内辞职,或分配至指定工作地点的此类工作人员在三个月
[...] 内辞职,则无权领取本人及其家庭成员的回程旅费,但秘书长认为 于迫 不 得 已 的理由,应核准支付此种旅费的情况除外。
(a) A staff member holding a fixed-term or continuing appointment who resigns before completing one year of service or within six months following the date of his or her return from travel on home leave or family visit, or within three months for a staff member assigned to designated duty stations, shall not be entitled to payment of return travel expenses for himself or herself
and family members unless the Secretary-General
[...] determines that there are compelling reasons for [...]
authorizing such payment.
但他表示,履约协助方案今后将努力将预算限制在只 增加 3%,但于迫切需要开展第 5 条国家所表达的与氟氯烃淘汰有关的提高认识活动, [...]
He said, however, that the CAP would endeavour to limit its
budget to a 3 per cent increase in the future,
[...] but, given the urgent need for awareness-raising [...]
activities relating to HCFC phase-out
expressed by Article 5 countries, UNEP urged the Committee, in future, to accord the CAP the flexibility it needed.
[...] 的局势已经大有好转;虽然变革力量联盟是反对党,但在国会占有席位;曾经逃 离多哥的一些人返回国内,没出现 于迫 害 的 报告。
The Committee notes the State party’s argument that the situation in Togo has improved considerably since the complainant left the country; that, although it is in opposition, UFC is represented in
parliament; and that some of those who had fled Togo have returned to their
[...] country, with no persecution being reported.




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